예제 #1
        public void Run()
                #region GetObjectIdentifier
                Console.WriteLine("\nIndicate the object you want to run this example code on.");
                Console.Write("Enter the fully qualified reference of the object (Example: \"site:device/itemReference\"): ");
                string object1 = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.WriteLine("\nIndicate the second object you want to run this example code on.");
                Console.Write("Enter the fully qualified reference of the object: ");
                string object2 = Console.ReadLine();


                // These variables are needed to run the other sections
                Guid id1 = client.GetObjectIdentifier(object1);
                Console.WriteLine($"{object1} id: {id1}");

                Guid id2 = client.GetObjectIdentifier(object2);
                Console.WriteLine($"{object2} id: {id2}");

                List <Guid> ids = new List <Guid>()
                    id1, id2

                #region ReadProperty


                Console.Write("\n!!!Please note ReadProperty will return null if the attribute does not exist, and will cause an exception in this example!!!");
                Console.Write("\nEnter an attribute of the objects (Examples: name, description, presentValue): ");
                string attribute1 = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.Write("Enter a second attribute of the objects: ");
                string attribute2 = Console.ReadLine();

                List <string> attributes = new List <string>()
                    attribute1, attribute2

                Console.WriteLine($"Get {attribute1} property...");

                Variant result1Attr1 = client.ReadProperty(id1, attribute1);
                Variant result2Attr1 = client.ReadProperty(id2, attribute1);

                Console.WriteLine($"{result1Attr1.Id} {result1Attr1.Attribute} values (string, int, bool, reliability): " +
                                  $"\n{result1Attr1.StringValue}, {result1Attr1.NumericValue}, {result1Attr1.BooleanValue}, {result1Attr1.Reliability}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{result2Attr1.Id} {result2Attr1.Attribute} values (string, int, bool, reliability): " +
                                  $"\n{result2Attr1.StringValue}, {result2Attr1.NumericValue}, {result2Attr1.BooleanValue}, {result2Attr1.Reliability}");


                #region ReadPropertyMultiple


                Console.WriteLine($"\nGet {attribute1}, {attribute2} properties for each object...");

                IEnumerable <VariantMultiple> results = client.ReadPropertyMultiple(ids, attributes);

                foreach (var varMultiple in results)
                    // Grab the list of Variants for each id
                    var variants = varMultiple.Values;
                    foreach (var result in variants)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{result.Id} {result.Attribute} values (string, int, bool, reliability): " +
                                          $"\n{result.StringValue}, {result.NumericValue},  {result.BooleanValue}, {result.Reliability}");


                #region WriteProperty Methods

                Console.Write("\nEnter an attribute of the objects to change (don't worry, this will be reset to it's original value): ");
                string attribute3 = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.Write("\nEnter one new value for this attribute (this will be applied to both objects): ");
                object change = Console.ReadLine();

                // Get original values, this code will throw an exception if the
                Variant result1Attr3 = client.ReadProperty(id1, attribute3);
                Variant result2Attr3 = client.ReadProperty(id2, attribute3);
                Console.WriteLine($"{result1Attr3.Id} {result1Attr3.Attribute} original value: {result1Attr3.StringValue}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{result2Attr3.Id} {result2Attr3.Attribute} original value: {result2Attr3.StringValue}");


                // Change value
                client.WriteProperty(id1, attribute3, change);

                // View changes
                Variant result1Attr3Updated = client.ReadProperty(id1, attribute3);
                Console.WriteLine($"{result1Attr3Updated.Id} {result1Attr3Updated.Attribute} updated value: {result1Attr3Updated.StringValue}");

                // Reset value
                client.WriteProperty(id1, attribute3, result1Attr3.StringValue);

                Console.WriteLine("\nWrite Property Multiple...");

                // Change value
                List <(string, object)> attributes2 = new List <(string, object)>()
                    (attribute3, change)
                client.WritePropertyMultiple(ids, attributes2);

                // View changes
                Variant result1Attr3UpdatedM = client.ReadProperty(id1, attribute3);
                Variant result2Attr3UpdatedM = client.ReadProperty(id2, attribute3);
                Console.WriteLine($"{result1Attr3UpdatedM.Id} {result1Attr3UpdatedM.Attribute} updated value: {result1Attr3UpdatedM.StringValue}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{result2Attr3UpdatedM.Id} {result2Attr3UpdatedM.Attribute} updated value: {result2Attr3UpdatedM.StringValue}");

