public async Task ReadAsync_WithRelativeUri_Generic() { var data = new[] { new { ServiceUri = "", QueryUri = "/about?$filter=a eq b&$orderby=c", RequestUri = "$filter=a eq b&$orderby=c" }, new { ServiceUri = "", QueryUri = "/about?$filter=a eq b&$orderby=c", RequestUri = "$filter=a eq b&$orderby=c" } }; foreach (var item in data) { var hijack = new TestHttpHandler(); hijack.SetResponseContent("[{\"col1\":\"Hey\"}]"); IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(item.ServiceUri, "secret...", hijack); IMobileServiceTable<ToDo> table = service.GetTable<ToDo>(); await table.ReadAsync<ToDo>(item.QueryUri); Assert.AreEqual("TT", hijack.Request.Headers.GetValues("X-ZUMO-FEATURES").First()); Assert.AreEqual(item.RequestUri, hijack.Request.RequestUri.ToString()); } }
public void Construction() { string appUrl = ""; string appKey = "secret..."; MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(new Uri(appUrl), appKey); Assert.AreEqual(appUrl, service.ApplicationUri.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(appKey, service.ApplicationKey); service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey); Assert.AreEqual(appUrl, service.ApplicationUri.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(appKey, service.ApplicationKey); service = new MobileServiceClient(new Uri(appUrl)); Assert.AreEqual(appUrl, service.ApplicationUri.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(null, service.ApplicationKey); service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl); Assert.AreEqual(appUrl, service.ApplicationUri.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(null, service.ApplicationKey); Uri none = null; Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new MobileServiceClient(none)); Throws<FormatException>(() => new MobileServiceClient("not a valid uri!!!@#!@#")); }
public void Start() { setCredentials(); client = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey); table = client.GetTable<Highscore>("Highscores"); QueryItemsByScore(); }
public async Task RegisterAsync_ErrorEmptyChannelUri() { var mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri); var exception = await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>( () => mobileClient.GetPush().RegisterAsync("")); Assert.AreEqual(exception.Message, "Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: channelUri"); }
/// <summary> /// Utility method that can be used to execute a test. It will capture any exceptions throw /// during the execution of the test and return a message with details of the exception thrown. /// </summary> /// <param name="testName">The name of the test being executed. /// </param> /// <param name="test">A test to execute. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Either the result of the test if the test passed, or a message with the exception /// that was thrown. /// </returns> public static async Task<string> ExecuteTest(string testName, Func<Task<string>> test) { string resultText = null; bool didPass = false; if (client == null) { string appUrl = null; string appKey = null; App.Harness.Settings.Custom.TryGetValue("MobileServiceRuntimeUrl", out appUrl); App.Harness.Settings.Custom.TryGetValue("MobileServiceRuntimeKey", out appKey); client = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey); } try { resultText = await test(); didPass = true; } catch (Exception exception) { resultText = string.Format("ExceptionType: {0} Message: {1} StackTrace: {2}", exception.GetType().ToString(), exception.Message, exception.StackTrace); } return string.Format("Test '{0}' {1}.\n{2}", testName, didPass ? "PASSED" : "FAILED", resultText); }
public void Setup() { if (_item == null) _item = new Item {Text = "Just some random text"}; if (_client == null) _client = new MobileServiceClient(string.Empty /* Your endpoint */, string.Empty /* Your Api key */); }
protected void Statistika_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient(); if (OS.Checked == true) { int []mas = new int[4]; mas = client.statOS(); Info.Text = "Кол-во пользователей Android: " + mas[0]; Info1.Text = "Кол-во пользователей iOS: " + mas[1]; Info2.Text = "Кол-во пользователей WindowsPhone: " + mas[2]; Info3.Text = "Кол-во пользователей других ОС: " + mas[3]; } if (Read.Checked == true) { Info.Text = "Для чтения телефон использует " + client.statRead()+ " людей"; Info1.Text = ""; Info2.Text = ""; Info3.Text = ""; } if (Price.Checked == true) { Info.Text = "Средняя цена, которую люди готовы заплатить за новый мобильный телефон: "+client.statPrice()+"$"; Info1.Text = ""; Info2.Text = ""; Info3.Text = ""; } }
