예제 #1
        public void ShareLink(
            int requestId,
            string contentURL,
            string contentTitle,
            string contentDescription,
            string photoURL)
            var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(requestId, this.ResultExtras);

            this.Facebook.OnShareLinkComplete(new ResultContainer(result));
        public void Init()
            IDictionary <string, object> resultExtra = this.ResultExtras;

            if (resultExtra != null)
                    new ResultContainer(MockResults.GetGenericResult(0, resultExtra)));
                    new ResultContainer(string.Empty));
예제 #3
        public void FeedShare(
            int requestId,
            string toId,
            string link,
            string linkName,
            string linkCaption,
            string linkDescription,
            string picture,
            string mediaSource)
            var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(requestId, this.ResultExtras);

            this.Facebook.OnShareLinkComplete(new ResultContainer(result));
        public void DoAppRequestRequest(
            string appId,
            string message,
            string actionType,
            string objectId,
            string to,
            string filters,
            string excludeIDs,
            string maxRecipients,
            string data,
            string title,
            string callbackID,
            GameroomFacebook.OnComplete completeDelegate)
            int cbid = Convert.ToInt32(callbackID);

            completeDelegate(new ResultContainer(MockResults.GetGenericResult(cbid, this.ResultExtras)));
예제 #5
        public void AppRequest(
            int requestId,
            string message,
            string actionType,
            string objectId,
            string[] to           = null,
            int toLength          = 0,
            string filters        = "",
            string[] excludeIds   = null,
            int excludeIdsLength  = 0,
            bool hasMaxRecipients = false,
            int maxRecipients     = 0,
            string data           = "",
            string title          = "")
            var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(requestId, this.ResultExtras);

            this.Facebook.OnAppRequestsComplete(new ResultContainer(result));
        public void Init(GameroomFacebook.OnComplete completeDelegate)
            // Handle testing of init returning access token. It would be nice
            // to not have init return the access token but this could be
            // a breaking change for people who read the raw result
            ResultContainer resultContainer;
            IDictionary <string, object> resultExtras = this.ResultExtras;

            if (resultExtras != null)
                var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(0, resultExtras);
                resultContainer = new ResultContainer(result);
                resultContainer = new ResultContainer(string.Empty);

예제 #7
        public void Init(string connectFacebookUrl, string locale, int debug, string initParams, int status)

            // Handle testing of init returning access token. It would be nice
            // to not have init return the access token but this could be
            // a breaking change for people who read the raw result
            ResultContainer resultContainer;
            IDictionary <string, object> resultExtras = this.ResultExtras;

            if (resultExtras != null)
                var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(0, resultExtras);
                resultContainer = new ResultContainer(result);
                resultContainer = new ResultContainer(string.Empty);

예제 #8
        public void CallStatic(string methodName, params object[] args)
            Utilities.Callback <ResultContainer> callback = null;
            IDictionary <string, object>         result;
            IDictionary <string, object>         methodArguments = null;
            int callbackID = -1;

            if (args.Length == 1)
                var jsonParams = (string)args[0];
                if (jsonParams != null)
                    methodArguments = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(jsonParams) as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    string callbackStr;
                    if (methodArguments != null && methodArguments.TryGetValue(Constants.CallbackIdKey, out callbackStr))
                        callbackID = int.Parse(callbackStr);

            if (callbackID == -1 && methodName != "Init")
                // There was no callback so just return;

            if (methodName == "Init")
                callback = this.MobileFacebook.OnInitComplete;
                result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(0, this.ResultExtras);
            else if (methodName == "GetAppLink")
                callback = this.Facebook.OnGetAppLinkComplete;
                result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
            else if (methodName == "AppRequest")
                callback = this.Facebook.OnAppRequestsComplete;
                result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
            else if (methodName == "FeedShare")
                callback = this.Facebook.OnShareLinkComplete;
                result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
            else if (methodName == "ShareLink")
                callback = this.Facebook.OnShareLinkComplete;
                result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
            else if (methodName == "LoginWithPublishPermissions" || methodName == "LoginWithReadPermissions")
                callback = this.Facebook.OnLoginComplete;
                string permissions;
                methodArguments.TryGetValue(AndroidFacebook.LoginPermissionsKey, out permissions);
                result = MockResults.GetLoginResult(
            else if (methodName == "RefreshCurrentAccessToken")
                callback = this.MobileFacebook.OnRefreshCurrentAccessTokenComplete;
                result   = MockResults.GetLoginResult(
                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented for " + methodName);

            callback(new ResultContainer(result));
        public void ExternalCall(string functionName, object[] args)
            IDictionary <string, object> result;
            OnResult callback = null;

            if (functionName == "FBUnity.logAppEvent")
                // Workaround log the method call to match the signature of ios and android.

                // No callback on log app event
            else if (functionName == "FBUnity.login")
                var permissions = (IEnumerable <string>)args[0];
                var callbackID  = int.Parse((string)args[1]);
                result   = MockResults.GetLoginResult(callbackID, permissions, this.ResultExtras);
                callback = this.Facebook.OnLoginComplete;
            else if (functionName == "FBUnity.ui")
                var callbackMetod = (string)args[2];
                var callbackID    = int.Parse((string)args[1]);

                if (callbackMetod == Constants.OnGroupCreateCompleteMethodName)
                    result   = MockResults.GetGroupCreateResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
                    callback = this.Facebook.OnGroupCreateComplete;
                else if (callbackMetod == Constants.OnGroupJoinCompleteMethodName)
                    result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
                    callback = this.Facebook.OnGroupJoinComplete;
                else if (callbackMetod == Constants.OnAppRequestsCompleteMethodName)
                    result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
                    callback = this.Facebook.OnAppRequestsComplete;
                else if (callbackMetod == Constants.OnShareCompleteMethodName)
                    result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
                    callback = this.Facebook.OnShareLinkComplete;
                else if (callbackMetod == Constants.OnPayCompleteMethodName)
                    result   = MockResults.GetGenericResult(callbackID, this.ResultExtras);
                    callback = this.CanvasFacebook.OnPayComplete;
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Mock missing ui function: " + callbackMetod);
                throw new NotImplementedException("Mock missing function: " + functionName);

