internal JobInfo(MSADLA.Models.JobInformation job, AnalyticsAccountRef acct)
     this.Account             = acct;
     this.Name                = job.Name;
     this.LogFolder           = job.LogFolder;
     this.DegreeOfParallelism = job.DegreeOfParallelism;
     this.EndTime             = job.EndTime;
     this.JobId               = job.JobId.Value;
     this.Priority            = job.Priority;
     this.Result              = job.Result;
     this.StartTime           = job.StartTime;
     this.State               = job.State;
     this.SubmitTime          = job.SubmitTime;
     this.Type                = job.Type;
     this.Submitter           = job.Submitter;
예제 #2
        internal JobInfo(MSADLA.Models.JobInformation job, AnalyticsAccount acct)
            // this method is only meant to be called for JobInformation
            // objects that come back from list jobs or from get job

            if (!job.JobId.HasValue)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("job's id is null");

            this.Account             = acct;
            this.Name                = job.Name;
            this.LogFolder           = job.LogFolder;
            this.DegreeOfParallelism = job.DegreeOfParallelism;
            this.EndTime             = job.EndTime;
            this.Id         = job.JobId.Value;
            this.Priority   = job.Priority;
            this.Result     = job.Result;
            this.StartTime  = job.StartTime;
            this.State      = job.State;
            this.SubmitTime = job.SubmitTime;
            this.Type       = job.Type;
            this.Submitter  = job.Submitter;