public async Task ReadAsyncWithStringIdTypeAndStringIdResponseContent() { string[] testIdData = IdTestData.ValidStringIds.Concat( IdTestData.EmptyStringIds).Concat( IdTestData.InvalidStringIds).ToArray(); foreach (string testId in testIdData) { TestHttpHandler hijack = new TestHttpHandler(); // Make the testId JSON safe string jsonTestId = testId.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\"", "\\\""); hijack.SetResponseContent("[{\"id\":\"" + jsonTestId + "\",\"String\":\"Hey\"}]"); IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret...", hijack); IMobileServiceTable<StringIdType> table = service.GetTable<StringIdType>(); IEnumerable<StringIdType> results = await table.ReadAsync(); StringIdType[] items = results.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(1, items.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(testId, items[0].Id); Assert.AreEqual("Hey", items[0].String); } }
public async Task RegisterAsync_ErrorEmptyChannelUri() { var mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri); string emptyRegistrationId = string.Empty; var exception = await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => mobileClient.GetPush().RegisterAsync(emptyRegistrationId)); Assert.AreEqual(exception.ParamName, "registrationId"); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { questionnaire quest = new questionnaire(); = Sex.Text; quest.age = Convert.ToInt32(Age.Text); quest.profession = Profession.Text; quest.income = Convert.ToInt32(Income.Text); quest.mobile_existence = 0; if (MobileExistence.Text.Equals(" да")) quest.mobile_existence = 1; quest.brand = Brand.Text; quest.price = Convert.ToInt32(Price.Text); quest.OS = OS.Text; = 0; if (Furniture.Text.Equals(" да")) = 1; = 0; if (Read.Text.Equals(" да")) = 1; MobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient(); client.addQuestionnaire(quest); }
public async Task ListRegistrations_Native() { // Ensure Uri and method are correct for request and specify body to return for registrations list with only 1 native registration var expectedUri = this.GetExpectedListUri(); var hijack = CreateTestHttpHandler(expectedUri, HttpMethod.Get, this.pushTestUtility.GetListNativeRegistrationResponse()); MobileServiceClient mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri, null, hijack); var pushHttpClient = new PushHttpClient(mobileClient); var registrations = await pushHttpClient.ListRegistrationsAsync(DefaultChannelUri); Assert.AreEqual(registrations.Count(), 1, "Expected 1 registration."); var firstRegistration = registrations.First(); var nativeReg = this.pushUtility.GetNewNativeRegistration(); Assert.AreEqual(nativeReg.GetType(), firstRegistration.GetType(), "The type of the registration returned from ListRegistrationsAsync is not of the correct type."); Assert.AreEqual(firstRegistration.RegistrationId, DefaultRegistrationId, "The registrationId returned from ListRegistrationsAsync is not correct."); var tags = firstRegistration.Tags.ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(tags[0], "fooWns", "tag[0] on the registration is not correct."); Assert.AreEqual(tags[1], "barWns", "tag[1] on the registration is not correct."); Assert.AreEqual(tags[2], "4de2605e-fd09-4875-a897-c8c4c0a51682", "tag[2] on the registration is not correct."); Assert.AreEqual(firstRegistration.PushHandle, DefaultChannelUri, "The DeviceId on the registration is not correct."); }
public async Task RegisterAsync_ErrorEmptyChannelUri() { var mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri); NSData deviceToken = null; var exception = await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => mobileClient.GetPush().RegisterAsync(deviceToken)); Assert.AreEqual(exception.ParamName, "deviceToken"); }
public void InstallationId() { MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(""); //string settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["MobileServices.Installation.config"] as string; //string id = (string)JToken.Parse(settings)["applicationInstallationId"]; //Assert.IsNotNull(id); }
public async Task RegisterAsync_ErrorHttp() { MobileServiceClient mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri); var expectedUri = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", DefaultServiceUri, InstallationsPath, mobileClient.GetPush().InstallationId); var hijack = TestHttpDelegatingHandler.CreateTestHttpHandler(expectedUri, HttpMethod.Put, null, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri, hijack); var exception = await AssertEx.Throws<MobileServiceInvalidOperationException>(() => mobileClient.GetPush().RegisterAsync(this.registrationId)); Assert.AreEqual(exception.Response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); }
public MobileServiceSyncContext(MobileServiceClient client) { if (client == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); } this.client = client; }
/// <summary> /// Get a client pointed at the test server without request logging. /// </summary> /// <returns>The test client.</returns> public MobileServiceClient GetClient() { if (staticClient == null) { string runtimeUrl = this.GetTestSetting("MobileServiceRuntimeUrl"); staticClient = new MobileServiceClient(runtimeUrl, new LoggingHttpHandler(this)); } return staticClient; }
