//custom method to reset user password

        private async Task ResetUserPassword()
                SoccerLeagueTransferApp.Models.ConData.User appUser = await ConData.MuyikGetUserByEmail(user.EmailAddress);

                if (appUser.UserID > 0)//this implies that user was found in the data store
                    var toAddress   = appUser.EmailAddress;
                    var emailTitle  = "Password Reset Notification";
                    var newPassword = new Random(7).Next().ToString() + appUser.Username; //generating new password

                    await ConData.MuyikResetPassword(appUser.UserID, newPassword);        //updating password in datastore

                    //generate email body

                    var emailBody         = "Dear " + appUser.Username + ",\nThis is to inform you that we have received a request to reset your password. Your new password is " + newPassword + ".\nPlease go to the login page to login with this new password.Don't forget to change your password after logging in.";
                    var fromAddress       = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build().GetSection("EmailSettings")["fromAddress"];
                    var smtpServerAddress = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build().GetSection("EmailSettings")["smtpServerAddress"];
                    var portNumber        = Convert.ToInt32(new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build().GetSection("EmailSettings")["smtpPortNumber"]);
                    var smtpUserName      = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build().GetSection("EmailSettings")["smtpUserName"];
                    var smtpPassword      = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build().GetSection("EmailSettings")["smtpPassword"];

                    //send password reset email

                    MuyikUtility.Email.SendEmail(toAddress, fromAddress, emailTitle, emailBody, smtpServerAddress, portNumber, smtpUserName, smtpPassword);

                    //notify user

                    NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Success, "Password Reset Success!", "You Have successfully Reset Your Password.Please Check Your Inbox to get the new password", 5000);

                    //reset page

                    user = new Models.ConData.User();
                else//user not found
                    //notify user

                    NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, "Email Address Error!", "No Soccer Transfer App User Was Found With That Email Address", 9000);

            catch (Exception ex)
                //notify user

                NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, "Password Reset Error!", "Password Reset Error", 9000);
 //method to clear form values
 private async Task ResetForm()
     user = new Models.ConData.User();