예제 #1
    protected override void BuildModuleSetLists()
        List <ModuleSet> WeaponModuleSets  = new List <ModuleSet>();
        List <ModuleSet> DefenseModuleSets = new List <ModuleSet>();
        List <ModuleSet> SystemModuleSets  = new List <ModuleSet>();

        //Distribute modules into lists
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ModuleSet> keyVal in ResourceManager.instance.GetModuleSets())
            if (CheckModuleSetAllowed(keyVal.Value))
                if (keyVal.Value.ModuleCategory == ModuleCategory.Weapons)
                else if (keyVal.Value.ModuleCategory == ModuleCategory.Defences)

        //Apply to module panel

        public Dialogue_R_Peaks_Options(Object parent, R_Peaks_Params parameters)
            panel = parent as ModulePanel;
            this.returnParameters = parameters;

            this.PendingParameters = new R_Peaks_Params(R_Peaks_Method.EMD, panel.AnalysisName);
            this.DataContext = this.PendingParameters;
        public Dialogue_Atrial_fibr_Options(Object parent, Atrial_Fibr_Params parameters)
            panel = parent as ModulePanel;
            this.returnParameters = parameters;

            this.PendingParameters = new Atrial_Fibr_Params(Detect_Method.POINCARE);
            this.DataContext = this.PendingParameters;
        public Dialogue_ECG_Baseline_Options(Object parent, ECG_Baseline_Params parameters)
            panel = parent as ModulePanel;
            this.returnParameters = parameters;

            this.PendingParameters = new ECG_Baseline_Params();
            this.DataContext = this.PendingParameters;
    protected virtual void OnGUI()



        if (ModulePanel.GetUseMirrorMode())
    protected void FormatSlotLayout(ShipSlotLayout sourceLayout)
        float moduleScale = ModulePanel.GetModuleScale();


        Vector2 ForePosition, AftPosition, PortPosition, StarboardPosition, CenterPosition;
        Vector2 ForeSize, AftSize, PortSize, StarboardSize, CenterSize;
        float   MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY;
        Vector2 ForeMin, AftMin, PortMin, StarboardMin, CenterMin;

        //Get size of center quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.CenterSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect CenterOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetCenterOuterRect();
            CenterSize = new Vector2(CenterOuterRect.width / 16, CenterOuterRect.height / 16);
            CenterMin  = CenterOuterRect.position;
            CenterSize = Vector2.zero;
            CenterMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of port quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.PortSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect PortOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetPortOuterRect();

            PortSize = new Vector2(PortOuterRect.width / 16, PortOuterRect.height / 16);
            PortMin  = PortOuterRect.position;
            PortSize = Vector2.zero;
            PortMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of starboard quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.StarboardSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect StarboardOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetStarboardOuterRect();

            StarboardSize = new Vector2(StarboardOuterRect.width / 16, StarboardOuterRect.height / 16);
            StarboardMin  = StarboardOuterRect.position;
            StarboardSize = Vector2.zero;
            StarboardMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of fore quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.ForeSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect ForeOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetForeOuterRect();

            ForeSize = new Vector2(ForeOuterRect.width / 16, ForeOuterRect.height / 16);
            ForeMin  = ForeOuterRect.position;
            ForeSize = Vector2.zero;
            ForeMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of aft quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.AftSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect AftOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetAftOuterRect();

            AftSize = new Vector2(AftOuterRect.width / 16, AftOuterRect.height / 16);
            AftMin  = AftOuterRect.position;
            AftSize = Vector2.zero;
            AftMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Determine scale of modules
        float MaxSlotsVertical   = 1 + ForeSize.y + AftSize.y + Mathf.Max(CenterSize.y, PortSize.y, StarboardSize.y);
        float MaxSlotsHorizontal = Mathf.Max(ForeSize.x, AftSize.x, 1 + CenterSize.x + PortSize.x + StarboardSize.x);

        if (MaxSlotsVertical * moduleScale > Screen.height * 0.9f)
            moduleScale = Screen.height * 0.9f / MaxSlotsVertical;
        if (MaxSlotsHorizontal * moduleScale > Screen.width * 0.45f)
            moduleScale = Screen.width * 0.45f / MaxSlotsHorizontal;

        //Apply scale
        ForeSize           *= moduleScale;
        AftSize            *= moduleScale;
        PortSize           *= moduleScale;
        StarboardSize      *= moduleScale;
        CenterSize         *= moduleScale;
        MaxSlotsVertical   *= moduleScale;
        MaxSlotsHorizontal *= moduleScale;
        if (GetSelectedModule() != null)
            SelectedModuleRect = new Rect(0, 0, GetSelectedModule().SizeX *moduleScale, GetSelectedModule().SizeY *moduleScale);

