public RunWindow(ModelSystemEditingSession session, XTMFRun run, string runName) { InitializeComponent(); Session = session; session.SessionClosed += Session_SessionClosed; StartRun(run, runName); }
public FreeVariableEntry(Type freeVariable, ModelSystemEditingSession session) { InitializeComponent(); Session = session; Conditions = freeVariable.GetGenericParameterConstraints(); Loaded += FreeVariableEntry_Loaded; }
private void Select() { var index = Display.SelectedIndex; if (index < 0) { return; } IsEnabled = false; var result = InternalModel.Data[InternalModel.Data.IndexOf((Model.ModelElement)Display.SelectedItem)].Data; if (result is Project) { MainWindow.SetStatusText("Loading Project..."); } else { MainWindow.SetStatusText("Loading Model System..."); } LoadTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (result is Project) { ProjectSession = PEditSession = Runtime.ProjectController.EditProject(result as Project); } else { ModelSystemSession = MSEditSession = Runtime.ModelSystemController.EditModelSystem(result as ModelSystem); } }); Close(); }
private void LoadModelSystem(ModelSystem modelSystem) { if (modelSystem != null) { ModelSystemEditingSession session = null; OperationProgressing progressing = new OperationProgressing { Owner = GetWindow() }; var loadingTask = Task.Run(() => { session = Runtime.ModelSystemController.EditModelSystem(modelSystem); }); MainWindow.Us.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { progressing.ShowDialog(); })); loadingTask.Wait(); if (session != null) { MainWindow.Us.EditModelSystem(session); } MainWindow.Us.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { progressing.Close(); })); } }
public ModuleTypeSelect(ModelSystemEditingSession session, ModelSystemStructureModel selectedModule) : this() { _modelSystemSession = session; _selectedModule = selectedModule; BuildRequirements(session); FilterBox.Filter = CheckAgainstFilter; FilterBox.Display = Display; }
public ModuleTypeSelect(ModelSystemEditingSession session, ModelSystemStructureModel selectedModule) : this() { ModelSystemSession = session; SelectedModule = selectedModule; BuildRequirements( session ); FilterBox.Filter = CheckAgainstFilter; FilterBox.Display = Display; }
public ModelSystemEditingSession OpenModelSystem(XTMFRuntime runtime) { Runtime = runtime; MSEditSession = null; InternalModel.Initialize(runtime.ModelSystemController.GetModelSystems()); DataContext = InternalModel; Display.ItemsSource = InternalModel.Data; FilterBox.Display = Display; FilterBox.Filter = Filter; ShowDialog(); return MSEditSession; }
public ModelSystemEditingSessionDisplayModel(ModelSystemDisplay display) : base(true) { var session = display.Session; _Display = display; _Session = session; _CanUndo = _Session.CanUndo; _CanRedo = _Session.CanRedo; UndoList = new ObservableCollection <CommandDisplayModel>(); RedoList = new ObservableCollection <CommandDisplayModel>(); _Session.CommandExecuted += Session_CommandExecuted; }
public ModelSystemEditingSession OpenModelSystem(XTMFRuntime runtime) { ExportButton.IsEnabled = true; Runtime = runtime; MSEditSession = null; InternalModel.Initialize(runtime.ModelSystemController.GetModelSystems()); DataContext = InternalModel; lock (InternalModel.Data) { Display.ItemsSource = InternalModel.Data; } FilterBox.Display = Display; FilterBox.Filter = Filter; ShowDialog(); return MSEditSession; }
public ModelSystemEditingSession OpenModelSystem(XTMFRuntime runtime) { ExportButton.IsEnabled = true; Runtime = runtime; MSEditSession = null; InternalModel.Initialize(runtime.ModelSystemController.GetModelSystems()); DataContext = InternalModel; lock (InternalModel.Data) { Display.ItemsSource = InternalModel.Data; } FilterBox.Display = Display; FilterBox.Filter = Filter; ShowDialog(); return(MSEditSession); }
public SelectRunDateTimeDialog(ModelSystemEditingSession session) { InitializeComponent(); var getNames = session.GetPreviousRunNamesAsync(); getNames.ContinueWith(previousRuns => { if (!DidComplete && !Dispatcher.HasShutdownStarted) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { StringInputTextBox.ItemsSource = previousRuns.Result; }); } }); getNames.Start(); }