public async Task ReadAsync_Throws_IfAbsoluteUriHostNameDoesNotMatch() { IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(MobileAppUriValidator.DummyMobileApp, new TestHttpHandler()); IMobileServiceTable<ToDo> table = service.GetTable<ToDo>(); var ex = await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentException>(async () => await table.ReadAsync<ToDo>("$filter=a eq b&$orderby=c")); Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, "The query uri must be on the same host as the Mobile Service."); }
public async Task RefreshAsync_Succeeds_WhenIdIsNull() { IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(MobileAppUriValidator.DummyMobileApp); await service.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(new MobileServiceLocalStoreMock(), new MobileServiceSyncHandler()); IMobileServiceSyncTable<StringIdType> table = service.GetSyncTable<StringIdType>(); var item = new StringIdType() { String = "what?" }; await table.RefreshAsync(item); }
public async Task RefreshAsync_Succeeds_WhenIdIsNull() { IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret..."); await service.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(new MobileServiceLocalStoreMock(), new MobileServiceSyncHandler()); IMobileServiceSyncTable<StringIdType> table = service.GetSyncTable<StringIdType>(); var item = new StringIdType() { String = "what?" }; await table.RefreshAsync(item); }
public async Task RefreshAsync_ThrowsInvalidOperationException_WhenIdItemDoesNotExist() { IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret..."); await service.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(new MobileServiceLocalStoreMock(), new MobileServiceSyncHandler()); IMobileServiceSyncTable<StringIdType> table = service.GetSyncTable<StringIdType>(); var item = new StringIdType() { Id = "abc" }; InvalidOperationException ex = await ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>(() => table.RefreshAsync(item)); Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, "Item not found in local store."); }
public async Task DeleteInstallationAsync() { MobileServiceClient mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri); var expectedUri = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", DefaultServiceUri, InstallationsPath, mobileClient.InstallationId); var hijack = TestHttpDelegatingHandler.CreateTestHttpHandler(expectedUri, HttpMethod.Delete, null, HttpStatusCode.NoContent); mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri, hijack); var pushHttpClient = new PushHttpClient(mobileClient); await pushHttpClient.DeleteInstallationAsync(); }
public async Task RegisterAsync_ChannelUri() { MobileServiceClient mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri); var expectedUri = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", DefaultServiceUri, InstallationsPath, mobileClient.GetPush().InstallationId); string installationRegistration = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.pushTestUtility.GetInstallation(mobileClient.GetPush().InstallationId, false)); var hijack = TestHttpDelegatingHandler.CreateTestHttpHandler(expectedUri, HttpMethod.Put, null, HttpStatusCode.OK, expectedRequestContent: installationRegistration); mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri, hijack); await mobileClient.GetPush().RegisterAsync(DefaultChannelUri); }
public MobileServiceSyncTable(string tableName, MobileServiceTableKind Kind, MobileServiceClient client) { Debug.Assert(tableName != null); Debug.Assert(client != null); this.MobileServiceClient = client; this.TableName = tableName; this.Kind = Kind; this.syncContext = (MobileServiceSyncContext)client.SyncContext; this.SupportedOptions = MobileServiceRemoteTableOptions.All; }
public void Start() { setCredentials(); namePanel.SetActive(false); scoreText.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 140); pgms = gameObject.AddComponent<PregameMenuSingle>(); client = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey); table = client.GetTable<Highscore>("Highscores"); score = pgms.getScore(); playerText.text = "Your score: " + score; QueryItemsByScore(); }
public void DoesNotRewireSingleWiredDelegatingHandler() { string appUrl = MobileAppUriValidator.DummyMobileApp; TestHttpHandler innerHandler = new TestHttpHandler(); DelegatingHandler wiredHandler = new TestHttpHandler(); wiredHandler.InnerHandler = innerHandler; IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, handlers: wiredHandler); Assert.AreEqual(wiredHandler.InnerHandler, innerHandler, "The prewired handler passed in should not have been rewired"); }
public async Task RegisterAsync_WithTemplates_TemplateBodyJSON() { MobileServiceClient mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri); var expectedUri = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", DefaultServiceUri, InstallationsPath, mobileClient.GetPush().InstallationId); JObject templates = this.pushTestUtility.GetTemplates(true); string installationRegistration = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.pushTestUtility.GetInstallation(mobileClient.GetPush().InstallationId, true)); var hijack = TestHttpDelegatingHandler.CreateTestHttpHandler(expectedUri, HttpMethod.Put, null, HttpStatusCode.OK, expectedRequestContent: installationRegistration); mobileClient = new MobileServiceClient(DefaultServiceUri, hijack); await mobileClient.GetPush().RegisterAsync(this.originalNSData, templates); }
