private List <Model.Table> GetSQLTableList(DataSet ds) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; List <Model.Table> lTable = new List <Model.Table>(); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { Model.Field model = GetField(r); bool hasTable = false; foreach (Model.Table modelTable in lTable) { if (model.TableName == modelTable.Fields[0].TableName) { modelTable.Fields.Add(model); hasTable = true; break; } } if (!hasTable) { Model.Table newTable = new Model.Table(); newTable.Name = model.TableName; List <Model.Field> lFields = new List <Model.Field>(); lFields.Add(model); newTable.Fields = lFields; lTable.Add(newTable); } } foreach (Model.Table table in lTable) { table.Fields.Sort(); } return(lTable); }
/// <summary> /// 取得主键 /// </summary> public static Model.Field GetKeyField(Model.Table table, out bool HasIdentifierField) { List <Model.Field> l = table.Fields; Model.Field IdentifierRow = null; HasIdentifierField = false; foreach (Model.Field model in l) { if (model.IsIdentifier) { IdentifierRow = model; HasIdentifierField = true; break; } } if (IdentifierRow == null) { foreach (Model.Field model in l) { if (model.IsKeyField) { IdentifierRow = model; break; } } } if (IdentifierRow == null) { IdentifierRow = l[0]; } return(IdentifierRow); }
private List <Model.Table> GetSQLTableList(DataSet ds) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; List <Model.Table> tables = new List <Model.Table>(); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { Model.Field field = GetField(r); string parentTableName = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["TableName"]); bool hasTable = false; foreach (Model.Table modelTable in tables) { if (parentTableName == modelTable.Name) { modelTable.AddField(field); hasTable = true; break; } } if (!hasTable) { Model.Table newTable = new Model.Table(); newTable.Name = parentTableName; newTable.AddField(field); tables.Add(newTable); } } foreach (Model.Table table in tables) { table.Fields.Sort(); } return(tables); }
public FieldGetterGenerator(Model.Field field) { this.field = new Field(field); field.Type.Accept(this); Debug.Assert(this.body != null); Debug.Assert(this.declaration != null); }
private static Model.Field GetAccessField(string connectionString, string tbName, DataRow r) { Model.Field model = new Model.Field(); model.AllowNull = CommonHelper.GetBool(r["IS_NULLABLE"]); model.DefaultValue = CommonHelper.GetString(r["COLUMN_DEFAULT"]); model.FieldDescn = CommonHelper.GetString(r["DESCRIPTION"]); model.FieldLength = CommonHelper.GetInt(r["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]); model.FieldName = CommonHelper.GetString(r["COLUMN_NAME"]); model.FieldNumber = CommonHelper.GetInt(r["ORDINAL_POSITION"]); model.FieldSize = CommonHelper.GetInt(r["CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH"]); model.SetFieldType(Convert.ToInt32(r["DATA_TYPE"])); DataTable dtPrimanyKey = GetDbSchema(connectionString, OleDbSchemaGuid.Primary_Keys, null); foreach (DataRow rp in dtPrimanyKey.Rows) { if (rp[2].ToString() == tbName && rp[3].ToString() == model.FieldName) { model.IsKeyField = true; model.IsIdentifier = true; //由于无法获取标识,这里把主键就当成标识 } } model.TableName = CommonHelper.GetString(r["TABLE_NAME"]); return(model); }
internal void UpdateBoard(Model.GameBoard game) { Console.Clear(); int nRows = game.Height; int nCols = game.Width; Model.Field current = game.Origin; Model.Field neighbourBelow = current.FieldBelow; for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) { Console.Write(current.ToChar()); current = current.FieldToRight; } current = neighbourBelow; if (neighbourBelow != null) { neighbourBelow = current.FieldBelow; } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("------ > gebruik de toetsen 1 t/m 5 ------"); Console.WriteLine("- Jouw score: " + game.TotalScore.ToString() + " ---------------------"); }