public RunWindow(ModelSystemEditingSession session) { InitializeComponent(); Session = session; session.SessionClosed += Session_SessionClosed; var runName = "Run Name"; StringRequest req = new StringRequest("Run Name", ValidateName); if(req.ShowDialog() == true) { runName = req.Answer; StartRun(session, runName); } else { MainWindow.Us.CloseWindow(this); } }
private void EditModelSystem(ModelSystemEditingSession modelSystemSession) { if (modelSystemSession != null) { var display = new ModelSystemDisplay() { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, ModelSystem = modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel, Session = modelSystemSession, }; var titleBarName = modelSystemSession.EditingProject ? modelSystemSession.ProjectEditingSession.Name + " - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name : "Model System - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name; var doc = AddNewWindow(titleBarName, display); PropertyChangedEventHandler onRename = (o, e) => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { doc.Title = modelSystemSession.EditingProject ? modelSystemSession.ProjectEditingSession.Name + " - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name : "Model System - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name;; }); }; modelSystemSession.NameChanged += onRename; doc.Closing += (o, e) => { e.Cancel = !display.CloseRequested(); if (e.Cancel == false) { modelSystemSession.NameChanged -= onRename; } }; doc.Closed += (o, e) => { modelSystemSession.Dispose(); }; display.RequestClose += (ignored) => doc.Close(); doc.IsSelected = true; Keyboard.Focus(display); display.Focus(); } }
/// <summary> /// Figure out what types we are going to be restricted by /// </summary> private void BuildRequirements(ModelSystemEditingSession session) { List <Type> available = session.GetValidModules(SelectedModule); Display.ItemsSource = AvailableModules = Convert(available); }
private void Select() { var index = Display.SelectedIndex; if (index < 0) return; IsEnabled = false; var result = InternalModel.Data[InternalModel.Data.IndexOf((Model.ModelElement)Display.SelectedItem)].Data; if (result is Project) { MainWindow.SetStatusText("Loading Project..."); } else { MainWindow.SetStatusText("Loading Model System..."); } LoadTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (result is Project) { ProjectSession = PEditSession = Runtime.ProjectController.EditProject(result as Project); } else { ModelSystemSession = MSEditSession = Runtime.ModelSystemController.EditModelSystem(result as ModelSystem); } }); Close(); }
private void StartRun(ModelSystemEditingSession session, string runName) { string error = null; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { MainWindow.Us.SetWindowName(this, "Run - " + runName); RunNameLabel.Text = runName; })); Run = session.Run(runName, ref error); ProgressReports = Run.Configuration.ProgressReports; Run.RunComplete += Run_RunComplete; Run.RunStarted += Run_RunStarted; Run.RuntimeError += Run_RuntimeError; Run.RuntimeValidationError += Run_RuntimeValidationError; Run.ValidationStarting += Run_ValidationStarting; Run.ValidationError += Run_ValidationError; RunDirectory = Run.RunDirectory; Timer = new DispatcherTimer(); Timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 / 30); Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Timer_Tick); if(Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { var major = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major; if(major > 6 || (major >= 6 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor >= 1)) { Windows7OrAbove = true; TaskbarInformation = new TaskbarItemInfo(); } } StartRunAsync(); Timer.Start(); }
private void EditModelSystem(ModelSystemEditingSession modelSystemSession) { if (modelSystemSession != null) { var display = new ModelSystemDisplay() { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, ModelSystem = modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel, Session = modelSystemSession, }; var titleBarName = modelSystemSession.EditingProject ? modelSystemSession.ProjectEditingSession.Name + " - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name : "Model System - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name; var doc = AddNewWindow(titleBarName, display); PropertyChangedEventHandler onRename = (o, e) => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { doc.Title = modelSystemSession.EditingProject ? modelSystemSession.ProjectEditingSession.Name + " - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name : "Model System - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name; ; }); }; modelSystemSession.NameChanged += onRename; doc.Closing += (o, e) => { e.Cancel = !display.CloseRequested(); if (e.Cancel == false) { modelSystemSession.NameChanged -= onRename; } }; doc.Closed += (o, e) => { modelSystemSession.Dispose(); }; display.RequestClose += (ignored) => doc.Close(); doc.IsSelected = true; Keyboard.Focus(display); display.Focus(); } }
