async Task SetAndLogStatusString(bool isError, string successString, Models.WooSections imprtedSection)
            string _StatusMessage = isError ?
                                    $"Error Importing: {_AppUnitOfWork.GetErrorMessage()}" : // returned in there was an error importing

            await LogImport(isError?null : 0, _StatusMessage, imprtedSection);

            componentPopUpRef.ShowQuickNotification(isError ? PopUpAndLogNotification.NotificationType.Error : PopUpAndLogNotification.NotificationType.Info, _StatusMessage);
 // Log the status of the import
 async Task LogImport(int?importedId, string sourceParameter, Models.WooSections importedSection)
     IAppRepository <WooSyncLog> _WooSyncLogRepository = _AppUnitOfWork.Repository <WooSyncLog>();
     await _WooSyncLogRepository.AddAsync(new WooSyncLog
         // add the parameters
         WooSyncDateTime = _LogDate,
         Result          = (importedId != null) ? Models.WooResults.Success : (importedId == null) ? Models.WooResults.none : Models.WooResults.Error,
         Parameters      = sourceParameter,
         Section         = importedSection,
         Notes           = (importedId != null) && (importedId > 0) ?  $"Imported id: {importedId}, DT: {DateTime.Now:d}" : $"DT: { DateTime.Now:d}"