public DollarCents(MonetaryAmount amt) { var dc = FromCents((int)Math.Round(amt.Microdollars / (decimal)MicrodollarsPerCent, MidpointRounding.ToEven)); IsNegative = dc.IsNegative; Dollars = dc.Dollars; Cents = dc.Cents; }
public void Two_amounts_can_be_compared() { var one = new MonetaryAmount(10M); var two = new MonetaryAmount(11M); Assert.True(one < two); Assert.False(one > two); }
public void The_same_amounts_are_equal() { var one = new MonetaryAmount(10M); var two = new MonetaryAmount(10M); Assert.Equal(one, two); Assert.True(one == two); }
public void Not_the_same_amounts_are_not_equal() { var one = new MonetaryAmount(10M); var two = new MonetaryAmount(11M); Assert.NotEqual(one, two); Assert.True(one != two); }
public void Can_add() { var one = new MonetaryAmount(10M); var two = new MonetaryAmount(11M); var sum = one + two; Assert.Equal(sum, new MonetaryAmount(21M)); }
public void Can_subtract() { var one = new MonetaryAmount(10M); var two = new MonetaryAmount(5M); var diff = one - two; Assert.Equal(diff, new MonetaryAmount(5M)); }
public void Can_multiply_by_percent() { var one = new MonetaryAmount(10M); var tenPercent = 10.Percent(); var percentOfOne = one * tenPercent; Assert.Equal(percentOfOne, new MonetaryAmount(1M)); }
public TotalCommitments( Guid id, Facility facility, MonetaryAmount totalCommitments ) : base( id, facility) { Value = totalCommitments; }
/// <inheritdoc/> public string ToDelimitedString() { System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; string separator = IsSubcomponent ? Configuration.SubcomponentSeparator : Configuration.ComponentSeparator; return(string.Format( culture, StringHelper.StringFormatSequence(0, 2, separator), MonetaryAmount?.ToDelimitedString(), ChargeCode?.ToDelimitedString() ).TrimEnd(separator.ToCharArray())); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public string ToDelimitedString() { System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; string separator = IsSubcomponent ? Configuration.SubcomponentSeparator : Configuration.ComponentSeparator; return(string.Format( culture, StringHelper.StringFormatSequence(0, 3, separator), DelayDays.HasValue ? DelayDays.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, MonetaryAmount?.ToDelimitedString(), NumberOfDays.HasValue ? NumberOfDays.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null ).TrimEnd(separator.ToCharArray())); }
/// <summary> Full constructor.</summary> public Item(string name, string description, User seller, MonetaryAmount initialPrice, MonetaryAmount reservePrice, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, ISet categories, IList bids, Bid successfulBid) { = name; this.seller = seller; this.description = description; this.initialPrice = initialPrice; this.reservePrice = reservePrice; this.startDate = startDate; this.endDate = endDate; categorizedItems = categories; this.bids = bids; this.successfulBid = successfulBid; state = ItemState.Draft; }
public MonetaryAmount GetMonetaryAmount(String key) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key)); } MonetaryAmount result = null; if (data.ContainsKey(key) && data[key] is MonetaryAmount) { result = ((ICloneable)data[key]).Clone() as MonetaryAmount; } return(result); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public string ToDelimitedString() { CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; return(string.Format( culture, StringHelper.StringFormatSequence(0, 34, Configuration.FieldSeparator), Id, DiagnosticRelatedGroup?.ToDelimitedString(), DrgAssignedDateTime.HasValue ? DrgAssignedDateTime.Value.ToString(Consts.DateTimeFormatPrecisionSecond, culture) : null, DrgApprovalIndicator, DrgGrouperReviewCode?.ToDelimitedString(), OutlierType?.ToDelimitedString(), OutlierDays.HasValue ? OutlierDays.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, OutlierCost?.ToDelimitedString(), DrgPayor?.ToDelimitedString(), OutlierReimbursement?.ToDelimitedString(), ConfidentialIndicator, DrgTransferType?.ToDelimitedString(), NameOfCoder?.ToDelimitedString(), GrouperStatus?.ToDelimitedString(), PcclValueCode?.ToDelimitedString(), EffectiveWeight.HasValue ? EffectiveWeight.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, MonetaryAmount?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusPatient?.ToDelimitedString(), GrouperSoftwareName, GrouperSoftwareVersion, StatusFinancialCalculation?.ToDelimitedString(), RelativeDiscountSurcharge?.ToDelimitedString(), BasicCharge?.ToDelimitedString(), TotalCharge?.ToDelimitedString(), DiscountSurcharge?.ToDelimitedString(), CalculatedDays.HasValue ? CalculatedDays.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, StatusGender?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusAge?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusLengthOfStay?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusSameDayFlag?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusSeparationMode?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusWeightAtBirth?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusRespirationMinutes?.ToDelimitedString(), StatusAdmission?.ToDelimitedString() ).TrimEnd(Configuration.FieldSeparator.ToCharArray())); }
