public ActionResult SetAdminRole(string sType, string sUser) { ApplicationUser user = UserManager.FindByName <ApplicationUser, string>(sUser); Models.DBContext dbContext = new Models.DBContext(); Models.CompanyDetails cmp = new Models.CompanyDetails(); var FindCompany = (from d in dbContext.Company where d.CompanyName == user.CompanyName select new { d.CompanyName, d.Logo }).FirstOrDefault(); if (sType == "Y") { cmp.CompanyName = user.CompanyName; cmp.EmailID = user.Email; cmp.UserName = user.UserName; cmp.Logo = FindCompany.Logo; dbContext.Company.Add(cmp); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } else { var userdata = dbContext.Company.Where(D => D.UserName == sUser).FirstOrDefault(); dbContext.Company.Remove(userdata); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } return(View()); }
private MyLastAction GetUserCurrentAction() { var UCA = (from uca in db.UserLastActions where uca.UserId == UserData.UserName select uca).FirstOrDefault(); MyLastAction viewModel = new MyLastAction(); if (UCA == null) { UserLastActions uca = new UserLastActions(); uca.Company = UserData.CompanyName; uca.KeyDate = "2018/07/11"; uca.UserId = UserData.UserName; uca.Version = "1"; uca.UsedView = "Normal"; uca.Oper = "OV"; uca.Levels = "One"; uca.ShowLevel = "101212"; uca.Country = ""; uca.Role = "User"; db.UserLastActions.Add(uca); db.SaveChanges(); viewModel.ShowLevel = "101212"; viewModel.KeyDate = "2018/07/11"; viewModel.Levels = "One"; viewModel.Version = "1"; viewModel.Oper = "OV"; viewModel.View = "Normal"; viewModel.Country = ""; viewModel.Role = "User"; } else { viewModel.KeyDate = UCA.KeyDate; viewModel.ShowLevel = UCA.ShowLevel; viewModel.Levels = UCA.Levels; viewModel.Version = UCA.Version; viewModel.Oper = UCA.Oper; viewModel.View = UCA.UsedView; viewModel.Country = UCA.Country; viewModel.Role = UCA.Role; } return(viewModel); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { TipoCambioSoapClient client = new TipoCambioSoapClient(EndpointConfiguration.TipoCambioSoap); //var result = await client.AddAsync(5, 8); var result = await client.TipoCambioDiaAsync(); var ResultOfTipoCambioBank = result.Body.TipoCambioDiaResult.CambioDolar[0]; ViewBag.ResultOfBank = ResultOfTipoCambioBank; var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Models.DBContext>() .UseSqlServer("Server=localhost;Database=DemoAzureInsight;User Id=elvis;Password=*Disdel100;") .Options; using var context = new Models.DBContext(contextOptions); Models.TipoCambio NewValueTipoCambios = new TipoCambio(); NewValueTipoCambios.Fecha = Convert.ToDateTime(ResultOfTipoCambioBank.fecha); NewValueTipoCambios.Referencia = Convert.ToDecimal(ResultOfTipoCambioBank.referencia); context.Add <Models.TipoCambio>(NewValueTipoCambios); context.SaveChanges(); List <Models.TipoCambio> AllData = context.TipoCambios.ToList(); ViewBag.AllData = AllData; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Store(Complaint c) { DBContext db = new Models.DBContext(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { c.IsAdminShow = false; db.Complaints.Add(c); db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Message = "پیام شما با موفقیت دریافت شد و بزودی توسط مدیران سایت بررسی خواهد شد"; } return(View("Create")); }
// POST: /Account/UploadLogo public ActionResult UploadLogo(HttpPostedFileBase file) { Models.DBContext dbContext = new Models.DBContext(); Models.CompanyDetails cmp = new Models.CompanyDetails(); var FindCompany = dbContext.Company.Where(C => C.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (file != null) { string pic = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); string path = System.IO.Path.Combine( Server.MapPath("~/Content/assets/CompanyLogo/"), pic); // file is uploaded file.SaveAs(path); if (FindCompany != null) { FindCompany.Logo = pic; dbContext.SaveChanges(); } ViewBag.UploadSuccess = "Logo Uploaded Successfully, Please click on the link to dashboard list"; } return(View()); }