                // Reset Values
                client.WriteProperty(id1, attribute3, result1Attr3.StringValue);
                client.WriteProperty(id2, attribute3, result2Attr3.StringValue);


                #region Commands


                Console.WriteLine($"{id1} Commands:");

                IEnumerable <Command> commands = client.GetCommands(id1);

                if (commands != null && commands.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (Command command in commands)
                    Console.WriteLine("No commands found.");


                Console.Write("\nPlease enter a commandId to execute: ");
                string cmd = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.WriteLine("\nEnter a number for a number type, enter the key for an enum type.");
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter the values for the command in order followed by an empty line: ");

                List <object> list = new List <object>()
                string option = "";
                    option = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (option != null && option.Length > 0)
                } while (option != null && option.Length > 0);

                Console.WriteLine("\nSending Command, please wait...");

                client.SendCommand(id1, cmd, list);

                Console.WriteLine("Sent successfully.");


                #region GetNetworkDevices


                IEnumerable <MetasysObjectType> types = client.GetNetworkDeviceTypes();
                foreach (var type in types)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\nAvailable Type {type.Id}: {type.Description}, {type.DescriptionEnumerationKey}");
                    string typeId = type.Id.ToString();
                    IEnumerable <MetasysObject> devices = client.GetNetworkDevices(typeId);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Devices found: {devices.Count()}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"First Device: {devices.ElementAt(0).Name}");


                #region GetObjects

                Console.WriteLine("\n\nGet Objects..");

                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the depth of objects to retrieve for the first object.");
                Console.Write("(1 = only this object, 2 = immediate children only): ");

                int level = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                IEnumerable <MetasysObject> objects = client.GetObjects(id2, level);
                if (objects.Count() > 0)
                    MetasysObject obj = objects.ElementAt(0);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Parent object: {obj.Id}");

                    for (int i = 1; i < level; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Child at level {i}: {obj.Id} - {obj.Name}");
                        if (objects.ElementAt(0).ChildrenCount > 0)
                            obj = objects.ElementAt(0).Children.ElementAt(0);
                            Console.WriteLine("This object has no children.");
                    Console.WriteLine("This object has no children.");
            catch (Exception exception)
                log.Logger.Error(string.Format("An error occured while getting general information - {0}", exception.Message));
                Console.WriteLine("\n \nAn Error occurred. Press Enter to return to Main Menu");
예제 #2
        private void SendCommands(Guid objectId, List <Command> commands)
            /* SNIPPET 2: START */
            Command adjust           = commands.FindById("adjust");
            Command operatorOverride = commands.FindById("operatorOverride");
            Command release          = commands.FindById("release");


             * {
             *    "Title": "Release",
             *    "TitleEnumerationKey": "commandIdEnumSet.releaseCommand",
             *    "CommandId": "Release",
             *    "Items": [
             *      {
             *        "Title": "oneOf",
             *        "Type": "enum",
             *        "EnumerationValues": [
             *          {
             *            "Title": "Present Value",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "attributeEnumSet.presentValue"
             *          }
             *        ],
             *        "Minimum": 1.0,
             *        "Maximum": 1.0
             *      },
             *      {
             *        "Title": "oneOf",
             *        "Type": "enum",
             *        "EnumerationValues": [
             *          {
             *            "Title": "0 (No Priority)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "1 (Manual Life Safety)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityManualEmergency"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "2 (Auto Life Safety)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityFireApplications"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "3 (Application)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority3"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "4 (Application)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority4"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "5 (Critical Equipment)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityCriticalEquipment"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "6 (Minimum On Off)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityMinimumOnOff"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "7 (Heavy Equip Delay)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityHeavyEquipDelay"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "8 (Operator Override)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityOperatorOverride"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "9 (Application)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority9"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "10 (Application)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority10"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "11 (Demand Limiting)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDemandLimiting"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "12 (Application)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority12"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "13 (Load Rolling)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityLoadRolling"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "14 (Application)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority14"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "15 (Scheduling)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.prioritySchedulingOst"
             *          },
             *          {
             *            "Title": "16 (Default)",
             *            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDefault"
             *          }
             *        ],
             *        "Minimum": 1.0,
             *        "Maximum": 1.0
             *      }
             *    ]
             *  }
            var list1 = new List <object> {

