public ActionResult DeleteImg(int id, string imgurl) { try { Moduls model = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(id); if (model != null && model.ImgUrl != null) { if (model.ImgUrl.IndexOf(imgurl + ",") > -1) { model.ImgUrl = model.ImgUrl.Replace(imgurl + ",", ""); } else { model.ImgUrl = model.ImgUrl.Replace(imgurl, ""); } if (ModulsBLL.SingleModel.Update(model, "ImgUrl")) { return(Json(new { Success = true, Msg = "删除成功" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } return(Json(new { Success = false, Msg = "删除失败" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception) { return(Json(new { Success = false, Msg = "删除失败" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public JsonResult Delete(int id) { var result = new JsonResultModel { ResultState = Moduls.DeleteModul(id) > 0 }; return(Json(result)); }
public JsonResult Deletes(int [] ids) { var result = new JsonResultModel { ResultState = Moduls.DeleteModuls(ids) > 0 }; return(Json(result)); }
public JsonResult GetOrderNumber(int pid, int?id) { var result = new JsonResultModel <int> { ResultState = true, Body = Moduls.GetOrderNumber(pid, id) }; return(Json(result)); }
public ActionResult ModulSelect(int?id, int?pid) { var moduls = Moduls.ModulInfosToTreeVModels(Moduls.GetAllModul(id)); //选中 //Moduls.SelectTreeNode(moduls, pid); ViewBag.SelectedId = pid; return(View(moduls)); }
/// <summary> /// 检测用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="filterContext"></param> protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { //检测登陆状态 var userInfo = Users.GetCurrentLoginUserInfo(); //log #pragma warning disable 4014 AddActionLogAsync(filterContext, userInfo); #pragma warning restore 4014 if (userInfo == null) { Users.LogOut();//无法得到用户信息就登出清空原有cookie再次登陆 filterContext.Result = AutoResult("登陆失败请重新登陆!", false, Url.Action("index", "login")); return; } CurrentUserInfo = userInfo; //用户角色 var roleInfo = Roles.GetRoleInfo(CurrentUserInfo.RoleId); if (roleInfo == null) { filterContext.Result = AutoResult("角色不存在!", false); return; } //所有权限 CurrentUserModuls = roleInfo.IsSuper ? Moduls.GetAllModul() : Moduls.GetIsShowDisplayListByRoleId(CurrentUserInfo.RoleId); //装载全局数据 InitViewData(CurrentUserModuls, CurrentUserInfo); //校验权限 排除无需校验权限请求 if (IsRoleAuthorizeIgnore(filterContext.Controller, filterContext.ActionDescriptor)) { return; } //超级角色 if (roleInfo.IsSuper) { return; } //开始校验 权限 if (CurrentUserInfo == null && !roleInfo.IsSuper) { filterContext.Result = AutoResult("无任何权限!", false); return; } string actionName = filterContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action"); string controllerName = filterContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller"); if ( !CurrentUserModuls.Any( n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.Controller) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.Action) && n.Controller.ToLower() == controllerName.ToLower() && n.Action.ToLower() == actionName.ToLower() )) { filterContext.Result = AutoResult("您没有权限!", false); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var model = Moduls.ModulInfoToVModel(Moduls.GetModulInfo(id)); if (model.PId != 0) { model.PName = Moduls.GetModulInfo(model.PId).ModulName; } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult AllocationModul(int id) { //查询已有模块 在前端进行默认选中 int[] mIds = RoleModuls.GetMIds(id); ViewBag.SelectedIds = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mIds.Select(n => "tree_node_" + n).ToList()); //查询资源树 var moduls = Moduls.ModulInfosToTreeVModels(Moduls.GetAllModul(id)); ViewBag.RId = id; return(View(moduls)); }
public ActionResult Index(int?page) { int pageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1; int pageSize = PageConfig.BackstagePageSize; int count, pageCount; var result = Moduls.ModulInfosToVModels(Moduls.GetModulPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, null, null, out pageCount, out count)); PagedList <ModulVModel> pl = result.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize); pl.TotalItemCount = count; pl.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex; return(View(pl)); }
static void Main() { SLaba a = new SLaba(5, "Пятница"); Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); Moduls moduls = Moduls.ABCObjects; Console.WriteLine($"Текущий модуль: {moduls.ToString()}"); // объекты для списка string[] questions = { "Что такое дилектрик?", "Что делает электродвигатель на 5 В при подключении 55 В??" }; string[] answers = { "Это изолятор, пропускающий ток", "Сгорает к чертям" }; Examination ex1 = new Examination("Физика", "8:00", "Крутой Гумманитарий", questions, answers); questions = new string[] { "Самый страшный Звэр на свете?", "Кто такой Бедодел?" }; answers = new string[] { "Бедодел", "Рейд-босс первашей." }; Examination ex2 = new Examination("ОАиП", "8:30", "Бедодел", questions, answers); questions = new string[] { "Академический язык программирования?", "Зачем он нужен?" }; answers = new string[] { "Сы плас плас", "Чтобы тратить нервы" }; Examination ex3 = new Examination("ОАиП", "9:30", "Бедодел", questions, answers); questions = new string[] { "Что такое ОС?", "Что такое ОЗУ?", "Что такое ЦП?", "Зачем он нужен?", "Чем знаменит философ Зенон?" }; answers = new string[] { "Набор прог", "Оперативное запоминающее устройство", "Центральный процессор", "Он - \"мозг\" компа", "Да хз ваще" }; Test test1 = new