public override void OnEnterWorld(Player player) { // We can refresh UI using OnEnterWorld. OnEnterWorld happens after Load, so nonStopParty is the correct value. ModContent.GetInstance <ExampleMod>().ExampleUI.ExampleButton.HoverText = "SendClientChanges Example: Non-Stop Party " + (nonStopParty ? "On" : "Off"); }
public override bool Autoload(ref string name) { return(ModContent.GetInstance <ServerConfig>().WormholeMirror); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { Fluftrodon _Fluftrodon = ModContent.GetInstance <Fluftrodon>(); base.Update(gameTime); Fluftrodon.FluftrodonPaintTileMode = FluftrodonPaintTileMode2; Fluftrodon.FluftrodonPaintWallMode = FluftrodonPaintWallMode2; Fluftrodon.FluftrodonPaintColor = FluftrodonPaintColor2; if (FluftrodonPaintTileMode2 == 0) { FluftrodonPaintUIBrushText.SetText("Ignore"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintTileMode2 == 1) { FluftrodonPaintUIBrushText.SetText("Paint"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintTileMode2 == 2) { FluftrodonPaintUIBrushText.SetText("Erase"); } else { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Error (please report to MrPlague!)"); } if (FluftrodonPaintWallMode2 == 0) { FluftrodonPaintUIRollerText.SetText("Ignore"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintWallMode2 == 1) { FluftrodonPaintUIRollerText.SetText("Paint"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintWallMode2 == 2) { FluftrodonPaintUIRollerText.SetText("Erase"); } else { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Error (please report to MrPlague!)"); } if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 1) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Red"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 2) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Orange"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 3) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Yellow"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 4) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Lime"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 5) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Green"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 6) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Teal"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 7) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Cyan"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 8) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Sky"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 9) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Blue"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 10) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Purple"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 11) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Violet"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 12) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Pink"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 25) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Black"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 27) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Gray"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 26) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("White"); } else if (FluftrodonPaintColor2 == 28) { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Brown"); } else { FluftrodonPaintUIColorText.SetText("Error (please report to MrPlague!)"); } if (_Fluftrodon.FluftrodonPaintUIPositionSet) { FluftrodonPaintUIPanelBackground.Left.Set(Main.mouseX - 100, 0); FluftrodonPaintUIPanelBackground.Top.Set(Main.mouseY - 33, 0); } if (!_Fluftrodon.FluftrodonPaintUI) { FluftrodonPaintUIPanelBackground.Left.Set(999999, 0); FluftrodonPaintUIPanelBackground.Top.Set(999999, 0); } Recalculate(); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Crimtane Defense Knives"); Tooltip.SetDefault("These knives form a protective Crimtane wall when thrown"); PlateType = ModContent.GetInstance <Items.Materials.Plates.CrimtanePlate>(); }
internal void Save(TagCompound tags) { var myworld = ModContent.GetInstance <ModHelpersWorld>(); tags["half_days_elapsed_" + myworld.ObsoleteId] = (int)this.HalfDaysElapsed; }
public override void OnChanged() { ModContent.GetInstance <BossFightLives>().ConfigureUi(this); }
//////////////// private static void _Draw(GameTime gameTime) // <- Just in case references are doing something funky... { ModContent.GetInstance <MenuItemManager>()?.Draw(gameTime); }
//////////////// public static void AddWidgetVisibilityHook(Func <string, bool> hook) { var mymod = ModContent.GetInstance <HUDElementsLibMod>(); mymod.VisibilityHooks.Add(hook); }
