예제 #1
    public void Update()
        if (ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam Toggle"))
            IsEnabled = !IsEnabled;

            if (!IsEnabled)
                Time.timeScale = 1f;

                FreeCamera.enabled = false;
                if (PrevCamera != null)
                    PrevCamera.enabled = true;
                QualitySettings.lodBias         = 1f;
                QualitySettings.maximumLODLevel = 0;

                PrevCamera = Camera.main;
                if (PrevCamera != null)
                    FreeCamera.transform.position    = PrevCamera.transform.position;
                    FreeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, PrevCamera.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0f);
                    MouseLook.targetDirection        = PrevCamera.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    MouseLook.mouseAbsolute          = Vector2.zero;
                    FreeCamera.fieldOfView           = PrevCamera.fieldOfView;
                    if (FreeCamera.fieldOfView < 10f)
                        FreeCamera.fieldOfView = 75f;
                    PrevCamera.enabled = false;
                FreeCamera.enabled = true;

                if (CameraManager.Instance != null)

            ModLogger.Log("freecam", $"{(IsEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")} MAGIC CAMERA™ mode.");

        if (IsEnabled && ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam Light Toggle"))
            IsFullBright = !IsFullBright;
        if (!WasFullBright && IsFullBright)
            OriginalAmbienceColor       = RenderSettings.ambientLight;
            RenderSettings.ambientLight = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
        else if (WasFullBright && !IsFullBright)
            RenderSettings.ambientLight = OriginalAmbienceColor;
        WasFullBright = IsFullBright;

        if (CameraManager.Instance != null)
            CameraManager.Instance.enabled = !IsEnabled;

        GUIInfoGroup.Visible = IsEnabled && IsGUIVisible;

        if (_FreeCamera != null)
            MouseLook.enabled = IsEnabled;

        if (!IsEnabled)

        MouseLook.enabled = !ModGUI.MainGroup.Visible;

        if (ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam GUI Toggle"))
            IsGUIVisible = !IsGUIVisible;
        if (ModInput.GetButtonDown("FreeCam Game GUI Toggle Ext"))

         * if (CameraManager.Instance != null) {
         *  FreeCamera.enabled = true;
         *  if (Camera.main != null && Camera.main != FreeCamera)
         *      ApplyDOFToFreeCam();
         * }

        FreeCamera.enabled = true;

        Transform camt = FreeCamera.transform;

        Speed = Mathf.Max(0.01f, Speed + 0.01f * ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Move Speed"));
        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Move Speed Reset"))
            Speed = DefaultSpeed;

        float speed = Speed;

        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Run"))
            speed *= 4f;

        Vector3 dir = Vector3.zero;

        dir += camt.forward * ModInput.GetAxis("Vertical");

        float angleY = camt.rotation.eulerAngles.y;

        angleY = (angleY + 90f) / 180f * Mathf.PI;
        if (camt.rotation.eulerAngles.z == 180f)
            angleY += Mathf.PI;
        dir += new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(angleY), 0f, Mathf.Cos(angleY)) * ModInput.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        if (dir != Vector3.zero)
            camt.position += dir * speed * SpeedF;

        camt.position += Vector3.up * ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Y Movement") * speed * SpeedF;

        float timeScalePrev = Time.timeScale;

        Time.timeScale = Mathf.Clamp(Time.timeScale + ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Game Speed") * (
                                         Time.timeScale < 0.24999f ? 0.01f :
                                         Time.timeScale < 1.99999f ? 0.05f :
                                         Time.timeScale < 7.99999f ? 0.5f :
                                         Time.timeScale < 15.99999f ? 1f :
                                         ), 0f, 100f);

        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Game Speed Reset"))
            Time.timeScale = 1f;

        if (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Game Speed Freeze"))
            Time.timeScale = 0f;

        int scaleRound = Mathf.FloorToInt(Time.timeScale * 100f);

        if (Time.timeScale >= 0.25f && scaleRound % 10 == 9)
            Time.timeScale = (scaleRound + 1) / 100f;

