private void MakeNewImages() { if (LimitPresenter == null) { return; } _calcImage = LimitPresenter.TmpCalcImage; _selectedTemperatureProfile = LimitPresenter.PreviewTemperatureProfile; _geographicLocation = LimitPresenter.PreviewGeographicLocation; if (LimitPresenter.ThisTimeLimit.RootEntry == null) { throw new LPGException("root entry was null"); } _rootEntry = LimitPresenter.ThisTimeLimit.RootEntry; _household = LimitPresenter.PreviewHousehold; TimeLimitPresenter p = null; if (Dispatcher == null || Thread.CurrentThread == Dispatcher.Thread) { p = LimitPresenter; } var t = new Thread(() => UpdatePictures(p)); t.Start(); }
public ModularHouseholdPresenter([NotNull] ApplicationPresenter applicationPresenter, [NotNull] ModularHouseholdView view, [NotNull] ModularHousehold modularHousehold) : base(view, "ThisModularHousehold.HeaderString", modularHousehold, applicationPresenter) { _modularHousehold = modularHousehold; AssignTypes = new ObservableCollection <object>(); foreach (var value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ModularHouseholdTrait.ModularHouseholdTraitAssignType))) { AssignTypes.Add(value); } if (_modularHousehold.DeviceSelection == null && DeviceSelections.Count > 0) { _modularHousehold.DeviceSelection = DeviceSelections[0]; } _householdTraits = new ObservableCollection <HouseholdTrait>(); FilterTraits(string.Empty, null); RefreshLivingPatterns(); RefreshUsedIn(); try { if (ThisModularHousehold.Persons.Count > 0) { ThisModularHousehold.RefreshPersonTimeEstimates(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Exception(ex); } }
private static List <Site> MakeTravelRouteSites([NotNull] ModularHousehold mhh, [NotNull] TravelRouteSet travelRouteSet, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] out List <Site> householdSites) { //first figure out the sites in the travel route set List <Site> travelRouteSites = new List <Site>(); foreach (var route in travelRouteSet.TravelRoutes) { travelRouteSites.Add(route.TravelRoute.SiteA); travelRouteSites.Add(route.TravelRoute.SiteB); } travelRouteSites = travelRouteSites.Distinct().ToList(); //then look for all the sites in the household and make sure that they are covered by the travel route householdSites = new List <Site>(); foreach (Location location in mhh.CollectLocations()) { Site site = travelRouteSites.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Locations.Any(y => y.Location == location)); if (site == null) { throw new LPGException("Could not find a site for the location " + location.PrettyName + " in the travel route set " + travelRouteSet.PrettyName); } if (!householdSites.Contains(site)) { householdSites.Add(site); } } return(travelRouteSites); }
private static House MakeHouse([NotNull] Simulator sim, [NotNull] GlobalOptions globalOptions, [NotNull] SimpleModularHousehold smhh, [NotNull] ModularHousehold mhh) { var housename = "House for " + mhh.Name; var myHouse = sim.Houses.FindFirstByName(housename); if (myHouse != null) { sim.Houses.DeleteItem(myHouse); } var ht = sim.HouseTypes.FindFirstByName(smhh.HouseType, FindMode.IgnoreCase); if (ht == null) { #pragma warning disable IDE0016 // Use 'throw' expression throw new LPGException("Housetype " + smhh.HouseType + " was not found in the database. Maybe a typo?"); #pragma warning restore IDE0016 // Use 'throw' expression } var house = sim.Houses.CreateNewItem(sim.ConnectionString); house.Name = housename; house.Description = "Created by CSV Import"; house.CreationType = CreationType.TemplateCreated; house.EnergyIntensityType = globalOptions.EnergyIntensityType; house.HouseType = ht; var geoLoc = sim.GeographicLocations.FindFirstByName(globalOptions.GeoLocName, FindMode.IgnoreCase); house.GeographicLocation = geoLoc; var temperatureProfile = sim.TemperatureProfiles.FindFirstByName(globalOptions.TemperatureProfileName, FindMode.IgnoreCase); house.TemperatureProfile = temperatureProfile; house.SaveToDB(); house.AddHousehold(mhh, null, null, null); house.SaveToDB(); return(house); }
private void CheckPersonDefinitions([NotNull] ModularHousehold chh) { if (!PerformCleanupChecks) { return; } foreach (var person in chh.Persons) { var classifications = new Dictionary <string, HouseholdTrait>(); foreach (var trait in chh.Traits) { if (trait.DstPerson == person.Person) { if (classifications.ContainsKey(trait.HouseholdTrait.Classification)) { string traits = Environment.NewLine + classifications[trait.HouseholdTrait.Classification].PrettyName; traits += Environment.NewLine + trait.HouseholdTrait.PrettyName; throw new DataIntegrityException( "The Person " + person.Person?.Name + " in the household " + chh.PrettyName + " has more than one trait of the classification " + trait.HouseholdTrait.Classification + ". Please fix:" + traits, chh); } classifications.Add(trait.HouseholdTrait.Classification, trait.HouseholdTrait); } } } }
