예제 #1
        public override void Initialize()
            //Create the Block mesh
            IMeshFactory meshfactory = new MilkShape3DMeshFactory();

            meshfactory.LoadMesh(@"\Meshes\block.txt", out _meshBluePrint, 0);

            _staticBlockVB = ToDispose(new VertexBuffer <VertexMesh>(_engine.Device,
            _staticBlockIB = ToDispose(new IndexBuffer <ushort>(_engine.Device, _meshBluePrint.Indices.Length, "rotatingBlockIB"));

            _cubeShader = ToDispose(new HLSLLoadingCube(_engine.Device,
                                                        ClientSettings.EffectPack + @"Entities/LoadingCube.hlsl",

            RotationCube cube;

            //Create Cubes 1
            cube = new RotationCube
                ID               = 0,
                Rotation         = new Vector3(-MathHelper.Pi * 6 / 5, MathHelper.PiOver4, 0),
                SpinningRotation = new Vector3(0.01f, 0.02f, 0.0001f)

            cube = new RotationCube
                ID               = 1,
                Rotation         = new Vector3(-MathHelper.PiOver2 * 6 * 1.2f, MathHelper.PiOver2 * 0.125f, MathHelper.Pi * 1.23f),
                SpinningRotation = new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.001f)

            cube = new RotationCube
                ID               = 2,
                Rotation         = new Vector3(-MathHelper.PiOver2 * 1.9f, MathHelper.PiOver2 * 0.6f, MathHelper.Pi * 1.3f),
                SpinningRotation = new Vector3(0.001f, 0.05f, 0.002f)

            cube = new RotationCube
                ID               = 3,
                Rotation         = new Vector3(-MathHelper.PiOver2 * 1.6f, MathHelper.PiOver2 * 0.9f, MathHelper.Pi * 1.9f),
                SpinningRotation = new Vector3(0.001f, 0.0004f, 0.03f)

예제 #2
        public override void Initialize()
            IMeshFactory meshfactory = new MilkShape3DMeshFactory();

            meshfactory.LoadMesh(@"\Meshes\block.txt", out _meshBluePrint, 0);

            _staticBlockVB = ToDispose(new VertexBuffer <VertexMesh>(_engine.Device,

            _staticBlockIB = ToDispose(new IndexBuffer <ushort>(_engine.Device,

            _cubeShader = ToDispose(new HLSLLoadingCube(_engine.Device,
                                                        ClientSettings.EffectPack + @"Entities/LoadingCube.hlsl",

예제 #3
        private List <Texture2D> Create3DBlockIcons(DeviceContext context, ShaderResourceView cubesTexture, int iconSize)
            List <Texture2D> createdIconsTexture = new List <Texture2D>();

            SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = new SpriteRenderer(_d3DEngine, Path.Combine(ClientSettings.PathRoot, @"Effects\Sprites\Sprites2.hlsl"));
            //Get the "Block" mesh that will be used to draw the various blocks.
            IMeshFactory meshfactory = new MilkShape3DMeshFactory();
            Mesh         meshBluePrint;

            int textureSize = iconSize;

            meshfactory.LoadMesh(ClientSettings.PathRoot + @"\Meshes\block.txt", out meshBluePrint, 0);
            //Create Vertex/Index Buffer to store the loaded mesh.
            VertexBuffer <VertexMesh> vb = new VertexBuffer <VertexMesh>(_d3DEngine.Device,
                                                                         "Block VB");
            IndexBuffer <ushort> ib = new IndexBuffer <ushort>(_d3DEngine.Device, meshBluePrint.Indices.Length, "Block IB");

            //Create the render texture
            RenderedTexture2D texture = ToDispose(new RenderedTexture2D(_d3DEngine, textureSize, textureSize, SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm)
                BackGroundColor = new Color4(0, 0, 0, 0)

            Texture2DDescription SpriteTextureDesc = new Texture2DDescription()
                Width             = 1,
                Height            = 1,
                MipLevels         = 1,
                ArraySize         = 1,
                Format            = Format.R32G32B32A32_Float,
                SampleDescription = new SampleDescription()
                    Count = 1
                Usage          = ResourceUsage.Dynamic,
                BindFlags      = BindFlags.ShaderResource,
                CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.Write
            Texture2D sTexture = new Texture2D(_d3DEngine.Device, SpriteTextureDesc);

            DataStream dataStream;
            DataBox    data = context.MapSubresource(sTexture, 0, MapMode.WriteDiscard, SharpDX.Direct3D11.MapFlags.None, out dataStream);

            dataStream.Position = 0;
            dataStream.Write <Vector4>(new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); //Ecrire dans la texture
            dataStream.Position = 0;
            context.UnmapSubresource(sTexture, 0);

            SpriteTexture spriteTexture = new SpriteTexture(sTexture);

            spriteTexture.ScreenPosition = new Rectangle(spriteTexture.ScreenPosition.X, spriteTexture.ScreenPosition.Y, textureSize, textureSize);

            //Create the Shadder used to render on the texture.
            HLSLIcons shader = new HLSLIcons(_d3DEngine.Device,
                                             ClientSettings.EffectPack + @"Entities/Icons.hlsl",

