public static void UpdateGoogleMilesUri(int originKey, Dictionary <int, string> lookupDestinationDict, bool updateAll = false) { int destKey = 0; //bool updateAll = UpdateAll.IsChecked.Value; using (var mdc = new MilesDataContext()) { foreach (var dest in lookupDestinationDict) { destKey = dest.Key; //Get the Mile Record var mRec = from mtable in mdc.Miles where mtable.FromId == originKey && mtable.ToId == destKey select mtable; foreach (Mile mile in mRec) { mile.GoogleUri = GoogleHelper.CreateGoogleMilesTableLink(originKey, mile.ToId); } //Submit changes to table try { mdc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception exceptUpdate) { MessageBox.Show(exceptUpdate.Message.ToString()); } } } }
public static void AddChapterToMilesTable(List <int> chAddList) { Dictionary <int, string> chList = new Dictionary <int, string>(); chList = GetChapters(); using (MilesDataContext mdc = new MilesDataContext()) { // Loop through the Add list and then the list of current chapters to create the Mile foreach (int chId in chAddList) { //This is for the From ID foreach (var ch in chList) { if (chId != ch.Key) { Mile mAdd = new Mile(); mAdd.FromId = chId; mAdd.ToId = ch.Key; mAdd.Active = true; mAdd.DateCreated = System.DateTime.Now; mAdd.DateModified = System.DateTime.Now; mdc.Miles.InsertOnSubmit(mAdd); } } //This is for the To ID foreach (var ch in chList) { if (chId != ch.Key) { Mile mAdd = new Mile(); mAdd.ToId = chId; mAdd.FromId = ch.Key; mAdd.Active = true; mAdd.DateCreated = System.DateTime.Now; mAdd.DateModified = System.DateTime.Now; mdc.Miles.InsertOnSubmit(mAdd); } } } try { mdc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception exceptAdd) { MessageBox.Show(exceptAdd.Message.ToString()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Method that updates the miles in the miles table /// </summary> /// <param name="originKey"></param> /// <param name="lookupOrigin"></param> /// <param name="lookupDestinationDict"></param> public static void UpdateMileage(int originKey, string lookupOrigin, Dictionary <int, string> lookupDestinationDict, bool updateAll = false) { int destKey = 0; using (var mdc = new MilesDataContext()) { foreach (var dest in lookupDestinationDict) { destKey = dest.Key; if (updateAll) { //Get the Mile Record var mRec = from mtable in mdc.Miles where mtable.FromId == originKey && mtable.ToId == destKey select mtable; foreach (Mile mile in mRec) { mile.Miles = (Int32)GoogleHelper.GetMileage(lookupOrigin, dest.Value); } } else { //Get the Mile Record var mRec = from mtable in mdc.Miles where mtable.FromId == originKey && mtable.ToId == destKey && mtable.Miles == 0 select mtable; foreach (Mile mile in mRec) { mile.Miles = (Int32)GoogleHelper.GetMileage(lookupOrigin, dest.Value); } } //Submit changes to table try { mdc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception exceptUpdate) { MessageBox.Show(exceptUpdate.Message.ToString()); } } } }