public static bool login(user ExisitingUser, MetroForm ui) { try { row = UserDataTable.FindByusername(ExisitingUser.username); if (row == null) { MSG.ERROR(ui, "User Doesn't Exists in the System"); return(false); } if ((row.username.ToString() == ExisitingUser.username) && (row.password.ToString() == ExisitingUser.password)) { MSG.SUCCESS(ui, "Login Success.!"); ui.Hide(); frm_dashboard n = new frm_dashboard(); n.ShowDialog(); ui.Close(); return(true); } else { MSG.ERROR(ui, "Username and Password Doesn't Match!"); return(false); } } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) { MSG.ERROR(ui, "Login Error.!, " + ex.Message); return(false); } }
public static void login(MetroForm form) { try { usersAdapter.Fill(userTable); if ((User.Username == "") || (User.Password == "")) { CommonFunctions.ShowError(form, "Please Enter valid username or Password.Fields can not be empty..."); CommonFunctions.WriteUserLog("SYSTEM", " Some User Tried to Login with Null username or Password"); } row = userTable.FindByUsername(User.Username); if (row == null) { //user not exists CommonFunctions.ShowError(form, "User does not Exists."); CommonFunctions.WriteUserLog("SYSTEM", "Failed Login Attemp With Username -> " + User.Username); //return false; } else if ((row != null) && (User.Password != row.Password)) { //wrong password CommonFunctions.ShowError(form, "Wrong Password.Please Check and Re enter..."); CommonFunctions.WriteUserLog("SYSTEM", User.Username + " Tried to Login with Wrong Password"); //return false; } else if ((User.Username == row.Username) && (row.Password == User.Password) && (row.IsActive == 0)) { //Disabled User CommonFunctions.ShowError(form, "This User can not Login in to the System. Access Denied..."); CommonFunctions.WriteUserLog("SYSTEM", "A Disabled User Tried to Login > " + User.Username); //return false; } else if ((User.Username == row.Username) && (row.Password == User.Password)) { //login success CommonFunctions.ShowSuccess(form, "Login Successfully..."); Session.Username = row.Username; Session.BranchId = row.BranchId; Brow = branchTable.FindById(row.BranchId); Session.BranchMasterPassword = Brow.MasterPassword; Session.BranchName = Brow.BranchName; CommonFunctions.WriteUserLog("SYSTEM", User.Username + " is Log into the System"); new UI_DASHBOARD(form).Show(); form.Hide(); form.ShowInTaskbar = false; //return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { //show some error and log the original error! CommonFunctions.ShowError(form, ex.ToString()); CommonFunctions.WriteToErrorLog(ex.Message.ToString()); //return false; } }