Test("ОС", "8:30", questions, answers); questions = new string[] { "Что такое парсек?", "Где находится Черная дыра?", "Газовые гиганты Солнечной системы?", "Созвездие в виде буквы W?", "Звезда, переливающаяся зеленым, желтым и синим цветами?" }; answers = new string[] { "Единица измерения расстояния, равная расстоянию до объекта. :D ", "В центре галактики", "Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран, Нептун", "Кассиопея", "Капелла" }; Test test2 = new Test("Астрономия", "10:05", questions, answers); Session s = new Session(); s.Add(ex1); s.Add(ex2); s.Add(ex3); s.Add(test1); s.Add(test2); s.Show(); Console.WriteLine("Общее количество испытаний (экзов) в сессии: " + s.GetCountIspitanie()); Console.WriteLine("\nКоличество тестов с заданным числом вопросов (ищем по 5-ке): " + s.GetCountOfTestsByQuestions(5)); Console.WriteLine("\nИщем экзамены по заданному предмету. Ищем по - ОАиПу:\n" + s.SearchExaminationsByName("ОАиП")); Console.WriteLine("\nDone."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public JsonResult Add(ModulVModel model) { var result = new JsonResultModel(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { //add result.ResultState = Moduls.AddModul(Moduls.ModulVModelToInfo(model)) > 0; } else { result.ResultState = false; result.Message = ModelStateHelper.GetAllErrorMessage(ModelState); } return(Json(result)); }
public ActionResult AddOrEditCompanyNews(int appid, int id, int Level) { if (dzaccount == null) { return(Redirect("/dzhome/login")); } Miniapp listtemp = MiniappBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByRelationId(appid); if (listtemp == null) { return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg() { Msg = "没有找到模板!", code = "500" })); } if (Level == 8) { ViewBag.Title = "编辑企业动态"; } else { ViewBag.Title = "编辑产品展示"; } ViewBag.appId = listtemp.Id; ViewBag.rappId = appid; ViewBag.Level = Level; ViewBag.NewmodelId = 0; if (id <= 0) { return(View(new Moduls())); } else { Moduls model = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(id); ViewBag.xcxImgUrlList = new List <object>(); if (model != null) { ViewBag.xcxImgUrlList = new List <object>() { new { id = model.Id, url = model.ImgUrl } }; } return(View(model)); } }
public ActionResult ReflashImg(int id, string newid) { if (dzaccount == null) { return(Redirect("/dzhome/login")); } //Miniapp listtemp = _miniappBll.GetModelByRelationId(id); //if(listtemp==null) //{ // return View("error"); //} if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newid)) { Moduls infos = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel("Id = " + newid); if (infos != null) { return(PartialView("MiappImgUpload", infos)); } } return(PartialView("MiappImgUpload", new Moduls())); }
public ActionResult Index(int?page) { int pageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1; int pageSize = PageConfig.BackstagePageSize; int count, pageCount; var result = Moduls.ModulInfosToVModels(Moduls.GetModulPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, null, null, out pageCount, out count)); result.ForEach(n => { if (n.PId != 0) { var modulinfo = Moduls.GetModulInfo(n.PId); if (modulinfo != null) { n.PName = modulinfo.ModulName; } } }); PagedList <ModulVModel> pl = result.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize); pl.TotalItemCount = count; pl.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex; return(View(pl)); }
public ActionResult AddOrEdit(Moduls infos, bool isdecode = false) { ServiceResult result = new ServiceResult(); try { if (dzaccount == null) { return(Redirect("/dzhome/login")); } if (infos == null) { return(Json(result.IsFailed("系统繁忙auth_limited !"))); } #region Base64解密 if (isdecode) { string decode; try { string strDescription = infos.Content.Replace(" ", "+"); byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(strDescription); decode = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); } catch { decode = infos.Content; } infos.Content = decode; string content = StringHelper.NoHtml(infos.Content.Replace(" ", "")); } #endregion if (infos.Id == 0) { infos.State = 1; infos.Createdate = DateTime.Now; infos.Lastdate = DateTime.Now; object id = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.Add(infos); infos.Id = int.Parse(id.ToString()); result.IsSucceed("添加成功 !"); result.Data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "datas", infos } }; } else { //判断是否为动态新闻模块 if ((int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.EightModel == infos.Level) { //获取新闻动态模板背景色 Moduls model2 = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel("appId=" + infos.appId + " and State = 1 and Level=" + (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.NightModel); if (model2 != null) { //修改动态新闻背景色 model2.Color = infos.Color; ModulsBLL.SingleModel.Update(model2, "Color"); } else { //添加动态新闻背景色 model2 = new Moduls(); model2.appId = infos.appId; model2.Level = (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.NightModel; model2.State = 1; model2.Createdate = DateTime.Now; model2.Lastdate = DateTime.Now; model2.Title = "动态新闻背景色"; ModulsBLL.SingleModel.Add(model2); } } string updatecolumn = "Lastdate,Hidden,Content,ImgUrl,Content2,Name,Level,LitleImgUrl,Title,Address,AddressPoint,mobile,Color,State"; if (infos.State == 0) { updatecolumn = "Lastdate,State"; result.IsSucceed("删除成功 !"); } else { result.IsSucceed("修改成功 !"); } infos.Lastdate = DateTime.Now; ModulsBLL.SingleModel.Update(infos, updatecolumn); result.Data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "datas", infos } }; } //首页轮播图 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infos.ImgUrl) && infos.Level == 1) { string[] imgArray = infos.ImgUrl.