public JsonResult SaveVersionInfo(string selFP, string txtFP, string chkSN, string selNL, string selPL, string txtUN, string chkFT, string txtFN) { var UserLastAction = (from ula in db.UserLastActions where ula.UserId == UserData.UserName && ula.Company == UserData.CompanyName select ula).FirstOrDefault(); if (UserLastAction != null) { var UploadFilesHeader = (from ufh in db.UploadFilesHeaders where ufh.UserId == UserData.UserName && ufh.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName && ufh.Role == UserLastAction.Role select ufh).FirstOrDefault(); if (UploadFilesHeader != null) { UploadFilesHeader.SerialNoFlag = chkSN; UploadFilesHeader.FirstPositionField = selFP; UploadFilesHeader.FirstPosition = txtFP; UploadFilesHeader.KeyField = selNL; UploadFilesHeader.ParentField = selPL; UploadFilesHeader.FullNameFields = txtUN; UploadFilesHeader.FileType = chkFT; UploadFilesHeader.JSONFileName = txtFN; UploadFilesHeader.VersionNo++; UploadFilesHeader.CurrentVersionNo = UploadFilesHeader.VersionNo; UserLastAction.Version = UploadFilesHeader.VersionNo.ToString(); } else { UploadFilesHeaders UFH = new UploadFilesHeaders(); UFH.SerialNoFlag = chkSN; UFH.FirstPositionField = selFP; UFH.FirstPosition = txtFP; UFH.KeyField = selNL; UFH.ParentField = selPL; UFH.FullNameFields = txtUN; UFH.FileType = chkFT; UFH.JSONFileName = txtFN; UFH.Role = UserLastAction.Role; UFH.VersionNo = 1; UFH.CurrentVersionNo = 1; UserLastAction.Version = "1"; db.UploadFilesHeaders.Add(UFH); } UploadFileDetails UFD = new UploadFileDetails(); UFD.JSONFileName = txtFN; UFD.KeyDate = DateTime.Now; UFD.VersionNo = Convert.ToInt32(UserLastAction.Version); UFD.VersionStatus = "P"; UFD.Role = UserLastAction.Role; UFD.CompanyName = UserData.CompanyName; UFD.UserId = UserData.UserName; db.UploadFileDetails.Add(UFD); db.SaveChanges(); } // Updates the Table with new Version if (chkFT == "JSON") { UpdateTableWithJSON(UserLastAction.Role, UserLastAction.Role); } else if (chkFT == "XLSX") { UpdateTableWithJSON(UserLastAction.Role, UserLastAction.Role); } return(Json(new { Success = "Yes" })); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterModel model, string cbxDataPrivacy) { if (cbxDataPrivacy == "on") { Models.DBContext dbContext = new Models.DBContext(); Models.CompanyDetails cmp = new Models.CompanyDetails(); var FindCompany = (from d in dbContext.Company where d.CompanyName == model.CompanyName select new { d.CompanyName }).ToList(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Attempt to register the user if (FindCompany.Count == 0) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.Email, CompanyName = model.CompanyName }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { cmp.CompanyName = user.CompanyName; cmp.EmailID = user.Email; cmp.UserName = user.UserName; cmp.Logo = null; dbContext.Company.Add(cmp); dbContext.SaveChanges(); await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link string EMail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EmailID"); string To = EMail, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host; var request = HttpContext.Request; string lnkHref = "<a href='" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority + "/Home/ApprovalList/?CustRegId=" + user.Id + "'>" + "Approval link" + "</a>"; //HTML Template for Send email string subject = "Request for Approval of subscription"; string body = "<b>Dear Admin, </b><br/><br/>"; body = body + "<b>Kindly Approve The Customer: " + user.CompanyName + " Request for enrollement.</b><br/>" + "<b>Please find the Customers list </b> : " + lnkHref; body = body + "<br/><br/><b>Thanks,</b><br/>" + "<b>Mcbitss Team.</b>"; //Get and set the AppSettings using configuration manager. EmailManager.AppSettings(out UserID, out Password, out SMTPPort, out Host); //Call send email methods. EmailManager.SendEmail(UserID, subject, body, To, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host); return(Redirect("/")); } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = result.Errors.First(); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Company details are already added"; } } } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Please accept data privacy policy && Terms"; } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> UserRegister(RegisterModel model, HttpPostedFileBase Upload, string cbxRequestType) { DataTable dtUsers = new DataTable(); ViewBag.CompanyName = model.CompanyName; string UploadFileName = ""; model.RequestType = cbxRequestType; if (cbxRequestType == "Individual") { model.Upload = "No File"; model.PasswordName = model.Password; model.ConfirmPasswordName = model.ConfirmPassword; if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Attempt to register the user var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.Email, CompanyName = model.CompanyName }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { Models.DBContext dbContext = new Models.DBContext(); Models.UserRoles usr = new Models.UserRoles(); usr.UserId = model.UserName; usr.Role = model.Roles.Replace("Planner", "Player"); usr.CompanyName = model.CompanyName; usr.Email = model.Email; dbContext.UserRoles.Add(usr); dbContext.SaveChanges(); try { // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link string EMail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EmailID"); string To = model.Email, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host; var request = HttpContext.Request; string lnkHref = "<a href='" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority + "'> " + "link" + "</a>"; //HTML Template for Send email string subject = "Login Created"; string body = "<b>Dear " + model.UserName + ", </b><br/><br/>"; body = body + "<b>Your login credentials created, Kindly change the pasword at the earliest" + lnkHref + "</b><br/>"; body = body + "<b>User Name : " + model.UserName + "</b><br/>";; body = body + "<b>Password : "******"</b><br/>";; body = body + "<br/><br/><b>Thanks,</b><br/>" + "<b>" + model.CompanyName + "Team.</b>"; //Get and set the AppSettings using configuration manager. EmailManager.AppSettings(out UserID, out Password, out SMTPPort, out Host); //Call send email methods. EmailManager.SendEmail(UserID, subject, body, To, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host); } catch (Exception ex) { UploadFileName += model.UserName + " email not sent to this user(" + ex.Message + ")\n"; } } else { UploadFileName += result.Errors.First() + "\n"; } if (UploadFileName == "") { UploadFileName = "User Successfuly loaded."; } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = UploadFileName; } } else if (cbxRequestType == "Mass") { string fname; // Checking for Internet Explorer if (Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "IE" || Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "INTERNETEXPLORER") { string[] testfiles = Upload.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); fname = testfiles[testfiles.Length - 1]; } else { fname = Upload.FileName; } // Get the complete folder path and store the file inside it. fname = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Uploads/"), fname); Upload.SaveAs(fname); ExcelAPI API = new ExcelAPI(); API.CreateDataTableFromExcel(fname, dtUsers); foreach (DataRow dr in dtUsers.Rows) { model.UserName = dr["Name"].ToString(); model.Email = dr["Email"].ToString(); model.Roles = dr["Roles"].ToString(); model.Password = model.PasswordName; model.ConfirmPassword = model.ConfirmPasswordName; // Attempt to register the user var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = dr["Name"].ToString(), Email = dr["Email"].ToString(), CompanyName = model.CompanyName }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.PasswordName); if (result.Succeeded) { Models.DBContext dbContext = new Models.DBContext(); Models.UserRoles usr = new Models.UserRoles(); usr.UserId = model.UserName; usr.Role = model.Roles.Replace("Planner", "Player"); usr.CompanyName = model.CompanyName; usr.Email = model.Email; dbContext.UserRoles.Add(usr); dbContext.SaveChanges(); try { // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link string EMail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EmailID"); string To = model.Email, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host; var request = HttpContext.Request; string lnkHref = "<a href='" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority + "'> " + "link" + "</a>"; //HTML Template for Send email string subject = "Login Created"; string body = "<b>Dear " + model.UserName + ", </b><br/><br/>"; body = body + "<b>Your login credentials created, Kindly change the pasword at the earliest" + lnkHref + "</b><br/>"; body = body + "<b>User Name : " + model.UserName + "</b><br/>";; body = body + "<b>Password : "******"</b><br/>";; body = body + "<br/><br/><b>Thanks,</b><br/>" + "<b>" + model.CompanyName + "Team.