public ZumoRequest(MobileServiceClient client, string uri, Method httpMethod) : base(uri, httpMethod) { this.AddHeader("X-ZUMO-APPLICATION", client.AppKey); this.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); this.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json; if (client.User != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.User.authenticationToken)) { this.AddHeader("X-ZUMO-AUTH", client.User.authenticationToken); Debug.Log("Auth UserId:" + client.User.user.userId); } }
public async Task DateOffsetUri() { TestHttpHandler hijack = new TestHttpHandler(); IMobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient("", null, hijack); IMobileServiceTable<DateOffsetExample> table = client.GetTable<DateOffsetExample>(); hijack.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; hijack.SetResponseContent("[]"); DateTimeOffset date = new DateTimeOffset(2009, 11, 21, 14, 22, 59, 860, TimeSpan.FromHours(-8)); await table.Where(b => b.Date == date).ToEnumerableAsync(); Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.RequestUri.ToString(), "$filter=(DateOffsetExampleDate eq datetimeoffset'2009-11-21T14:22:59.8600000-08:00')"); }
public async Task InsertAsync_GeneratesId_WhenNull() { IMobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(MobileAppUriValidator.DummyMobileApp); await service.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(new MobileServiceLocalStoreMock(), new MobileServiceSyncHandler()); var item = new JObject(); JObject inserted = await service.GetSyncTable("someTable").InsertAsync(item); Assert.IsNotNull(inserted.Value<string>("id"), "Expected id member not found."); item = new JObject() { { "id", null } }; inserted = await service.GetSyncTable("someTable").InsertAsync(item); Assert.IsNotNull(inserted.Value<string>("id"), "Expected id member not found."); }
public async Task DateOffsetUri() { TestHttpHandler hijack = new TestHttpHandler(); IMobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient("", null, hijack); IMobileServiceTable<DateOffsetExample> table = client.GetTable<DateOffsetExample>(); hijack.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); hijack.SetResponseContent("[]"); var date = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2009-11-21T06:22:59.8600000-08:00"); await table.Where(b => b.Date == date).ToEnumerableAsync(); Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.RequestUri.ToString(), "$filter=(DateOffsetExampleDate eq datetimeoffset'2009-11-21T06:22:59.8600000-08:00')"); }
private AzureManager() { this.client = new MobileServiceClient(""); this.foodLocationTable = this.client.GetTable <FoodLocationModel>(); }
public ScheduleManager() { this.client = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.ApplicationURL); this.Scheduletable = client.GetTable <Schedule>(); }
private AccountService() { this.client = MobileService.MobileServiceClient; this.accountsTable = client.GetTable <AccountEntity>(); }
private AzureManager() { this.client = new MobileServiceClient(""); this.employeeModelTable = this.client.GetTable <EmployeeModel>(); }
protected AzureServiceBase() { Client = new MobileServiceClient(FunctionAppUrl); }
public async Task LogoutAsync(MobileServiceClient client) { await client.LogoutAsync(); }
public ASIGNADO() { MobileServiceClient client; IMobileServiceTable <TodoItem> tabla; client = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.ApplicationURL); tabla = client.GetTable <TodoItem>(); Dictionary <string, Color> res = new Dictionary <string, Color> { { "*****@*****.**", Color.Green }, { "*****@*****.**", Color.Red } }; Picker responsable = new Picker { Title = "RESPONSABLE", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; foreach (string respon in res.Keys) { responsable.Items.Add(respon); } Button leer = new Button() { Text = "leer Tabla", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, }; leer.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center; leer.TextColor = Color.Black; leer.BackgroundColor = Color.White; Label mensaje1 = new Label(); mensaje1.IsVisible = false; Label mensaje = new Label(); Label mensaje01 = new Label(); Label mensaje2 = new Label(); ListView lista = new ListView(); ListView lista1 = new ListView(); ListView lista2 = new ListView(); leer.Clicked += async(sender, args) => { if (responsable.SelectedIndex == -1) { await DisplayAlert("No a seleccionado ningun asignado por favor verifique", "", "Ok"); } else { IEnumerable <TodoItem> items = await tabla.Where(TodoItem => TodoItem.Responsable == responsable.Items[responsable.SelectedIndex]).ToListAsync(); string[] arreglo = new string[items.Count()]; string[] arreglo1 = new string[items.Count()]; string[] arreglo2 = new string[items.Count()]; int i = 0; foreach (var x in items) { mensaje.Text = "TAREA"; arreglo[i] = x.Tarea; mensaje01.Text = "FECHA INICIO"; arreglo1[i] = x.Update; mensaje2.Text = "FECHA FINAL"; arreglo2[i] = x.Fecha_Fin; i++; } lista.ItemsSource = arreglo; lista1.ItemsSource = arreglo1; lista2.ItemsSource = arreglo2; responsable.SelectedIndex = -1; } }; Content = new StackLayout { Children = { responsable, leer, mensaje, lista, mensaje01, lista1, mensaje2, lista2, } }; }
