/// <summary> /// Performs post-patch modlist corrections and validation, prompting user also to generate backups after a successful completion. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task DoPostPatchCleanup() { FlexibleMessageBox.Show(_mainWindow.Win32Window, UIMessages.PatchDetectedMessage, "Post Patch Cleanup Starting", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); MainWindow.MakeHighlander(); var resetLumina = false; await _mainWindow.LockUi("Performing Post-Patch Maintenence", "This may take a few minutes if you have many mods installed.", this); var gi = XivCache.GameInfo; if (XivCache.GameInfo.UseLumina) { resetLumina = true; XivCache.SetGameInfo(gi.GameDirectory, gi.GameLanguage, gi.DxMode, false, false, gi.LuminaDirectory, gi.UseLumina); } var workerStatus = XivCache.CacheWorkerEnabled; if (workerStatus) { // Stop the cache worker if it's running. XivCache.CacheWorkerEnabled = false; } try { var modding = new Modding(_gameDirectory); var _index = new Index(_gameDirectory); var _dat = new Dat(_gameDirectory); var validTypes = new List <int>() { 2, 3, 4 }; // We have to do a few things here. // 1. Save a list of what mods were enabled. // 2. Go through and validate everything that says it is enabled actually is enabled, or mark it as disabled and update its original index offset if it is not. // 3. Prompt the user for either a full disable and backup creation, or a restore to normal state (re-enable anything that was enabled before but is not now) var modList = modding.GetModList(); Dictionary <XivDataFile, IndexFile> indexFiles = new Dictionary <XivDataFile, IndexFile>(); // Cache our currently enabled stuff. List <Mod> enabledMods = modList.Mods.Where(x => x.enabled == true).ToList(); var toRemove = new List <Mod>(); foreach (var mod in modList.Mods) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.fullPath)) { var df = IOUtil.GetDataFileFromPath(mod.fullPath); if (!indexFiles.ContainsKey(df)) { indexFiles[df] = await _index.GetIndexFile(df); } var index1Value = indexFiles[df].Get8xDataOffset(mod.fullPath); var index2Value = indexFiles[df].Get8xDataOffsetIndex2(mod.fullPath); var oldOriginalOffset = mod.data.originalOffset; var modOffset = mod.data.modOffset; // In any event where an offset does not match either of our saved offsets, we must assume this is a new // default file offset for post-patch. if (index1Value != oldOriginalOffset && index1Value != modOffset && index1Value != 0) { // Index 1 value is our new base offset. var type = _dat.GetFileType(index1Value, df); // Make sure the file it's trying to point to is actually valid. if (validTypes.Contains(type)) { mod.data.originalOffset = index1Value; mod.enabled = false; } else { // Oh dear. The new index is f****d. Is the old Index Ok? type = _dat.GetFileType(oldOriginalOffset, df); if (validTypes.Contains(type) && oldOriginalOffset != 0) { // Old index is fine, so keep using that. // But mark the index value as invalid, so that we stomp on the index value after this. index1Value = -1; mod.enabled = false; } else { // Okay... Maybe the new Index2 Value? if (index2Value != 0) { type = _dat.GetFileType(index2Value, df); if (validTypes.Contains(type)) { // Set the index 1 value to invalid so that the if later down the chain stomps the index1 value. index1Value = -1; mod.data.originalOffset = index2Value; mod.enabled = false; } else { // We be f****d. throw new Exception("Unable to determine working original offset for file:" + mod.fullPath); } } else { // We be f****d. throw new Exception("Unable to determine working original offset for file:" + mod.fullPath); } } } } else if (index2Value != oldOriginalOffset && index2Value != modOffset && index2Value != 0) { // Our Index 1 was normal, but our Index 2 is changed to an unknown value. // If the index 2 points to a valid file, we must assume that this new file // is our new base data offset. var type = _dat.GetFileType(index2Value, df); if (validTypes.Contains(type) && index2Value != 0) { mod.data.originalOffset = index2Value; mod.enabled = false; } else { // Oh dear. The new index is f****d. Is the old Index Ok? type = _dat.GetFileType(oldOriginalOffset, df); if (validTypes.Contains(type) && oldOriginalOffset != 0) { // Old index is fine, so keep using that, but set the index2 value to invalid to ensure we // stomp on the current broken index value. index2Value = -1; } else { // We be f****d. throw new Exception("Unable to determine working original offset for file:" + mod.fullPath); } } } // Indexes don't match. This can occur if SE adds something to index2 that didn't exist in index2 before. if (index1Value != index2Value && index2Value != 0) { // We should never actually get to this state for file-addition mods. If we do, uh.. I guess correct the indexes and yolo? // ( Only way we get here is if SE added a new file at the same name as a file the user had created via modding, in which case, it's technically no longer a file addition mod ) indexFiles[df].SetDataOffset(mod.fullPath, mod.data.originalOffset); index1Value = mod.data.originalOffset; index2Value = mod.data.originalOffset; mod.enabled = false; } // Set it to the corrected state. if (index1Value == mod.data.modOffset) { mod.enabled = true; } else { mod.enabled = false; } // Perform a basic