private static Model.Table GetTable(DBUtility.DBHelper dbHelper, string dbName, DataRow rTable) { string tableName = rTable[0].ToString(); Model.Table table = new Model.Table(); table.Name = tableName; // 对每个表取字段属性 DataSet dsColumns = dbHelper.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, string.Format("select * from COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='{0}' and TABLE_NAME='{1}'", dbName, tableName), null); foreach (DataRow rField in dsColumns.Tables[0].Rows) { Model.Field field = new Model.Field(); field.IsIdentifier = rField["EXTRA"].ToString().ToLower() == "auto_increment"; field.IsKeyField = rField["COLUMN_KEY"].ToString().ToLower() == "pri"; field.AllowNull = rField["IS_NULLABLE"].ToString().ToLower() == "yes"; field.MySqlTypeString = SchemeHelper.GetString(rField["DATA_TYPE"]); field.DefaultValue = SchemeHelper.GetString(rField["COLUMN_DEFAULT"]); field.FieldDescn = SchemeHelper.GetString(rField["COLUMN_COMMENT"]); field.FieldLength = SchemeHelper.GetLong(rField["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]); field.FieldName = SchemeHelper.GetString(rField["COLUMN_NAME"]); field.FieldNumber = SchemeHelper.GetInt(rField["ORDINAL_POSITION"]); table.Fields.Add(field); } return(table); }
public static List <Model.Table> GetTableList(DataSet ds) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; List <Model.Table> lTable = new List <Model.Table>(); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { Model.Field model = GetField(r); foreach (Model.Table modelTable in lTable) { if (model.TableName == modelTable.Fields[0].TableName) { modelTable.Fields.Add(model); } else { Model.Table newTable = new Model.Table(); newTable.Name = model.TableName; newTable.Fields.Add(model); } } //lTable.Add(model); } return(lTable); }
private Model.Field GetField(string connectionString, string tbName, DataRow r) { Model.Field model = new Model.Field(); model.AllowNull = SchemeHelper.GetBool(r["IS_NULLABLE"]); model.DefaultValue = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["COLUMN_DEFAULT"]); model.FieldDescn = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["DESCRIPTION"]); model.FieldLength = SchemeHelper.GetInt(r["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]); model.FieldName = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["COLUMN_NAME"]); model.FieldNumber = SchemeHelper.GetInt(r["ORDINAL_POSITION"]); model.FieldSize = SchemeHelper.GetInt(r["CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH"]); model.OleDbTypeString = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["DATA_TYPE"]); model.IsIdentifier = SchemeHelper.GetInt(r["COLUMN_FLAGS"]) == 90; DataTable dtPrimanyKey = GetDbSchema(connectionString, OleDbSchemaGuid.Primary_Keys, null); foreach (DataRow rp in dtPrimanyKey.Rows) { if (rp[2].ToString() == tbName && rp[3].ToString() == model.FieldName) { model.IsKeyField = true; } } model.TableName = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["TABLE_NAME"]); return(model); }
private uint GetCaptureSize(Model.Field field) { var byte_aligned_offset = GetFieldByteOffset(field); var minimum_capture_size = field.Offset - byte_aligned_offset + field.SizeInBits(); var capture_type_width = (uint)Math.Max(Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(minimum_capture_size) / Math.Log(2))), 8); return(capture_type_width); }
public Pawn(Ellipse image, Model.Field startLocation, int playerNumber) { this.startLocation = startLocation; this.currentLocation = startLocation; this.startLocation.Pawn = this; this.image = image; this.playerNumber = playerNumber; }
//Place the barricade pawn on a certain location. public void setLocation(Model.Field location) { image.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, location.X); image.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, location.Y); currentLocation.Barricade = null; currentLocation = location; location.Barricade = this; }
internal Field(Model.Field modelField, PropertyMatcherViewModel viewModel, ConnectionDirection direction) { ModelField = modelField; ViewModel = viewModel; Direction = direction; _selectionStatus = SelectionStatus.NotSelected; Disconnect = new DisconnectCommand(this); }
public FullScreenForm(Model.Field field) { InitializeComponent(); Field = field; FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; KeyDown += OnKeyDown; skglControl1.KeyDown += OnKeyDown; }
