void Start () { if (sys == null) sys = this; else if (sys != this) Destroy(gameObject); OnChange += RefreshMoney; }
//Money = GameObject.Find("Money_System").GetComponent<MoneySystem> (); //public ShopScrollList otherShop; // Use this for initialization void Start() { Invent = GameObject.Find("Inventory_System").GetComponent <InventorySystem> (); CurrentBalance = GameObject.Find("Money_System").GetComponent <MoneySystem> (); MoneyBalance.text = CurrentBalance.Money.ToString(); RefreshDisplay(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (IsBroken) { if (repairing) { float curTime = (Time.time - startTime); InteractionController.SetUseDisplay(repairTime, curTime); if (curTime >= repairTime) { IsBroken = false; repairing = false; InteractionController.FinishRepair(); } } else if ((Time.time - brokenTime) >= autoRepairTime) { RepairManager.Instance.ShowRepairNotification("Auto repaired " + gameObject.name + " for " + MoneySystem.FormatMoney(autoRepairCost)); IsBroken = false; InteractionController.FinishRepair(); MoneySystem.TakeMoney(autoRepairCost); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { money = FindObjectOfType <MoneySystem>(); health = FindObjectOfType <HealthController>(); healthPotionLabel.text = healthPotionPrice.ToString(); extraLifeLabel.text = extraLifePrice.ToString(); }
void Start() { money = FindObjectOfType <MoneySystem>(); silverButton.onClick.AddListener(SilverButton); goldButton.onClick.AddListener(GoldButton); diamondButton.onClick.AddListener(DiamondButton); }
void Start() { ThisTr = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Transform>(); SearchPos = ThisTr; resourcel = GameObject.Find("NumUIPrefab").gameObject.GetComponent <ResourceUI>(); Money = GameObject.Find("Husband").gameObject.GetComponent <MoneySystem>(); WifeInfo = GameObject.Find("Wife").gameObject.GetComponent <Wife>(); Hit_motion = GameObject.Find("UI/Hit_Montion").gameObject.GetComponent <HitMontion>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); mSystem = player.GetComponent<MoneySystem> (); collider = GetComponent<Collider> (); p = player.GetComponent<PlayerInventory> (); currentHP = startingHP; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameObject.name = "MoneySystem"; mInstance = this; //load saved money //AddMoney(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MoneySave", 0)); //start the save interval //StartCoroutine(SaveMoney()); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Weapon")) { PickUpWeapon(collision.gameObject.name); } if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Coin")) { MoneySystem.AddMoney(1); } }
//List<GameObject> agents; void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); gameScript = gameManager.GetComponent <GameManager>(); bank = GameObject.Find("Bank"); moneySystem = bank.GetComponent <MoneySystem>(); agentCount = gameScript.agentNum; //agents = GetAllChilds(agentContainer); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { ProductName.text = item.name; ProductDesc.text = item.desc; BuyButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = MoneySystem.FormatMoney(item.price); if (item.image) { ProductImage.sprite = item.image; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Time.timeScale = 1; item = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Item"); weapon = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Weapon"); magic = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Magic"); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); money = new MoneySystem(); info = new StoredInformation(); }
void Start() { try { dm = gameObject.GetComponent <DispensaryManager>(); mS = gameObject.GetComponent <MoneySystem>(); //uiM_v2 = GameObject.Find("MenuManager").GetComponent<UIManager_v2>(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { //Make sure the Gameobject is named MoneySystem. gameObject.name = "MoneySystem"; _instance = this; //Load the saved money from last game //AddMoney(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MoneySave", 0)); //Update Money actualIncome = baseIncome; SaveMoney(); }
void Start() { //Make sure the Gameobject is named MoneySystem. gameObject.name = "MoneySystem"; _instance = this; //load the saved money AddMoney(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MoneySave", 0)); //start the save interval. StartCoroutine("SaveMoney"); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { moneyText.text = MoneySystem.FormatMoney(MoneySystem.GetMoney()); if (Input.GetButtonDown("Pause")) { TogglePause(); } DateTime time = DateTime.Now; smallHand.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 360f - (0.5f * (60 * time.Hour + time.Minute))); bigHand.