public void BooleanValues(bool expected, byte[] data) { var packer = new MiniMessagePacker(); var actual = (bool)packer.Unpack(data); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void NullValue() { var packer = new MiniMessagePacker(); var actual = packer.Unpack(new byte[] { 0xc0 }); Assert.AreEqual(null, actual); }
// Token: 0x06003BB5 RID: 15285 RVA: 0x001393C4 File Offset: 0x001375C4 public static object MouseHomeMsgPack(byte[] data, byte[] home, byte[] info, bool isCompress = false) { MiniMessagePacker miniMessagePacker = new MiniMessagePacker(); byte[] buf = CatAndMouseGame.MouseHomeSub(data, home, info, isCompress); return(miniMessagePacker.Unpack(buf)); }
public void StringValues(string expected, byte[] data, string message) { var packer = new MiniMessagePacker(); var actual = packer.Unpack(data); Assert.AreEqual(actual.GetType(), typeof(string)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, message); }
public IAVIMMessage Deserialize(string msgStr) { var spiltStrs = msgStr.Split(':'); var serContent = spiltStrs[1]; var tMessage = m_MsgPacker.Unpack(System.Convert.FromBase64String(serContent)) as Dictionary <string, object>; this.m_SendName = Convert.ToString(tMessage["S"]); this.m_Content = Convert.ToString(tMessage["C"]); return(this); }
public void MapValues(string[] keys, object[] values, byte[] data, string message) { var packer = new MiniMessagePacker(); var actual = (Dictionary <string, object>)packer.Unpack(data); Assert.AreEqual(keys.Length, actual.Count, message + ": count"); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(values [i], actual [keys[i]], message + "[" + keys[i] + "]"); } }
public void ArrayValues(object[] expected, byte[] data, string message) { var packer = new MiniMessagePacker(); var actual = packer.Unpack(data) as List <object>; Assert.AreNotEqual(actual, null, message + ": type"); Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Count, message + ": count"); for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(expected [i], actual [i], message + "[" + i + "]"); } }
protected override void ThreadFunction() { var mini = new MiniMessagePacker(); object message; while ((message = mini.Unpack(stream)) != null) { if (!(message is Dictionary <string, object>)) { continue; } Status = MessageSerializer.Serialize((Dictionary <string, object>)message); } }
// Adds in a new animation clip from a CreaturePack Anim Data byte stream // This means you are using the separately exported CreaturePack Animation Data files public void addSplitAnimClip(Stream byteStream, CreaturePackPlayer playerIn) { var newReader = new MiniMessagePacker(); var unpackData = newReader.Unpack(byteStream); var readData = (object[])unpackData; // Add in new clip data var splitClip = new CreaturePackSplitAnimClip(readData); var clipName = (string)readData[CreatureConsts.SPLIT_CLIP_NAME_IDX]; animClipMap[clipName] = splitClip; playerIn.runTimeMap[clipName] = splitClip.startTime; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Adding Pack Split Animation: " + clipName); // Process clip point data var splitProcessObj = new FinalPointsProcessSplitData(this, readData); processPerFinalAllPointsSample(splitProcessObj); }
public void runDecoder(Stream byteStream) { var newReader = new MiniMessagePacker(); fileData = (object[])newReader.Unpack(byteStream); headerList = (object[])fileData[getBaseOffset()]; animPairsOffsetList = (object[])fileData[getAnimPairsListOffset()]; // init basic points and topology structure indices = new uint[getNumIndices()]; points = new float[getNumPoints()]; uvs = new float[getNumUvs()]; updateIndices(getBaseIndicesOffset()); updatePoints(getBasePointsOffset()); updateUVs(getBaseUvsOffset()); // init Animation Clip Map for (int i = 0; i < getAnimationNum(); i++) { var curOffsetPair = getAnimationOffsets(i); var animName = (string)(fileData[curOffsetPair.first]); var k = curOffsetPair.first; k++; var newClip = new CreaturePackAnimClip(k); while (k < curOffsetPair.second) { int cur_time = (int)(float)(fileData[k]); newClip.addTimeSample(cur_time, (int)k); k += 4; } newClip.finalTimeSamples(); animClipMap[animName] = newClip; } }