private void GenerateField(Model.Field field, uint indent) { FieldGetterGenerator getterGenerator = new FieldGetterGenerator(field); write_indented(indent, getterGenerator.GetDeclaration()); write_indented(indent, "{"); write_indented(indent + 1, String.Join(Environment.NewLine, getterGenerator.GetBody())); write_indented(indent, "}"); }
void SetHeader(bool withHeaders, List <Model.Field> fields, Cell c, string cellValue) { var field = new Model.Field { ColumnIndex = fields.Count, FieldName = withHeaders ? cellValue : $"field{fields.Count + 1}", ExcelColumnReference = Regex.Replace(c.CellReference, "\\d", "") }; fields.Add(field); }
/// <summary> /// 判断一个字段是不是Char类型的(包括char,nchar,nvarchar,varchar) /// </summary> /// <param name="field"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsCharClassType(Model.Field field) { if (field.FieldType == Model.DataType.charType || field.FieldType == Model.DataType.ncharType || field.FieldType == Model.DataType.nvarcharType || field.FieldType == Model.DataType.varcharType) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 判断一个字段是不是Int类型的(包括bigint,int,smallint,tinyint) /// </summary> /// <param name="field"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsIntClassType(Model.Field field) { if (field.FieldType == Model.DataType.bigintType || field.FieldType == Model.DataType.intType || field.FieldType == Model.DataType.smallintType || field.FieldType == Model.DataType.tinyintType) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 判断一个字段是不是DataTime类型的(包括datetime,smalldatetime) /// </summary> /// <param name="field"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsDataTimeClassType(Model.Field field) { if (field.FieldType == Model.DataType.datetimeType || field.FieldType == Model.DataType.smalldatetimeType) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 是否要在Add方法中加入该参数 /// DAL层和存储过程中均要用此判断 /// </summary> public static bool ShouldBeParameter(Model.Table table, Model.Field field) { if (!field.IsIdentifier && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DefaultValue))) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
// コンストラクター internal Field(OfficeLineArt.LineArt lineArt, Model.Field fieldModel, Color color) : base(lineArt, fieldModel, color) { this.Excel = ((LineArt)this.LineArt).Application; var wb = this.Excel.Workbooks.Add(); Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[1]; this.Cell = ws.Cells[1, "A"]; this.Cell.RowHeight *= 25; this.Cell.ColumnWidth *= 10; }
public static List <Model.Field> GetList(DataSet ds) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; List <Model.Field> l = new List <Model.Field>(); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { Model.Field model = GetField(r); l.Add(model); } return(l); }
/// <summary> /// 是否需要在参数中加字段长度(如果长度超过8000,视为text型,无需加长度) /// </summary> public static bool ShouldAddLength(Model.Field field) { if ((field.DbType == DbType.AnsiString || field.DbType == DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength || field.DbType == DbType.String || field.DbType == DbType.StringFixedLength) && field.FieldLength <= 8000) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 增加一个DbParameter /// </summary> private static void AddInDbParameter(StringBuilder code, Model.Database db, Model.Field field, Model.CodeStyle style) { // 对于DateTime类型要特殊处理(针对Access的问题) if (field.DbType == DbType.DateTime) { AppendFormatLine(code, 4, "{0}.CreateInDbParameter(\"{1}\", DbType.{2}, model.{3}),", style.DBHelperName, field.SqlStoreProcedureParameter, DbType.String, field.FieldName); } else { AppendFormatLine(code, 4, "{0}.CreateInDbParameter(\"{1}\", DbType.{2}, model.{3}),", style.DBHelperName, field.SqlStoreProcedureParameter, field.DbType, field.FieldName); } }