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 360f - (6f * time.Minute)); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { m_ListSpawn = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(TAG_SPAWN_ENTREGA_END); if (m_ListSpawn == null) { Debug.Log("m_ListSpawn == NULL - tag não encotrada"); } //if (m_ListSpawn.Length > 0) { m_Rand = Random.Range(0, m_ListSpawn.Length - 1); } // gera um indice aleatorio //m_Rand = GeraIndiceAleatorio(); //m_goEntregaEnd = Instantiate(m_pfEntregaEnd, m_ListSpawn[m_Rand].transform.position, Quaternion.identity); //if (m_goEntregaEnd == null) { Debug.Log("EntregaEnd == NULL - não encotrado"); } m_goArrow = Instantiate(m_pfArrow, m_SpawnArrow.position, Quaternion.identity); if (m_goArrow == null) { Debug.Log("m_goArrow == NULL - não encotrado"); } scriptMS = GameObject.FindWithTag(TAG_MONEY_SYSTEM).GetComponent <MoneySystem>(); if (scriptMS == null) { Debug.Log("MONEY SYSTEM == NULL - tag não encotrada"); } m_goEntregaBegin = GameObject.FindWithTag(TAG_ENTREGA_START); if (m_goEntregaBegin == null) { Debug.Log("EntregaStart == NULL - tag não encotrada"); } //m_goEntregaEnd = GameObject.FindWithTag(TAG_ENTREGA_END); if (m_goEntregaBegin != null) { m_goEntregaBegin.SetActive(true); } if (m_goEntregaEnd != null) { m_goEntregaEnd.SetActive(false); } if (m_goArrow != null) { m_goArrow.SetActive(false); } }
// Use this for initialization public void Start() { info = new PlayerInformation(); info.Awake(); chars = new CharacterGen(); enemyTypeNumber = 0; playerNumber = 1; for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttributeName)).Length; i++) { info.GetPrimaryAttribute(i).BaseValue = chars.STARTING_VALUE; } characterName = String.Empty; itemAmount = 0; _primaryAttribute = new string[info._primaryAttribute.Length]; _primaryAttributeValues = new int[info._primaryAttribute.Length]; _vital = new string[info._vital.Length]; _vitalValue = new int[info._vital.Length]; _mana = new string[info._mana.Length]; _manaValue = new int[info._mana.Length]; _attack = new string[info._attack.Length]; _attackValue = new int[info._attack.Length]; _defence = new string[info._defence.Length]; _defenceValue = new int[info._defence.Length]; moneyTotal = 0; money = new MoneySystem(); itemsNameArray = new ArrayList(); itemsContentArray = new ArrayList(); experience = 100; nextLevelvalue = experience * 1.2f; nextLevel = (int)(experience * 1.2f); level = 1; initiliseConstantVariables(); playerPos = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (playerPos != null) { positionOnScreen = playerPos.transform.position; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Player Name") != "") { LoadData(); } }
public override void update() { if (IntroTimer.GetFinished()) { TimeSystem.update(); if (IntroCard != null) { IntroCard.destroy(); IntroCard = null; } } base.update(); ItemPickupSystem.Update(); HUDPositionSystem.Update(); BurningSystem.Update(); MoneySystem.Update(); }
private void Start() { currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; healthController = healthControllerContainer.GetComponent <HealthController>(); moneySystem = moneySystemContainer.GetComponent <MoneySystem>(); questManager = questContainer.GetComponent <QuestManager>(); menu = menuContainer.GetComponent <PauseMenuScript>(); blacksmith = blacksmithContainer.GetComponent <BlacksmithController>(); if (SaveWorker.SaveExists() && PlayerPrefs.GetString("newGame") == "false") { Load(); } if (currentScene == "FirstScene") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("newGame", "false"); } Save(); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Interact") != 0.0f && playerIsInTrigger) { uiController.DisplayMessage("Want more ammo?\n(1) Yes\n(2) No"); askedQuestion = true; } if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Alpha1") != 0.0f && askedQuestion && playerIsInTrigger) { uiController.DisplayMessage("Here"); MoneySystem moneySystem = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <MoneySystem>(); moneySystem.Decrease(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <CharacterActions>().GetAmmo(Mathf.Min(moneySystem.amtOfMoney, amtOfAmmoGiven))); askedQuestion = false; } else if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Alpha2") != 0.0f && askedQuestion && playerIsInTrigger) { uiController.DisplayMessage("What is wrong with you?"); askedQuestion = false; } }
public void CheckPrice(string id, int price) { Debug.Log("I have been clicked " + id); if (MoneySystem.BuyItem(price)) { foreach (ShopItem item in items) { if (item.id == id) { item.ownedNum++; break; } } Debug.Log("Item bought!"); BuildList(); } else { Debug.Log("Can't afford"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { MoneyReward = Random.Range(200, 1000); RewardText.text = MoneyReward.ToString(); Invent = GameObject.Find("Inventory_System").GetComponent <InventorySystem> (); Money = GameObject.Find("Money_System").GetComponent <MoneySystem> (); //NPC Details NPC_Name.text = NPC_NameList [Random.Range(0, NPC_NameList.Count)]; NPC_Race.text = NPC_RaceList [Random.Range(0, NPC_RaceList.Count)]; NPC_Occupation.text = NPC_OccupationList [Random.Range(0, NPC_OccupationList.Count)]; NPC_Hometown.text = NPC_HometownList [Random.Range(0, NPC_HometownList.Count)]; //Potion Details Potion = Requested_Potion [Random.Range(0, Requested_Potion.Count)]; Potion_Name.text = Potion.PotionName; Potion_Image.sprite = Potion.PotionGraphic; //Request Request_Text.text = Potion.Requests [Random.Range(0, Potion.Requests.Count)]; }