public void UnpackExample() { // it means {"compact":true,"schema":0} in JSON var msgpack = new byte[] { 0x82, 0xa7, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x61, 0x63, 0x74, 0xc3, 0xa6, 0x73, 0x63, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x00 }; var packer = new MiniMessagePacker(); object unpacked_data = packer.Unpack(msgpack); /* * unpacked_data = new Dictionary<string, object> { * { "compact", true }, * { "schema", 0}, * }; */ var dict = (Dictionary <string, object>)unpacked_data; Assert.IsTrue((bool)dict ["compact"]); Assert.AreEqual(0, (long)dict ["schema"]); }
public void runDecoder(Stream byteStream, bool loadMultiCore) { var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); var newReader = new MiniMessagePacker(); fileData = (object[])newReader.Unpack(byteStream); stopWatch.Stop(); #if (CREATURE_PACK_DEBUG) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("---Data Decode time: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); #endif stopWatch.Reset(); headerList = (object[])fileData[getBaseOffset()]; animPairsOffsetList = (object[])fileData[getAnimPairsListOffset()]; // init basic points and topology structure indices = new uint[getNumIndices()]; points = new float[getNumPoints()]; uvs = new float[getNumUvs()]; updateIndices(getBaseIndicesOffset()); updatePoints(getBasePointsOffset()); updateUVs(getBaseUvsOffset()); fillDeformRanges(); stopWatch.Start(); if (loadMultiCore) { finalAllPointSamplesThreaded(); } else { finalAllPointSamples(); } stopWatch.Stop(); #if (CREATURE_PACK_DEBUG) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("---Data Packaging time: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); #endif // init Animation Clip Map for (int i = 0; i < getAnimationNum(); i++) { var curOffsetPair = getAnimationOffsets(i); var animName = (string)(fileData[curOffsetPair.first]); var k = curOffsetPair.first; k++; var newClip = new CreaturePackAnimClip(k, fileData); while (k < curOffsetPair.second) { int cur_time = (int)(float)(fileData[k]); newClip.addTimeSample(cur_time, (int)k); k += 4; } newClip.finalTimeSamples(); animClipMap[animName] = newClip; } }
private void HttpRequestData() { listBox1.Items.Clear(); progressBar1.Value = 0; var path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var gamedata = new DirectoryInfo(path + @"\Android\masterdata\"); var folder = new DirectoryInfo(path + @"\Android\"); progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 250; if (!Directory.Exists(folder.FullName)) { listBox1.Items.Add("正在创建Android目录..."); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; Directory.CreateDirectory(folder.FullName); } listBox1.Items.Add("开始下载/更新游戏数据......"); progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 250; listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; var result = HttpRequest.PhttpReq("", "appVer=2.15.0"); var res = JObject.Parse(result); if (res["response"][0]["fail"]["action"] != null) { switch (res["response"][0]["fail"]["action"].ToString()) { case "app_version_up": { var tmp = res["response"][0]["fail"]["detail"].ToString(); tmp = Regex.Replace(tmp, @".*新ver.:(.*)、現.*", "$1", RegexOptions.Singleline); listBox1.Items.Add("当前游戏版本: " + tmp); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; result = HttpRequest.PhttpReq("", "appVer=" + tmp); res = JObject.Parse(result); break; } case "maint": { var tmp = res["response"][0]["fail"]["detail"].ToString(); if (MessageBox.Show( "游戏服务器正在维护,请在维护后下载数据. \r\n以下为服务器公告内容:\r\n\r\n『" + tmp.Replace("[00FFFF]", "").Replace("[url=", "") .Replace("][u]公式サイト お知らせ[/u][/url][-]", "") + "』\r\n\r\n点击\"确定\"可打开公告页面.", "维护中", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK) { var re = new Regex(@"(?