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (imgArray.Length > 0) { foreach (string item in imgArray.Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item) && item.IndexOf("http://", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)) { C_AttachmentBLL.SingleModel.Add(new C_Attachment { itemId = infos.Id, createDate = DateTime.Now, filepath = item, itemType = (int)AttachmentItemType.小程序官网首页轮播图, thumbnail = item, status = 0 }); } } infos.ImgUrl = ""; } return(Json(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(result.IsFailed("服务器出错 , 请重试 !" + ex.Message))); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var model = Moduls.ModulInfoToVModel(Moduls.GetModulInfo(id)); return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化模块 /// </summary> /// <param name="Id"></param> /// <param name="storename"></param> /// <param name="Level"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// public ActionResult ModelData(int Id = 0, string storename = "", int Level = 0, int pageindex = 1, int pagesize = 10) { if (dzaccount == null) { return(Redirect("/dzhome/login")); } if (Id <= 0) { return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg() { Msg = "参数出错!", code = "500" })); } XcxAppAccountRelation role = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(Id, dzaccount.Id.ToString()); if (role == null) { return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg() { Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403" })); } Miniapp listtemp = MiniappBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByRelationId(Id); if (listtemp != null) { //获得隐藏模板Level ViewBag.hidden = listtemp.hiddenModel; } else { XcxAppAccountRelation xrelationmodel = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(Id); if (xrelationmodel == null) { return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg() { Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403" })); } listtemp = new Miniapp(); listtemp.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; listtemp.Description = "官网小程序"; listtemp.OpenId = dzaccount.OpenId; listtemp.xcxRelationId = Id; listtemp.State = 1; listtemp.ModelId = xrelationmodel.AppId; listtemp.Id = Convert.ToInt32(MiniappBLL.SingleModel.Add(listtemp)); if (listtemp.Id <= 0) { return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg() { Msg = "添加繁忙!", code = "500" })); } ViewBag.hidden = ""; } ViewBag.Title = storename; ViewBag.appId = listtemp.Id; ViewBag.rappId = Id; ViewBag.Level = Level; ViewBag.NewmodelId = 0; string sql = "appId = " + listtemp.Id + " and Level = " + Level + " and State = 1"; List <Moduls> model = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetList(sql); string viewname = ""; switch (Level) { case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.ModelData: viewname = "Index"; break; case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.FirstModel: viewname = "FirstModel"; break; case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.TwoModel: viewname = "TwoModel"; break; case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.ThreeModel: viewname = "ThreeModel"; break; case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.FourModel: viewname = "ProductShow"; List <Moduls> productlist = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppidandLevel(listtemp.Id, Level, pageindex, pagesize); ViewBag.pageSize = 10; ViewBag.TotalCount = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppidandLevelCount(listtemp.Id, Level); return(View(viewname, productlist)); case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.FiveModel: Moduls miniappmodel = new Moduls(); if (model == null || model.Count <= 0) { //添加动态新闻背景色 miniappmodel = new Moduls(); miniappmodel.appId = listtemp.Id; miniappmodel.Level = (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.FiveModel; miniappmodel.State = 1; miniappmodel.Createdate = DateTime.Now; miniappmodel.Lastdate = DateTime.Now; miniappmodel.Title = "发展历程"; miniappmodel.Id = Convert.ToInt32(ModulsBLL.SingleModel.Add(miniappmodel)); } else { miniappmodel = model[0]; } viewname = "Development"; List <Development> datass = DevelopmentBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppid(listtemp.Id, pageindex, pagesize); ViewBag.pageSize = 10; ViewBag.dTitle = miniappmodel.Title; ViewBag.did = miniappmodel.Id; ViewBag.TotalCount = DevelopmentBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppidCount(listtemp.Id); return(View(viewname, datass)); case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.SixModel: viewname = "CallWe"; break; case (int)Miapp_Miniappmoduls_Level.EightModel: viewname = "CompanyNews"; List <Moduls> companynewslist = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppidandLevel(listtemp.Id, Level, pageindex, pagesize); ViewBag.pageSize = 10; ViewBag.TotalCount = ModulsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppidandLevelCount(listtemp.Id, Level); return(View(viewname, companynewslist)); default: viewname = "ModelData"; break; } if (model != null && model.Count > 0) { return(View(viewname, model[0])); } return(View(viewname, new Moduls() { appId = listtemp.Id, Level = Level })); }