public void GetCalcManagerModularHousehold03Test() { using (var wd = new WorkingDir(Utili.GetCurrentMethodAndClass())) { using (var db = new DatabaseSetup(Utili.GetCurrentMethodAndClass())) { Config.IsInUnitTesting = true; var sim = new Simulator(db.ConnectionString); sim.MyGeneralConfig.ApplyOptionDefault(OutputFileDefault.ReasonableWithChartsAndPDF); DeviceCategory light = null; foreach (var deviceCategory in sim.DeviceCategories.MyItems) { deviceCategory.RefreshSubDevices(); if (deviceCategory.Name.Contains("Light")) { light = deviceCategory; } } if (light != null) { Logger.Info(light.SubDevices.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } sim.MyGeneralConfig.ApplyOptionDefault(OutputFileDefault.NoFiles); sim.MyGeneralConfig.Enable(CalcOption.TotalsPerLoadtype); sim.MyGeneralConfig.Enable(CalcOption.TotalsPerDevice); sim.MyGeneralConfig.Enable(CalcOption.MakePDF); sim.MyGeneralConfig.Enable(CalcOption.HouseholdContents); sim.Should().NotBeNull(); var cmf = new CalcManagerFactory(); ModularHousehold chs3 = null; foreach (var modularHousehold in sim.ModularHouseholds.MyItems) { if (modularHousehold.Name.StartsWith("CHS01", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { chs3 = modularHousehold; } } if (chs3 == null) { throw new LPGException("Could not find the household CHS01"); } Logger.Info(chs3.ToString()); CalculationProfiler calculationProfiler = new CalculationProfiler(); CalcStartParameterSet csps = new CalcStartParameterSet(sim.GeographicLocations[0], sim.TemperatureProfiles[0], chs3, EnergyIntensityType.Random, false, null, LoadTypePriority.Mandatory, null, null, null, sim.MyGeneralConfig.AllEnabledOptions(), new DateTime(2015, 1, 15), new DateTime(2015, 1, 18), new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), ";", -1, new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), false, false, false, 3, 3, calculationProfiler, wd.WorkingDirectory, false); var cm = cmf.GetCalcManager(sim, csps, false); cm.Run(ReportCancelFunc); cm.Dispose(); db.Cleanup(); } wd.CleanUp(); } }
private void CheckTraitsInHH([NotNull] ModularHousehold chh) { var persons = chh.Persons.Select(x => x.Person).ToList(); foreach (var trait in chh.Traits) { if (trait.AssignType == ModularHouseholdTrait.ModularHouseholdTraitAssignType.Name && trait.HouseholdTrait.CollectAffordances(true).Count > 0) // no need to check traits without any affordances. { var person = trait.DstPerson; if (person == null) { throw new DataIntegrityException("No person was set in the trait " + trait.HouseholdTrait.Name, trait.HouseholdTrait); } if (!persons.Contains(person)) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The trait " + trait + " is assigned to " + person.PrettyName + " but that person is not in the household.", chh); } var foundone = false; if (!trait.IsValidPerson(person)) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The trait " + trait.Name + " in the household " + chh.Name + " is assigned to " + trait.DstPerson + ", which seems to be invalid. This is probably not intended. " + "Please fix the desire age/gender limits or change the Person", chh); } if (!trait.HouseholdTrait.IsValidForPerson(person) && PerformCleanupChecks) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The trait " + trait.Name + " in the household " + chh.Name + " is assigned to " + trait.DstPerson + ", which seems to be invalid. Not a single affordance in the trait is executeable. This is probably not intended. " + "Please fix the desire age/gender limits or change the Person", chh); } var affordances = trait.HouseholdTrait.CollectAffordances(true); foreach (var aff in affordances) { if (aff.IsValidPerson(person)) { foundone = true; } } if (!foundone && PerformCleanupChecks) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The trait " + trait.Name + " in the household " + chh.Name + " is assigned to " + trait.DstPerson + ", which doesn't fit any of the desires. This is probably not intended. " + "Please fix the desire age/gender limits or change the Person", chh); } } } }
public TravelRouteSetPresenter([NotNull] ApplicationPresenter applicationPresenter, [NotNull] TravelRouteSetView view, [NotNull] TravelRouteSet routeSet) : base(view, "ThisRouteSet.Name", routeSet, applicationPresenter) { ThisRouteSet = routeSet; _modularHousehold = Sim.ModularHouseholds[0]; RefreshDataTable(); RefreshRoutes(); }
public ChargingStationSetPresenter([NotNull] ApplicationPresenter applicationPresenter, [NotNull] ChargingStationSetView view, [NotNull] ChargingStationSet routeSet) : base(view, "ThisChargingStationSet.Name", routeSet, applicationPresenter) { ThisChargingStationSet = routeSet; _selectedModularHousehold = Sim.ModularHouseholds[0]; _selectedTravelRouteSet = Sim.TravelRouteSets[0]; RefreshRelevantSites(); }
private static void PickATrait([NotNull] Random r, [NotNull] ModularHousehold chh, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] List <HouseholdTrait> potentialTraits, ref int traitexists, ref int classificationexists, ref int invalidForPerson, [NotNull] Person p, [CanBeNull] out HouseholdTrait trait, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] List <STTraitLimit> limits, ref int violatesLimit) { var trycount = 0; trait = null; while (trycount < 100 && trait == null) { var traitnumber = r.Next(potentialTraits.Count); var success = true; var traitsofThisPeron = chh.Traits.Where(t => t.DstPerson == p).Select(x => x.HouseholdTrait).ToList(); var classifications = traitsofThisPeron.Select(x => x.Classification).ToList(); var traitcount = chh.Traits.Count(x => x.HouseholdTrait == potentialTraits[traitnumber]); var maximumNumber = potentialTraits[traitnumber].MaximumNumberInCHH; if (traitcount >= maximumNumber) { success = false; traitexists++; } if (traitsofThisPeron.Contains(potentialTraits[traitnumber])) { success = false; traitexists++; } else if (classifications.Contains(potentialTraits[traitnumber].Classification)) { success = false; classificationexists++; } else if (!potentialTraits[traitnumber].IsValidForPerson(p)) { success = false; invalidForPerson++; } else if (!limits.All(x => x.IsPermitted(potentialTraits[traitnumber]))) { success = false; violatesLimit++; } if (success) { trait = potentialTraits[traitnumber]; } trycount++; } }