</b>"; //Get and set the AppSettings using configuration manager. EmailManager.AppSettings(out UserID, out Password, out SMTPPort, out Host); //Call send email methods. EmailManager.SendEmail(UserID, subject, body, To, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host); } catch (Exception ex) { UploadFileName += model.UserName + " email not sent to this user(" + ex.Message + ")\n"; } } else { UploadFileName += result.Errors.First() + "\n"; } } if (UploadFileName == "") { UploadFileName = "Users Successfuly loaded."; } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = UploadFileName; } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterModel model, string cbxDataPrivacy) { if (cbxDataPrivacy == "on") { Models.DBContext dbContext = new Models.DBContext(); Models.CompanyDetails cmp = new Models.CompanyDetails(); var FindCompany = (from d in dbContext.Company where d.CompanyName == model.CompanyName select new { d.CompanyName }).ToList(); string wcCompanyName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["wcCompanyName"].ToString(); var INI = (from ini in dbContext.InitializeTables where ini.Authentication.ToUpper() == "WINDOWS" && ini.CompanyName == wcCompanyName select ini).FirstOrDefault(); if (INI != null) { string[] WindowsUser = Request.LogonUserIdentity.User.ToString().Split('\\'); string WindowUserName = WindowsUser[0]; if (WindowsUser.Length >= 2) { WindowUserName = WindowsUser[1]; } model.UserName = WindowUserName; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Attempt to register the user if (FindCompany.Count == 0) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.Email, CompanyName = model.CompanyName }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { cmp.CompanyName = user.CompanyName; cmp.EmailID = user.Email; cmp.UserName = user.UserName; cmp.Logo = null; dbContext.Company.Add(cmp); Models.UserRoles usr = new Models.UserRoles(); usr.UserId = model.UserName; usr.Role = model.Roles; usr.CompanyName = user.CompanyName; usr.Email = model.Email; dbContext.UserRoles.Add(usr); dbContext.SaveChanges(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; cmd.CommandText = "PROC_CONFIGURE_COMPANY"; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CURRENT_COMPANY", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500).Value = ConfigureCompany; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CONFIGURE_COMPANY", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500).Value = user.CompanyName; Common csobj = new Common(); csobj.SPReturnDataTable(cmd); } await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link string EMail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EmailID"); string To = model.Email, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host; var request = HttpContext.Request; string lnkHref = "<a href='" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority + "/Home/ApprovalList/?CustRegId=" + user.Id + "'>" + "Approval link" + "</a>"; //HTML Template for Send email string subject = "Request for Approval of subscription"; string body = "<b>Dear Admin, </b><br/><br/>"; body = body + "<b>Kindly Approve The Customer: " + user.CompanyName + " Request for enrollement.</b><br/>" + "<b>Please find the Customers list </b> : " + lnkHref; body = body + "<br/><br/><b>Thanks,</b><br/>" + "<b>Mcbitss Team.</b>"; //Get and set the AppSettings using configuration manager. EmailManager.AppSettings(out UserID, out Password, out SMTPPort, out Host); //Call send email methods. EmailManager.SendEmail(UserID, subject, body, To, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host); return(Redirect("~/")); } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = result.Errors.First(); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Company details are already added"; } } } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Please accept data privacy policy && Terms"; } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public JsonResult SetSelectedValues(string KeyDate, string UsedView, string Country, string ShowLevel, string Levels, string Oper, string Version, string Role, string