file type check on our results. var fileType = _dat.GetFileType(mod.data.modOffset, IOUtil.GetDataFileFromPath(mod.fullPath)); var originalFileType = _dat.GetFileType(mod.data.modOffset, IOUtil.GetDataFileFromPath(mod.fullPath)); if (!validTypes.Contains(fileType) || mod.data.modOffset == 0) { // Mod data is busted. Fun. toRemove.Add(mod); } if ((!validTypes.Contains(originalFileType)) || mod.data.originalOffset == 0) { if (mod.IsCustomFile()) { // Okay, in this case this is recoverable as the mod is a custom addition anyways, so we can just delete it. if (!toRemove.Contains(mod)) { toRemove.Add(mod); } } else { // Update ended up with us unable to find a working offset. Double fun. throw new Exception("Unable to determine working offset for file:" + mod.fullPath); } } } // Okay, this mod is now represented in the modlist in it's actual post-patch index state. var datNum = (int)((mod.data.modOffset / 8) & 0x0F) / 2; var dat = XivDataFiles.GetXivDataFile(mod.datFile); var originalDats = await _dat.GetUnmoddedDatList(dat); var datPath = $"{dat.GetDataFileName()}{Dat.DatExtension}{datNum}"; // Test for SE Dat file rollover. if (originalDats.Contains(datPath)) { // Shit. This means that the dat file where this mod lived got eaten by SE. We have to destroy the modlist entry at this point. toRemove.Add(mod); } } // Save any index changes we made. foreach (var dkv in indexFiles) { await _index.SaveIndexFile(dkv.Value); } // The modlist is now saved in its current index-represented post patch state. modding.SaveModList(modList); // We now need to clear out any mods that are irreparably f****d, and clear out all of our // internal data files so we can rebuild them later. var internalFiles = modList.Mods.Where(x => x.IsInternal()); toRemove.AddRange(internalFiles); if (toRemove.Count > 0) { var removedString = ""; // Soft-Disable all metadata mods, since we're going to purge their internal file entries. var metadata = modList.Mods.Where(x => x.fullPath.EndsWith(".meta") || x.fullPath.EndsWith(".rgsp")); foreach (var mod in metadata) { var df = IOUtil.GetDataFileFromPath(mod.fullPath); await modding.ToggleModUnsafe(false, mod, true, false, indexFiles[df], modList); } foreach (var mod in toRemove) { if (mod.data.modOffset == 0 || mod.data.originalOffset == 0) { if (mod.data.originalOffset == 0 && mod.enabled) { // This is awkward. We have a mod whose data got bashed, but has no valid original offset to restore. // So the indexes here are f****d if we do, f****d if we don't. throw new Exception("Patch-Broken file has no valid index to restore. Clean Index Restoration required."); } modList.Mods.Remove(mod); enabledMods.Remove(mod); removedString += mod.fullPath + "\n"; } else { if (mod.enabled) { var df = IOUtil.GetDataFileFromPath(mod.fullPath); await modding.ToggleModUnsafe(false, mod, true, false, indexFiles[df], modList); } modList.Mods.Remove(mod); // Since we're deleting this entry entirely, we can't leave it in the other cached list either to get re-enabled later. enabledMods.Remove(mod); if (!mod.IsInternal()) { removedString += mod.fullPath + "\n"; } } } // Save the index files and modlist again now that we've removed all the invalid entries. foreach (var dkv in indexFiles) { await _index.SaveIndexFile(dkv.Value); } modding.SaveModList(modList); // Show the user a message if we purged any real files. if (toRemove.Any(x => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.fullPath) && !x.IsInternal())) { var text = String.Format(UIMessages.PatchDestroyedFiles, removedString); FlexibleMessageBox.Show(_mainWindow.Win32Window, text, "Destroyed Files Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } // Always create clean index backups after this process is completed. _mainWindow.LockProgress.Report("Disabling Mods..."); await modding.ToggleAllMods(false); _mainWindow.LockProgress.Report("Creating Index Backups..."); var pc = new ProblemChecker(_gameDirectory); DirectoryInfo backupDir; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.Default.Backup_Directory); backupDir = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.Backup_Directory); } catch { throw new Exception("Unable to create index backups.\nThe Index Backup directory is invalid or inaccessible: " + Settings.Default.Backup_Directory); } await pc.BackupIndexFiles(backupDir); // Now restore the modlist enable/disable state back to how the user had it before. _mainWindow.LockProgress.Report("Re-Enabling mods..."); // Re-enable things. await modding.ToggleMods(true, enabledMods.Select(x => x.fullPath)); FlexibleMessageBox.Show(_mainWindow.Win32Window, UIMessages.PostPatchComplete, "Post-Patch Process Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } catch (Exception Ex) { // Show the user the error, then let them go about their business of fixing things. FlexibleMessageBox.Show(_mainWindow.Win32Window, String.Format(UIMessages.PostPatchError, Ex.Message), "Post-Patch Failure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } finally { if (resetLumina) { // Reset lumina mode back to on if we disabled it to perform update checks. XivCache.SetGameInfo(gi.GameDirectory, gi.GameLanguage, gi.DxMode, true, false, gi.LuminaDirectory, true); } XivCache.CacheWorkerEnabled = workerStatus; await _mainWindow.UnlockUi(this); } }