예제 #1
        public void CalcAvgWS_Test()
            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");

            string Filename = testingFolder + "\\Met testing RDM.cfm";


            Met.WSWD_Dist thisDist = thisInst.metList.metItem[0].GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 7.478587, 0.001, "Wrong WS at Met 10");

            thisDist = thisInst.metList.metItem[1].GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 8.07606, 0.001, "Wrong WS at Met 15");

            thisDist = thisInst.metList.metItem[2].GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 8.28380, 0.001, "Wrong WS at Met 16");

            thisDist = thisInst.metList.metItem[3].GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 7.140587, 0.001, "Wrong WS at Met 17");

예제 #2
        public void CalcMeas_WSWD_Dists_Test()
            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");

            string fileName = testingFolder + "\\Met testing.cfm";


            Met thisMet = thisInst.metList.metItem[0];

            thisMet.metData.GetSensorDataFromDB(thisInst, thisMet.name);

            // Test 1
            Met.WSWD_Dist thisDist = thisMet.CalcMeas_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All, thisInst, thisMet.metData.GetSimulatedTimeSeries(80));

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.617531, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0], 4.842588, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[5], 5.461858, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15], 5.159092, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 1");

            // Test 2
            thisInst.metList.numTOD = 2;
            thisDist = thisMet.CalcMeas_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.Day, Met.Season.All, thisInst, thisMet.metData.GetSimulatedTimeSeries(80));
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.374398, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0], 4.51033, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[3], 5.039229, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[10], 7.798786, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 2");

            // Test 3
            thisDist = thisMet.CalcMeas_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.Night, Met.Season.All, thisInst, thisMet.metData.GetSimulatedTimeSeries(80));
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.8643, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[1], 5.241824, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[7], 7.063508, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15], 5.41911, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 3");

            // Test 4
            thisInst.metList.numTOD    = 1;
            thisInst.metList.numSeason = 4;
            thisDist = thisMet.CalcMeas_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.Winter, thisInst, thisMet.metData.GetSimulatedTimeSeries(80));
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 8.033652, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0], 4.493193, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[11], 9.351834, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 4");

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcMeas_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.Summer, thisInst, thisMet.metData.GetSimulatedTimeSeries(80));
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 5.437018, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 5");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[4], 4.760074, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 5");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15], 4.57385, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 5");

            // Test 6
            thisInst.metList.numTOD = 2;
            thisDist = thisMet.CalcMeas_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.Day, Met.Season.Spring, thisInst, thisMet.metData.GetSimulatedTimeSeries(80));
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.733493, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 6");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[1], 5.530139, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 6");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS * thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15], 5.760701, 0.01, "Wrong WS Test 6");

예제 #3
        public void FindPathOfNodes_Test()
            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");

            NodeCollection nodeList = new NodeCollection();

            string Filename = testingFolder + "\\Ashley.cfm";

            thisInst.topo.GetElevsAndSRDH_ForCalcs(thisInst, null, false);

            // Clear met pairs nad models
            thisInst.modelList.FindSiteCalibratedModels(thisInst, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All, thisInst.modeledHeight);

            double[] windRose = new double[16];

            // Find path of nodes in between mets for R = 4000
            for (int i = 0; i < thisInst.metPairList.PairCount; i++)
                windRose = new double[16];
                Met.WSWD_Dist thisDist1 = thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[i].met1.GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);
                Met.WSWD_Dist thisDist2 = thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[i].met2.GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);

                for (int WD = 0; WD < 16; WD++)
                    windRose[WD] = (thisDist1.windRose[WD] + thisDist2.windRose[WD]) / 2;

                Nodes Met1_Node = nodeList.GetMetNode(thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[i].met1);
                Nodes Met2_Node = nodeList.GetMetNode(thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[i].met2);

                Nodes[] pathOfNodes = nodeList.FindPathOfNodes(Met1_Node, Met2_Node, thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[i].WS_Pred[0, 0].model, thisInst);
                thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[i].WS_Pred[0, 0].nodePath = pathOfNodes;

            Assert.AreEqual(thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[4].WS_Pred[0, 0].nodePath.Length, 1, "Didn't find node between Met 2 and Met 3");

