public void OperatorDefects(OracleCommand cmd, IDictionary <string, Model.DecisionProjectObjGJ> ts, Model.DetectRecordObjGJ detectRecordObj, DataTable dtUnitAreaConfig, DataTable dtDefectsData, int intImpID, int intRecordID, int intTaskID, int intPlanID) { try { int intDectsionProjectID = 0; int intDurationTime = 0;//偏差持续时间 string str = "CALL P_TBL00_DETECT_EXCEPTION"; //string strMain = "CALL P_TBL00_DETECT_EXCEPTION_MAIN"; Model.DecisionProjectObjGJ obj = null; string strValue = string.Empty; //int intNewRecordID = 0, intDetectType = 0; //1、根据RecordID从record表 获得,detectdate、linecode,linedir、plan表中的type //2、select TaskID from record表 where 检测日期<:detectdate and linecode== and linedir== and type==order by 检测日期 DESC //cmd.CommandText = "select id RecordID, detectType from (" + // " select,linecode,linedir,p.type detectType from tbl00_detect_record r,tbl00_detect_plan p " + // " where linecode = '" + detectRecordObj.LineCode + "' and r.linedir = '" + detectRecordObj.LineDir + "' and " + // " r.detectdate < to_date('" + detectRecordObj.DetectDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','yyyy-MM-dd') " + // " and r.planid = " + detectRecordObj.PlanID + " order by detectdate desc) " + // "where rownum = 1"; //this.myRed = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //if (this.myRed.Read()) //{ // intNewRecordID = int.Parse(this.myRed["RecordID"].ToString()); // intDetectType = int.Parse(this.myRed["detectType"].ToString()); //} //if (!this.myRed.IsClosed) this.myRed.Close(); string sYear = detectRecordObj.iXunCi.Substring(0, 4); string sMonth = detectRecordObj.iXunCi.Substring(4, 2); string sCi = detectRecordObj.iXunCi.Substring(7, 1); foreach (DataRow row in dtDefectsData.Rows) { #region 内部循环遍历 float fMile = 0F; int intRepeateTime = 0;//1重复;0未重复 int intDefectClass = int.Parse(row["defectclass"].ToString()); string strDefectType = row["defecttype"].ToString(); if (ts.TryGetValue(strDefectType, out obj)) { intDectsionProjectID = obj.ProjectID; } else { intDectsionProjectID = 0; continue; } float maxM = float.Parse(row["MAXMINOR"].ToString()) / 1000; fMile = float.Parse(row["MAXPOST"].ToString()) + maxM; float fFromPost = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["frompost"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["frompost"].ToString()); float fFromMinor = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["fromminor"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["fromminor"].ToString()); float fToPost = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["topost"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["topost"].ToString()); float fToMinor = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["tominor"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["tominor"].ToString()); //if (intDefectClass >= 2) //{ // if (intNewRecordID != 0) // intRepeateTime = SpExeFor(cmd, intNewRecordID, intDectsionProjectID, intDefectClass, detectRecordObj.LineCode, detectRecordObj.LineDir, // detectRecordObj.DetectDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), intDetectType, fMile); //} //IMPID,RECORDID,TASKID,PLANID,DETECTTYPE,LINEID,LINEDIRECTION,DETECT_DATE,MAX_KM,MAX_M,EXCEPTIONITEMID,EXCEPTION_LEVEL,START_KM,START_M,END_KM,END_M,DURATION_TIME,DURATION_DISTANCE, //EXCEPTION_VALUE,SPEEDSECTION,DETECTTRAINID,SPEED,TRACKLINETYPE,SEVERITY,TBCE,valid,DECISIONPROJECTID,REPEATTIME) strValue = "(" + intImpID + "," + intRecordID + "," + intTaskID + "," + intPlanID + ",'" + detectRecordObj.DetectType + "','" + detectRecordObj.LineCode + "','" + detectRecordObj.LineDir + "'," + "'" + detectRecordObj.DetectDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + row["MAXPOST"] + "," + row["MAXMINOR"] + "," + intDectsionProjectID + "," + row["defectclass"] + "," + fFromPost + "," + fFromMinor + "," + fToPost + "," + fToMinor + "," + intDurationTime + ",'" + row["LENGTH"] + "'," + row["MAXVAL1"] + "," + row["postedspd"] + ",'" + detectRecordObj.DetectTrain + "'," + row["speedatmaxval"] + ",'" + detectRecordObj.LineType + "'," + row["severity"] + ",'" + row["TBCE"] + "'," + intDectsionProjectID + "," + intRepeateTime + ",'" + sYear + "','" + sMonth + "','" + sCi + "')"; //基础偏差 this.strOra = str + strValue; cmd.CommandText = this.strOra;; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); #endregion } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message.ToString()); } }