private void CmbPreviewHouseholdSelectionChanged([CanBeNull] object sender, [CanBeNull] SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (CmbPreviewHousehold.SelectedItem == null) { return; } _household = (ModularHousehold)CmbPreviewHousehold.SelectedItem; MakeNewImages(); }
public bool IsPermitted([NotNull] ModularHousehold chh) { var traits = chh.Traits.Where(x => x.HouseholdTrait == _trait).Select(x => x.HouseholdTrait).ToList(); if (traits.Count <= PermittedCount - UsedCount) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void RegisterMHH([NotNull] ModularHousehold chh) { var traits = chh.Traits.Where(x => x.HouseholdTrait == _trait).Select(x => x.HouseholdTrait).ToList(); UsedCount += traits.Count; if (UsedCount > PermittedCount) { throw new LPGException("too many traits assigned!"); } }
public static List <ModularHousehold> GenerateHouseholds([NotNull] Simulator sim, bool generateSettlement, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] List <STTraitLimit> limits, [NotNull] HouseholdTemplate template) { if (template == null) { throw new LPGException("No template was assigned when calling the GenerateHouseholds-Function"); } if (template.Persons.Count == 0) { Logger.Error("The household template " + template.Name + " has no persons. This isn't going to work."); return(new List <ModularHousehold>()); } if (template.Vacations.Count == 0 && template.TemplateVacationType == TemplateVacationType.FromList) { Logger.Error("The household template " + template.Name + " has no vacations. This isn't going to work."); return(new List <ModularHousehold>()); } try { var r = new Random(); var min = 1; var max = 0; var createdHH = new List <ModularHousehold>(); var numberofPersons = template.Persons.Count; for (var i = 0; i < template.Count; i++) { ModularHousehold chh = null; var i1 = i; Logger.Get().SafeExecuteWithWait(() => chh = GenerateEmptyHousehold(sim, template, r, ref min, ref max, i1)); createdHH.Add(chh); chh.SaveToDB(); AddDesiredTraits(sim, limits, template, r, numberofPersons, chh); chh.SaveToDB(); foreach (var hhTemplateTag in template.TemplateTags) { chh.AddHouseholdTag(hhTemplateTag.Tag); } template.GeneratedHouseholds.Add(chh); Logger.Info("Created household " + chh.Name); } MakeSettlement(sim, generateSettlement, template, min, max, createdHH); return(createdHH); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception(e); throw; } }
private static void CheckTagPersonAssignments([NotNull] ModularHousehold chh) { foreach (ModularHouseholdTrait modularHouseholdTrait in chh.Traits) { Person p = modularHouseholdTrait.DstPerson; if (p != null && !modularHouseholdTrait.IsValidPerson(p)) { throw new DataIntegrityException("Person is not valid in the trait " + modularHouseholdTrait.HouseholdTrait.Name + " in the house " + chh.Name + ": Not a single affordance in the trait could be executed by the person, either due to age or gender restrictions on the affordances.", chh); } } }
public void MakeTransportationDtos([NotNull] Simulator sim, [NotNull] ModularHousehold mhh, [CanBeNull] TransportationDeviceSet transportationDeviceSet, [CanBeNull] TravelRouteSet travelRouteSet, [CanBeNull] ChargingStationSet chargingStationSet, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] out List <CalcSiteDto> sites, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] out List <CalcTransportationDeviceDto> transportationDevices, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] out List <CalcTravelRouteDto> routes, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] List <CalcLocationDto> locations, [NotNull] HouseholdKey key) { if (transportationDeviceSet == null) { throw new LPGException("Transportationdeviceset was null"); } if (travelRouteSet == null) { throw new LPGException("travelRouteSet was null"); } if (chargingStationSet == null) { throw new LPGException("chargingStationSet was null"); } if (travelRouteSet == null) { throw new LPGException("Travel Route Set was null"); } var sitesFromAllTravelRoutes = MakeTravelRouteSites(mhh, travelRouteSet, out var householdSites); //check if all locations have sites CheckReachabilityofLocations(mhh.CollectLocations(), sitesFromAllTravelRoutes, mhh.Name, travelRouteSet.Name); //check if all sites are reachable from all other sites CheckRouteCompleteness(travelRouteSet, householdSites); // check if at least one route from each site to each other site is doable with the given transport CheckRouteTransportationDeviceCompleteness(travelRouteSet, householdSites, transportationDeviceSet); var categoriesDict = MakeCalcTransportationDeviceCategoryDtos(sim); sites = MakeCalcSiteDtos(householdSites, locations, categoriesDict, key, chargingStationSet); // figure out the transportation devices var selectedDevices = SelectTransportationDevices(transportationDeviceSet); //create the calc transportation devices //TODO: introduce load types transportationDevices = MakeTransportationDevices(selectedDevices, categoriesDict, key); routes = MakeTravelRoutes(travelRouteSet, householdSites, categoriesDict, sites, key); }
