예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the ModuleClient and sets up the callback to receive
        /// messages containing temperature information
        /// </summary>
        static async Task Init()
            MqttTransportSettings mqttSetting = new MqttTransportSettings(TransportType.Mqtt_Tcp_Only);

            ITransportSettings[] settings = { mqttSetting };

            // Open a connection to the Edge runtime
            ModuleClient ioTHubModuleClient = await ModuleClient.CreateFromEnvironmentAsync(settings);

            await ioTHubModuleClient.OpenAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("IoT Hub module client initialized.");

            // reset reported properties
            var reportedProperties = new Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared.TwinCollection();

            reportedProperties["highTemperature"]     = (float)0;
            reportedProperties["highTemperatureDate"] = string.Empty;
            await ioTHubModuleClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties);

            Console.WriteLine("Reset Reported Properties");

            // Register callback to be called when a message is received by the module
            await ioTHubModuleClient.SetInputMessageHandlerAsync("reporter", PipeMessage, ioTHubModuleClient);
예제 #2
        private static async Task OnDesiredPropertyChanged(Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared.TwinCollection desiredProperties, object userContext)
            Console.WriteLine("desired property change:");

            await Task.Delay(100);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called whenever the module is sent a message from the EdgeHub.
        /// It just pipe the messages without any change.
        /// It prints all the incoming messages.
        /// </summary>
        static async Task <MessageResponse> PipeMessage(Message message, object userContext)
            int counterValue = Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);

            var moduleClient = userContext as ModuleClient;

            if (moduleClient == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("UserContext doesn't contain " + "expected values");

            byte[] messageBytes  = message.GetBytes();
            string messageString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

            // update reported properties
            var reportedMessage    = JObject.Parse(messageString);
            var reportedProperties = new Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared.TwinCollection();
            var highTemperature    = (float)reportedMessage["temperature"];

            reportedProperties["highTemperature"]     = highTemperature;
            reportedProperties["highTemperatureDate"] = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();

            // report the high temperature back to the module twin
            await moduleClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties);

            Console.WriteLine("Updated Reported Properties");

            // send message to output (not required)
            var outputString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
                new {
                message     = "high temperature alert reported!",
                temperature = highTemperature

            var outputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(outputString);

            using (var pipeMessage = new Message(outputBytes))
                await moduleClient.SendEventAsync("output1", pipeMessage);

                Console.WriteLine("Sent output message");

예제 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            _registryManager   = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(_iotHubConnectionString);
            _cityData          = File.ReadAllLines("CityData.csv");
            _devices           = new List <WaterLevelSensorReading>();
            _runningBlocks     = new List <ITargetBlock <string> >();
            _cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _random            = new Random();
            for (var i = 0; i < _numberOfDevices; i++)
                //set information that needs set once
                var deviceId     = $"{_devicePrefix}_{i + 1}";
                var device       = new WaterLevelSensorReading(deviceId);
                var cityIdx      = _random.Next(1, _maxLocationId);
                var cityDataLine = _cityData.First(c => c.StartsWith(cityIdx.ToString()));
                var tokens       = cityDataLine.Split(',');
                device.Latitude          = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[3]);
                device.Longitude         = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[4]);
                device.AzureDevice       = GetOrRegisterDeviceInAzureAsync(deviceId).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                device.AzureDeviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(_iotHubHostName, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(deviceId, device.AzureDevice.Authentication.SymmetricKey.PrimaryKey), Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.TransportType.Mqtt);
                var rp = new Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared.TwinCollection();
                rp["Type"]             = "WaterLevelSensor";
                rp["Latitude"]         = device.Latitude;
                rp["Longitude"]        = device.Longitude;
                rp["Firmware"]         = "1.0.0";
                rp["SupportedMethods"] = "";
                var telemetryNested = new Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared.TwinCollection();
                telemetryNested[device.MessageSchema] = WaterLevelSensorReading.GetTelemetryObject();
                rp["Telemetry"] = telemetryNested;


                //blocks take a random reading, then run indefinitely until cancelled
                var block = CreateEmulatedDeviceReading(_cancellationToken.Token);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished (press any key to continue)");
예제 #5
        static List <(long, TestOperationResult)> GetStoreData(string source, string resultType, IEnumerable <string> resultValues, int start = 0)
            var storeData = new List <(long, TestOperationResult)>();
            int count     = start;

            foreach (string value in resultValues)
                var tc     = new Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared.TwinCollection();
                var values = value.Split(";");
                foreach (var item in values)
                    tc[item] = "1";

                var twinTestResult = new TwinTestResult(source, DateTime.UtcNow)
                    Properties = tc
                storeData.Add((count, twinTestResult.ToTestOperationResult()));
