public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxKlepto = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("commander_klepto", "Commander Klepto"); uiBoxKlepto.AddLabel("UP/DOWN - Adjust Grind Pop Force", Side.left, () => { return(Main.enabled); }); uiBoxKlepto.AddLabel("LEFT/RIGHT - Adjust Manual Pop Force", Side.left, () => { return(Main.enabled); }); }
// Send a response to the mod manager about the launch status, success or not. static void Load(UnityModManager.ModEntry modEntry) { Main.modEntry = modEntry; settings = Settings.Load <Settings>(modEntry); if (!Directory.Exists(settings.ReplaysDirectory)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(settings.ReplaysDirectory); } catch (Exception e) { Main.modEntry.Logger.Error("Error creating Directory at " + Main.settings.ReplaysDirectory + ": " + e.Message); ReplayDirectoryExists = false; } } modId = modEntry.Info.Id; modEntry.OnSaveGUI = OnSaveGUI; modEntry.OnToggle = OnToggle; modEntry.OnGUI = OnSettingsGUI; _replaysDirectory = settings.ReplaysDirectory; ModUIBox uiBoxKiwi = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("", "Kiwi"); uiBoxKiwi.AddLabel("Start-Button/ R-Key - Open Replay Editor", Side.left, () => enabled); uiBoxKiwi.AddLabel("B-Button / Esc - Exit Replay Editor", Side.left, () => enabled); XLShredDataRegistry.SetData(Main.modId, "isReplayEditorActive", false); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxRafahel = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("com.rafahel_mello", "Rafahel Mello"); uiBoxRafahel.AddLabel("M - Toggle Switch Flip Trick Positions", ModUIBox.Side.right, () => Main.enabled, 1); uiBoxRafahel.AddLabel("N - Toggle Realistic Flip Tricks Mode", ModUIBox.Side.left, () => Main.enabled, 1); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxRafahel = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("com.rafahel_mello", "Rafahel Mello"); uiBoxRafahel.AddLabel("G - Toggle Faster Grind Spin", ModUIBox.Side.left, () => Main.enabled, 2); uiBoxRafahel.AddLabel("L - Toggle Faster Body Spin", ModUIBox.Side.right, () => Main.enabled, 2); }
public void Start() { lineDrawer = new LineDrawer(0.02f); lineDrawer2 = new LineDrawer(0.02f); lineDrawer3 = new LineDrawer(0.02f); uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("ghfear", "GHFear"); uiLabelRealisticVert = uiBox.AddLabel(LabelType.Toggle, "Realistic Vert (V)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.realisticVert && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.realisticVert = b, 1); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("", "Kiwi"); uiLabelRespawnNearBail = uiBox.AddLabel("respawn-near-bail", LabelType.Toggle, "Respawn Near Bail (R)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.RespawnNearBail && Main.enabled, (b) => { Main.settings.RespawnNearBail = b; XLShredDataRegistry.SetData("kiwi.XLShredRespawnNearBail", "isRespawnNearBailActive", b); } ); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("commander_klepto", "Commander Klepto"); uiLabelSlowMotion = uiBox.AddLabel(LabelType.Toggle, "Slow Motion (LB)", Side.right, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.fixedSlowmo && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.fixedSlowmo = b); ModMenu.Instance.RegisterTimeScaleTarget(Main.modId, () => { if (Main.enabled && Main.settings.fixedSlowmo) { return(0.6f); } return(1f); }); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("kubas121", "kubas121"); uiLabelAutoSlowmo = uiBox.AddLabel(LabelType.Toggle, "Auto Slow Motion (S)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.autoSlowmo && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.autoSlowmo = b); ModMenu.Instance.RegisterTimeScaleTarget(Main.modId, () => { if (Main.enabled && Main.settings.autoSlowmo && !PlayerController.Instance.boardController.AllDown) { return(0.6f); } return(1f); }); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxKubas = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("com.kubas121", "kubas121"); uiBoxKubas.AddLabel("S - Enable Automatic Slow Motion", ModUIBox.Side.left, () => Main.enabled); ModMenu.Instance.RegisterTimeScaleTarget(Main.modId, () => { if (Main.enabled && Main.settings.autoSlowmo && !PlayerController.Instance.boardController.AllDown) { return(0.6f); } return(1f); }); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxKlepto = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("com.commander_klepto", "Commander Klepto"); uiBoxKlepto.AddLabel("LB - Enable Slow