예제 #1
    bool RaySphereIntersection(MonoRay _ray, Vector3 _center, float _radius, out float t)
        t = 0;
        //Solutions for t if the ray intersects the sphere
        float   t0, t1;
        Vector3 L = _ray.Origin - _center;
        float   a = Vector3.Dot(_ray.Direction, _ray.Direction);
        float   b = 2 * Vector3.Dot(_ray.Direction, L);
        float   c = Vector3.Dot(L, L) - _radius * _radius;

        if (!SolveQuadratic(a, b, c, out t0, out t1))

        if (t0 > t1)
            Swap(ref t0, ref t1);

        if (t0 < 0)
            t0 = t1; //if t0 is negative let's use t1 instead
            if (t0 < 0)
                return(false);        //both t0 and t1 are negative
        t = t0;
예제 #2
    bool RayCylinderIntersection(MonoRay _ray, Vector3 _edge0, Vector3 _edge1, float _radius, out float t)
        t = 0;

        //Define fixed CoordinateSystem
        Vector3 z = (_edge1 - _edge0).normalized;
        Vector3 y = Vector3.up;

        if (z.y != 0)
            y = Vector3.forward;
        Vector3 x = Vector3.Cross(z, y).normalized;
        Matrix4x4 C = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(x.x, x.y, x.z, 0), new Vector4(y.x, y.y, y.z, 0), new Vector4(z.x, z.y, z.z, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
        //Debug.Log("Matrix C:\n" + C);

        //Transform Ray and Cylinder to fixed Coordinatesystem (capsule along z axis)
        Vector3 originC = C * _ray.Origin;
        Vector3 dirC    = C * _ray.Direction;

        Vector3 edge0C = C * _edge0;
        Vector3 edge1C = C * _edge1;

        if (edge0C.z > edge1C.z)
            Swap(ref edge0C, ref edge1C);
        //Debug.Log("edge0:" + _edge0 + "|" + edge0C);
        //Debug.Log("edge1:" + _edge1 + "|" + edge1C);

        //Project to z-Axis

        Vector2 edge0CP = new Vector2(edge0C.x, edge0C.y);
        Vector2 edge1CP = new Vector2(edge1C.x, edge1C.y);

        Vector2 originCP = new Vector2(originC.x, originC.y);
        Vector2 dirCP    = new Vector2(dirC.x, dirC.y);

        //Ray Circle Check
        if (RayCircleIntersection(originCP, dirCP, edge0CP, 1, out t))
            //Interval Check
            Vector3 pC = originC + dirC * t;
            if (pC.z > edge1C.z || pC.z < edge0C.z)
                //Debug.Log("out of Interval");
예제 #3
    bool RayCapsuleIntersection(MonoRay _ray, Vector3 _edge0, Vector3 _edge1, float _radius, out float t)
        float t0 = 0;

        if (RayCylinderIntersection(_ray, _edge0, _edge1, _radius, out t0))
            t = t0;
        if (RaySphereIntersection(_ray, _edge0, _radius, out t0) || RaySphereIntersection(_ray, _edge1, _radius, out t0))
            t = t0;
            t = 0;
예제 #4
    bool RayAABBIntersection(ref MonoRay _ray, MonoBox _box, out Vector3 _hitpoint)
        _hitpoint = Vector3.zero;
        if (_ray == null || _box == null)

        Vector3 minP = _box.Center - b.AABBSize * 0.5f;
        Vector3 maxP = _box.Center + b.AABBSize * 0.5f;

        float tMin = (minP.x - _ray.Origin.x) / _ray.Direction.x;
        float tMax = (maxP.x - _ray.Origin.x) / _ray.Direction.x;

        if (tMax < tMin)
            Swap(ref tMin, ref tMax);

        float tyMin = (minP.y - _ray.Origin.y) / _ray.Direction.y;
        float tyMax = (maxP.y - _ray.Origin.y) / _ray.Direction.y;

        if (tyMax < tyMin)
            Swap(ref tyMin, ref tyMax);

        if (tMin > tyMax || tyMin > tMax)

        if (tyMin > tMin)
            tMin = tyMin;

        if (tyMax < tMax)
            tMax = tyMax;

        float tzMin = (minP.z - _ray.Origin.z) / _ray.Direction.z;
        float tzMax = (maxP.z - _ray.Origin.z) / _ray.Direction.z;

        if (tzMax < tzMin)
            Swap(ref tzMin, ref tzMax);

        if (tMin > tzMax || tzMin > tMax)

        if (tzMin > tMin)
            tMin = tzMin;

        if (tzMax < tMax)
            tMax = tzMax;

        _ray.tMin = tMin;
        _ray.tMax = tMax;
        _hitpoint = _ray.GetPointOnRay(tMin);

예제 #5
    bool CheckEdgeCase(MonoRay _ray, MonoBox _box, ref Vector3 _hitpoint, out bool _hitEdgeCapsule)
        //Check if we are closer than radius to any corner
        float t = 0;
        bool  hitEdgeCapsule = false;

        //Upper Edges
        float closestDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
        float distance        = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[0], _box.AABBCorners[1]);

        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[0], _box.Corners[1], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[0], _box.AABBCorners[2]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[0], _box.Corners[2], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[3], _box.AABBCorners[1]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[3], _box.Corners[1], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[3], _box.AABBCorners[2]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[3], _box.Corners[2], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;

        //Lower Edges
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[4], _box.AABBCorners[5]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[4], _box.Corners[5], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[4], _box.AABBCorners[6]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[4], _box.Corners[6], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[7], _box.AABBCorners[5]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[7], _box.Corners[5], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[7], _box.AABBCorners[6]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[7], _box.Corners[6], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;

        //Standing Edges
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[0], _box.AABBCorners[4]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[0], _box.Corners[4], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[1], _box.AABBCorners[5]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[1], _box.Corners[5], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[2], _box.AABBCorners[6]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[2], _box.Corners[6], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;
        distance = DistancePointEdge(_hitpoint, _box.AABBCorners[3], _box.AABBCorners[7]);
        if (distance < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = distance;
        if (!hitEdgeCapsule && distance <= _box.AABBRadius)
            Debug.Log("Closest to capsule 3|7");
            if (RayCapsuleIntersection(_ray, _box.Corners[3], _box.Corners[7], _box.AABBRadius, out t))
                hitEdgeCapsule = true;

        debugText.text = ("Closest Dist:" + closestDistance + "/" + _box.AABBRadius + "|" + hitEdgeCapsule);

        if (hitEdgeCapsule)
            hitpoint = _ray.GetPointOnRay(t);
        _hitEdgeCapsule = hitEdgeCapsule;
        //Tell me if this was an edgecase
        return(closestDistance <= _box.AABBRadius);