private void openScenarioFromFile()
            // Opens new scenario using open file dialog
            OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            dialog.Filter = "Hsx file (.hsx)|*.hsx|All files|*.*";
            dialog.Title  = "Open Scenario";
            if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            // Loads new scenario using components specified in given HSX file from dialog
            string           filename = dialog.FileName;
            XqlParser        myParser = new XqlParser(filename);
            List <Hashtable> result;

            // Determine paths
            result = myParser.Query("SELECT path FROM hsx"); string            rootPath = (string)result[0]["path"];
            result = myParser.Query("SELECT filename FROM scenario"); string   scenPath = (string)rootPath + result[0]["filename"];
            result = myParser.Query("SELECT filename FROM targetdeck"); string trgtPath = (string)rootPath + result[0]["filename"];
            result = myParser.Query("SELECT filename FROM model"); string      modlPath = (string)rootPath + result[0]["filename"];

            // Create new scenario component from file and attach to form
            ScenarioComponent newScenario = new ScenarioComponent();

            ScenarioForm scenarioForm = new ScenarioForm(newScenario, this);

            scenarioForm.FileTarget = filename;

            // Form takes care of itself via node update?
            // Create new targetdeck from file and attach to scenario
            TargetdeckComponent newTargetdeck = new TargetdeckComponent();

            newScenario.Targetdeck = newTargetdeck;

            // Create new model from file and attach to scenario
            ModelComponent newModel = new ModelComponent();

            newScenario.Model = newModel;

            // Update node tree and select scenario
            TreeNode node = getNodeFromForm(scenarioForm);

            mainTreeView.SelectedNode = node;