public override void PostUpdate() { if (Main.dayTime && VolcanoCountdown == 0) { if (VolcanoCooldown > 0) { VolcanoCooldown--; } if (VolcanoCooldown <= 0 && Main.rand.NextBool(VolcanoChance) && !ModContent.GetInstance <ExampleConfigServer>().DisableVolcanoes) { string key = "Mods.ExampleMod.VolcanoWarning"; Color messageColor = Color.Orange; if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) // Server { NetMessage.BroadcastChatMessage(NetworkText.FromKey(key), messageColor); } else if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer) // Single Player { Main.NewText(Language.GetTextValue(key), messageColor); } VolcanoCountdown = DefaultVolcanoCountdown; VolcanoCooldown = DefaultVolcanoCooldown; } } if (VolcanoCountdown > 0) { VolcanoCountdown--; if (VolcanoCountdown == 0) { VolcanoTremorTime = DefaultVolcanoTremorTime; // Since PostUpdate only happens in single and server, we need to inform the clients to shake if this is a server if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { var netMessage = mod.GetPacket(); netMessage.Write((byte)ExampleModMessageType.SetTremorTime); netMessage.Write(VolcanoTremorTime); netMessage.Send(); } for (int playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < 255; playerIndex++) { if (Main.player[playerIndex].active) { Player player = Main.player[playerIndex]; int speed = 12; float spawnX = Main.rand.Next(1000) - 500 + player.Center.X; float spawnY = -1000 + player.Center.Y; var baseSpawn = new Vector2(spawnX, spawnY); Vector2 baseVelocity = player.Center - baseSpawn; baseVelocity.Normalize(); baseVelocity = baseVelocity * speed; var identities = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < VolcanoProjectiles; i++) { Vector2 spawn = baseSpawn; spawn.X = spawn.X + i * 30 - VolcanoProjectiles * 15; Vector2 velocity = baseVelocity; velocity = baseVelocity.RotatedBy(MathHelper.ToRadians(-VolcanoAngleSpread / 2 + VolcanoAngleSpread * i / (float)VolcanoProjectiles)); velocity.X = velocity.X + 3 * Main.rand.NextFloat() - 1.5f; int projectile = Projectile.NewProjectile(spawn.X, spawn.Y, velocity.X, velocity.Y, Main.rand.Next(ProjectileID.MolotovFire, ProjectileID.MolotovFire3 + 1), 10, 10f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[projectile].hostile = true; Main.projectile[projectile].Name = "Volcanic Rubble"; identities.Add(Main.projectile[projectile].identity); } if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { var netMessage = mod.GetPacket(); netMessage.Write((byte)ExampleModMessageType.VolcanicRubbleMultiplayerFix); netMessage.Write(identities.Count); for (int i = 0; i < identities.Count; i++) { netMessage.Write(identities[i]); } netMessage.Send(); } } } } } }
public override void SetDefaults(Item item) { Mod Calamity = ModLoader.GetMod("CalamityMod"); // Axes // // Cobalt Axe if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltWaraxe && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 72; // From 33 item.knockBack = 5.5f; // From 5 } // Palladium Axe if (item.type == ItemID.PalladiumWaraxe && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 72; // From 36 } // Mythril Axe if (item.type == ItemID.MythrilWaraxe && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 82; // From 39 item.knockBack = 6.5f; // From 6 } // Orichalcum Axe if (item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumWaraxe && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 82; // From 41 } // Adamantite Axe if (item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteWaraxe && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 88; // From 43 item.knockBack = 7.5f; // From 7 } // Titanium Axe if (item.type == ItemID.TitaniumWaraxe && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 88; // From 44 } // Repeaters // // Cobalt Repeater if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltRepeater && Calamity == null && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 43; // From 32 item.knockBack = 1.75f; // From 1.5 } // Palladium Repeater if (item.type == ItemID.PalladiumRepeater && Calamity == null && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 43; // From 34 } // Mythril Repeater if (item.type == ItemID.MythrilRepeater && Calamity == null && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 48; // From 36 } // Orichalcum Repeater if (item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumRepeater && Calamity == null && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 48; // From 38 } // Adamantite Repeater if (item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteRepeater && Calamity == null && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 51; // From 40 } // Titanium Repeater if (item.type == ItemID.TitaniumRepeater && Calamity == null && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 51; // From 41 } // Hallowed Repeater if (item.type == ItemID.HallowedRepeater && Calamity == null && ModContent.GetInstance <Config>().VanillaBuffs) { item.damage = 54; // From 43 } }