private static void WriteHouseholdTestFunction(StreamWriter sw, ModularHousehold hh, int idx) { sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("[Fact]"); sw.WriteLine("[Trait(UnitTestCategories.Category, UnitTestCategories.HouseholdTest)]"); sw.WriteLine("public void TestHouseholdTest" + idx + "(){"); sw.WriteLine(" const string hhguid = \"" + hh.Guid.StrVal + "\";"); sw.WriteLine(" HouseJobTestHelper.RunSingleHouse(sim => {"); sw.WriteLine(" var hj = HouseJobCalcPreparer.PrepareNewHouseForHouseholdTesting(sim,hhguid);"); sw.WriteLine(" if (hj.CalcSpec?.CalcOptions == null) { throw new LPGException(); }"); sw.WriteLine(" hj.CalcSpec.DefaultForOutputFiles = OutputFileDefault.Reasonable;"); sw.WriteLine("return hj; }, x => {});"); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.WriteLine(""); }
public void StartOneCalculationTest() { using (DatabaseSetup db = new DatabaseSetup(Utili.GetCurrentMethodAndClass())) { using (WorkingDir wd = new WorkingDir(Utili.GetCurrentMethodAndClass())) { Simulator sim = new Simulator(db.ConnectionString); ModularHousehold hh = sim.ModularHouseholds.It[0]; // Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); CalculationOutcomesPresenter.StartOneCalculation(hh, sim.GeographicLocations[0], sim.TemperatureProfiles[0], EnergyIntensityType.EnergySaving, wd.WorkingDirectory, sim, false, null, null, null, false); db.Cleanup(); wd.CleanUp(); } } }
public void SwapTagTest() { using (var db = new DatabaseSetup(Utili.GetCurrentMethodAndClass())) { Simulator sim = new Simulator(db.ConnectionString); ModularHousehold mhh = sim.ModularHouseholds.It[0]; ModularHouseholdPerson mhhPerson = mhh.Persons[0]; Person dstPerson = mhhPerson.Person; TraitTag dstTag = sim.TraitTags.It[10]; int traitsBefore = mhh.Traits.Count; mhh.SwapPersons(mhhPerson, dstPerson, dstTag); int traitsAfter = mhh.Traits.Count; (traitsAfter).Should().Be(traitsBefore); db.Cleanup(); } }
private void CheckLivingPatternTraits([NotNull] ModularHousehold mhh, [NotNull] TraitTag tagForAll) { if (!PerformCleanupChecks) { return; } foreach (var mhhPerson in mhh.Persons) { if (mhhPerson.TraitTag == null) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The person " + mhhPerson.Person.PrettyName + " has no trait tag set.", mhh); } var traitsWithMissingTags = new List <HouseholdTrait>(); var personTraits = mhh.Traits.Where(x => x.DstPerson == mhhPerson.Person).ToList(); foreach (var personTrait in personTraits) { if (personTrait.HouseholdTrait == null) { throw new DataIntegrityException("HouseholdTrait was null"); } if (personTrait.HouseholdTrait.Tags.Any(x => x.Tag == tagForAll)) { //all is good since this trait was for everything continue; } if (personTrait.HouseholdTrait.Tags.Any(x => mhhPerson.TraitTag.Name.StartsWith(x.Name))) { //the person will have the most specific tag, the traits can be more generic continue; } traitsWithMissingTags.Add(personTrait.HouseholdTrait); } if (traitsWithMissingTags.Count > 0) { var elementsToOpen = new List <BasicElement> { mhh }; elementsToOpen.AddRange(traitsWithMissingTags); throw new DataIntegrityException( "The opened traits have no matching trait tag for " + mhhPerson.TraitTag, elementsToOpen); } } }
public void ModularHouseholdJsonImportExporTest() { using (var db = new DatabaseSetup(Utili.GetCurrentMethodAndClass())) { Simulator sim = new Simulator(db.ConnectionString); ModularHousehold mhh = sim.ModularHouseholds.It[0]; var modjson = mhh.GetJson(); var newhh = sim.ModularHouseholds.CreateNewItem(sim.ConnectionString); newhh.ImportFromJsonTemplate(modjson, sim); newhh.Should().BeEquivalentTo(mhh, options => options .Excluding(x => x.SelectedMemberPath.EndsWith(".Guid", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.SelectedMemberPath.EndsWith(".ID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.SelectedMemberPath.EndsWith(".IntID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.SelectedMemberPath.EndsWith(".ModularHouseholdID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.SelectedMemberPath.EndsWith(".PrettyName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.SelectedMemberPath.EndsWith(".HeaderString", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Excluding(x => x.ID).Excluding(x => x.IntID)); db.Cleanup(); } }
public TimeLimitPresenter([NotNull] ApplicationPresenter applicationPresenter, [NotNull] TimeLimitView view, [NotNull] TimeLimit timeLimit) : base(view, "ThisTimeLimit.HeaderString", timeLimit, applicationPresenter) { _dtv = view; ThisTimeLimit = timeLimit; _previewGeographicLocation = Sim.GeographicLocations.MyItems[0]; _previewTemperatureProfile = Sim.TemperatureProfiles.MyItems[0]; if (Sim.ModularHouseholds.It.Count > 0) { _household = Sim.ModularHouseholds.MyItems[0]; } MakeCalculatingImage(); if (ThisTimeLimit.RootEntry == null) { ThisTimeLimit.AddTimeLimitEntry(null, Sim.DateBasedProfiles.MyItems); } RefreshAllPermissionLines(); view.SetOneRow(ThisTimeLimit.RootEntry); RefreshUsedIn(); }