public Database GetSchema(string connectionString, Model.DatabaseTypes type) { Model.Database database = new Model.Database(); database.ConnString = connectionString; database.Type = type; //获取所有表 DataTable dtAllTable = GetDbSchema(database.ConnString, OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "table" }); foreach (DataRow rt in dtAllTable.Rows) { Model.Table table = new Model.Table(); table.Name = rt["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); DataTable dtColumns = GetDbSchema(database.ConnString, OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, new object[] { null, null, table.Name }); foreach (DataRow rc in dtColumns.Rows) { Model.Field field = GetField(database.ConnString, table.Name, rc); table.AddField(field); } table.Fields.Sort(); database.AddTable(table); } //获取所有视图 DataTable dtAllView = GetDbSchema(database.ConnString, OleDbSchemaGuid.Views, null); foreach (DataRow rv in dtAllView.Rows) { Model.Table view = new Model.Table(); view.Name = rv["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); DataTable dtColumns = GetDbSchema(database.ConnString, OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, new object[] { null, null, view.Name }); foreach (DataRow rc in dtColumns.Rows) { Model.Field field = GetField(database.ConnString, view.Name, rc); view.AddField(field); } view.Fields.Sort(); database.AddView(view); } //获取所有存储过程 DataTable dtAllStoreProcedure = GetDbSchema(database.ConnString, OleDbSchemaGuid.Procedures, null); foreach (DataRow rsp in dtAllStoreProcedure.Rows) { database.StoreProcedures.Add(rsp["PROCEDURE_NAME"].ToString()); } return(database); }
private Model.Field GetField(DataRow r) { Model.Field model = new Model.Field(); model.AllowNull = SchemaHelper.GetBool(r["AllowNull"]); model.DefaultValue = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["DefaultValue"]); model.Descn = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["FieldDescn"]); model.Length = SchemaHelper.GetInt(r["FieldLength"]); model.Name = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["FieldName"]); model.Pos = SchemaHelper.GetInt(r["FieldNumber"]); model.Size = SchemaHelper.GetInt(r["FieldSize"]); model.FieldType = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["FieldType"]); model.IsId = SchemaHelper.GetBool(r["IsId"]); model.IsKey = SchemaHelper.GetBool(r["IsKey"]); return(model); }
private Model.Field GetField(DataRow r) { Model.Field model = new Model.Field(); model.AllowNull = SchemaHelper.GetBool(r["AllowNull"]); model.DefaultValue = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["DefaultValue"]); model.Descn = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["FieldDescn"]); model.Length = SchemaHelper.GetInt(r["FieldLength"]); model.Name = SchemaHelper.GetString(r["FieldName"]); model.Position = SchemaHelper.GetInt(r["FieldNumber"]); model.Size = SchemaHelper.GetInt(r["FieldSize"]); model.SetDbType(Model.DatabaseTypes.Sql2000, SchemaHelper.GetString(r["FieldType"])); model.IsIdentifier = SchemaHelper.GetBool(r["IsIdentifier"]); model.IsKeyField = SchemaHelper.GetBool(r["IsKeyField"]); return(model); }
/// <summary> /// 判断一个字段是不是String类型的(包括Xml,String,StringFixedLength,AnsiString,AnsiStringFixedLength) /// </summary> public static bool IsStringDbType(Model.Field field) { switch (field.DbType) { case DbType.Xml: case DbType.String: case DbType.StringFixedLength: case DbType.AnsiString: case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength: return(true); default: return(false); } }
private static Model.Field GetSQLField(DataRow r) { Model.Field model = new Model.Field(); model.AllowNull = CommonHelper.GetBool(r["AllowNull"]); model.DefaultValue = CommonHelper.GetString(r["DefaultValue"]); model.FieldDescn = CommonHelper.GetString(r["FieldDescn"]); model.FieldLength = CommonHelper.GetInt(r["FieldLength"]); model.FieldName = CommonHelper.GetString(r["FieldName"]); model.FieldNumber = CommonHelper.GetInt(r["FieldNumber"]); model.FieldSize = CommonHelper.GetInt(r["FieldSize"]); model.SetFieldType(r["FieldType"].ToString()); model.IsIdentifier = CommonHelper.GetBool(r["IsIdentifier"]); model.IsKeyField = CommonHelper.GetBool(r["IsKeyField"]); model.TableName = CommonHelper.GetString(r["TableName"]); return(model); }