            client.SendCommand(objectId, adjust.CommandId, list1);
            var list2 = new List <object> {

            client.SendCommand(objectId, operatorOverride.CommandId, list2);
            var list3 = new List <object> {
                "attributeEnumSet.presentValue", "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone"

            client.SendCommand(objectId, release.CommandId, list3);
            /* SNIPPET 2: END */
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Add support for JSON Config File
            IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                                    .AddJsonFile("AppSettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
            // Read hostname from credential manager first
            var hostnameTarget = config.GetSection("CredentialManager:Targets:MetasysServer").Value;
            // Hostname is stored in the Credential Manager using password field
            var           secureHostname = CredentialUtil.GetCredential(hostnameTarget);
            MetasysClient metasysClient  = new MetasysClient(CredentialUtil.convertToUnSecureString(secureHostname.Password));
            // Retrieve Metasys Credentials to login
            var credTarget = config.GetSection("CredentialManager:Targets:MetasysCredentials").Value;

            // Use TryLogin overload that accepts Credential Manager Target
            // Forecast container target is securely stored in Credential manager
            var containerTarget = config.GetSection("CredentialManager:Targets:ForecastContainer").Value;
            var secureContainer = CredentialUtil.GetCredential(containerTarget);
            // Get parent object of Weather Forecast to retrieve related children (securely stored in Credential Manager)
            Guid parentObjectId = metasysClient.GetObjectIdentifier(CredentialUtil.convertToUnSecureString(secureContainer.Password));
            IEnumerable <MetasysObject> weatherForecast = metasysClient.GetObjects(parentObjectId, 1);
            // Retrieve latitude and longitude to get weather forecast
            MetasysObject latitudePoint  = weatherForecast.FindByName("Latitude");
            MetasysObject longitudePoint = weatherForecast.FindByName("Longitude");
            double        latitude       = metasysClient.ReadProperty(latitudePoint.Id, "presentValue").NumericValue;
            double        longitude      = metasysClient.ReadProperty(longitudePoint.Id, "presentValue").NumericValue;
            // Forecast API key is securely stored in Credential manager
            var apiKeyTarget = config.GetSection("CredentialManager:Targets:OpenWeather").Value;
            var secureApiKey = CredentialUtil.GetCredential(apiKeyTarget);
            // Get Next Five Days forecast every 3 hours
            OpenWeatherMapClient weatherMapclient = new OpenWeatherMapClient(CredentialUtil.convertToUnSecureString(secureApiKey.Password));
            ForecastResult       forecastResult   = weatherMapclient.GetForecast(latitude, longitude).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            // Get the closest forecast to be written
            Forecast forecast = forecastResult.list.First();
            // Read Metasys points to write the response back
            MetasysObject Day         = weatherForecast.FindByName("Day");
            MetasysObject Month       = weatherForecast.FindByName("Month");
            MetasysObject Year        = weatherForecast.FindByName("Year");
            MetasysObject Hour        = weatherForecast.FindByName("Hour");
            MetasysObject Minute      = weatherForecast.FindByName("Minute");
            MetasysObject Temperature = weatherForecast.FindByName("Temperature");
            MetasysObject Humidity    = weatherForecast.FindByName("Humidity");
            MetasysObject Rain        = weatherForecast.FindByName("Rain");
            MetasysObject Snow        = weatherForecast.FindByName("Snow");
            // Use commands to write the results
            string adjustCommand = "Adjust";
            var    date          = OpenWeatherMapClient.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(forecast.dt);

            metasysClient.SendCommand(Day.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            metasysClient.SendCommand(Month.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            metasysClient.SendCommand(Year.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            metasysClient.SendCommand(Hour.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            metasysClient.SendCommand(Minute.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            metasysClient.SendCommand(Temperature.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            metasysClient.SendCommand(Humidity.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            if (forecast.rain != null)
                metasysClient.SendCommand(Rain.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
                // Reset values in case there is no rain
                metasysClient.SendCommand(Rain.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
            if (forecast.snow != null)
                metasysClient.SendCommand(Snow.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {
                // Reset values in case there is no snow
                metasysClient.SendCommand(Rain.Id, adjustCommand, new List <object> {