public void ModularHouseholdTest() { using (var db = new DatabaseSetup(Utili.GetCurrentMethodAndClass())) { db.ClearTable(ModularHousehold.TableName); db.ClearTable(ModularHouseholdTrait.TableName); db.ClearTable(ModularHouseholdPerson.TableName); var persons = new ObservableCollection <Person>(); var result = new ObservableCollection <ModularHousehold>(); var householdTraits = new ObservableCollection <HouseholdTrait>(); var hht = new HouseholdTrait("blub", null, "blub", db.ConnectionString, "none", 1, 100, 10, 1, 1, TimeType.Day, 1, 1, TimeType.Day, 1, 0, EstimateType.Theoretical, "", Guid.NewGuid().ToStrGuid()); hht.SaveToDB(); householdTraits.Add(hht); var deviceSelections = new ObservableCollection <DeviceSelection>(); var ds = new DeviceSelection("ds", null, "bla", db.ConnectionString, Guid.NewGuid().ToStrGuid()); ds.SaveToDB(); deviceSelections.Add(ds); var vacations = db.LoadVacations(); var hhTags = db.LoadHouseholdTags(); var traitTags = db.LoadTraitTags(); ModularHousehold.LoadFromDatabase(result, db.ConnectionString, householdTraits, deviceSelections, false, persons, vacations, hhTags, traitTags); (result.Count).Should().Be(0); var chh = new ModularHousehold("blub", null, "blub", db.ConnectionString, ds, "src", null, null, EnergyIntensityType.Random, CreationType.ManuallyCreated, Guid.NewGuid().ToStrGuid()); chh.SaveToDB(); chh.AddTrait(hht, ModularHouseholdTrait.ModularHouseholdTraitAssignType.Age, null); chh.SaveToDB(); result.Clear(); ModularHousehold.LoadFromDatabase(result, db.ConnectionString, householdTraits, deviceSelections, false, persons, vacations, hhTags, traitTags); (result.Count).Should().Be(1); (result[0].Traits.Count).Should().Be(1); db.Cleanup(); } }
private void CheckLivingPattern([NotNull] ModularHousehold mhh) { if (!PerformCleanupChecks) { return; } foreach (var mhhPerson in mhh.Persons) { if (mhhPerson.TraitTag == null) { continue; } var traits = mhh.Traits.Where(x => x.DstPerson == mhhPerson.Person).ToList(); if (mhhPerson.TraitTag.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains("school")) { //this is a school child if (!traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains("school"))) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The " + mhhPerson.Name + " does not seem to have any school, even though the living pattern says it is a school child", mhh); } } if (mhhPerson.TraitTag.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains("worker")) { //this is an office worker if (!traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains("work"))) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The " + mhhPerson.Name + " does not seem to have any work, even though the living pattern says it is an worker", mhh); } } } }
private void CheckCleanupNames([NotNull] ModularHousehold chh) { if (!PerformCleanupChecks) { return; } var name = chh.Name; if (!name.StartsWith("x ", StringComparison.Ordinal) && name.Contains(" ")) { name = name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal)); foreach (var person in chh.Persons) { if (!person.Person.Name.StartsWith(name, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "In the modular household " + chh.Name + " the Person with the name " + person.Person.PrettyName + " doesn't fit. The CHxxx is not equal to the household. Please fix.", chh); } } } }
public static void ExportAsCSV([NotNull] ModularHousehold mhh, [NotNull] Simulator sim, [NotNull] string fullFileName) { var csv = sim.MyGeneralConfig.CSVCharacter; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("// This file was exported from"); sb.AppendLine( "// It contains a household definition and can be used to easily create modified households based on the primary definition"); sb.AppendLine( "// One example use could be modeling behavior changes as the occupants in an household age."); sb.AppendLine("// Syntax: Blank lines and all lines starting with // are ignored."); sb.AppendLine( "// a 1 means the trait applies in that case, every other value or blank means the trait doesn't apply."); sb.AppendLine( "// You can add as many cases as you want. The households in the LPG will then be labeled appropriately with the main household name and the case."); sb.AppendLine( "// Note that all names are case sensitive and the file format needs to be exactly the way it is since the parser is a bit fragile."); sb.AppendLine( "// If a person should not be added for a certain case, just remove all traits for that person in the appropriate column."); sb.AppendLine( "// Importing the same file twice will delete the previously created households, so be careful."); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Global Parameters"); sb.Append("Household Name").Append(csv).AppendLine(mhh.PrettyName); sb.Append("Description").Append(csv).AppendLine(mhh.Description); sb.Append("DeviceSelection").Append(csv).AppendLine(mhh.DeviceSelection?.PrettyName); sb.Append("EnergyIntensity").Append(csv).Append(mhh.EnergyIntensityType).AppendLine(); sb.Append("Geographic Location").Append(csv).AppendLine(sim.GeographicLocations.It[0].Name); sb.Append("Temperature Profile").Append(csv).AppendLine(sim.TemperatureProfiles.It[0].Name); var s = ""; foreach (var tag in mhh.ModularHouseholdTags) { s += tag + csv; } sb.Append("Tags;").AppendLine(s); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("Cases").Append(csv).Append("Case 1").Append(csv).Append("Case 2").Append(csv).Append("Case 3").Append(csv).Append("Case 4").Append(csv).AppendLine("Case 5"); if (mhh.Vacation == null) { throw new LPGException("Vacation was null"); } sb.Append("Vacation").Append(csv).AppendLine(MultiplyStrings(mhh.Vacation.PrettyName, csv)); sb.Append("Housetype").Append(csv).AppendLine(MultiplyStrings(sim.HouseTypes[0].Name, csv)); sb.AppendLine(); var usedTraits = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var mhhPerson in mhh.Persons) { var p = mhhPerson.Person; sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("######").Append(csv).AppendLine(p.Name); sb.Append("Age").Append(csv).AppendLine(MakeCSVList(csv, p.Age, p.Age + 5, p.Age + 10, p.Age + 15, p.Age + 