<url>http(s)?://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)?)"); var mc = re.Matches(tmp); foreach (Match m in mc) { var url = m.Result("${url}"); Process.Start(url); } } Application.ExitThread(); Close(); return; } } } if (File.Exists(gamedata.FullName + "webview") || File.Exists(gamedata.FullName + "raw") || File.Exists(gamedata.FullName + "assetbundle") || File.Exists(gamedata.FullName + "webview") || File.Exists(gamedata.FullName + "master")) { var fileinfo = folder.GetFileSystemInfos(); //返回目录中所有文件和子目录 foreach (var i in fileinfo) { if (i is DirectoryInfo) //判断是否文件夹 { var subdir = new DirectoryInfo(i.FullName); subdir.Delete(true); //删除子目录和文件 listBox1.Items.Add("删除: " + subdir); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; continue; } i.Delete(); listBox1.Items.Add("删除: " + i); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; } } if (!Directory.Exists(gamedata.FullName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(gamedata.FullName); } File.WriteAllText(gamedata.FullName + "raw", result); File.WriteAllText(gamedata.FullName + "assetbundle", res["response"][0]["success"]["assetbundle"].ToString()); listBox1.Items.Add("Writing file to: " + gamedata.FullName + "assetbundle"); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 40; File.WriteAllText(gamedata.FullName + "master", res["response"][0]["success"]["master"].ToString()); listBox1.Items.Add("Writing file to: " + gamedata.FullName + "master"); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 40; File.WriteAllText(gamedata.FullName + "webview", res["response"][0]["success"]["webview"].ToString()); listBox1.Items.Add("Writing file to: " + gamedata.FullName + "webview"); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 40; var data = File.ReadAllText(gamedata.FullName + "master"); if (!Directory.Exists(gamedata.FullName + "decrypted_masterdata")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(gamedata.FullName + "decrypted_masterdata"); } var masterData = (Dictionary <string, byte[]>)MasterDataUnpacker.MouseGame2Unpacker( Convert.FromBase64String(data)); var job = new JObject(); var miniMessagePacker = new MiniMessagePacker(); foreach (var item in masterData) { var unpackeditem = (List <object>)miniMessagePacker.Unpack(item.Value); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(unpackeditem, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(gamedata.FullName + "decrypted_masterdata/" + item.Key, json); listBox1.Items.Add("Writing file to: " + gamedata.FullName + "decrypted_masterdata/" + item.Key); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 40; } var data2 = File.ReadAllText(gamedata.FullName + "assetbundle"); var dictionary = (Dictionary <string, object>)MasterDataUnpacker.MouseInfoMsgPack( Convert.FromBase64String(data2)); var str = dictionary.Aggregate <KeyValuePair <string, object>, string>(null, (current, a) => current + a.Key + ": " + a.Value + "\r\n"); File.WriteAllText(gamedata.FullName + "assetbundle.txt", str); listBox1.Items.Add("folder name: " + dictionary["folderName"]); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 40; var data3 = File.ReadAllText(gamedata.FullName + "webview"); var dictionary2 = (Dictionary <string, object>)MasterDataUnpacker.MouseGame2MsgPack( Convert.FromBase64String(data3)); var str2 = "baseURL: " + dictionary2["baseURL"] + "\r\n contactURL: " + dictionary2["contactURL"] + "\r\n"; listBox1.Items.Add(str2); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 40; var filePassInfo = (Dictionary <string, object>)dictionary2["filePass"]; str = filePassInfo.Aggregate(str, (current, a) => current + a.Key + ": " + a.Value + "\r\n"); File.WriteAllText(gamedata.FullName + "webview.txt", str2); listBox1.Items.Add("Writing file to: " + gamedata.FullName + "webview.txt"); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; listBox1.Items.Add("下载完成,可以开始解析."); listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - listBox1.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum; MessageBox.Show("下载完成,可以开始解析.", "完成", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Application.ExitThread(); Close(); }
public void DisplayData(byte[] data) { var str = JsonSerializer.PrettyPrint(JsonSerializer.Serialize <dynamic>(packer.Unpack(data))); textBox.Text = str; }
private string UnpackString() => (string)_packer.Unpack(_s);
public object MessagePackDecode(byte[] raw) { return(pakage.Unpack(raw)); }