            // Confirm that Met 2 and Met 3 have terrain exposure that is outside acceptable range
            Nodes Met_2_Node = nodeList.GetMetNode(thisInst.metList.metItem[1]);
            Nodes Met_3_Node = nodeList.GetMetNode(thisInst.metList.metItem[2]);

            windRose = thisInst.metList.GetAvgWindRose(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);

            bool isTerrainSame = nodeList.TerrainSame(Met_2_Node, Met_3_Node, thisInst.modelList.models[0, 0], 1, windRose, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(isTerrainSame, false, "Didn't find terrain different between Met 2 and Met 3");

            // Confirm that Met 1 and Met 2 don't need a node in between
            Assert.AreEqual(thisInst.metPairList.metPairs[0].WS_Pred[0, 0].nodePath.Length, 0, "Found node between Met 1 and Met 2");

예제 #4
        public void Method_Of_Bins_Test()
            // Test Method of Bins method
            // Loop through WD, TOD, Season, and WS width (0.5 and 1.0 m/s)
            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");
            string    fileName = "C:\\Users\\liz_w\\Desktop\\Continuum 3 GUI Testing\\SaveFolder\\OneMetTSNotFiltWithMERRAAndMCP_1";

            thisInst.Open(fileName + ".cfm");
            thisInst.isTest = true;
            thisInst.cboMCP_Type.SelectedIndex = 1;

            Met thisMet = thisInst.GetSelectedMet("MCP");

            Met.WSWD_Dist thisEst = new Met.WSWD_Dist();
            Met.WSWD_Dist lastEst = new Met.WSWD_Dist();

            for (int WD_ind = 0; WD_ind <= 4; WD_ind++)
                for (int TOD_ind = 0; TOD_ind <= 1; TOD_ind++)
                    for (int seasonInd = 0; seasonInd <= 1; seasonInd++)
                        for (int WS_width_ind = 0; WS_width_ind <= 1; WS_width_ind++)
                            if (WS_width_ind == 0)
                                thisInst.txtWS_bin_width.Text = "0.5";
                                thisInst.txtWS_bin_width.Text = "1.0";

                            thisInst.cboMCPNumHours.SelectedIndex   = TOD_ind;
                            thisInst.cboMCPNumSeasons.SelectedIndex = seasonInd;
                            thisInst.cboMCPNumWD.SelectedIndex      = WD_ind;
                            thisEst = thisMet.GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);

                            Assert.AreNotEqual(thisEst.WS, lastEst.WS, "LT Estimate did not change with setting change");
                            lastEst = thisEst;

예제 #5
        public void ExportWSDist()
            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");

            string Filename = testingFolder + "\\Bobcat Bluff TurbineCollection testing.cfm";


            string       distFile = testingFolder + "\\CalcAndReturnGrossAEP\\Met 2001 WS Dist.csv";
            StreamWriter sw       = new StreamWriter(distFile);

            Met.WSWD_Dist thisDist = thisInst.metList.metItem[0].GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);

            for (int i = 0; i < thisDist.WS_Dist.Length; i++)
                sw.WriteLine(Math.Round(thisDist.WS_Dist[i], 4));

        public void AddMetTAB_Test()
            string       WR_file = testingFolder + "\\AddMet_TAB\\Wind_Rose.txt";
            StreamReader sr      = new StreamReader(WR_file);

            double[] windRose = new double[16];
            for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                windRose[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()) / 100;

            string Sect_WS_file = testingFolder + "\\AddMet_TAB\\Sect_WS.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Sect_WS_file);
            double[,] sectorWS = new double[16, 31];
            for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                string   This_WS_Array    = sr.ReadLine();
                string[] This_Array_Split = This_WS_Array.Split('\t');
                for (int j = 0; j <= 30; j++)
                    sectorWS[i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(This_Array_Split[j]);

            Continuum ThisNewInst = new Continuum("");

            ThisNewInst.metList.AddMetTAB("Test_Add", 10000, 100000, 80, windRose, sectorWS, 0.5f, 1, ThisNewInst);