public Facility( Guid id, Contract facilityAgreement, string name, MonetaryAmount totalCommitments, Expression <DateTime?> availabilityPeriodEndDate, Expression <DateTime?> maturityDate, bool multiCurrency, bool committed ) : base( id, facilityAgreement) { Name = name; Currency = totalCommitments.Currency; TotalCommitments = new Variable <decimal?>(totalCommitments.Amount); AvailabilityPeriodEndDate = availabilityPeriodEndDate; MaturityDate = maturityDate; MultiCurrency = multiCurrency; Committed = committed; }
///<summary>Adds the value of the <c><AnnualItem></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="AccountType">Classification of budgetary account code summary</param> /// <param name="FundType">Is the account a general or special account code designation?</param> /// <param name="Function">Function break in account code for summarization.</param> /// <param name="Amount">Summarized amount.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAnnualItem</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the method <c>AddAnnualItem</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void AddAnnualItem(AccountClass AccountType, FundType FundType, string Function, MonetaryAmount Amount) { AddChild(HrfinDTD.ANNUALITEMS_ANNUALITEM, new AnnualItem(AccountType, FundType, Function, Amount)); }
/// <summary> Simple properties only constructor.</summary> public Item(string name, string description, User seller, MonetaryAmount initialPrice, MonetaryAmount reservePrice, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { = name; this.seller = seller; this.description = description; this.initialPrice = initialPrice; this.reservePrice = reservePrice; this.startDate = startDate; this.endDate = endDate; state = ItemState.Draft; }
public virtual void Can_Place_Bid_For_Item() { InitData(); ItemDAO itemDAO = new ItemDAO(); UserDAO userDAO = new UserDAO(); long tempAux = auctionTwo.Id; Bid currentMaxBid = itemDAO.GetMaxBid(tempAux); long tempAux2 = auctionTwo.Id; Bid currentMinBid = itemDAO.GetMinBid(tempAux2); long tempAux3 = auctionTwo.Id; Item a2 = itemDAO.GetById(tempAux3, true); // Fail, auction is not active yet try { double bidAmount = 99.99; MonetaryAmount newAmount = new MonetaryAmount(bidAmount, "USD"); long tempAux4 = u3.Id; a2.PlaceBid(userDAO.GetById(tempAux4), newAmount, currentMaxBid, currentMinBid); } catch(BusinessException success) { } // Fail, user isn't an admin try { a2.Approve(u3); } catch(PermissionException success) { } // Success, set active a2.SetPendingForApproval(); a2.Approve(u1); // Success, place a bid try { double bidAmount = 100.00; MonetaryAmount newAmount = new MonetaryAmount(bidAmount, "USD"); long tempAux5 = u3.Id; a2.PlaceBid(userDAO.GetById(tempAux5), newAmount, currentMaxBid, currentMinBid); } catch(BusinessException failure) { throw failure; } // Fail, bid amount is too low try { double bidAmount = 99.99; MonetaryAmount newAmount = new MonetaryAmount(bidAmount, "USD"); long tempAux6 = u3.Id; a2.PlaceBid(userDAO.GetById(tempAux6), newAmount, currentMaxBid, currentMinBid); } catch(BusinessException success) { } NHibernateHelper.CommitTransaction(); NHibernateHelper.CloseSession(); }
public DecimalDollars(MonetaryAmount amt) { Amount = amt.Microdollars / (decimal)OneMillion; }
/// <summary> Places a bid while checking business constraints. /// This method may throw a BusinessException if one of the requirements /// for the bid placement wasn't met, e.g. if the auction already ended. /// </summary> /// <param name="bidder"> /// </param> /// <param name="bidAmount"> /// </param> /// <param name="currentMaxBid"> the most valuable bid for this item /// </param> /// <param name="currentMinBid"> the least valuable bid for this item /// </param> /// <returns> /// </returns> public virtual Bid PlaceBid(User bidder, MonetaryAmount bidAmount, Bid currentMaxBid, Bid currentMinBid) { // Check highest bid (can also be a different Strategy (pattern)) if (currentMaxBid != null && currentMaxBid.Amount.CompareTo(bidAmount) > 0) { throw new BusinessException("Bid too low."); } // Auction is active if (state != ItemState.Active) throw new BusinessException("Auction is not active yet."); // Auction still valid if (EndDate < DateTime.Now) throw new BusinessException("Can't place new bid, auction already ended."); // Create new Bid var newBid = new Bid(bidAmount, this, bidder); // Place bid for this Item AddBid(newBid); return newBid; }
/// <summary> /// MonetaryAmountOrPriceSpecification as a MonetaryAmount. /// </summary> /// <param name="monetaryAmount">MonetaryAmountOrPriceSpecification as a MonetaryAmount.</param> public MonetaryAmountOrPriceSpecification(MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount) { AsMonetaryAmount = monetaryAmount; }
