public override void ProcessHeights(TerrainWrapper wrapper, LayerBase baseLayer, int stencilKey) { var layer = baseLayer as MMTerrainLayer; if (layer == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Attempted to write {0} to incorrect layer type! Expected Layer {1} to be {2}, but it was {3}", name,, GetLayerType(), baseLayer.GetType()), this); return; } if (!Network || Configuration == null) { return; } var config = Configuration.GetConfig <Config>(); if (config == null) { Debug.LogError("Invalid configuration! Expected ConnectionTerrainHeightConfiguration"); return; } var terrain = wrapper.Terrain; var terrainPos = wrapper.Terrain.GetPosition(); var terrainSize = wrapper.Terrain.terrainData.size; var heightRes = terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution; var mainSpline = NodeConnection.GetSpline(); var radius = config.Radius; var falloffCurve = config.Falloff; var heightCurve = config.Height; // Create bounds to encapsulate spline (axis aligned) var bounds = mainSpline.GetApproximateBounds(); bounds.Expand(radius * 2 *; // Create object bounds var objectBounds = mainSpline.GetApproximateXZObjectBounds(); objectBounds.Expand(radius * 2 *; objectBounds.Expand(Vector3.up * 10000); // Early cull var axisBounds = objectBounds.ToAxisBounds(); var terrainBounds = terrain.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds; terrainBounds.Expand(Vector3.up * 10000); if (!terrainBounds.Intersects(axisBounds)) { return; } // Get matrix space min/max var matrixMin = terrain.WorldToHeightmapCoord(bounds.min, TerrainX.RoundType.Floor) - Coord.One; matrixMin = matrixMin.Clamp(0, heightRes); var matrixMax = terrain.WorldToHeightmapCoord(bounds.max, TerrainX.RoundType.Ceil) + Coord.One; matrixMax = matrixMax.Clamp(0, heightRes); var xDelta = matrixMax.x - matrixMin.x; var zDelta = matrixMax.z - matrixMin.z; var floatArraySize = new Common.Coord( Mathf.Min(xDelta, terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution - matrixMin.x), Mathf.Min(zDelta, terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution - matrixMin.z)); float planeGive = (wrapper.Terrain.terrainData.size.x / wrapper.Terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution) * 0; Plane startPlane, endPlane; GenerateSplinePlanes(planeGive, mainSpline, out startPlane, out endPlane); var layerHeights = layer.GetHeights(matrixMin.x, matrixMin.z, floatArraySize.x, floatArraySize.z, heightRes) ?? new Serializable2DFloatArray(floatArraySize.x, floatArraySize.z); stencilKey = GetStencilKey(); if (layer.Stencil == null || layer.Stencil.Width != heightRes || layer.Stencil.Height != heightRes) { layer.Stencil = new Stencil(heightRes, heightRes); } for (var dz = 0; dz < floatArraySize.z; ++dz) { for (var dx = 0; dx < floatArraySize.x; ++dx) { var coordX = matrixMin.x + dx; var coordZ = matrixMin.z + dz; var worldPos = terrain.HeightmapCoordToWorldPos(new Common.Coord(coordX, coordZ)); worldPos = new Vector3(worldPos.x,, worldPos.z); if (!terrain.ContainsPointXZ(worldPos) || !objectBounds.Contains(worldPos) || !GeometryExtensions.BetweenPlanes(worldPos, startPlane, endPlane)) { // Cull if we're outside of the approx bounds continue; } var uniformT = mainSpline.GetClosestUniformTimeOnSplineXZ(worldPos.xz()); // Expensive! var closestOnSpline = mainSpline.GetUniformPointOnSpline(uniformT); var normalizedFlatDistToSpline = (worldPos - closestOnSpline).xz().magnitude / (radius); if (normalizedFlatDistToSpline >= 1) { continue; } var maskValue = Mathf.Clamp01(falloffCurve.Evaluate(normalizedFlatDistToSpline)); var heightDelta = heightCurve.Evaluate(normalizedFlatDistToSpline); float existingStencilStrength; int existingStencilKey; MiscUtilities.DecompressStencil(layer.Stencil[coordX, coordZ], out existingStencilKey, out existingStencilStrength); if (existingStencilKey != stencilKey && existingStencilKey > stencilKey && !(existingStencilStrength < maskValue && maskValue > 0)) { continue; } // Refine our worldposition to be on the same XZ plane as the spline point worldPos = new Vector3(worldPos.x, closestOnSpline.y, worldPos.z); // Find the point on the spline closest to this given point var naturalT = mainSpline.UniformToNaturalTime(uniformT); // Get the upvec from the natural time var up = mainSpline.GetUpVector(naturalT).normalized; // Create a plane and cast against it var plane = new Plane(up, closestOnSpline); float dist = 0; var castRay = new Ray(worldPos, Vector3.down); plane.Raycast(castRay, out dist); var castPoint = castRay.GetPoint(dist); var heightAtPoint = (castPoint.y + heightDelta); heightAtPoint -= terrainPos.y; heightAtPoint /= terrainSize.y; heightAtPoint = MiscUtilities.FloorToUshort(heightAtPoint); var existingHeight = layerHeights[dx, dz]; var newHeight = Mathf.Lerp(existingHeight, heightAtPoint, Mathf.Clamp01(maskValue)); layerHeights[dx, dz] = newHeight; var key = maskValue > existingStencilStrength ? stencilKey : existingStencilKey; var newRawStencilValue = MiscUtilities.CompressStencil(key, /*stencilKey == existingStencilKey ?*/ Mathf.Max(maskValue, existingStencilStrength) /* : maskValue + existingStencilStrength*/); //newRawStencilValue = MiscUtilities.CompressStencil(key, 1); layer.Stencil[coordX, coordZ] = newRawStencilValue; } } layer.SetHeights(matrixMin.x, matrixMin.z, layerHeights, wrapper.Terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution); }