private void EditModelSystem(ModelSystemEditingSession modelSystemSession) { if(modelSystemSession != null) { var display = new ModelSystemDisplay() { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, ModelSystem = modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel, Session = modelSystemSession, }; var doc = AddNewWindow("Model System - " + modelSystemSession.ModelSystemModel.Name, display); doc.Closed += (o, e) => { modelSystemSession.Dispose(); }; display.RequestClose += (ignored) => doc.Close(); doc.IsSelected = true; Keyboard.Focus(display); display.Focus(); } }
private bool RunAlreadyExists(string runName, ModelSystemEditingSession session) { return(session.RunNameExists(runName)); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="run"></param> /// <param name="runName"></param> /// <param name="immediateRun"></param> /// <param name="launchedFrom"></param> public RunWindow(ModelSystemEditingSession session, XTMFRun run, string runName, DateTime delayedStartTime, ModelSystemDisplay launchedFrom = null, SchedulerWindow schedulerWindow = null) { InitializeComponent(); ErrorVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Session = session; Run = run; SchedulerWindow = schedulerWindow; OpenDirectoryButton.IsEnabled = true; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { RunNameLabel.Text = runName; RunNameText.Text = runName; IsRunClearable = false; })); if (launchedFrom != null) { _launchedFromModelSystemDisplay = launchedFrom; } _progressReports = Run.Configuration.ProgressReports; _progressReports.ListChanged += ProgressReports_ListChanged; _progressReports.BeforeRemove += ProgressReports_BeforeRemove; _subProgressBars.ListChanged += SubProgressBars_ListChanged; _subProgressBars.BeforeRemove += SubProgressBars_BeforeRemove; Run.RunCompleted += Run_RunComplete; Run.RunStarted += Run_RunStarted; Run.RuntimeError += Run_RuntimeError; Run.RuntimeValidationError += Run_RuntimeValidationError; Run.ValidationStarting += RunOnValidationStarting; Run.ValidationError += RunOnValidationError; ErrorGroupBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; BaseGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height = new GridLength(0); _runDirectory = Run.RunDirectory; _timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) }; _isFinished = false; _wasCanceled = false; _timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { var major = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major; if (major > 6 || major >= 6 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor >= 1) { _windows7OrAbove = true; MainWindow.Us.TaskbarItemInfo = _taskbarInformation = new TaskbarItemInfo(); _taskbarInformation.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal; _taskbarInformation.ProgressValue = 0; } } ConfigureLogger(); var conc = new ConsoleOutputController(this, Run, iLog); ConsoleOutput.DataContext = conc; _consoleAppener.ConsoleOutputController = conc; ConsoleBorder.DataContext = ConsoleOutput.DataContext; session.ExecuteDelayedRun(run, delayedStartTime); DetailsGroupBox.DataContext = this; StartRunAsync(); _timer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Figure out what types we are going to be restricted by /// </summary> private void BuildRequirements(ModelSystemEditingSession session) { List<Type> available = session.GetValidModules( SelectedModule ); Display.ItemsSource = AvailableModules = Convert( available ); }
/// <summary> /// Figure out what types we are going to be restricted by /// </summary> private void BuildRequirements(ModelSystemEditingSession session) { Display.ItemsSource = Convert(session.GetValidModules(_selectedModule)); }