///<summary>Adds the value of the <c><SaleQuantity></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Value">The value of sale quantity</param> /// <param name="MealStatus">A MealStatus</param> /// <param name="SaleUnit">Unit of Sale</param> /// <param name="ChargeToChild">Charge to child per unit</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setSaleQuantity</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the method <c>AddSaleQuantity</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 2.0</para> /// </remarks> public void AddSaleQuantity(decimal?Value, MealStatus MealStatus, string SaleUnit, MonetaryAmount ChargeToChild) { AddChild(FoodDTD.SALEQUANTITIES_SALEQUANTITY, new SaleQuantity(Value, MealStatus, SaleUnit, ChargeToChild)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="refId">GUID for this transaction. The application that owns this object is responsible for generating this unique ID.</param> ///<param name="entityId">ID of the entity related to this billing activity (e.g. student ID, employee ID, organization, etc.)</param> ///<param name="billingRefId">A pointer back to the Billing object.</param> ///<param name="receivedDate">Date payment was received.</param> ///<param name="transactionDescription">Description of the transaction.</param> ///<param name="receivedAmount">Amount received.</param> ///<param name="receivedTransactionId">Memo transaction ID from other vendor software.</param> /// public Payment(string refId, string entityId, string billingRefId, DateTime?receivedDate, string transactionDescription, MonetaryAmount receivedAmount, string receivedTransactionId) : base(Adk.SifVersion, HrfinDTD.PAYMENT) { this.RefId = refId; this.EntityId = entityId; this.BillingRefId = billingRefId; this.ReceivedDate = receivedDate; this.TransactionDescription = transactionDescription; this.ReceivedAmount = receivedAmount; this.ReceivedTransactionId = receivedTransactionId; }
///<summary>Adds the value of the <c><FineInfo></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Type of fine assessed to this patron and item. A corresponding ItemInfo is required for all FineInfo types except "Other" and "Refund" where it is permissible to omit the ItemInfo element if there isn't an item associated with the fine.</param> /// <param name="Assessed">The date and time that this fine was assessed to the patron.</param> /// <param name="Amount">The current balance of the fine expressed as a positive number. </param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setFineInfo</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the method <c>AddFineInfo</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.1</para> /// </remarks> public void AddFineInfo(FineType Type, DateTime?Assessed, MonetaryAmount Amount) { AddChild(LibraryDTD.FINEINFOLIST_FINEINFO, new FineInfo(Type, Assessed, Amount)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="type">Type of fine assessed to this patron and item. A corresponding ItemInfo is required for all FineInfo types except "Other" and "Refund" where it is permissible to omit the ItemInfo element if there isn't an item associated with the fine.</param> ///<param name="assessed">The date and time that this fine was assessed to the patron.</param> ///<param name="amount">The current balance of the fine expressed as a positive number. </param> /// public FineInfo(FineType type, DateTime?assessed, MonetaryAmount amount) : base(LibraryDTD.FINEINFO) { this.SetType(type); this.Assessed = assessed; this.Amount = amount; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="libraryType">A library-defined language-independent value that refers to a specific patron type.</param> ///<param name="sifRefId">The SIF wide unique identifier of a student or teacher.</param> ///<param name="sifRefObject">The type of patron mapped to a SIF supported object. Library automation products work with patrons who could be students or teachers.</param> ///<param name="electronicIdList">This is an open list with no primary key.</param> ///<param name="numberOfCheckouts">The total number of items that this patron currently has checked out including overdue items.</param> ///<param name="numberOfOverdues">The total number of checkouts that are currently overdue.</param> ///<param name="numberOfFines">The total number of fines currently assessed to this patron.</param> ///<param name="fineAmount">The total monetary amount of the fines that this patron currently owes the library expressed as a positive number.</param> /// public LibraryPatronStatus(string libraryType, string sifRefId, PatronType sifRefObject, ElectronicIdList electronicIdList, int?numberOfCheckouts, int?numberOfOverdues, int?numberOfFines, MonetaryAmount fineAmount) : base(Adk.SifVersion, LibraryDTD.LIBRARYPATRONSTATUS) { this.LibraryType = libraryType; this.SIF_RefId = sifRefId; this.SetSIF_RefObject(sifRefObject); this.ElectronicIdList = electronicIdList; this.NumberOfCheckouts = numberOfCheckouts; this.NumberOfOverdues = numberOfOverdues; this.NumberOfFines = numberOfFines; this.FineAmount = fineAmount; }
