private void ApplyCameraSettings() { var parameters = Camera.GetParameters(); parameters.PreviewFormat = ImageFormatType.Nv21; var supportedFocusModes = parameters.SupportedFocusModes; if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.IceCreamSandwich && supportedFocusModes.Contains(Camera.Parameters.FocusModeContinuousPicture)) { parameters.FocusMode = Camera.Parameters.FocusModeContinuousPicture; } else if (supportedFocusModes.Contains(Camera.Parameters.FocusModeContinuousVideo)) { parameters.FocusMode = Camera.Parameters.FocusModeContinuousVideo; } else if (supportedFocusModes.Contains(Camera.Parameters.FocusModeAuto)) { parameters.FocusMode = Camera.Parameters.FocusModeAuto; } else if (supportedFocusModes.Contains(Camera.Parameters.FocusModeFixed)) { parameters.FocusMode = Camera.Parameters.FocusModeFixed; } var selectedFps = parameters.SupportedPreviewFpsRange.FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedFps != null) { // This will make sure we select a range with the lowest minimum FPS // and maximum FPS which still has the lowest minimum // This should help maximize performance / support for hardware foreach (var fpsRange in parameters.SupportedPreviewFpsRange) { if (fpsRange[0] <= selectedFps[0] && fpsRange[1] > selectedFps[1]) { selectedFps = fpsRange; } } parameters.SetPreviewFpsRange(selectedFps[0], selectedFps[1]); } var availableResolutions = parameters.SupportedPreviewSizes.Select(sps => new CameraResolution { Width = sps.Width, Height = sps.Height }); // Try and get a desired resolution from the options selector var resolution = _scanningOptions.GetResolution(availableResolutions.ToList()); // If the user did not specify a resolution, let's try and find a suitable one if (resolution == null) { foreach (var sps in parameters.SupportedPreviewSizes) { if (sps.Width >= 640 && sps.Width <= 1000 && sps.Height >= 360 && sps.Height <= 1000) { resolution = new CameraResolution { Width = sps.Width, Height = sps.Height }; break; } } } // Google Glass requires this fix to display the camera output correctly if (Build.Model.Contains("Glass")) { resolution = new CameraResolution { Width = 640, Height = 360 }; // Glass requires 30fps parameters.SetPreviewFpsRange(30000, 30000); } // Hopefully a resolution was selected at some point if (resolution != null) { Android.Util.Log.Debug(MobileBarcodeScanner.TAG, "Selected Resolution: " + resolution.Width + "x" + resolution.Height); parameters.SetPreviewSize(resolution.Width, resolution.Height); } Camera.SetParameters(parameters); SetCameraDisplayOrientation(); }
bool SetupCaptureSession() { var availableResolutions = new List <CameraResolution> (); var consideredResolutions = new Dictionary <NSString, CameraResolution> { { AVCaptureSession.Preset352x288, new CameraResolution { Width = 352, Height = 288 } }, { AVCaptureSession.PresetMedium, new CameraResolution { Width = 480, Height = 360 } }, //480x360 { AVCaptureSession.Preset640x480, new CameraResolution { Width = 640, Height = 480 } }, { AVCaptureSession.Preset1280x720, new CameraResolution { Width = 1280, Height = 720 } }, { AVCaptureSession.Preset1920x1080, new CameraResolution { Width = 1920, Height = 1080 } } }; // configure the capture session for low resolution, change this if your code // can cope with more data or volume session = new AVCaptureSession() { SessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.Preset640x480 }; // create a device input and attach it to the session // var captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.DefaultDeviceWithMediaType (AVMediaType.Video); AVCaptureDevice captureDevice = null; var devices = AVCaptureDevice.DevicesWithMediaType(AVMediaType.Video); foreach (var device in devices) { captureDevice = device; if (ScanningOptions.UseFrontCameraIfAvailable.HasValue && ScanningOptions.UseFrontCameraIfAvailable.Value && device.Position == AVCaptureDevicePosition.Front) { break; //Front camera successfully set } else if (device.Position == AVCaptureDevicePosition.Back && (!ScanningOptions.UseFrontCameraIfAvailable.HasValue || !ScanningOptions.UseFrontCameraIfAvailable.Value)) { break; //Back camera succesfully set } } if (captureDevice == null) { Console.WriteLine("No captureDevice - this won't work on the simulator, try a physical device"); if (overlayView != null) { this.AddSubview(overlayView); this.BringSubviewToFront(overlayView); } return(false); } CameraResolution resolution = null; // Find resolution // Go through the resolutions we can even consider foreach (var cr in consideredResolutions) { // Now check to make sure our selected device supports the resolution // so we can add it to the list to pick from if (captureDevice.SupportsAVCaptureSessionPreset(cr.Key)) { availableResolutions.Add(cr.Value); } } resolution = ScanningOptions.GetResolution(availableResolutions); // See if the user selected a resolution if (resolution != null) { // Now get the preset string from the resolution chosen var preset = (from c in consideredResolutions where c.Value.Width == resolution.Width && c.Value.Height == resolution.Height select c.Key).FirstOrDefault(); // If we found a matching preset, let's set it on the session if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(preset)) { session.SessionPreset = preset; } } var input = AVCaptureDeviceInput.FromDevice(captureDevice); if (input == null) { Console.WriteLine("No input - this won't work on the simulator, try a physical device"); if (overlayView != null) { this.AddSubview(overlayView); this.BringSubviewToFront(overlayView); } return(false); } else { session.AddInput(input); } foundResult = false; //Detect barcodes with built in avcapture stuff AVCaptureMetadataOutput metadataOutput = new AVCaptureMetadataOutput(); captureDelegate = new CaptureDelegate(metaDataObjects => { if (!analyzing) { return; } //Console.WriteLine("Found MetaData Objects"); var msSinceLastPreview = (DateTime.UtcNow - lastAnalysis).TotalMilliseconds; if (msSinceLastPreview < ScanningOptions.DelayBetweenAnalyzingFrames || (wasScanned && msSinceLastPreview < ScanningOptions.DelayBetweenContinuousScans) || working) //|| CancelTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } try { working = true; wasScanned = false; lastAnalysis = DateTime.UtcNow; var mdo = metaDataObjects.FirstOrDefault(); var readableObj = mdo as AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject; if (readableObj == null) { return; } wasScanned = true; var zxingFormat = ZXingBarcodeFormatFromAVCaptureBarcodeFormat(readableObj.Type.ToString()); var rs = new ZXing.Result(readableObj.StringValue, null, null, zxingFormat); resultCallback(rs); } finally { working = false; } }); metadataOutput.SetDelegate(captureDelegate, DispatchQueue.MainQueue); session.AddOutput(metadataOutput); //Setup barcode formats if (ScanningOptions.PossibleFormats != null && ScanningOptions.PossibleFormats.Count > 0) { #if __UNIFIED__ var formats = AVMetadataObjectType.None; foreach (var f in ScanningOptions.PossibleFormats) { formats |= AVCaptureBarcodeFormatFromZXingBarcodeFormat(f); } formats &= ~AVMetadataObjectType.None; metadataOutput.MetadataObjectTypes = formats; #else var formats = new List <string> (); foreach (var f in ScanningOptions.PossibleFormats) { formats.AddRange(AVCaptureBarcodeFormatFromZXingBarcodeFormat(f)); } metadataOutput.MetadataObjectTypes = (from f in formats.Distinct() select new NSString(f)).ToArray(); #endif } else { metadataOutput.MetadataObjectTypes = metadataOutput.AvailableMetadataObjectTypes; } previewLayer = new AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session); // //Framerate set here (15 fps) // if (previewLayer.RespondsToSelector(new Selector("connection"))) // { // if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (7, 0)) // { // var perf1 = PerformanceCounter.Start (); // NSError lockForConfigErr = null; // captureDevice.LockForConfiguration (out lockForConfigErr); // if (lockForConfigErr == null) // { // captureDevice.ActiveVideoMinFrameDuration = new CMTime (1, 10); // captureDevice.UnlockForConfiguration (); // } // PerformanceCounter.Stop (perf1, "PERF: ActiveVideoMinFrameDuration Took {0} ms"); // } // else // previewLayer.Connection.VideoMinFrameDuration = new CMTime(1, 10); // } #if __UNIFIED__ previewLayer.VideoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.ResizeAspectFill; #else previewLayer.LayerVideoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.ResizeAspectFill; #endif previewLayer.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, this.Frame.Width, this.Frame.Height); previewLayer.Position = new CGPoint(this.Layer.Bounds.Width / 2, (this.Layer.Bounds.Height / 2)); layerView = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 0, this.Frame.Width, this.Frame.Height)); layerView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight; layerView.Layer.AddSublayer(previewLayer); this.AddSubview(layerView); ResizePreview(UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation); if (overlayView != null) { this.AddSubview(overlayView); this.BringSubviewToFront(overlayView); //overlayView.LayoutSubviews (); } session.StartRunning(); Console.WriteLine("RUNNING!!!"); //output.AlwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = true; Console.WriteLine("SetupCamera Finished"); //session.AddOutput (output); //session.StartRunning (); if (captureDevice.IsFocusModeSupported(AVCaptureFocusMode.ContinuousAutoFocus)) { NSError err = null; if (captureDevice.LockForConfiguration(out err)) { if (captureDevice.IsFocusModeSupported(AVCaptureFocusMode.ContinuousAutoFocus)) { captureDevice.FocusMode = AVCaptureFocusMode.ContinuousAutoFocus; } else if (captureDevice.IsFocusModeSupported(AVCaptureFocusMode.AutoFocus)) { captureDevice.FocusMode = AVCaptureFocusMode.AutoFocus; } if (captureDevice.IsExposureModeSupported(AVCaptureExposureMode.ContinuousAutoExposure)) { captureDevice.ExposureMode = AVCaptureExposureMode.ContinuousAutoExposure; } else if (captureDevice.IsExposureModeSupported(AVCaptureExposureMode.AutoExpose)) { captureDevice.ExposureMode = AVCaptureExposureMode.AutoExpose; } if (captureDevice.IsWhiteBalanceModeSupported(AVCaptureWhiteBalanceMode.ContinuousAutoWhiteBalance)) { captureDevice.WhiteBalanceMode = AVCaptureWhiteBalanceMode.ContinuousAutoWhiteBalance; } else if (captureDevice.IsWhiteBalanceModeSupported(AVCaptureWhiteBalanceMode.AutoWhiteBalance)) { captureDevice.WhiteBalanceMode = AVCaptureWhiteBalanceMode.AutoWhiteBalance; } if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(7, 0) && captureDevice.AutoFocusRangeRestrictionSupported) { captureDevice.AutoFocusRangeRestriction = AVCaptureAutoFocusRangeRestriction.Near; } if (captureDevice.FocusPointOfInterestSupported) { captureDevice.FocusPointOfInterest = new CGPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); } if (captureDevice.ExposurePointOfInterestSupported) { captureDevice.ExposurePointOfInterest = new CGPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); } captureDevice.UnlockForConfiguration(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to Lock for Config: " + err.Description); } } return(true); }