            Assert.AreEqual(ThisNewInst.metList.ThisCount, 1, 0, "Wrong met count");
            Met.WSWD_Dist thisDist = ThisNewInst.metList.metItem[0].GetWS_WD_Dist(ThisNewInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);
            Assert.AreNotSame(thisDist.sectorWS_Dist, null, "Didn't read in sectorwise WS distribution");
            Assert.AreNotSame(thisDist.windRose, null, "Didn't read in wind rose");
            Assert.AreNotSame(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio, null, "Didn't calculate directional WS ratios");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(thisDist.height, 0, 0, "Didn't read in height");

예제 #7
        public void Variance_Ratio_Test()
            // Test Variance Ratio method

            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");
            string    fileName = "C:\\Users\\liz_w\\Desktop\\Continuum 3 GUI Testing\\SaveFolder\\OneMetTSNotFiltWithMERRAAndMCP_1";

            thisInst.Open(fileName + ".cfm");
            thisInst.isTest = true;
            thisInst.cboMCP_Type.SelectedIndex = 2;

            Met thisMet = thisInst.GetSelectedMet("MCP");

            Met.WSWD_Dist thisEst = new Met.WSWD_Dist();
            Met.WSWD_Dist lastEst = new Met.WSWD_Dist();

            for (int WD_ind = 0; WD_ind <= 4; WD_ind++)
                for (int TOD_ind = 0; TOD_ind <= 1; TOD_ind++)
                    for (int seasonInd = 0; seasonInd <= 1; seasonInd++)
                        thisInst.cboMCPNumHours.SelectedIndex   = TOD_ind;
                        thisInst.cboMCPNumSeasons.SelectedIndex = seasonInd;
                        thisInst.cboMCPNumWD.SelectedIndex      = WD_ind;
                        thisEst = thisMet.GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All);

                        Assert.AreNotEqual(thisEst.WS, lastEst.WS, "LT Estimate did not change with setting change");
                        lastEst = thisEst;

예제 #8
        public void CalcLT_WSWD_Dists_Test()
            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");

            string fileName = testingFolder + "\\Met testing.cfm";


            Met thisMet = thisInst.metList.metItem[0];

            thisInst.metList.numWD     = 16;
            thisInst.metList.numTOD    = 1;
            thisInst.metList.numSeason = 1;

            string MCP_Method = "Orth. Regression";

            UTM_conversion.Lat_Long theseLL = thisInst.UTM_conversions.UTMtoLL(thisMet.UTMX, thisMet.UTMY);
            int   offset    = thisInst.UTM_conversions.GetUTC_Offset(theseLL.latitude, theseLL.longitude);
            MERRA thisMERRA = thisInst.merraList.GetMERRA(theseLL.latitude, theseLL.longitude);

            thisInst.metList.RunMCP(ref thisMet, thisMERRA, thisInst, MCP_Method);
            thisInst.metList.isMCPd = true;

            // Test 1
            Met.WSWD_Dist thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.566949, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0] * thisDist.WS, 4.993328, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 0 Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[4] * thisDist.WS, 5.192708, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 4 Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[13] * thisDist.WS, 6.9277, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 13 Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15] * thisDist.WS, 5.627835, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 15 Test 1");

            // Test 2 - 3
            thisInst.metList.numTOD = 2;
            thisInst.metList.RunMCP(ref thisMet, thisMERRA, thisInst, MCP_Method);
            thisInst.metList.isMCPd = true;

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.Day, Met.Season.All, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.296237, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0] * thisDist.WS, 4.80529, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 0 Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[2] * thisDist.WS, 5.194316, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 2 Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[8] * thisDist.WS, 6.918986, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 8 Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15] * thisDist.WS, 5.327543, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 15 Test 2");

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.Night, Met.Season.All, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.83764, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0] * thisDist.WS, 5.182166, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 0 Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[5] * thisDist.WS, 5.764806, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 2 Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[12] * thisDist.WS, 7.685679, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 8 Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15] * thisDist.WS, 5.916732, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 15 Test 3");

            // Test 4 - 7
            thisInst.metList.numTOD    = 1;
            thisInst.metList.numSeason = 4;
            thisInst.metList.RunMCP(ref thisMet, thisMERRA, thisInst, MCP_Method);
            thisInst.metList.isMCPd = true;