public ConflictHandler(MobileServiceClient client, ConflictResolutionPolicy conflictResolutionPolicy) { this._client = client; _conflictResolutionPolicy = conflictResolutionPolicy; }
public ReportManager() { client = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.ApplicationURL); reportTable = client.GetTable <Report>(); }
public async Task ErrorMessageConstruction() { string appUrl = ""; string appKey = "secret..."; string collection = "tests"; string query = "$filter=id eq 12"; TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter(); MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey) .WithFilter(hijack); // Verify the error message is correctly pulled out hijack.Response.Content = new JsonObject() .Set("error", "error message") .Set("other", "donkey") .Stringify(); hijack.Response.StatusCode = 401; hijack.Response.StatusDescription = "YOU SHALL NOT PASS."; try { IJsonValue response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { Assert.Contains(ex.Message, "error message"); } // Verify all of the exception parameters hijack.Response.Content = new JsonObject() .Set("error", "error message") .Set("other", "donkey") .Stringify(); hijack.Response.StatusCode = 401; hijack.Response.StatusDescription = "YOU SHALL NOT PASS."; try { IJsonValue response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query); } catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException ex) { Assert.StartsWith(ex.Message, "error message"); Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, ex.Response.StatusCode); Assert.Contains(ex.Response.Content, "donkey"); Assert.StartsWith(ex.Request.Uri.ToString(), appUrl); Assert.AreEqual("YOU SHALL NOT PASS.", ex.Response.StatusDescription); } // If no error message in the response, we'll use the // StatusDescription instead hijack.Response.Content = new JsonObject() .Set("other", "donkey") .Stringify(); try { IJsonValue response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { Assert.StartsWith(ex.Message, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS."); } }
private GoodsController() { MobileService = new MobileServiceClient(""); GoodsTable = MobileService.GetTable <Goods>(); List = new List <Goods>(); }
private AzureManager(String URL) { Client = GetAzureClient(URL); }
static RoverServices() { Client = new MobileServiceClient(""); }
private DatabaseHandler() { this.client = new MobileServiceClient(""); this.UsersTable = this.client.GetTable <Users>(); }
private AzureManager() { this.client = new MobileServiceClient(""); this.sentimentTable = this.client.GetTable <BigThingModel>(); }
public async Task LoginAsync(MobileServiceClient client) { await client.LoginAsync(context, MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Google, "olyfaunt"); }
public iotCloudTable(MobileServiceClient client) { _client = client; _table = _client.GetTable <T>(); }
public AzureDataService() { MobileService = new MobileServiceClient(AppSettings.AzureMobileApp, null); }
public MobileServiceHelper(MobileServiceClient client) { _client = client; }
private AzureManager() { this.client = new MobileServiceClient(""); this.xizhesContosoBankTable = this.client.GetTable <xizhesContosoBank>(); }
public CharacterService() { Client = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.MobileServiceClientUrl); CharacterTable = Client.GetTable <Character>(); }
private TaskManager() { mobileService = new MobileServiceClient("", "YOUR-KEY"); table = mobileService.GetTable <UserTask>(); items = new List <UserTask>(); }
public AzureCloudTable(MobileServiceClient client) { this.table = client.GetTable <T> (); }
public ConsultTableDatabaseAzure() { azureDatabase = Mvx.Resolve <IAzureDatabase>().GetMobileServiceClient("ConsultTable"); azureSyncTable = azureDatabase.GetSyncTable <ConsultTable>(); }
public BoardServerAccess() { this.MobileService = base.MobileService; }
public WelcomeData(Context context) { this.context = context; client = new MobileServiceClient(GlobalValues.AppURL); userTable = client.GetTable <Manboss_usuario>(); }
public async Task Login(MobileServiceClient client) { await client.LoginAsync(context, "twitter"); }
public AzureMobileClient() { client = new MobileServiceClient("<URL backend Azure>); }
private MainTableManager() { this.client = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.ApplicationURL); this.mainTable = client.GetTable <MainTable>(); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); cliente = new MobileServiceClient(AzureConnection.AzureURL); }