/// <summary> Full constructor. </summary> public Bid(MonetaryAmount amount, Item item, User bidder) { this.amount = amount; this.item = item; this.bidder = bidder; }
///<summary>Adds the value of the <c><BudgetAccount></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="AccountClass">Classification of budgetary account code summary</param> /// <param name="FunctionBreakdown">Function breakdown of account code for summarization.</param> /// <param name="BudgetAmount">Summarized, positive amount without cents for breakdowns</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setBudgetAccount</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the method <c>AddBudgetAccount</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void AddBudgetAccount(AccountClass AccountClass, string FunctionBreakdown, MonetaryAmount BudgetAmount) { AddChild(HrfinDTD.BUDGETACCOUNTS_BUDGETACCOUNT, new BudgetAccount(AccountClass, FunctionBreakdown, BudgetAmount)); }
///<summary>Adds the value of the <c><ExpenseAccount></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="AccountCode">Account code charged to this item.</param> /// <param name="Amount">Amount charged to this account.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setExpenseAccount</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the method <c>AddExpenseAccount</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 2.0</para> /// </remarks> public void AddExpenseAccount(string AccountCode, MonetaryAmount Amount) { AddChild(HrfinDTD.EXPENSEACCOUNTS_EXPENSEACCOUNT, new ExpenseAccount(AccountCode, Amount)); }
/// <summary> /// MonetaryAmountOrNumber as a MonetaryAmount. /// </summary> /// <param name="monetaryAmount">MonetaryAmountOrNumber as a MonetaryAmount.</param> public MonetaryAmountOrNumber(MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount) : base(monetaryAmount.Value.AsText) { AsMonetaryAmount = monetaryAmount; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="refId">GUID for this transaction. The application that owns this object is responsible for generating this unique ID.</param> ///<param name="billedEntity">A BilledEntity</param> ///<param name="entityId">ID of the entity being billed for this billing activity (e.g. student ID, employee ID, organization, etc.)</param> ///<param name="billingDate">Date of the transaction.</param> ///<param name="transactionDescription">Description of the transaction.</param> ///<param name="billedAmount">Amount to be billed.</param> /// public Billing(string refId, BilledEntity billedEntity, string entityId, DateTime?billingDate, string transactionDescription, MonetaryAmount billedAmount) : base(Adk.SifVersion, HrfinDTD.BILLING) { this.RefId = refId; this.BilledEntity = billedEntity; this.EntityId = entityId; this.BillingDate = billingDate; this.TransactionDescription = transactionDescription; this.BilledAmount = billedAmount; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="type">Type of pay</param> ///<param name="amount">Pay amount.</param> ///<param name="percentage">Percentage of pay this represents.</param> /// public PayRate(PayRateType type, MonetaryAmount amount, decimal?percentage) : base(HrfinDTD.PAYRATE) { this.SetType(type); this.Amount = amount; this.Percentage = percentage; }
public static DecimalDollars ToDecimalDollars(this MonetaryAmount a) => new DecimalDollars(a.Microdollars / 1000000m);
public static DollarCents ToDollarCents(this MonetaryAmount a) => a.ToDecimalDollars().ToDollarCents;
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="accountType">Classification of budgetary account code summary</param> ///<param name="fundType">Is the account a general or special account code designation?</param> ///<param name="function">Function break in account code for summarization.</param> ///<param name="amount">Summarized amount.</param> /// public AnnualItem(AccountClass accountType, FundType fundType, string function, MonetaryAmount amount) : base(HrfinDTD.ANNUALITEM) { this.SetAccountType(accountType); this.SetFundType(fundType); this.Function = function; this.Amount = amount; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="accountClass">Classification of budgetary account code summary</param> ///<param name="functionBreakdown">Function breakdown of account code for summarization.</param> ///<param name="budgetAmount">Summarized, positive amount without cents for breakdowns</param> /// public BudgetAccount(AccountClass accountClass, string functionBreakdown, MonetaryAmount budgetAmount) : base(HrfinDTD.BUDGETACCOUNT) { this.SetAccountClass(accountClass); this.FunctionBreakdown = functionBreakdown; this.BudgetAmount = budgetAmount; }