Motion", ModUIBox.Side.right, () => Main.enabled); ModMenu.Instance.RegisterTimeScaleTarget(Main.modId, () => { if (Main.enabled && Main.settings.fixedSlowmo) { return(0.6f); } return(1f); }); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("rafahel_mello", "Rafahel Mello"); uiLabelDynamicCamera = uiBox.AddLabel(LabelType.Toggle, "Dynamic Camera (C)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.CameraModActive && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.CameraModActive = b, 0); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("", "Kiwi"); uiLabelDisablePushReduction = uiBox.AddLabel(LabelType.Toggle, "Disable Push Reduction (P)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.disablePushReduction && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.disablePushReduction = b); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("rafahel_mello", "Rafahel Mello"); uiLabelFixedSwitchFlipPositions = uiBox.AddLabel("switch-flip-trick-positions", LabelType.Toggle, "Switch Flip Trick Positions (M)", Side.right, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.fixedSwitchFlipPositions && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.fixedSwitchFlipPositions = b, 1); uiLabelRealisticFlipTricks = uiBox.AddLabel("realistic-flip-tricks", LabelType.Toggle, "Realistic Flip Tricks (N)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.realisticFlipTricks && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.realisticFlipTricks = b, 1); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("ghfear", "GHFear"); uiLabelDisableAutocatch = uiBox.AddLabel("disable-autocatch", LabelType.Toggle, "Disable Autocatch (A)", Side.right, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.disableAutocatch && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.disableAutocatch = b, 0); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox modUIBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("OneShot", "OneShot", 0); modUIBox.AddLabel(", / . - Adjust High Pop Force", 0, () => Main.enabled, 0); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("", "Kiwi"); uiLabelRespawnNearBail = uiBox.AddLabel(LabelType.Toggle, "Respawn Near Bail (R)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.respawnNearBail && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.respawnNearBail = b); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxRafahel = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("com.rafahel_mello", "Rafahel Mello"); uiBoxRafahel.AddLabel("C - Toggle Dynamic Camera", ModUIBox.Side.left, () => Main.enabled, 0); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("rafahel_mello", "Rafahel Mello"); uiLabelFasterGrindSpin = uiBox.AddLabel("faster-grind-spin", LabelType.Toggle, "Faster Grind Spin (G)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.grindSpinVelocityEnabled && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.grindSpinVelocityEnabled = b, 2); uiLabelFasterBodySpin = uiBox.AddLabel("faster-body-spin", LabelType.Toggle, "Faster Body Spin (L)", Side.right, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.spinVelocityEnabled && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.spinVelocityEnabled = b, 2); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxFigzyy = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("com.figzy", "*Figzyy"); uiBoxFigzyy.AddLabel("Page UP/DOWN - Adjust Push Speed", ModUIBox.Side.left, () => Main.enabled); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox uiBoxFigzyy = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("figzy", "*Figzyy"); uiBoxFigzyy.AddLabel("+/- - Adjust Pop Force", Side.right, () => Main.enabled); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("figzy", "*Figzyy"); uiBox.AddLabel("adjust-pop-force", "+/- - Adjust Pop Force", Side.right, () => Main.enabled); }
public void Start() { ModUIBox modUIBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("skinty", "SkiNty"); modUIBox.AddLabel("Home/End or Left/Right Bracket - Adjust Brake Force", Side.left, () => Main.enabled); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("figzy", "*Figzyy"); uiBox.AddLabel("adjust-push-speed", "Page UP/DOWN - Adjust Push Speed", Side.left, () => Main.enabled); }
public void Start() { uiBox = ModMenu.Instance.RegisterModMaker("ghfear", "GHFear"); uiLabelRealisticVert = uiBox.AddLabel("realistic-vert", LabelType.Toggle, "Realistic Vert (V)", Side.left, () => Main.enabled, Main.settings.realisticVert && Main.enabled, (b) => Main.settings.realisticVert = b, 1); }