public void CatalogViewAction(string catalogName) { Catalog currentCatalog = ModelStorage.GetBookStorage(catalogName); if (currentCatalog.GetBooks().Count == 0) { _view.Show(new string[] { "This catalog doesn't have any books.", "Press 'Enter' to return" }); Console.ReadLine(); Route nextController = _routes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == "index"); redirect(nextController.Action, nextController.Controller, null); } else { _view.Show("Catalog have following books:"); foreach (IBook book in currentCatalog.GetBooks()) { _view.Show(book.Name); } _view.Show(new string[] { "Type name of the book, to collect it into tablestand", "Type 'menu' to return to the menu" }); string bookName = Console.ReadLine(); Book removeBook = currentCatalog.GetByName(bookName); TableStand wastepaper = ModelStorage.GetTablestand(); _view.Show(wastepaper.AddBook(removeBook)); currentCatalog.DeleteBook(removeBook); _view.Show("Press 'Enter' to return"); Console.ReadLine(); Route nextController = _routes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == "index"); redirect(nextController.Action, nextController.Controller, null); } }
public void ViewCatalogAction(string catalogName) { _view.Show("Current catalog: " + catalogName); Catalog currentCatalog = ModelStorage.GetBookStorage(catalogName); if (currentCatalog.GetBooks().Count == 0) { _view.Show("Catalog doesnt have any books"); } else { _view.Show("Catalog have following books:"); foreach (IBook book in currentCatalog.GetBooks()) { _view.Show(book.Name); } } _view.Show(new string[] { "Type book name to show the info", "Type 'add' for adding book into catalog" }); string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == "add") { Route nextController = _routes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == "add"); redirect(nextController.Action, nextController.Controller, new object[] { currentCatalog }); } else { Route nextController = _routes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == "book"); redirect(nextController.Action, nextController.Controller, new object[] { command, currentCatalog }); } }