20)); sb.Append("AverageSickdays").Append(csv).AppendLine(MakeCSVList(csv, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15)); sb.Append("SicknessDuration").Append(csv).AppendLine(MakeCSVList(csv, 1, 1, 2, 5, 5)); sb.Append("Gender").Append(csv).AppendLine(MultiplyStrings(p.Gender.ToString(), csv)); string livingpattern = mhhPerson.TraitTag?.Name; if (livingpattern == null) { livingpattern = ""; } sb.Append("Living Pattern").Append(csv).AppendLine(MultiplyStrings(livingpattern, csv)); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("###").Append(csv).AppendLine("Traits"); foreach (var trait in mhh.Traits.Where(x => x.DstPerson == p)) { if (!usedTraits.Contains(trait.HouseholdTrait.PrettyName)) { usedTraits.Add(trait.HouseholdTrait.PrettyName); } sb.Append(trait.HouseholdTrait.PrettyName).Append(csv).AppendLine(MakeTraitPattern("1", csv)); } } sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("%%%%%%").Append(csv).AppendLine("Unused traits (listed here to make it easier to copy them to a person and fill in)"); foreach (var trait in sim.HouseholdTraits.It) { if (!usedTraits.Contains(trait.PrettyName)) { sb.AppendLine(trait.PrettyName); } } var fi = new FileInfo(fullFileName); Logger.Info("Exporting to " + fi.FullName); using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fullFileName)) { sw.WriteLine(sb); sw.Close(); } }
public CalcHouseholdDto MakeCalcModularHouseholdDto([NotNull] Simulator sim, [NotNull] ModularHousehold mhh, [NotNull] TemperatureProfile temperatureProfile, [NotNull] HouseholdKey householdKey, [NotNull] GeographicLocation geographicLocation, [NotNull] out LocationDtoDict locationDict, [CanBeNull] TransportationDeviceSet transportationDeviceSet, [CanBeNull] TravelRouteSet travelRouteSet, EnergyIntensityType energyIntensity, [CanBeNull] ChargingStationSet chargingStationSet) { // _lf.RegisterKey(householdKey, mhh.PrettyName); var name = CalcAffordanceFactory.FixAffordanceName(mhh.Name, sim.MyGeneralConfig.CSVCharacter); if (geographicLocation == null) { throw new DataIntegrityException("no geographic Location was set"); } var et = energyIntensity; if (et == EnergyIntensityType.AsOriginal) { et = mhh.EnergyIntensityType; } name = name + " " + householdKey.Key; var locations = mhh.CollectLocations(); //var deviceLocationDict = new Dictionary<CalcLocation, List<IAssignableDevice>>(); var deviceLocationDtoDict = new Dictionary <CalcLocationDto, List <IAssignableDevice> >(); locationDict = new LocationDtoDict(); List <DeviceCategoryDto> deviceCategoryDtos = new List <DeviceCategoryDto>(); foreach (var deviceCategory in sim.DeviceCategories.It) { deviceCategoryDtos.Add(new DeviceCategoryDto(deviceCategory.FullPath, Guid.NewGuid().ToStrGuid())); } var locationDtos = _calcLocationDtoFactory.MakeCalcLocations(locations, householdKey, et, deviceLocationDtoDict, sim.DeviceActions.It, locationDict, deviceCategoryDtos); // persons if (mhh.Vacation == null) { throw new LPGException("Vacation was null"); } var personDtos = _calcPersonDtoFactory.MakePersonDtos(mhh.Persons.ToList(), householdKey, mhh.Vacation.VacationTimeframes(), mhh.CollectTraitDesires(), mhh.Name); if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.Options.Contains(CalcOption.HouseholdContents)) { _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(personDtos.ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); } //mhh.Persons.ToList(),mhh.Vacation.VacationTimeframes(), sim.MyGeneralConfig.RepetitionCount,householdKey, locs[0],name); //CalcPersonFactory.AddTraitDesires(mhh.CollectTraitDesires(), calcpersons,sim.MyGeneralConfig.TimeStepsPerHour, chh.Name, new Dictionary<Desire, SharedDesireValue>()); //check if unhungry and unhungry join only have been added both //can't check it in the integrity checker, because that would mean having to duplicate the entire // desire collection logic /* foreach (CalcPerson person in calcpersons) { * var desires = * person.PersonDesires.Desires.Values.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains("unhungry") || x.Name.ToLower().Contains("un-hungry")).ToList(); * if (desires.Count > 1) { * throw new DataIntegrityException("More than one unhungry desire for the person " + person.Name, mhh); * } * }*/ // devices var deviceLocations = new List <DeviceLocationTuple>(); foreach (var modularHouseholdTrait in mhh.Traits) { // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse if (modularHouseholdTrait.HouseholdTrait != null) { CollectDevicesFromTrait(modularHouseholdTrait.HouseholdTrait, deviceLocations); } } var deviceDtos = _calcDeviceDtoFactory.MakeCalcDevices(locationDtos, deviceLocations, et, householdKey, deviceLocationDtoDict, sim.DeviceActions.It, _ltDict, deviceCategoryDtos); if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.Options.Contains(CalcOption.HouseholdContents)) { _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(deviceDtos.ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); } //autodevs var autonomousDevices = mhh.CollectAutonomousDevices(); if (mhh.Vacation == null) { throw new LPGException("Vacation was null"); } var autoDevDtos = _calcDeviceDtoFactory.MakeCalcAutoDevDtos(autonomousDevices, energyIntensity, householdKey, mhh.Vacation.VacationTimeframes(), mhh.Name + "###" + householdKey, sim.DeviceActions.It, locationDict, temperatureProfile, geographicLocation, deviceCategoryDtos); if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.Options.Contains(CalcOption.HouseholdContents)) { _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(autoDevDtos.ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); } //affordances var affordancesAtLoc = new Dictionary <CalcLocationDto, List <AffordanceWithTimeLimit> >(); foreach (var location in locations) { affordancesAtLoc.Add(locationDict.GetDtoForLocation(location), mhh.GetAllAffordancesForLocation(location)); } if (mhh.Vacation == null) { throw new LPGException("Vacation was null"); } List <CalcAffordanceDto> allAffordances = _calcAffordanceDtoFactory.SetCalcAffordances(locationDtos, temperatureProfile, _ltDict, geographicLocation, _random, sim.MyGeneralConfig.TimeStepsPerHour, sim.MyGeneralConfig.InternalStepSize, mhh.Vacation.VacationTimeframes(), mhh.Name + "###" + householdKey, sim.DeviceActions.MyItems, affordancesAtLoc, locationDict, out List <DateTime> bridgeDays, householdKey, deviceDtos, deviceCategoryDtos); if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.Options.Contains(CalcOption.HouseholdContents)) { _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(allAffordances.ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(_calcVariableRepositoryDtoFactory.GetAllVariableDtos() .ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); } // SaveVariableDefinitionsDtos(_calcVariableRepositoryDtoFactory.GetAllVariableDtos()); //CalcVariableRepository variableRepository = _calcVariableRepositoryDtoFactory.GetRepository(householdKey); List <CalcSiteDto> sites = null; List <CalcTransportationDeviceDto> transportationDevices = null; List <CalcTravelRouteDto> routes = null; if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.TransportationEnabled) { _transportationDtoFactory.MakeTransportationDtos(sim, mhh, transportationDeviceSet, travelRouteSet, chargingStationSet, out sites, out transportationDevices, out routes, locationDtos, householdKey); if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.IsSet(CalcOption.TransportationStatistics)) { _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(sites.ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(transportationDevices.ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.SaveList(routes.ConvertAll(x => (IHouseholdKey)x)); } } var chh = new CalcHouseholdDto(name, mhh.IntID, temperatureProfile.Name, householdKey, Guid.NewGuid().ToStrGuid(), geographicLocation.Name, bridgeDays, autoDevDtos, locationDtos, personDtos, deviceDtos, allAffordances, mhh.Vacation.VacationTimeframes(), sites, routes, transportationDevices, mhh.Description); if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.Options.Contains(CalcOption.HouseholdContents)) { _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.Save(householdKey, chh); } if (_calcRepo.CalcParameters.Options.Contains(CalcOption.HouseholdContents)) { BridgeDayEntries bdes = new BridgeDayEntries(householdKey, chh.BridgeDays); _calcRepo.InputDataLogger.Save(householdKey, bdes); } return(chh); }
private static void GeneralChecks([NotNull] ModularHousehold chh) { if (chh.Vacation == null) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The modular household " + chh.Name + " has no vacation set. Please choose one.", chh); } var allPersons = chh.AllPersons; if (allPersons.Count == 0) { throw new DataException("The household " + chh.Name + " has no persons!"); } var minAge = allPersons.Select(x => x.Age).Min(); var maxAge = allPersons.Select(x => x.Age).Max(); if (chh.Vacation.MinimumAge > minAge || chh.Vacation.MaximumAge < maxAge) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The vacation " + chh.Vacation.PrettyName + " cannot be used in the household template " + chh.PrettyName + " due to min/max age of the people. The persons have a minimum age of " + minAge + " and a maximum age of " + maxAge, chh); } if (chh.Persons.Count == 0) { throw new DataIntegrityException("The modular household " + chh.Name + " has no people!", chh); } var traitCounts = new Dictionary <HouseholdTrait, int>(); foreach (var ctrait in chh.Traits) { if (!traitCounts.ContainsKey(ctrait.HouseholdTrait)) { traitCounts.Add(ctrait.HouseholdTrait, 0); } traitCounts[ctrait.HouseholdTrait]++; } var personCount = chh.Persons.Count; foreach (var ctrait in chh.Traits) { var count = traitCounts[ctrait.HouseholdTrait]; if (count > ctrait.HouseholdTrait.MaximumNumberInCHH) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The trait " + ctrait.HouseholdTrait.Name + " is only allowed " + ctrait.HouseholdTrait.MaximumNumberInCHH + " in a household, but " + chh.Name + " has " + count + ". Please fix.", chh); } if (personCount < ctrait.HouseholdTrait.MinimumPersonsInCHH || personCount > ctrait.HouseholdTrait.MaximumPersonsInCHH) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "The trait " + ctrait.HouseholdTrait.Name + " requires more or equal to " + ctrait.HouseholdTrait.MinimumPersonsInCHH + " persons and less or equal to " + ctrait.HouseholdTrait.MaximumPersonsInCHH + " persons in the household " + chh.PrettyName + ". Please fix.", chh); } } }