public void EvaluateOrder() { //Assume bool orderComplete = true; for (int i = 0; i < order.items.Count; i++) { if (!order.items[i].has) { orderComplete = false; break; } } if (orderComplete) { serviceComplete = true; happiness = 1; MoneySystem.AddMoney(order.cost); orderBubble.Clear(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initilises the variables. /// </summary> public void initiliseConstantVariables() { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttributeName)).Length; cnt++) { _primaryAttribute [cnt] = ((AttributeName)cnt).ToString(); _primaryAttributeValues[cnt] = info.GetPrimaryAttribute(cnt).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(VitalName)).Length; i++) { _vital[i] = ((VitalName)i).ToString(); _vitalValue[i] = info.GetVitals(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(ManaName)).Length; i++) { _mana[i] = ((ManaName)i).ToString(); _manaValue[i] = info.GetMana(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttackName)).Length; i++) { _attack[i] = ((AttackName)i).ToString(); _attackValue[i] = info.GetAttack(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(DefenceName)).Length; i++) { _defence[i] = ((DefenceName)i).ToString(); _defenceValue[i] = info.GetDefence(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } positionOnScreen.x = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Position - x"); positionOnScreen.y = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Position - y"); positionOnScreen.z = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Position - z"); GameObject objGame = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Constant"); StoredInformation storedIN = objGame.GetComponent <StoredInformation>(); moneyTotal = 0; money = new MoneySystem(); if (Application.loadedLevelName == "NewGame") { level = 1; experience = 100; storedIN.level = 1; storedIN.experience = 100; storedIN.nextLevelvalue = experience * 1.2f; storedIN.nextLevel = (int)(experience * 1.2f); nextLevelvalue = experience * 1.2f; nextLevel = (int)(experience * 1.2f); moneyTotal = money.StarterMoney(); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; } else if ((PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money") != null) || (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money") != 0)) { moneyTotal = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money"); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; level = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level"); experience = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Experience"); storedIN.experience = experience; storedIN.level = level; if (level == 0) { level = 1; storedIN.level = 1; storedIN.experience = 100; experience = 100; } } else if (moneyTotal == 0) { moneyTotal = money.StarterMoney(); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; } else { moneyTotal = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money"); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; } info.StatUpdate(); _vitalValue = info.VitalUpdate(); _attackValue = info.AttackUpdate(); _defenceValue = info.DefenceUpdate(); _manaValue = info.ManaUpdate(); if (characterName == String.Empty) { characterName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Player Name"); storedIN.characterName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Player Name"); } itemsNameArray = new ArrayList(); itemsContentArray = new ArrayList(); }
// Use this for initialization public void Start() { info = new PlayerInformation(); info.Awake(); chars = new CharacterGen(); enemyTypeNumber =0; playerNumber =1; for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttributeName)).Length; i++) { info.GetPrimaryAttribute (i).BaseValue = chars.STARTING_VALUE; } characterName = String.Empty; itemAmount = 0; _primaryAttribute = new string[info._primaryAttribute.Length]; _primaryAttributeValues=new int[info._primaryAttribute.Length]; _vital = new string[info._vital.Length]; _vitalValue=new int[info._vital.Length]; _mana = new string[info._mana.Length]; _manaValue=new int[info._mana.Length]; _attack = new string[info._attack.Length]; _attackValue = new int[info._attack.Length]; _defence = new string[info._defence.Length]; _defenceValue = new int[info._defence.Length]; moneyTotal=0; money = new MoneySystem(); itemsNameArray = new ArrayList(); itemsContentArray = new ArrayList(); experience =100; nextLevelvalue = experience*1.2f; nextLevel = (int)(experience*1.2f); level =1; initiliseConstantVariables(); playerPos = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if(playerPos!