            //Compute projection + View matrix
            float  aspectRatio = textureSize / textureSize;
            Matrix projection;

            Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH((float)Math.PI / 3.6f, aspectRatio, 0.5f, 100f, out projection);
            Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, 0, -1.9f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitY);
            Matrix WorldScale;

            Dictionary <int, int> MaterialChangeMapping = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            MaterialChangeMapping.Add(0, 0); //Change the Back Texture Id
            MaterialChangeMapping.Add(1, 0); //Change the Front Texture Id
            MaterialChangeMapping.Add(2, 0); //Change the Bottom Texture Id
            MaterialChangeMapping.Add(3, 0); //Change the Top Texture Id
            MaterialChangeMapping.Add(4, 0); //Change the Left Texture Id
            MaterialChangeMapping.Add(5, 0); //Change the Right Texture Id

            _cubeIconIndexes = new Dictionary <byte, byte>();

            //Create a texture for each cubes existing !
            foreach (BlockProfile profile in _visualWorldParameters.WorldParameters.Configuration.GetAllCubesProfiles())
                //Don't create "Air" cube
                if (profile.Id == WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air)
                //Create the new Material MeshMapping

                //Here the key parameter is the ID name given to the texture inside the file model.
                //In our case the model loaded has these Materials/texture Ids :
                // 0 = Back
                // 1 = Front
                // 2 = Bottom
                // 3 = Top
                // 4 = Left
                // 5 = Right
                //The value attached to it is simply the TextureID from the texture array to use.
                MaterialChangeMapping[0] = profile.Textures == null ? 0 : profile.Tex_Back.TextureArrayId;   //Change the Back Texture Id
                MaterialChangeMapping[1] = profile.Textures == null ? 0 : profile.Tex_Front.TextureArrayId;  //Change the Front Texture Id
                MaterialChangeMapping[2] = profile.Textures == null ? 0 : profile.Tex_Bottom.TextureArrayId; //Change the Bottom Texture Id
                MaterialChangeMapping[3] = profile.Textures == null ? 0 : profile.Tex_Top.TextureArrayId;    //Change the Top Texture Id
                MaterialChangeMapping[4] = profile.Textures == null ? 0 : profile.Tex_Left.TextureArrayId;   //Change the Left Texture Id
                MaterialChangeMapping[5] = profile.Textures == null ? 0 : profile.Tex_Right.TextureArrayId;  //Change the Right Texture Id

                Mesh mesh = meshBluePrint.Clone(MaterialChangeMapping);
                //Stored the mesh data inside the buffers
                vb.SetData(context, mesh.Vertices);
                ib.SetData(context, mesh.Indices);

                //Begin Drawing

                RenderStatesRepo.ApplyStates(context, DXStates.Rasters.Default, DXStates.Blenders.Enabled, DXStates.DepthStencils.DepthDisabled);

                //Set sampler
                shader.SamplerDiffuse.Value = RenderStatesRepo.GetSamplerState(DXStates.Samplers.UVWrap_MinMagMipLinear);


                shader.CBPerFrame.Values.DiffuseLightDirection = new Vector3(-0.8f, -0.9f, 1.5f) * -1;
                shader.CBPerFrame.Values.View       = Matrix.Transpose(view);
                shader.CBPerFrame.Values.Projection = Matrix.Transpose(projection);
                shader.CBPerFrame.IsDirty           = true;

                if (profile.YBlockOffset > 0)
                    WorldScale = Matrix.Scaling(1, (float)(1.0f - profile.YBlockOffset), 1);
                    WorldScale = Matrix.Identity;

                shader.CBPerDraw.Values.World = Matrix.Transpose(WorldScale * Matrix.RotationY(MathHelper.PiOver4) * Matrix.RotationX(-MathHelper.Pi / 5));
                shader.CBPerDraw.IsDirty      = true;

                shader.DiffuseTexture.Value = cubesTexture;

                //Set the buffer to the device
                vb.SetToDevice(context, 0);
                ib.SetToDevice(context, 0);

                //Draw things here.
                context.DrawIndexed(ib.IndicesCount, 0, 0);

                //Draw a sprite for lighting block
                if (profile.IsEmissiveColorLightSource)
                    spriteRenderer.Begin(true, context);
                    ByteColor color = new ByteColor(profile.EmissiveColor.R, profile.EmissiveColor.G, profile.EmissiveColor.B, (byte)127);
                    spriteRenderer.Draw(spriteTexture, ref spriteTexture.ScreenPosition, ref color);
                    spriteRenderer.EndWithCustomProjection(context, ref texture.Projection2D);

                //End Drawing
                texture.End(context, false);

                var tex2d = texture.CloneTexture(context, ResourceUsage.Default);

                //Create Shadow around Icon object displayed
                if (!profile.IsEmissiveColorLightSource)
                    tex2d = DrawOuterShadow(context, texture, tex2d);

                _cubeIconIndexes.Add(profile.Id, (byte)(createdIconsTexture.Count - 1));

            //Reset device Default render target

            //Dispose temp resource.