private void CheckMinimumPersonRequirements([NotNull] ModularHousehold modularHousehold, [NotNull] ModularHouseholdPerson modularHouseholdPerson) { if (!PerformCleanupChecks) { return; } if (modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("MAID") || modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Description.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("MAID")) { return; } var traitsForPerson = modularHousehold.Traits.Where(x => x.DstPerson == modularHouseholdPerson.Person).ToList(); var traitNames = traitsForPerson.Select(x => x.HouseholdTrait.PrettyName.ToUpperInvariant()).ToList(); var shower = traitNames.Any(x => x.Contains("SHOWER")); if (!shower && modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Age > 10) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "No shower in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var sleep = traitNames.Any(x => x.Contains("SLEEP")); if (!sleep) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "No sleep in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var unhungry = traitNames.Any(x => x.Contains("UNHUNGRY")); if (!unhungry) { //var hungryTrait = sim.HouseholdTraits.It.First(x => x.Name.Contains("Desire for food, join only")); //modularHousehold.AddTrait(hungryTrait,ModularHouseholdTrait.ModularHouseholdTraitAssignType.Name, modularHouseholdPerson.Person); throw new DataIntegrityException("Unhungry not set in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var sickness = traitNames.Any(x => x.Contains("SICKNESS")); if (!sickness) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "No sickness activities in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var toilet = traitNames.Any(x => x.Contains("TOILET")); if (!toilet && modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Age > 3) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "No toilet activities in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var getready = traitNames.Any(x => x.Contains("READY")); if (!getready && modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Age > 5) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "No get ready activities in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var work = traitNames.Any(x => x.Contains("WORK")); var school = traitsForPerson.Any(y => y.HouseholdTrait.Tags.Any(x => x.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == "CHILD / SCHOOL")); var outsideafternoonTraits = traitsForPerson.Where( x => x.HouseholdTrait.Tags.Any( y => y.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("OUTSIDE AFTERNOON ENTERTAINMENT"))).ToList(); if (outsideafternoonTraits.Count == 0 && !work && !school && modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Age > 10) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "Not a single outside afternoon entertainment in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } if (school) { var homework = traitsForPerson.Any(x => x.HouseholdTrait.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains("homework")); if (!homework) { throw new DataIntegrityException("No homework in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for the person " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } } var outsideEveningTraits = traitsForPerson.Where( x => x.HouseholdTrait.Tags.Any( y => y.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("OUTSIDE EVENING ENTERTAINMENT"))).ToList(); if (outsideEveningTraits.Count == 0 && modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Age > 15) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "Not a single outside evening entertainment in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var hobby = traitsForPerson.Where(x => x.HouseholdTrait.Tags.Any(y => y.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("HOBBY"))) .ToList(); if (hobby.Count == 0 && modularHouseholdPerson.Person.Age > 15) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "Not a single hobby in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName + " for " + modularHouseholdPerson.Person.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } }
private void CheckModularHouseholdsMinimum([NotNull] ModularHousehold modularHousehold) { if (!PerformCleanupChecks) { return; } if (modularHousehold.Name.StartsWith("O", StringComparison.Ordinal) || modularHousehold.Name.StartsWith("x O", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return; } var laundry = modularHousehold.Traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("LAUNDRY")); if (!laundry) { throw new DataIntegrityException("No laundry in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var dishwashing = modularHousehold.Traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("DISHWASH")); if (!dishwashing) { throw new DataIntegrityException("No dishwashing in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var cleanBathroom = modularHousehold.Traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("CLEAN BATHROOM")); if (!cleanBathroom) { throw new DataIntegrityException( "No bathroom cleaning in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var foodshopping = modularHousehold.Traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("FOOD SHOPPING")); if (!foodshopping) { throw new DataIntegrityException("No food shopping in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var vacuum = modularHousehold.Traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("VACUUM")); if (!vacuum) { throw new DataIntegrityException("No vacuuming in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } var drying = modularHousehold.Traits.Any(x => x.PrettyName.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("DRY LAUNDRY")); if (!drying) { throw new DataIntegrityException("No laundry drying in the household " + modularHousehold.PrettyName, modularHousehold); } foreach (var modularHouseholdPerson in modularHousehold.Persons) { CheckMinimumPersonRequirements(modularHousehold, modularHouseholdPerson); } }