예제 #1
        public async Task SendModMail([Remainder] string Message)
            if (RestrictionsDB.IsUserRestricted(Context.User, Databases.UserRestrictions.Restriction.Modmail))
                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("You aren't permitted to send modmails!")
                .WithDescription("You have been blacklisted from using this service. If you think this is a mistake, feel free to personally contact an administrator")


            if (Message.Length > 1250)
                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("Your modmail message is too big!")
                .WithDescription("Please try to summarise your modmail a touch! If you are unable to, try send it in two different messages! " +
                                 $"This character count should be under 1250 characters. This is due to how Discord handles embeds and the added information we need to apply to the embed. " +
                                 $"The current modmail message character count is {Message.Length}.")


            string Tracker = CreateToken();

            Attachment Attachment = Context.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault();

            string ProxyURL = string.Empty;

            if (Attachment != null)
                ProxyURL = await Attachment.ProxyUrl.GetProxiedImage(Tracker, DiscordSocketClient, ProposalService.ProposalConfiguration);

            IUserMessage UsrMessage = await(DiscordSocketClient.GetChannel(ModerationConfiguration.ModMailChannelID) as ITextChannel).SendMessageAsync(
                embed: BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Unknown)
                .WithTitle($"Anonymous Modmail #{ModMailDB.ModMail.Count() + 1}")

            ModMail ModMail = new() {
                Message   = Message,
                UserID    = Context.User.Id,
                MessageID = UsrMessage.Id,
                Tracker   = Tracker



            await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Love)
            .WithTitle("Successfully Sent Modmail")
            .WithDescription($"Haiya! Your message has been sent to the staff team.\n\n" +
                             $"Your modmail token is: `{ModMail.Tracker}`, which is what the moderators use to reply to you. " +
                             $"Only give this out to a moderator if you wish to be identified.\n\n" +
                             $"Thank you~! - {DiscordSocketClient.GetGuild(BotConfiguration.GuildID).Name} Staff Team <3")
예제 #2
        public async Task UserDMCommand(string Token, [Remainder] string Message)
            ModMail ModMail = ModMailDB.ModMail.Find(Token);

            IUser User = null;

            if (ModMail != null)
                User = DiscordSocketClient.GetUser(ModMail.UserID);

            if (ModMail == null || User == null)
                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Annoyed)
                .WithTitle("Could Not Find Token!")
                .WithDescription("Haiya! I couldn't find the modmail for the given token. Are you sure this exists in the database? " +
                                 "The token should be given as the footer of the embed. Make sure this is the token and not the modmail number.")
                SocketChannel SocketChannel = DiscordSocketClient.GetChannel(ModerationConfiguration.ModMailChannelID);

                if (SocketChannel is SocketTextChannel TextChannel)
                    IMessage MailMessage = await TextChannel.GetMessageAsync(ModMail.MessageID);

                    if (MailMessage is IUserMessage MailMSG)
                        try {
                            await MailMSG.ModifyAsync(MailMSGs => MailMSGs.Embed = MailMessage.Embeds.FirstOrDefault().ToEmbedBuilder()
                                                      .AddField($"Replied By: {Context.User.Username}", Message.Length > 300 ? $"{Message.Substring(0, 300)} ..." : Message)
                        } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
                            IMessage Messaged = await MailMSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : MailMSG.Embeds.FirstOrDefault().ToEmbedBuilder().Build());

                            ModMail.MessageID = Messaged.Id;
                        throw new Exception($"Woa, this is strange! The message required isn't a socket user message! Are you sure this message exists? ModMail Type: {MailMessage.GetType()}");
                    throw new Exception($"Eek! The given channel of {SocketChannel} turned out *not* to be an instance of SocketTextChannel, rather {SocketChannel.GetType().Name}!");

                await BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Love)
                .WithTitle("Modmail User DM")
                .AddField("Sent By", Context.User.GetUserInformation())
                .SendDMAttachedEmbed(Context.Channel, BotConfiguration, User,
                                     .WithTitle($"Modmail From {Context.Guild.Name}")