private async void SignInPassportAsync() { if (_isExistingAccount) { if (await MicrosoftPassport.GetPassportAuthenticationMessageAsync(_account)) { Frame.Navigate(typeof(Welcome), _account); } } else if (AuthService.Instance.ValidateCredentials(UsernameTextBox.Text, PasswordBox.Password)) { Guid userId = AuthService.Instance.GetUserId(UsernameTextBox.Text); if (userId != Guid.Empty) { //Now that the account exists on server try and create the necessary passport details and add them to the account bool isSuccessful = await MicrosoftPassport.CreatePassportKeyAsync(userId, UsernameTextBox.Text); if (isSuccessful) { Debug.WriteLine("Successfully signed in with Windows Hello!"); //Navigate to the Welcome Screen. _account = AuthService.Instance.GetUserAccount(userId); Frame.Navigate(typeof(Welcome), _account); } else { //The passport account creation failed. //Remove the account from the server as passport details were not configured AuthService.Instance.PassportRemoveUser(userId); ErrorMessage.Text = "Account aanmaken mislukt!"; } } } else { ErrorMessage.Text = "Ongeldige inloggegevens"; } }
private async void RegisterButton_Click_Async(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorMessage.Text = ""; //Validate entered credentials are acceptable if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UsernameTextBox.Text)) { //Register an Account on the AuthService so that we can get back a userId AuthService.Instance.Register(UsernameTextBox.Text); Guid userId = AuthService.Instance.GetUserId(UsernameTextBox.Text); if (userId != Guid.Empty) { //Now that the account exists on server try and create the necessary passport details and add them to the account bool isSuccessful = await MicrosoftPassport.CreatePassportKeyAsync(userId, UsernameTextBox.Text); if (isSuccessful) { //Navigate to the Welcome Screen. Frame.Navigate(typeof(Welcome), AuthService.Instance.GetUserAccount(userId)); } else { //The passport account creation failed. //Remove the account from the server as passport details were not configured AuthService.Instance.PassportRemoveUser(userId); ErrorMessage.Text = "Aanmaak account mislukt!"; } } } else { ErrorMessage.Text = "Vul een gebruikersnaam in!"; } }