public override void SetStaticDefaults()
     Tooltip.SetDefault("Reduces melee critical rate to 0%\n" +
                        $"Critical rate will increase by {incCrit}% for every successful hit with a melee weapon\n" +
                        $"Critical rate will reset back to 0% after not landing a hit for " +
                        $"{ModHelpers.ToSeconds(tickReset)} {ModHelpers.PluralizeSecond(tickReset)}\n" +
                        "The horns themselves come from the devil itself.\n" +
                        "Natural hate over everything will be built upon the owner's heart." +
                        "Artifact of the Devil");
 public override void SetStaticDefaults()
     Tooltip.SetDefault("Reduces melee critical damage to 0%\n" +
                        $"Critical damage will increase by {ModHelpers.ToPercentage(incCritDmg)}% every " +
                        $"{ModHelpers.ToSeconds(tickInc)} {ModHelpers.PluralizeSecond(tickInc)} when in battle\n" +
                        $"Critical damage will decrease by {ModHelpers.ToPercentage(decCritDmg)}% if hurt\n" +
                        "The very garments of the evil one.\n" +
                        "The wearer will have the same power as the evil one, but at what cost?\n" +
                        "Artifact of the Devil");