        GUIInfoGameSpeed.Text = $"Game speed: {Mathf.FloorToInt(Time.timeScale * 100f)}%";
        GUIInfoMoveSpeed.Text = $"Movement speed: {(speed / DefaultSpeed * 100f).ToString("N0")}%";
        GUIInfoSceneName.Text = $"Scene (level): {SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name}";
        Vector3 pos = camt.position;
        Vector3 rot = camt.eulerAngles;

        GUIInfoPosition.Text = $"Position: {pos.x.ToString("0000.00")}, {pos.y.ToString("0000.00")}, {pos.z.ToString("0000.00")}";
        GUIInfoRotation.Text = $"Rotation: {rot.x.ToString("0000.00")}, {rot.y.ToString("0000.00")}, {rot.z.ToString("0000.00")}";
예제 #2
    public override void Init()
        Instance = this;

        new SGroup()
            Parent     = ModGUI.HelpGroup,
            Background = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f),
            AutoLayout = elem => elem.AutoLayoutVertical,
            AutoLayoutVerticalStretch = false,
            AutoLayoutPadding         = 0f,
            OnUpdateStyle             = ModGUI.SegmentGroupUpdateStyle,
            Children =
                new SLabel("Magic Camera™:")
                    Background = ModGUI.HeaderBackground,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.HeaderForeground
                new SLabel("Special thanks to Shesez (Boundary Break)!")
                    Background = ModGUI.HeaderBackground,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.HeaderForeground

                new SLabel("Controller:")
                    Background = ModGUI.HeaderBackground,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.HeaderForeground
                new SLabel("Press L3 and R3 (into the two sticks) at the same time."),
                new SLabel("Movement:")
                    Background = ModGUI.Header2Background,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.Header2Foreground
                new SLabel("Left stick: First person movement"),
                new SLabel("Right stick: Rotate camera"),
                new SLabel("LB / L1: Move straight down"),
                new SLabel("RB / R1: Move straight up"),
                new SLabel("Speed manipulation:")
                    Background = ModGUI.Header2Background,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.Header2Foreground
                new SLabel("LT / L2: Reduce move speed"),
                new SLabel("RT / R2: Increase move speed"),
                new SLabel("LT + RT / L2 + R2: Reset move speed"),
                new SLabel("DPad left: Freeze game"),
                new SLabel("DPad right: Reset game speed"),
                new SLabel("LT + RT / L2 + R2: Reset move speed"),
                new SLabel("Other:")
                    Background = ModGUI.Header2Background,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.Header2Foreground
                new SLabel("B / Circle: Toggle info in bottom-right corner"),
                new SLabel("X / Square: Toggle game GUI / HUD"),
                new SLabel("Y / Triangle: Toggle neutral lighting"),

                new SLabel("Keyboard:")
                    Background = ModGUI.HeaderBackground,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.HeaderForeground
                new SLabel("Press F12."),
                new SLabel("Movement:")
                    Background = ModGUI.Header2Background,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.Header2Foreground
                new SLabel("WASD: First person movement"),
                new SLabel("R / F: Move straight down"),
                new SLabel("Q / E: Move straight up"),
                new SLabel("Mouse: Rotate camera"),
                new SLabel("Shift: Run"),
                new SLabel("Speed manipulation:")
                    Background = ModGUI.Header2Background,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.Header2Foreground
                new SLabel("1 / Scroll up: Reduce move* speed"),
                new SLabel("2 / Scroll down: Increase move* speed"),
                new SLabel("3 / Middle mouse button: Reset move* speed"),
                new SLabel("Hold control + scroll = modify game speed"),
                new SLabel("4: Reduce game speed"),
                new SLabel("5: Increase game speed"),
                new SLabel("6: Reset game speed"),
                new SLabel("7: Freeze game"),
                new SLabel("Other:")
                    Background = ModGUI.Header2Background,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.Header2Foreground
                new SLabel("F3: Toggle info in bottom-right corner"),
                new SLabel("F4: Toggle neutral lighting")