private Model.Field GetField(DataRow r) { Model.Field model = new Model.Field(); model.AllowNull = SchemeHelper.GetBool(r["AllowNull"]); model.DefaultValue = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["DefaultValue"]); model.FieldDescn = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["FieldDescn"]); model.FieldLength = SchemeHelper.GetInt(r["FieldLength"]); model.FieldName = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["FieldName"]); model.FieldNumber = SchemeHelper.GetInt(r["FieldNumber"]); model.FieldSize = SchemeHelper.GetInt(r["FieldSize"]); model.SqlTypeString = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["FieldType"]); model.IsIdentifier = SchemeHelper.GetBool(r["IsIdentifier"]); model.IsKeyField = SchemeHelper.GetBool(r["IsKeyField"]); model.TableName = SchemeHelper.GetString(r["TableName"]); return(model); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a graphic representation of a Field entity /// </summary> /// <param name="field">the Field entity to be drawn</param> /// <returns>the representation of the provided Field entity</returns> public static string Draw(Model.Field field) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < field.Cells.GetLength(0); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < field.Cells.GetLength(0); j++) { var cell = field.Cells[i, j]; sb.Append(Draw(cell)); } sb.Append("\n"); } return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 判断一个字段是不是Int类型的(包括bigint,int,smallint,tinyint) /// </summary> public static bool IsIntDbType(Model.Field field) { switch (field.DbType) { case DbType.Int16: case DbType.Int32: case DbType.Int64: case DbType.UInt16: case DbType.UInt32: case DbType.UInt64: return(true); default: return(false); } }
//Convert a 2d String array map to a map of linked fields. public Model.Field[,] convertMap(String[,] stringMap, int width, int height) { iRows = height; iColumns = width; fields = new Model.Field[iColumns,iRows]; for (int iRow = 0; iRow < iRows; iRow++) { for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < iColumns; iColumn++) { switch (stringMap[iRow,iColumn]) { case "f": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.Finish(); break; case "#": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.Barricade(); break; case "o": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.Field(); break; case "|": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.LineField(); break; case "s": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.SafeSpot(); break; case "r": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.RedBase(); break; case "R": redStart = new Model.RedStart(); fields[iColumn, iRow] = redStart; break; case "g": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.GreenBase(); break; case "G": greenStart = new Model.GreenStart(); fields[iColumn, iRow] = greenStart; break; case "y": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.YellowBase(); break; case "Y": yellowStart = new Model.YellowStart(); fields[iColumn, iRow] = yellowStart; break; case "b": fields[iColumn, iRow] = new Model.BlueBase(); break; case "B": blueStart = new Model.BlueStart(); fields[iColumn, iRow] = blueStart; break; default: break; } if(fields[iColumn, iRow] is Model.Field) { fields[iColumn, iRow].X = iColumn; fields[iColumn, iRow].Y = iRow; } } } createLinks(); return fields; }
public BarricadePawn(Rectangle image, Model.Field startLocation) { this.currentLocation = startLocation; this.currentLocation.Barricade = this; this.image = image; }
//Functions public static void Read(string domain, MainController mainController) { string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(domain); string[,] characters = new string[lines[0].Length, lines.Length]; int numLines = lines.Length; int numChars = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) //making a 2 dimensional array of characters { Debug.WriteLine(""); string[] line = lines[i].ToCharArray().Select( c => c.ToString()).ToArray(); //string array van losse characters if (numChars == 0) numChars = line.Length; for (int j = 0; j < numChars; j++) { characters[j, i] = line[j]; Debug.Write(line[j]); } } Debug.WriteLine(""); Model.Field[,] fields = new Model.Field[(numLines + 1) / 2, (numChars / 4) - 1]; mainController.MakeGrid((numLines + 1) / 2, (numChars / 4) - 1); for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) //only parse even lines, uneven lines are all connector lines. { int returnTo = 0; int.TryParse(characters[0, i], out returnTo); bool barricadeAllowed = false; if (characters[1, i] == "B") { barricadeAllowed = true; } for (int j = 1; j < numChars / 4; j++) { Model.Field exitN = null; Model.Field exitW = null; if (i != 0) { if (characters[(j * 4) + 1, i - 1] == "|") { Debug.WriteLine("ExitN found"); if (characters[(j * 4) + 1, i - 2] == "|") //Removing the need for linking fields. Only works for vertical long links! { Debug.WriteLine("EXITN 1 extra up!"); exitN = fields[j - 1, (i / 2) - 2]; } else { exitN = fields[j - 1, (i / 2) - 1]; } mainController.DrawField("LinkUp", j - 1, (i / 2)); } } if (j > 1) { if (characters[(j * 4) - 1, i] == "-") { Debug.WriteLine("ExitW found"); exitW = fields[j - 2, (i/2)]; mainController.DrawField("LinkLeft", j - 1, (i / 2)); } } switch (characters[(j * 4), i]) //vakjes aanmaken. { case "<": if (characters[(j * 4) + 1, i] == " ") //goal { Model.GoalField goalField = new Model.GoalField(exitN, null, null, exitW, j - 1, (i / 2)); fields[j - 1, (i / 2)] = goalField; mainController.DrawField("GoalField", j - 1, (i / 2)); goalField.finishGame += mainController.FinishGame; break; } int numForest; if (int.TryParse(characters[(j * 4) + 1, i], out numForest)) //forest { fields[j - 1, (i / 2)] = new Model.Forest(exitN, null, null, exitW, numForest, j - 1, (i / 2)); mainController.DrawField("Forest", j - 1, (i / 2)); mainController.RegisterForest((Model.Forest)fields[j - 1, (i / 2)]); break; } //else startfield fields[j - 1, (i / 2)] = new Model.StartField(exitN, null, null, exitW, characters[(j * 4) + 1, i], j - 1, (i / 2)); mainController.RegisterStartField((Model.StartField)fields[j - 1, (i / 2)]); mainController.DrawField("StartField", j - 1, (i / 2)); break; case "(": fields[j - 1, (i / 2)] = new Model.Field(exitN, null, null, exitW, barricadeAllowed, returnTo, j - 1, (i / 2)); mainController.DrawField("Field", j - 1, (i / 2)); break; case "[": fields[j - 1, (i / 2)] = new Model.BarricadeField(exitN, null, null, exitW, barricadeAllowed, returnTo, j - 1, (i / 2)); mainController.DrawField("BarricadeField", j - 1, (i / 2)); break; case "{": fields[j - 1, (i / 2)] = new Model.SafeField(exitN, null, null, exitW, barricadeAllowed, returnTo, j - 1, (i / 2)); mainController.DrawField("SafeField", j - 1, (i / 2)); break; case " ": if (characters[(j * 4) + 1, i] == "|") { mainController.DrawField("LinkField", j - 1, (i / 2)); } break; } if (fields[j - 1, (i / 2)] != null) { fields[j - 1, (i / 2)].broadcastMove += mainController.BroadcastMove; } switch (characters[(j * 4) + 1, i]) { case "*": mainController.MakeBarricade(fields[j - 1, (i / 2)]); break; case "R": case "Y": case "G": case "B": mainController.MakePawn(characters[(j * 4) + 1, i], fields[j - 1, (i / 2)]); break; } } } } mainController.DrawAllMovables(); }
private Model.Field CreateField(SPField listField) { Model.Field field; switch (listField.Type) { case SPFieldType.Choice: field = new Model.FieldChoice { Choices = ((SPFieldChoice)listField).Choices.Cast<string>().ToList() }; break; case SPFieldType.MultiChoice: field = new Model.FieldChoice { Choices = ((SPFieldMultiChoice)listField).Choices.Cast<string>().ToList() }; break; case SPFieldType.DateTime: field = new Model.FieldDateTime { DateOnly = ((SPFieldDateTime)listField).DisplayFormat == SPDateTimeFieldFormatType.DateOnly }; break; case SPFieldType.Lookup: field = new Model.FieldLookup {AllowMultivalue = ((SPFieldLookup)listField).AllowMultipleValues}; break; default: field = new Model.Field(); break; } field.Id = listField.Id; field.IsHidden = listField.Hidden; field.IsReadonly = listField.ReadOnlyField; field.Title = listField.Title; field.InternalName = listField.InternalName; field.Group = listField.Group; field.Type = (Model.FieldType)listField.Type; return field; }