=null) positionOnScreen= playerPos.transform.position; if(PlayerPrefs.GetString ("Player Name")!= ""){ LoadData(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initilises the variables. /// </summary> public void initiliseConstantVariables() { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttributeName)).Length; cnt++){ _primaryAttribute [cnt] = ((AttributeName)cnt).ToString (); _primaryAttributeValues[cnt] = info.GetPrimaryAttribute(cnt).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(VitalName)).Length; i++){ _vital[i] = ((VitalName)i).ToString (); _vitalValue[i] = info.GetVitals(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(ManaName)).Length; i++){ _mana[i] = ((ManaName)i).ToString (); _manaValue[i] = info.GetMana(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttackName)).Length; i++){ _attack[i] = ((AttackName)i).ToString (); _attackValue[i] = info.GetAttack(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(DefenceName)).Length; i++){ _defence[i] = ((DefenceName)i).ToString (); _defenceValue[i] = info.GetDefence(i).AdjustedBaseValue; } positionOnScreen.x=PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Position - x"); positionOnScreen.y=PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Position - y"); positionOnScreen.z=PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Position - z"); GameObject objGame = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Constant"); StoredInformation storedIN = objGame.GetComponent<StoredInformation>(); moneyTotal=0; money = new MoneySystem(); if(Application.loadedLevelName=="NewGame"){ level =1; experience=100; storedIN.level =1; storedIN.experience=100; storedIN.nextLevelvalue = experience*1.2f; storedIN.nextLevel = (int)(experience*1.2f); nextLevelvalue = experience*1.2f; nextLevel = (int)(experience*1.2f); moneyTotal = money.StarterMoney(); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; } else if((PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money")!= null)||(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money")!= 0)){ moneyTotal = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money"); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; level = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Level"); experience = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Experience"); storedIN.experience = experience; storedIN.level = level; if(level==0){ level=1; storedIN.level=1; storedIN.experience=100; experience=100; } } else if(moneyTotal==0){ moneyTotal = money.StarterMoney(); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; } else{ moneyTotal = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Money"); storedIN.moneyTotal = moneyTotal; } info.StatUpdate(); _vitalValue=info.VitalUpdate(); _attackValue=info.AttackUpdate(); _defenceValue=info.DefenceUpdate(); _manaValue=info.ManaUpdate(); if(characterName==String.Empty){ characterName = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("Player Name"); storedIN.characterName = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("Player Name"); } itemsNameArray = new ArrayList(); itemsContentArray = new ArrayList(); }
//Met à jour le UI Text avec l'argent du joueur public void UpdateMoney() { money.text = "Money : " + MoneySystem.GetMoney() + " $"; }
//Met à jour le UI Text du menu d'upgrade avec l'argent du joueur private void UpdateMoneyUpgrade() { moneyUpgrade.text = "Budget : " + MoneySystem.GetMoney() + " $"; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { inven = player.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>(); mSystem = player.GetComponent<MoneySystem>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Time.timeScale=1; item = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Item"); weapon = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Weapon"); magic = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Magic"); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); money = new MoneySystem(); info = new StoredInformation(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { txt.text = "$" + MoneySystem.GetMoney(); }
public override void onAddedToEntity() { MoneySystem.Add(this); }
public override void onRemovedFromEntity() { MoneySystem.Remove(this); }
private void Start() { rb = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Money = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MoneySystem").GetComponent <MoneySystem>(); Destroy(gameObject, 2f); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { inven = player.GetComponent<PlayerInventory> (); mSystem = player.GetComponent<MoneySystem> (); pM = hud.GetComponent<PauseMenu> (); }