예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the modal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModalTitle">Modal title.</param>
        /// <param name="Mode">To determine confirm button style and content.</param>
        /// <returns>Modal result, Confirm or cancel depend on user selection.</returns>
        public async Task<DialogResult> ShowModal(string ModalTitle, ModalConfirmButton Mode)
            // Assign parameter to reflect on the component.
            // set animation class.
            animationName = ShowAnimation switch
                ModalShowAnimation.BounceIn => "animate__bounceIn",
                ModalShowAnimation.BounceInDown => "animate__bounceInDown",
                _ => "animate__bounceIn"
            AnimateClassName = $"{animationName} animate__fast";

            ConfirmType = Mode;
            this.ModalTitle = ModalTitle;

            Result = DialogResult.Undefiend;

            // set confirm button style and content.
            switch (Mode)
                case ModalConfirmButton.Add:
                    MainButtonClass = "btn-primary";
                    MainButtonText = "Add";
                case ModalConfirmButton.Edit:
                    MainButtonClass = "btn-primary";
                    MainButtonText = "Edit";
                case ModalConfirmButton.Delete:
                    MainButtonClass = "btn-danger";
                    MainButtonText = "Delete";
                    MainButtonClass = "btn-success";
                    MainButtonText = "Ok";

            // Show the modal.
            IsShown = true;

            // Force layout to refreshing component.

            // Wait for user input.
            while (Result == DialogResult.Undefiend)
                await Task.Delay(50);

            return Result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Show Add/Update Modal and return the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModalTitle">Modal Title.</param>
        /// <param name="Mode">Add or Update modal.</param>
        /// <param name="ItemId">Item unique identifier to send to server when confirm, In update mode only.</param>
        /// <param name="Item">Item to update, In update mode only.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <para>Tuble of DialogResult, T.</para>
        /// <para>Fisrt is ModalResult: represent user selection, confirm or cancel.</para>
        /// <para>Second is NewItem: new item or updated item.</para>
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <(DialogResult ModalResult, T NewItem)> ShowModal(string ModalTitle, DialogMode Mode, string ItemId = null, T Item = default)
            // Assign parameter to reflect on the component.
            DialogMode = Mode;
            this.Item  = Item;
            ModalConfirmButton mode = ModalConfirmButton.Add;

            if (Mode == DialogMode.Edit)
                // Update case:

                mode = ModalConfirmButton.Edit;

                // Create field for each property.
                for (int i = 0; i < Properties.Count; i++)
                    // Read property info.
                    var prop = typeof(T).GetProperty(Properties[i].Key);

                    // Read property value from item.
                    var value = prop.GetValue(Item);

                    // Assign value to defaultValue of the property to use in component.
                    Properties[i].DefaultValue = (value is DateTime) ? ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : value.ToString();
                // Add case:

                // Clear default values.
                for (int i = 0; i < Properties.Count; i++)
                    Properties[i].DefaultValue = "";

            // Show modal and wait for the result.
            var ModalResult = await ModalRef.ShowModal(ModalTitle, mode);

            // Create new instance for result.
            T updatedItem = default;

            if (ModalResult == DialogResult.Ok)
                // Modal confirmed:
                var param = new List <object>();

                // Add ItemId to contractor parameters list in Update mode.
                if (Mode == DialogMode.Edit)

                // Add all other properties.
                for (int i = 0; i < Properties.Count; i++)

                // Create new instance of T object.
                updatedItem = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), param.ToArray());

            return(ModalResult, updatedItem);