예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// SetupQueryTableForRGroupDecomposition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qt"></param>
        /// <param name="q"></param>

        public void SetupQueryTableForRGroupDecomposition(
            QueryTable qt,
            Query q)
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            MetaTable mt = qt.MetaTable;

            QueryColumn qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("core");

            if (qc == null)
                throw new UserQueryException("Core column not defined in rgroup_decomposition table");
            string molfile = qc.MolString;

            if (molfile == null || molfile == "")
            {             // core not defined in Rgroup decomposition table, try to get from structure search in rest of query
                foreach (QueryTable qt3 in q.Tables)
                    if (!qt3.MetaTable.IsRootTable)
                    MetaColumn mc3 = qt3.MetaTable.FirstStructureMetaColumn;
                    if (mc3 != null)
                        QueryColumn qc3 = qt3.GetQueryColumnByName(mc3.Name);
                        molfile = qc3.MolString;

            if (molfile == null || molfile == "")
                throw new UserQueryException("R-group decomposition core structure is not defined");

            MoleculeMx cs = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, molfile);

            cs.GetCoreRGroupInfo(out RgCounts, out RgTotalCount);

            if (RgCounts.Count == 0 || (RgCounts.ContainsKey(0) && RgCounts.Count == 1))
                throw new UserQueryException("R-group decomposition core structure must contain at least one numbered R-group");

            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("R1_Structure");             // update any core structure label
            if (qc == null)
                throw new UserQueryException("Can't find R1_Structure in " + mt.Label);
            if (qc.Label.IndexOf("\tChime=") > 0)
                qc.Label            = "R-group, Core\tChime=" + cs.GetChimeString();      // reference core in query col header label
                qc.MetaColumn.Width = 25;

            SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Structure");             // reset querycolumn selection & width to match R1
            SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Smiles");
            SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Formula");
            SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Weight");
            SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "SubstNo");

            int msTime = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            //if (RGroupDecomp.Debug) DebugLog.Message("Time(ms): " + msTime);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Do setup in preparation for decompose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qt"></param>
        /// <param name="q"></param>

        public void PrepareForDecompose(
            QueryTable qt,
            Query q)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
#if false
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            MetaTable mt = qt.MetaTable;

            QueryColumn qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("core");
            if (qc == null)
                throw new UserQueryException("Core column not defined in rgroup_decomposition table");
            string molfile = qc.MolString;
            if (molfile == null || molfile == "")
            {             // core not defined in Rgroup decomposition table, try to get from structure search in rest of query
                foreach (QueryTable qt3 in q.Tables)
                    if (!qt3.MetaTable.IsRootTable)
                    MetaColumn mc3 = qt3.MetaTable.FirstStructureMetaColumn;
                    if (mc3 != null)
                        QueryColumn qc3 = qt3.GetQueryColumnByName(mc3.Name);
                        molfile = qc3.MolString;

            if (molfile == null || molfile == "")
                throw new UserQueryException("R-group decomposition core structure is not defined");

            bool allowHydrogenSubstituents = true;
            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("AllowHydrogenSubstituents");
            if (Lex.Contains(qc?.Criteria, "'N'"))
                allowHydrogenSubstituents = false;                                                // set to false if "no" criteria specified
            TerminateOptionString = "First mapping";
            bool allowMultipleCoreMappings = false;

            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("Terminate_Option");
            if (qc != null && qc.Criteria != "")
                ParsedSingleCriteria psc = MqlUtil.ParseSingleCriteria(qc.Criteria);
                TerminateOptionString     = psc.Value;
                allowMultipleCoreMappings = Lex.Contains(TerminateOptionString, "All");

            MoleculeMx cs = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, molfile);
            cs.GetCoreRGroupInfo(out RgCounts, out RgTotalCount);             // need to redefine these



            if (DebugMx.True)             // debug
                String  coreSmiles = "[R1]c1cn2c3c(c1= O)cc(c(c3SC(C2)[R4])[R3])[R2]";
                string  coreChime  = "CYAAFQwAUewQeV58YHemfM^EQqPRfIYlJGEkx6M7e4db95jjK5HrNFVP2e1qHphWPL98KvcvrsF7bP9bRcW4QH$si9PXkkuwre6Q5UkHZjciQqeAKVLSHNAeQTAMlkiXEBD$BePpbNQCPD3BkklFEaQqwokeI$FwUoS5cAixQXkMbLTWDaAK7t7cOkSmt3RhwQedbrba6OHKBq3OF4Dhlz$0BfLeKCUUo8ixle176M2aIzXUccTOU8Xy8ARwE3bTyMfjuI3UunZceJf4iZELvsj3PX2MHZG73baUvQGS4DaxUaBGps81PPiDljfvxwFv8OfdOyIRlOBeuEAvk2rT9SRT6oMZIV6UtLFvmCHdwKnu9WtrfV1rEctydNUVxW4qKVlV0rZtpK1oZXuKcv6WVdl6r2hrjVLxBhblTVKO7w1qGRoziquOnPQkKd9H4EQfV0rP6mzI8Au8ulti2fu3YKB94lPXftPGbwr5yA";
                IMolLib coreMol    = MolLibFactory.NewMolLib(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, molfile);
                coreChime = MoleculeMx.MolfileStringToChimeString(molfile);
                molfile   = coreMol.MolfileString;

            CoreMolecule = CdkMol.Util.MolfileStringToMolecule(molfile);
            RGroupDecomp.SetCoreStructure(CoreMolecule, false);

            CoreChemicalStructure = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, molfile);
            StrMatcher            = null;

            int msTime = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            if (RGroupDecomp.Debug)
                DebugLog.Message("Time(ms): " + msTime);