SelectedShape, string SelectedSkin, string SelectedShowPicture, string SelectedSplitScreen, string SelectedSplitScreenDirection, string SelectedTextColor, string SelectedBorderColor, string SelectedBorderWidth, string SelectedLineColor, string SelectedBoxWidth, string SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel, string SelectedFunctionalManagerType, string SelectedFMLine, string OrgChartType, string Type) { LoginUsers UserData = LI.GetLoginUserInfo(""); var UCA = (from uca in db.UserLastActions where uca.UserId == UserData.UserName select uca).FirstOrDefault(); if (UCA != null) { if (Type == "Role") { string UserRole = (Role == "User") ? "Finalyzer" : Role; UploadFilesHeaders UFH = null; if (UserRole != "Finalyzer") { UFH = (from ufh in db.UploadFilesHeaders where ufh.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName && ufh.UserId == UserData.UserName && ufh.Role == UserRole select ufh).FirstOrDefault(); } else { UFH = (from ufh in db.UploadFilesHeaders where ufh.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName && ufh.Role == UserRole select ufh).FirstOrDefault(); } if (UFH != null) { UCA.Version = UFH.VersionNo.ToString(); UCA.Role = Role; int UserVersion = UFH.VersionNo; var UFD = (from ufd in db.UploadFilesDetails where ufd.VersionNo == UserVersion select ufd).FirstOrDefault(); if (UFD != null) { UCA.ShowLevel = UFD.ShowLevel; } } else { UCA.Version = "-999"; UCA.Role = Role; } Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"] = null; return(Json(new { Success = "Yes", ChartData = "Role Change", TreeData = "" })); } else if (Type == "View") { UCA.UsedView = UsedView; } else if (Type == "Level") { UCA.Levels = Levels; } else if (Type == "Type") { UCA.Oper = Oper; } else if (Type == "Settings") { UCA.UsedView = UsedView; UCA.SelectedShape = SelectedShape; UCA.SelectedSkin = SelectedSkin; UCA.SelectedShowPicture = SelectedShowPicture; UCA.SelectedSplitScreen = SelectedSplitScreen; UCA.SelectedSplitScreenDirection = SelectedSplitScreenDirection; UCA.SelectedTextColor = SelectedTextColor; UCA.SelectedBorderColor = SelectedBorderColor; UCA.SelectedBorderWidth = SelectedBorderWidth; UCA.SelectedLineColor = SelectedLineColor; UCA.SelectedBoxWidth = SelectedBoxWidth; UCA.SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel = SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel; UCA.SelectedFunctionalManagerType = SelectedFunctionalManagerType; UCA.SelectedFMLine = SelectedFMLine; UCA.OrgChartType = OrgChartType; UCA.Levels = Levels; } else if (Type == "") { UCA.KeyDate = KeyDate; UCA.Country = Country; UCA.ShowLevel = ShowLevel; } db.SaveChanges(); } string[] ChangeLevel = LI.GetOrgChartData(UCA.Role, UCA.Country, UCA.ShowLevel, UCA.ParentLevel, UCA.Levels, UCA.Oper, UCA.Version, UCA.OrgChartType, UCA.SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel, UCA.SelectedFunctionalManagerType); if (Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"] != null) { MyModel MyModel = (MyModel)Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"]; MyModel.ChartData = ChangeLevel[1]; if (Type == "Settings") { MyModel.View = UsedView; MyModel.SelectedShape = SelectedShape; MyModel.SelectedSkin = SelectedSkin; MyModel.SelectedShowPicture = SelectedShowPicture; MyModel.SelectedSplitScreen = SelectedSplitScreen; MyModel.SelectedSplitScreenDirection = SelectedSplitScreenDirection; MyModel.SelectedTextColor = SelectedTextColor; MyModel.SelectedBorderColor = SelectedBorderColor; MyModel.SelectedBorderWidth = SelectedBorderWidth; MyModel.SelectedBoxWidth = SelectedBoxWidth; MyModel.SelectedLineColor = SelectedLineColor; MyModel.SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel = SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel; MyModel.SelectedFunctionalManagerType = SelectedFunctionalManagerType; MyModel.SelectedFMLine = SelectedFMLine; MyModel.OrgChartType = OrgChartType; MyModel.Levels = Levels; } else if (Type == "View") { MyModel.View = UsedView; } else if (Type == "") { MyModel.KeyDate = KeyDate; MyModel.Country = Country; MyModel.ShowLevel = ShowLevel; } Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"] = MyModel; } return(Json(new { Success = "Yes", ChartData = ChangeLevel[1], TreeData = ChangeLevel[0] })); }