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.Winter, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 7.413855, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0] * thisDist.WS, 5.1053, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 0 Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[4] * thisDist.WS, 5.0283, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 4 Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[8] * thisDist.WS, 8.429297, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 8 Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[15] * thisDist.WS, 6.318312, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 15 Test 4");

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.Spring, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 7.015339, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 5");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[2] * thisDist.WS, 6.313987, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 2 Test 5");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[6] * thisDist.WS, 6.10201, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 6 Test 5");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[12] * thisDist.WS, 8.21204, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 12 Test 5");

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.Summer, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 5.344627, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 6");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0] * thisDist.WS, 4.7078, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 2 Test 6");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[4] * thisDist.WS, 4.88008, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 6 Test 6");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[14] * thisDist.WS, 4.95684, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 12 Test 6");

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.Fall, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 6.50441, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 7");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[1] * thisDist.WS, 4.96994, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 1 Test 7");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[3] * thisDist.WS, 5.28866, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 3 Test 7");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[9] * thisDist.WS, 8.097313, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 9 Test 7");

            // Test 9
            thisInst.metList.numTOD    = 2;
            thisInst.metList.numSeason = 4;
            thisInst.metList.numWD     = 24;
            thisInst.metList.RunMCP(ref thisMet, thisMERRA, thisInst, MCP_Method);
            thisInst.metList.isMCPd = true;

            thisDist = thisMet.CalcLT_WSWD_Dists(80, Met.TOD.Night, Met.Season.Summer, thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests);

            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.WS, 5.76306, 0.01, "Wrong overall WS Test 9");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[0] * thisDist.WS, 4.90395, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 0 Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[11] * thisDist.WS, 5.706386, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 4 Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[20] * thisDist.WS, 5.528143, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 8 Test 4");
            Assert.AreEqual(thisDist.sectorWS_Ratio[23] * thisDist.WS, 5.174853, 0.01, "Wrong WS in WD 15 Test 4");

예제 #9
        /// <summary> Conducts wind speed estimate from Met 1 to Met 2 and vice-versa and calculates WS cross-prediction struct (WS_CrossPreds[,]) </summary>
        public void DoMetCrossPred(int crossPredInd, int radiusIndex, Continuum thisInst)
            int            numWD    = thisInst.metList.numWD;
            int            numNodes = 0;
            NodeCollection nodeList = new NodeCollection();

            if (WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodePath == null)
                numNodes = 0;
                numNodes = WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodePath.Length;

            if (numNodes > 0)
                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeWS_Ests1to2       = new double[numNodes];
                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeSectorWS_Ests1to2 = new double[numNodes, numWD];

                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeWS_Ests2to1       = new double[numNodes];
                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeSectorWS_Ests2to1 = new double[numNodes, numWD];

            Nodes[] pathOfNodes;
            Model   thisModel = WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].model;

            // Get WS distributions at each site (used to calculate the cross-prediction percent error)
            Met.WSWD_Dist met1Dist = met1.GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, thisModel.timeOfDay, thisModel.season);
            Met.WSWD_Dist met2Dist = met2.GetWS_WD_Dist(thisInst.modeledHeight, thisModel.timeOfDay, thisModel.season);

            // Conduct cross-prediction from Met 1 to Met 2
            Nodes endNode = nodeList.GetMetNode(met2);

            ModelCollection.WS_Est_Struct WS_EstStr = thisInst.modelList.DoWS_Estimate(met1, endNode, WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodePath, thisModel, thisInst);

            // Get sectorwise wind speed and calculate sectorwise percent error (for Met 1 predicting Met 2)
            for (int WD_Ind = 0; WD_Ind < numWD; WD_Ind++)
                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].sectorWS_Ests[0, WD_Ind] = WS_EstStr.sectorWS[WD_Ind];
                double met2WS = met2Dist.WS * met2Dist.sectorWS_Ratio[WD_Ind];
                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].percErrSector[0, WD_Ind] = (WS_EstStr.sectorWS[WD_Ind] - met2WS) / met2WS;

            WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeSectorWS_Ests1to2 = WS_EstStr.sectorWS_AtNodes;
            double avgWS    = 0;
            double WR_count = 0;

