예제 #1
        public void Main(int param1, bool param2, string param3, Method1 param4)
            int Salary = 1000;

            decimal = 20M;
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Method1 createArray = (x) =>
                int[] a = new int[5];
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i)
                    a[i] = x * (i + 1);

            Method2 printArray = (x) =>
                foreach (var el in x)
                    Console.Write(el + " ");

            var array = createArray(5);


            var array2 = createArray(10);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");

             * Phần 1: Khai báo Anonymous và Anonymous lồng nhau
            var studentUDPM = new
                Id        = "PH00532",
                Name      = "Dungna29",
                trangThai = true

            Console.WriteLine("ID = {0} | Name = {1} | TrangThai: {2}", studentUDPM.Id, studentUDPM.Name, studentUDPM.trangThai);
            var studentUDPM1 = new
                Id        = "PH00532",
                Name      = "Dungna29",
                trangThai = true,
                diaChi    = new
                    soNha    = "Nha so 1",
                    quan     = "Tây Hồ",
                    thanhPho = "Hà Nội"

            Console.WriteLine("ID = {0} | Name = {1} | TrangThai: {2} | Địa Chỉ {3}", studentUDPM1.Id, studentUDPM1.Name, studentUDPM1.trangThai, studentUDPM1.diaChi.soNha);

             * Phần 2: Phương thức nặc danh
            Method1 method1 = delegate(int temp)
                Console.WriteLine("Đây là phương thức nặc danh. Giá trị {0} ", temp);

            method1(2021);//Gọi đến phương thức nặc danh
            int     temp;
            Method1 method2 = delegate(int temp)
                temp = 2022;//Gọi các biến cục bộ bên ngoài như bình thường
                Console.WriteLine("Đây là phương thức nặc danh. Giá trị {0} ", temp);
예제 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Method1 m1 = new Method1();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter first number: ");
            int num1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Enter second number: ");
            int  num2   = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            bool result = m1.Number(num1 + num2);

            if (result)
                Console.WriteLine("The result is True");
                Console.WriteLine("The result is False");

            //Create a function that takes the number of wins, draws and losses,
            //and calculates the number of points a football team has obtained so far.
            //Rule - wins get 5 points, draws get 2 point and losses get 0 points.
            WinLossDraw m2      = new WinLossDraw();
            int         result1 = m2.Calc();

            Console.WriteLine($"The Team got {result1} points");

            // A function that takes a two word string separated by space
            //and returns the concatenated first characters of both the words.
            //E.g. GetInitials("Bishnu Rawal") => "BR"
            //GetInitials("Alex Wales") => "AW"

            GetInitials m3 = new GetInitials();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter YourFull Name:");
            string name    = Console.ReadLine();
            string initial = m3.Initials(name);

            Console.WriteLine($"The Initials are : {initial}");
예제 #5
        public void Main(int param1, bool param2, string param3, Method1 param4)
            int Salary = 1000;

            decimal = 20M;
            string name = "John Williams";

                Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //empty comment block.
예제 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var methods = new Menu();

            methods.FirstMethod  = "1";
            methods.SecondMethod = "2";
            methods.ThirdMethod  = "3";
            methods.Leave        = "Leave";

            var method1 = new Method1();

            var method2 = new Method2();

            var method3 = new Method3();

            var leave = new Leave();

예제 #7
 public SecurityController(Method1 _method1, Method2 _method2)
     method1 = _method1;
     method2 = _method2;
예제 #8
        private void btnMethod1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double smallBet, mediumBet, bigBet, minInvest = 0.0, percentTake = 0.0, percentMoneyTake = 0.0;

            parseBets(out smallBet, out mediumBet, out bigBet);
            int    groups          = 0;
            string topLeaguesValue = "All Leagues";

            Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
                int.TryParse(cboxGroup.SelectedItem.ToString(), out groups);
                topLeaguesValue       = cboxTopLeagues.SelectedItem.ToString();
                numMinMatches.Minimum = groups;
            string q = @"SELECT sr.Date FROM dbo.Ivnet i, dbo.SportRadar sr
                                     WHERE i.Guessed is not null AND i.SportRadarID=sr.ID AND sr.Date>=@FromDate AND sr.Date<=@ToDate
                                     GROUP BY sr.Date ORDER BY sr.Date";        // HAVING COUNT(sr.Date)>3