private void ReadIIC(IDictionary <string, Model.DecisionProjectObjGJ> ts, Model.DetectRecordObjGJ detectRecordObj, DataTable dtUnitAreaConfig, DataTable dtSystemConfig, int intDataID, int intRecordID, int intTaskID, int intPlanID, string strIICPath, string strFileName, string strImpDes) { string strIICFullPath = GetIICDirection(dtSystemConfig) + strIICPath + "\\" + strFileName; using (OleDbConnection oleCn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + strIICFullPath + ";Persist Security Info=True")) { oleCn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("select * from defects_new", oleCn); OleDbDataReader myRed; bool bFxIsExists = true; try { myRed = cmd.ExecuteReader(); } catch { bFxIsExists = false; } string strSQLForDefects = string.Empty; string strSQLForTQI = string.Empty; if (!bFxIsExists) { strSQLForDefects = "select * from defects where valid <> 'N' and severity is not null"; strSQLForTQI = "TRANSFORM max([tqivalue]) SELECT [FROMPOST],round((round([basepost],3)-[FROMPOST])*1000,0) as [FROMMINOR] FROM tqi GROUP BY [FROMPOST],round((round([basepost],3)-[FROMPOST])*1000,0) PIVOT [tqimetricname]"; } else { //new表存在的情况 strSQLForDefects = "select * from defects_new where IsValid=1"; //strSQLForTQI = "TRANSFORM max([tqivalue]) SELECT [FROMPOST],[FROMMINOR] FROM fix_tqi GROUP BY [FROMPOST],[FROMMINOR] PIVOT [tqimetricname]"; strSQLForTQI = "select * FROM tqi_new"; } DataTable dtDefectsData = new DataTable("defects"); OleDbDataAdapter dapt = new OleDbDataAdapter(); dapt.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand(); dapt.SelectCommand.Connection = oleCn; dapt.SelectCommand.CommandText = strSQLForDefects; dapt.Fill(dtDefectsData); DataTable dtTQIData = new DataTable("tqi"); dapt.SelectCommand.CommandText = strSQLForTQI; dapt.Fill(dtTQIData); UtilityDBGJ utility = new UtilityDBGJ(); int intImpID = utility.OperatorImpLog(intDataID, intRecordID, strFileName, strIICPath, strImpDes); OracleConnection cn = new OracleConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OraConnStringGJ"].ConnectionString); cn.Open(); //OracleTransaction transaction = cn.BeginTransaction(); OracleCommand cmdInner = new OracleCommand(); cmdInner.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmdInner.Connection = cn; //cmdInner.Transaction = transaction; try { UtilityDBGJ.CreateErrorLog("开始导入TQI数据!"); utility.OperatorTQI(cmdInner, detectRecordObj, dtUnitAreaConfig, dtTQIData, bFxIsExists, intImpID, intRecordID, intTaskID, intPlanID); UtilityDBGJ.CreateErrorLog("完成导入TQI数据!"); UtilityDBGJ.CreateErrorLog("开始导入号为:" + intImpID.ToString() + "的文件"); utility.OperatorDefects(cmdInner, ts, detectRecordObj, dtUnitAreaConfig, dtDefectsData, intImpID, intRecordID, intTaskID, intPlanID); UtilityDBGJ.CreateErrorLog("完成导入号为:" + intImpID.ToString() + "的文件"); UtilityDBGJ.CreateErrorLog("开始执行存储过程!"); utility.OperatorStore(cmdInner, intImpID, intRecordID, dtSystemConfig, 1); utility.OperatorStore(cmdInner, intImpID, intRecordID, dtSystemConfig, 0); UtilityDBGJ.CreateErrorLog("完成执行存储过程!"); //transaction.Commit(); utility.SetDetectDataManage(intDataID); } catch (Exception e) { //transaction.Rollback(); utility.SetImpLog(e.Message.ToString(), intImpID); } finally { cmdInner.Dispose(); if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { cn.Close(); } if (cn != null) { cn.Dispose(); } } } }