            // Get overall wind speed at nodes (for Met 1 predicting Met 2)
            for (int nodeInd = 0; nodeInd < numNodes; nodeInd++)
                avgWS    = 0;
                WR_count = 0;
                Nodes    thisNode     = WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodePath[nodeInd];
                double[] nodeWindRose = thisInst.metList.GetInterpolatedWindRose(thisModel.metsUsed, thisNode.UTMX, thisNode.UTMY, thisModel.timeOfDay, thisModel.season, thisInst.modeledHeight);

                for (int WD_Ind = 0; WD_Ind < numWD; WD_Ind++)
                    avgWS    = avgWS + nodeWindRose[WD_Ind] * WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeSectorWS_Ests1to2[nodeInd, WD_Ind];
                    WR_count = WR_count + nodeWindRose[WD_Ind];

                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeWS_Ests1to2[nodeInd] = avgWS / WR_count;

            avgWS    = 0;
            WR_count = 0;

            for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                avgWS    = avgWS + WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].sectorWS_Ests[0, WD] * met2Dist.windRose[WD];
                WR_count = WR_count + met2Dist.windRose[WD];

            // Calculate avg WS estimate and overall error at Met 2
            avgWS = avgWS / WR_count;
            WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].WS_Ests[0] = avgWS;
            WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].percErr[0] = (avgWS - met2Dist.WS) / met2Dist.WS;

            // Now conduct same calculations but going from Met 2 to Met 1.
            endNode = nodeList.GetMetNode(met1);

            if (numNodes > 0)
                pathOfNodes = new Nodes[numNodes];
                pathOfNodes = null;

            // Reverse order of nodes when going from Met 2 to Met 1
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                pathOfNodes[i] = WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodePath[numNodes - 1 - i];

            // Do WS Estimate for Met 2 predicting Met 1
            WS_EstStr = thisInst.modelList.DoWS_Estimate(met2, endNode, pathOfNodes, thisModel, thisInst);

            // Get sectorwise wind speed and sectorwise percent error (for Met 2 predicting Met 1)
            for (int WD_Ind = 0; WD_Ind < numWD; WD_Ind++)
                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].sectorWS_Ests[1, WD_Ind] = WS_EstStr.sectorWS[WD_Ind];
                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].percErrSector[1, WD_Ind] = (WS_EstStr.sectorWS[WD_Ind] - met1Dist.WS * met1Dist.sectorWS_Ratio[WD_Ind])
                                                                              / (met1Dist.WS * met1Dist.sectorWS_Ratio[WD_Ind]);

            WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeSectorWS_Ests2to1 = WS_EstStr.sectorWS_AtNodes;
            avgWS    = 0;
            WR_count = 0;
            // Get overall wind speed at nodes (for Met 2 predicting Met 1)
            for (int nodeInd = 0; nodeInd < numNodes; nodeInd++)
                avgWS    = 0;
                WR_count = 0;
                Nodes    thisNode     = pathOfNodes[nodeInd];
                double[] nodeWindRose = thisInst.metList.GetInterpolatedWindRose(thisModel.metsUsed, thisNode.UTMX, thisNode.UTMY, thisModel.timeOfDay, thisModel.season, thisInst.modeledHeight);

                for (int WD_Ind = 0; WD_Ind < numWD; WD_Ind++)
                    avgWS    = avgWS + nodeWindRose[WD_Ind] * WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeSectorWS_Ests2to1[nodeInd, WD_Ind];
                    WR_count = WR_count + nodeWindRose[WD_Ind];

                WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].nodeWS_Ests2to1[nodeInd] = avgWS / WR_count;

            avgWS    = 0;
            WR_count = 0;
            for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                avgWS    = avgWS + WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].sectorWS_Ests[1, WD] * met1Dist.windRose[WD];
                WR_count = WR_count + met1Dist.windRose[WD];

            // Calculate avg WS estimate and overall error at Met 1
            avgWS = avgWS / WR_count;
            WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].WS_Ests[1] = avgWS;
            WS_Pred[crossPredInd, radiusIndex].percErr[1] = (avgWS - met1Dist.WS) / met1Dist.WS;