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(MainForm.STRCONN))
                SqlCommand selectCmd = new SqlCommand(q, connection);
                selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FromDate", dtpFrom.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ToDate", dtpTo.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                List <string> dates = new List <string>();
                SqlDataReader reader;
                using (reader = selectCmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                Method1 method1 = new Method1();
                q = String.Format("SELECT {0} Country,League FROM dbo.Leagues WHERE Season='2011/12' ORDER BY GuessedPercent DESC",
                                  topLeaguesValue == "All Leagues" ? "" : topLeaguesValue);
                method1.topCountries = new List <string>();
                method1.topLeagues   = new List <string>();
                using (reader = new SqlCommand(q, connection).ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                method1.Connection    = connection;
                method1.groups        = groups;
                method1.minMatches    = (int)numMinMatches.Value;
                method1.smallBet      = smallBet;
                method1.mediumBet     = mediumBet;
                method1.bigBet        = bigBet;
                method1.isTip1        = cbTip1.Checked;
                method1.isTipX        = cbTipX.Checked;
                method1.isTip2        = cbTip2.Checked;
                method1.isScore1      = cbScore1.Checked;
                method1.isScoreX      = cbScoreX.Checked;
                method1.isScore2      = cbScore2.Checked;
                method1.isSmallBet    = cbSmallBet.Checked;
                method1.isMediumBet   = cbMediumBet.Checked;
                method1.isBigBet      = cbBigBet.Checked;
                method1.isGroupAll    = cbGroupAll.Checked;
                method1.isIncremental = cbIncrement.Checked;
                if (method1.isIncremental)
                    double.TryParse(tbMinInvest.Text, out minInvest);
                    double.TryParse(tbPercentTake.Text, out percentTake);
                    double.TryParse(tbMaxInvest.Text, out method1.maxInvest);
                    double.TryParse(tbMaxGroupInvest.Text, out method1.maxGroupInvest);
                    method1.minInvest = minInvest;
                foreach (string date in dates)
                    method1.propInvest = 1.0;
                    method1.processRound(date, false);
                    if (method1.isIncremental)
                        method1.propInvest = method1.minInvest / method1.investedMoney;
                    //Console.WriteLine(", maxInvest: {0}, investedMoney: {1}", method1.maxInvest, method1.investedMoney);
                    //Console.WriteLine("minInvest: {0}, percentMoneyTake: {1}", method1.profit, percentMoneyTake);
                    if (method1.isIncremental)
                        if (cbPercentTake.Checked && method1.profit > 0)
                            percentMoneyTake   = method1.profit * percentTake / 100;
                            method1.allProfit += percentMoneyTake;
                            method1.profit    -= percentMoneyTake;
                        method1.minInvest = method1.minInvest + method1.profit;
                        if (method1.minInvest < minInvest)
                            method1.minInvest = minInvest;
                        if (cbMaxInvest.Checked && method1.minInvest > method1.maxInvest)
                            method1.minInvest = method1.maxInvest;
                string summary = @"<div style='border-top:3px solid black;'><table>
        <tr cellspan='2'><th>Summary:</th></tr>
        <tr><td>All Investment:</td><td><b>{0:0.00}</b></td>    <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>Won Rounds</td><td><b>{3}</b></td></tr>
        <tr><td>All Profit:</td><td><b>{1:0.00}</b></td>        <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>Lost Rounds</td><td><b>{4}</b></td></tr>
        <tr><td>Percent:</td><td><b>{2:0}%</b></td>             <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td></td><td><b></b></td></tr>
                summary = String.Format(summary, method1.allInvestment, method1.allProfit, method1.allProfit / method1.allInvestment * 100,
                                        method1.wonRounds, method1.lostRounds);
                browser.DocumentText = "<html><head></head><body style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;'>" + method1.html + summary + "</body></html>";