public void OperatorTQI(OracleCommand cmd, Model.DetectRecordObjGJ detectRecordObj, DataTable dtUnitAreaConfig, DataTable dtTQI, bool isFixIsExists, int intImpID, int intRecordID, int intTaskID, int intPlanID) { try { int intTQILength = 0; int intUnitTypeID = 0; string strUnitCode = "00";//单位编码 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUnitCode)) { strUnitCode = "00"; } foreach (DataRow row in dtTQI.Rows) { string strMile = string.Empty; float fMile = 0.0F; if (!isFixIsExists) { float fMinor = float.Parse(row["FROMMINOR"].ToString()); if (fMinor >= 0.0F) { strMile = row["FROMPOST"] + "." + row["FROMMINOR"]; } else { fMile = float.Parse(row["FROMPOST"].ToString()) + fMinor / 1000; } } else { float fMinor = float.Parse(row["Start_M"].ToString()); if (fMinor >= 0.0F) { strMile = row["Start_KM"] + "." + row["Start_M"]; } else { fMile = float.Parse(row["Start_KM"].ToString()) + fMinor / 1000; } } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMile)) { fMile = float.Parse(strMile); } } catch (Exception) { //发生异常则将此条记录不导入! continue; } DataRow[] drs = dtUnitAreaConfig.Select("line_code = '" + detectRecordObj.LineCode + "' and line_dir='" + detectRecordObj.LineDir + "' and startmile <= " + fMile + " and " + fMile + " < endmile", "unittypeid desc"); if (drs.Length >= 1) { intUnitTypeID = int.Parse(drs[0]["unittypeid"].ToString()); strUnitCode = GetUnitCode(int.Parse(drs[0]["unittypeid"].ToString()), drs[0]["unit_code"].ToString()); } string sYear = detectRecordObj.iXunCi.Substring(0, 4); string sMonth = detectRecordObj.iXunCi.Substring(4, 2); string sCi = detectRecordObj.iXunCi.Substring(7, 1); if (!isFixIsExists) { float fSTDLATACCEL = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["STDLATACCEL"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["STDLATACCEL"].ToString()); float fSTDVERTACCEL = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["STDVERTACCEL"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["STDVERTACCEL"].ToString()); float fMAXSPEED = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["MAXSPEED"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["MAXSPEED"].ToString()); float fL_STDSURF = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["L_STDSURF"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["L_STDSURF"].ToString()); float fR_STDSURF = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["R_STDSURF"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["R_STDSURF"].ToString()); float fL_STDALIGNF = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["L_STDALIGN"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["L_STDALIGN"].ToString()); float fR_STDALIGN = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["R_STDALIGN"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["R_STDALIGN"].ToString()); float fSTDGAUGE = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["STDGAUGE"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["STDGAUGE"].ToString()); float fSTDCROSSLEVEL = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["STDCROSSLEVEL"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["STDCROSSLEVEL"].ToString()); float fSTDTWIST = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["STDTWIST"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["STDTWIST"].ToString()); float fSTDSUMS = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["STDSUMS"].ToString()) ? 0F : float.Parse(row["STDSUMS"].ToString()); this.strOra = "CALL P_TBL00_DETECT_TQI('" + detectRecordObj.DetectDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','" + detectRecordObj.LineCode + "','" + detectRecordObj.LineDir + "'," + intImpID + "," + intRecordID + "," + intTaskID + "," + intPlanID + "," + row["FROMPOST"] + "," + row["FROMMINOR"] + "," + intTQILength + "," + fL_STDSURF + "," + fR_STDSURF + "," + fL_STDALIGNF + "," + fR_STDALIGN + "," + fSTDGAUGE + "," + fSTDCROSSLEVEL + "," + fSTDTWIST + "," + fSTDSUMS + "," + fSTDLATACCEL + "," + fSTDVERTACCEL + "," + fMAXSPEED + ",'" + row["TBCE"] + "','" + strUnitCode + "','" + intUnitTypeID + "','" + sYear + "','" + sMonth + "','" + sCi + "')"; } else { //fix 的情况下 this.strOra = "CALL P_TBL00_DETECT_TQI('" + detectRecordObj.DetectDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','" + detectRecordObj.LineCode + "','" + detectRecordObj.LineDir + "'," + intImpID + "," + intRecordID + "," + intTaskID + "," + intPlanID + "," + row["Start_KM"] + "," + row["Start_M"] + "," + intTQILength + "," + row["STD_LSURF"] + "," + row["STD_RSURF"] + "," + row["STD_LALIGN"] + "," + row["STD_RALIGN"] + "," + row["STD_GAUGE"] + "," + row["STD_CROSSLEVEL"] + "," + row["STD_TWIST"] + "," + row["TQI"] + "," + row["STD_LACC"] + "," + row["STD_VACC"] + "," + row["MEAN_SPEED"] + ",'','" + strUnitCode + "','" + intUnitTypeID + "','" + sYear + "','" + sMonth + "','" + sCi + "')"; } cmd.CommandText = this.strOra; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// IIC文件导入 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IICDataImp(int id) { #region IIC文件导入 DataTable dtReadIICFiles = new DataTable(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); IDictionary <string, Model.DecisionProjectObjGJ> ts = null; IDictionary <int, Model.DetectRecordObjGJ> tsDetectRecord = null; DataTable dtUnitAreaConfig = new DataTable("UnitAreaConfig"); DataTable dtSystemConfig = new DataTable("SystemConfig"); string strOra = "select * from tbl00_detect_data_manage t where completestatus = 1 and id=" + id; using (OracleConnection cn = new OracleConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OraConnStringGJ"].ConnectionString)) { try { OracleDataAdapter dap = new OracleDataAdapter(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = strOra; cmd.Connection = cn; dap.SelectCommand = cmd; dap.Fill(ds); strOra = "select id, unittypeid, unit_code, unit_name, line_code, line_id, line_dir, startmile, endmile, status from tbl00_dic_unit_areaconfig"; dap.SelectCommand.CommandText = strOra; dap.Fill(dtUnitAreaConfig); strOra = "select * from tbl00_system_config"; dap.SelectCommand.CommandText = strOra; dap.Fill(dtSystemConfig); strOra = "select exceptionid,exceptioncn,exceptionitem,exceptionen from tbl01_dic_01exceptiontype where exceptionid<200"; cmd.CommandText = strOra; cn.Open(); OracleDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); ts = new Dictionary <string, Model.DecisionProjectObjGJ>(); while (red.Read()) { Model.DecisionProjectObjGJ obj = new Model.DecisionProjectObjGJ { ProjectID = int.Parse(red["exceptionid"].ToString()), MethodID = int.Parse(red["exceptionid"].ToString()), ProjectList = red["exceptioncn"].ToString(), ProjectDes = red["exceptionitem"].ToString(), ProjectSourceName = red["exceptionen"].ToString() }; ts.Add(obj.ProjectSourceName, obj); } if (!red.IsClosed) { red.Close(); } strOra = "select d.detecttrain,c.linetype,b.type detecttype,a.detectid, a.taskid, a.planid, a.detectdate, " + " a.lineid, a.linedirection, a.linename, a.rundirection, a.sys_train_id, '' as des,d.taskindex " + " from pw_run_record a,tbl00_detect_plan b,tbl01_dic_06iiclinecode c,tbl00_detect_task d " + " where and a.lineid=c.linecode and"; cmd.CommandText = strOra; red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); tsDetectRecord = new Dictionary <int, Model.DetectRecordObjGJ>(); while (red.Read()) { Model.DetectRecordObjGJ obj = new Model.DetectRecordObjGJ { DetectTrain = red["detecttrain"].ToString(), LineType = red["linetype"].ToString(), DetectType = red["detecttype"].ToString(), ID = int.Parse(red["detectid"].ToString()), TaskID = int.Parse(red["taskid"].ToString()), PlanID = int.Parse(red["planid"].ToString()), DetectDate = DateTime.Parse(red["detectdate"].ToString()), LineName = red["linename"].ToString(), LineDir = red["linedirection"].ToString(), TrainDir = red["rundirection"].ToString(), LineCode = red["lineid"].ToString(), TrainNumber = red["sys_train_id"].ToString(), Des = red["des"].ToString(), iXunCi = red["taskindex"].ToString() }; tsDetectRecord.Add(obj.ID, obj); } if (!red.IsClosed) { red.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ss = ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { cn.Close(); } if (cn != null) { cn.Dispose(); } } } if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { try { foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string strIICPath = row["DATAPATH"].ToString(); string strIICFileName = row["DATANAME"].ToString(); int intDataID = int.Parse(row["ID"].ToString()); int intRecordID = int.Parse(row["RECORDID"].ToString()); int intTaskID = int.Parse(row["TASKID"].ToString()); int intPlanID = int.Parse(row["PLANID"].ToString()); if (tsDetectRecord.ContainsKey(intRecordID)) { Model.DetectRecordObjGJ obj = tsDetectRecord[intRecordID]; ReadIIC(ts, obj, dtUnitAreaConfig, dtSystemConfig, intDataID, intRecordID, intTaskID, intPlanID, strIICPath, strIICFileName, string.Empty); } } } catch { return(false); } } return(true); #endregion }