예제 #10
        public void OpenFriendFinderDialog(int requestId)
            var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(requestId, this.ResultExtras);

            this.MobileFacebook.OnFriendFinderComplete(new ResultContainer(result));
예제 #11
        public void GetAppLink(int requestId)
            var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(requestId, this.ResultExtras);

            this.Facebook.OnGetAppLinkComplete(new ResultContainer(result));
예제 #12
        public void GetAppLink(int requestId)
            var result = MockResults.GetGenericResult(requestId, this.ResultExtras);

예제 #13
        internal MockResults SetupHttpAbstractionMocking()
            var results = new MockResults();
            // Locate the test manager so we can override the lower layer.
            var manager = ServiceLocator.Instance.Locate <IServiceLocationIndividualTestManager>();

            // Create a Mock of the HTTP layer response.
            var moqResponse = new Moq.Mock <IHttpResponseMessageAbstraction>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            // Always return 200 OK
            moqResponse.SetupGet(res => res.StatusCode)

            // Create a mock of the Request client.
            var moqClient = new Moq.Mock <IHttpClientAbstraction>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            // Mock the return to set the request headers.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.RequestHeaders)
            .Returns(() => results.Headers);

            // Mock the return to set the request uri.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.RequestUri)
            .Returns(() => results.RequestUri);

            // Mock the return to set the request uri.
            moqClient.SetupSet(abstraction => abstraction.RequestUri = It.IsAny <Uri>()).Callback <Uri>(uri => results.RequestUri = uri);

            // Mock the return to set the http method.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.Method)
            .Returns(() => results.Method);

            // Mock the return to set the http method.
            moqClient.SetupSet(abstraction => abstraction.Method = It.IsAny <HttpMethod>()).Callback <HttpMethod>(method => results.Method = method);

            // Mock the return to set the content.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.Content)
            .Returns(() => results.Content);

            moqClient.SetupSet(abstraction => abstraction.Content = It.IsAny <HttpContent>()).Callback <HttpContent>(content => results.Content = content);

            // Mock the SendAsync method (to just return the response object previously created).
            moqClient.Setup(c => c.SendAsync())
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() =>
                results.SendAsyncCalled = true;

            // Mock the factory to return our mock client.
            var moqFactory = new Moq.Mock <IHttpClientAbstractionFactory>();

            // Overload both create methods.
            moqFactory.Setup(fac => fac.Create(It.IsAny <X509Certificate2>(), It.IsAny <HDInsight.IAbstractionContext>(), false))
            .Returns(() => moqClient.Object);
            moqFactory.Setup(fac => fac.Create(It.IsAny <HDInsight.IAbstractionContext>(), false))
            .Returns(() => moqClient.Object);

            // Override the factory in the Service Locator (for this test only).
            manager.Override <IHttpClientAbstractionFactory>(moqFactory.Object);

        internal MockResults SetupHttpAbstractionMocking()
            var results = new MockResults();
            // Locate the test manager so we can override the lower layer.
            var manager = ServiceLocator.Instance.Locate<IServiceLocationIndividualTestManager>();

            // Create a Mock of the HTTP layer response.
            var moqResponse = new Moq.Mock<IHttpResponseMessageAbstraction>(MockBehavior.Loose);
            // Always return 200 OK
            moqResponse.SetupGet(res => res.StatusCode)

            // Create a mock of the Request client.
            var moqClient = new Moq.Mock<IHttpClientAbstraction>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            // Mock the return to set the request headers.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.RequestHeaders)
                     .Returns(() => results.Headers);

            // Mock the return to set the request uri.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.RequestUri)
                     .Returns(() => results.RequestUri);

            // Mock the return to set the request uri.
            moqClient.SetupSet(abstraction => abstraction.RequestUri = It.IsAny<Uri>()).Callback<Uri>(uri => results.RequestUri = uri);

            // Mock the return to set the http method.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.Method)
                     .Returns(() => results.Method);

            // Mock the return to set the http method.
            moqClient.SetupSet(abstraction => abstraction.Method = It.IsAny<HttpMethod>()).Callback<HttpMethod>(method => results.Method = method);

            // Mock the return to set the content.
            moqClient.SetupGet(client => client.Content)
                     .Returns(() => results.Content);

            moqClient.SetupSet(abstraction => abstraction.Content = It.IsAny<HttpContent>()).Callback<HttpContent>(content => results.Content = content);

            // Mock the SendAsync method (to just return the response object previously created).
            moqClient.Setup(c => c.SendAsync())
                     .Returns(() => Task.Run(() =>
                         results.SendAsyncCalled = true;
                         return moqResponse.Object;

            // Mock the factory to return our mock client.
            var moqFactory = new Moq.Mock<IHttpClientAbstractionFactory>();

            // Overload both create methods.
            moqFactory.Setup(fac => fac.Create(It.IsAny<X509Certificate2>(), It.IsAny<HDInsight.IAbstractionContext>(), false))
                      .Returns(() => moqClient.Object);
            moqFactory.Setup(fac => fac.Create(It.IsAny<HDInsight.IAbstractionContext>(), false))
                      .Returns(() => moqClient.Object);

            // Override the factory in the Service Locator (for this test only).
            return results;