        GUISettingsGroup = new SGroup()
            Parent        = ModGUI.SettingsGroup,
            Background    = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f),
            AutoLayout    = elem => elem.AutoLayoutVertical,
            OnUpdateStyle = ModGUI.SegmentGroupUpdateStyle,
            Children      =
                new SLabel("Magic Camera™:")
                    Background = ModGUI.HeaderBackground,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.HeaderForeground

                new SButton("Show Camera Info")
                    Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
                    With      = { new SCheckboxModifier()
                                      GetValue = b => IsGUIVisible,
                                      SetValue = (b, v) => IsGUIVisible = v
                                  } }

                new SButton("Neutral Ambient Lighting")
                    Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
                    With      = { new SCheckboxModifier()
                                      GetValue = b => IsFullBright,
                                      SetValue = (b, v) => IsFullBright = v
                                  } }

        GUIInfoGroup = new SGroup()
            ScrollDirection   = SGroup.EDirection.Vertical,
            AutoLayout        = elem => elem.AutoLayoutVertical,
            AutoLayoutPadding = 0f,

            OnUpdateStyle = elem => {
                elem.Size     = new Vector2(256, elem.Backend.LineHeight * elem.Children.Count);
                elem.Position = elem.Root.Size - elem.Size;

            Children =
                new SLabel("MAGIC CAMERA™")
                    Background = ModGUI.HeaderBackground,
                    Foreground = ModGUI.HeaderForeground
                new SLabel("Press F1 to view controls."),
                new SLabel(),
                (GUIInfoGameSpeed = new SLabel()),
                (GUIInfoMoveSpeed = new SLabel()),
                new SLabel(),
                (GUIInfoSceneName = new SLabel()),
                (GUIInfoPosition = new SLabel()),
                (GUIInfoRotation = new SLabel()),

        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Toggle"] =
            input => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F12) || (ModInput.GetButton("LS") && ModInput.GetButton("RS"));
        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam GUI Toggle"] =
            input => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F3) || ModInput.GetButton("B");
        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Game GUI Toggle Ext"] =
            input => ModInput.GetButton("X");

        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Light Toggle"] =
            input => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F4) || ModInput.GetButton("Y");

        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Run"] =
            input => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift);

        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Internal Speed Switch"] =
            input => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl);

        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Internal Speed Reset"] =
            input => Input.GetMouseButton(2) || (ModInput.GetButton("LT") && ModInput.GetButton("RT"));
        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Move Speed Reset"] =
            input =>
            Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha3) ||
            (!ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Internal Speed Switch") && ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Internal Speed Reset"));
        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Game Speed Reset"] =
            input =>
            Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha6) || ModInput.GetButton("DPadRight") ||
            (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Internal Speed Switch") && ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Internal Speed Reset"));
        ModInput.ButtonMap["FreeCam Game Speed Freeze"] =
            input => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha7) || ModInput.GetButton("DPadLeft");

        ModInput.AxisMap["FreeCam Y Movement"] =
            input =>
            Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q) || ModInput.GetButton("LB") ? -1f :
            Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E) || ModInput.GetButton("RB") ?  1f :

        ModInput.AxisMap["FreeCam Internal Speed"] =
            input =>
            Input.mouseScrollDelta.y +
            (ModInput.GetButton("LT") ? -0.4f : ModInput.GetButton("RT") ? 0.4f : 0f);
        ModInput.AxisMap["FreeCam Move Speed"] =
            input =>
            (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha1) ? -0.4f : Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha2) ? 0.4f : 0f) +
            (!ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Internal Speed Switch") ? ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Internal Speed") : 0f);
        ModInput.AxisMap["FreeCam Game Speed"] =
            input =>
            (ModInput.GetButton("DPadUp") ? 0.4f : ModInput.GetButton("DPadDown") ? -0.4f : 0f) +
            (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha4) ? -0.4f : Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha5) ? 0.4f : 0f) +
            (ModInput.GetButton("FreeCam Internal Speed Switch") ? ModInput.GetAxis("FreeCam Internal Speed") : 0f);

        SceneManager.activeSceneChanged += (sceneA, sceneB) => {
            WasFullBright = IsFullBright = false;

        ModEvents.OnUpdate += Update;
        // Only make the game use the player input when the free cam is disabled.
        ModEvents.OnPlayerInputUpdate += input => !IsEnabled;