        //Determine the center of the layout
        //float centerY = (Screen.height - MaxSlotsVertical) / 2 + ForeSize.y + (MaxSlotsVertical - ForeSize.y - AftSize.y) / 2;
        //float centerX = Screen.width * 0.25f + (Screen.width - MaxSlotsHorizontal) / 2 + PortSize.x + moduleScale;
        float centerY = (Screen.height - MaxSlotsVertical) / 2 + ForeSize.y + moduleScale / 2 + (Mathf.Max(CenterSize.y, PortSize.y, StarboardSize.y) - CenterSize.y) / 2;
        float centerX = Screen.width * 0.25f + (Screen.width * 0.5f - MaxSlotsHorizontal) / 2 + PortSize.x + moduleScale / 2;

        CenterPosition    = new Vector2(centerX, centerY);
        StarboardPosition = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x + moduleScale / 2, CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y / 2 - StarboardSize.y / 2);
        PortPosition      = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x - PortSize.x - moduleScale / 2, CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y / 2 - PortSize.y / 2);
        ForePosition      = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x / 2 - ForeSize.x / 2, Mathf.Min(CenterPosition.y, StarboardPosition.y, PortPosition.y) - moduleScale / 2 - ForeSize.y);
        AftPosition       = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x / 2 - AftSize.x / 2, Mathf.Max(CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y, StarboardPosition.y + StarboardSize.y, PortPosition.y + PortSize.y) + moduleScale / 2);

        MinX = Screen.width;
        MaxX = 0;
        MinY = Screen.height;
        MaxY = 0;

        float CenterMinX = Screen.width;
        float CenterMaxX = 0;
        float CenterMinY = Screen.height;
        float CenterMaxY = 0;

        //Build new slots
        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.CenterSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - CenterMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + CenterPosition.x, (slot.y - CenterMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + CenterPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < CenterMinX)
                CenterMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > CenterMaxX)
                CenterMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < CenterMinY)
                CenterMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > CenterMaxY)
                CenterMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        CenterSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(CenterMinX, CenterMinY, CenterMaxX - CenterMinX, CenterMaxY - CenterMinY);
        float StarboardMinX = Screen.width;
        float StarboardMaxX = 0;
        float StarboardMinY = Screen.height;
        float StarboardMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.StarboardSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - StarboardMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + StarboardPosition.x, (slot.y - StarboardMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + StarboardPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < StarboardMinX)
                StarboardMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > StarboardMaxX)
                StarboardMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < StarboardMinY)
                StarboardMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > StarboardMaxY)
                StarboardMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        StarboardSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(StarboardMinX, StarboardMinY, StarboardMaxX - StarboardMinX, StarboardMaxY - StarboardMinY);
        float PortMinX = Screen.width;
        float PortMaxX = 0;
        float PortMinY = Screen.height;
        float PortMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.PortSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - PortMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + PortPosition.x, (slot.y - PortMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + PortPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < PortMinX)
                PortMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > PortMaxX)
                PortMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < PortMinY)
                PortMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > PortMaxY)
                PortMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        PortSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(PortMinX, PortMinY, PortMaxX - PortMinX, PortMaxY - PortMinY);
        float ForeMinX = Screen.width;
        float ForeMaxX = 0;
        float ForeMinY = Screen.height;
        float ForeMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.ForeSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - ForeMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + ForePosition.x, (slot.y - ForeMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + ForePosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < ForeMinX)
                ForeMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > ForeMaxX)
                ForeMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < ForeMinY)
                ForeMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > ForeMaxY)
                ForeMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        ForeSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(ForeMinX, ForeMinY, ForeMaxX - ForeMinX, ForeMaxY - ForeMinY);
        float AftMinX = Screen.width;
        float AftMaxX = 0;
        float AftMinY = Screen.height;
        float AftMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.AftSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - AftMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + AftPosition.x, (slot.y - AftMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + AftPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < AftMinX)
                AftMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > AftMaxX)
                AftMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < AftMinY)
                AftMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > AftMaxY)
                AftMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        AftSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(AftMinX, AftMinY, AftMaxX - AftMinX, AftMaxY - AftMinY);
        SlotsAreaRect    = new Rect(MinX, MinY, MaxX - MinX, MaxY - MinY);
