public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex)
                int  arraylength       = -1;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                object __thing;
                int    piecesize = 0;
                IntPtr h;

                display_name  = "";
                piecesize     = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex += 4;
                display_name  = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                currentIndex += piecesize;
                element_path  = "";
                piecesize     = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex += 4;
                element_path  = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                currentIndex += piecesize;
                point = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex);
                transient = serializedMessage[currentIndex++] == 1;
예제 #2
            public override void Randomize()
                int    arraylength = -1;
                Random rand        = new Random();
                int    strlength;

                byte[] strbuf, myByte;

                point = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                success = rand.Next(2) == 1;
                strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1;
                strbuf    = new byte[strlength];
                rand.NextBytes(strbuf);  //fill the whole buffer with random bytes
                for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++)
                    if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones
                        strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1);
                strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate
                error = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf);
예제 #3
            public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
                int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
                GCHandle      h;
                IntPtr        ptr;
                int           x__size;

                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                if (solutions == null)
                    solutions = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < solutions.Length; i++)
                    if (solutions[i] == null)
                        solutions[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                if (error_codes == null)
                    error_codes = new Messages.moveit_msgs.MoveItErrorCodes[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < error_codes.Length; i++)
                    if (error_codes[i] == null)
                        error_codes[i] = new Messages.moveit_msgs.MoveItErrorCodes();
                //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
                int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
                int __a_b__e = 0;

                byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
                foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                    Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                    __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
            public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
                int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
                GCHandle      h;
                IntPtr        ptr;
                int           x__size;

                if (display_name == null)
                    display_name = "";
                scratch1  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)display_name);
                thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4];
                scratch2  = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4);
                if (element_path == null)
                    element_path = "";
                scratch1  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)element_path);
                thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4];
                scratch2  = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4);
                if (point == null)
                    point = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                thischunk    = new byte[1];
                thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)transient ? 1 : 0);
                //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
                int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
                int __a_b__e = 0;

                byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
                foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                    Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                    __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
예제 #5
            public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex)
                int  arraylength       = -1;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;
                int  piecesize         = 0;

                byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                IntPtr h;
                object __thing;

                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (solutions == null)
                    solutions = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref solutions, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < solutions.Length; i++)
                    solutions[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex);
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (error_codes == null)
                    error_codes = new Messages.moveit_msgs.MoveItErrorCodes[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref error_codes, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < error_codes.Length; i++)
                    error_codes[i] = new Messages.moveit_msgs.MoveItErrorCodes(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex);
예제 #6
            public override void Randomize()
                int    arraylength = -1;
                Random rand        = new Random();
                int    strlength;

                byte[] strbuf, myByte;

                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (solutions == null)
                    solutions = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref solutions, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < solutions.Length; i++)
                    solutions[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (error_codes == null)
                    error_codes = new Messages.moveit_msgs.MoveItErrorCodes[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref error_codes, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < error_codes.Length; i++)
                    error_codes[i] = new Messages.moveit_msgs.MoveItErrorCodes();
예제 #7
            public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex)
                int  arraylength       = -1;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;
                int  piecesize         = 0;

                byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                IntPtr h;
                object __thing;

                point = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex);
                success = serializedMessage[currentIndex++] == 1;
                error         = "";
                piecesize     = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex += 4;
                error         = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                currentIndex += piecesize;
예제 #8
            public override void Randomize()
                int    arraylength = -1;
                Random rand        = new Random();
                int    strlength;

                byte[] strbuf, myByte;

                strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1;
                strbuf    = new byte[strlength];
                rand.NextBytes(strbuf);  //fill the whole buffer with random bytes
                for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++)
                    if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones
                        strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1);
                strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate
                group_name            = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf);
                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (joint_names == null)
                    joint_names = new string[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref joint_names, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < joint_names.Length; i++)
                    strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1;
                    strbuf    = new byte[strlength];
                    rand.NextBytes(strbuf);  //fill the whole buffer with random bytes
                    for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++)
                        if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones
                            strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1);
                    strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate
                    joint_names[i]        = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf);
                seed = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                const_seed = rand.Next(2) == 1;
                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (points == null)
                    points = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.EndEffectorPoses[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref points, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    points[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.EndEffectorPoses();
                collision_check = rand.Next(2) == 1;
                attempts = rand.Next();
                timeout = new Duration(new TimeData(
예제 #9
            public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
                int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
                GCHandle      h;
                IntPtr        ptr;
                int           x__size;

                if (group_name == null)
                    group_name = "";
                scratch1  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)group_name);
                thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4];
                scratch2  = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4);
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                if (joint_names == null)
                    joint_names = new string[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < joint_names.Length; i++)
                    if (joint_names[i] == null)
                        joint_names[i] = "";
                    scratch1  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)joint_names[i]);
                    thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4];
                    scratch2  = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4);
                if (seed == null)
                    seed = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                thischunk    = new byte[1];
                thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)const_seed ? 1 : 0);
                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                if (points == null)
                    points = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.EndEffectorPoses[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    if (points[i] == null)
                        points[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.EndEffectorPoses();
                thischunk    = new byte[1];
                thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)collision_check ? 1 : 0);
                scratch1 = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int))];
                h        = GCHandle.Alloc(scratch1, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(attempts, h.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false);
                //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
                int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
                int __a_b__e = 0;

                byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
                foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                    Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                    __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
예제 #10
            public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex)
                int  arraylength       = -1;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                object __thing;
                int    piecesize = 0;
                IntPtr h;

                group_name    = "";
                piecesize     = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex += 4;
                group_name    = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                currentIndex += piecesize;
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (joint_names == null)
                    joint_names = new string[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref joint_names, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < joint_names.Length; i++)
                    joint_names[i] = "";
                    piecesize      = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                    currentIndex  += 4;
                    joint_names[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                    currentIndex  += piecesize;
                seed = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex);
                const_seed = serializedMessage[currentIndex++] == 1;
                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (points == null)
                    points = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.EndEffectorPoses[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref points, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    points[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.EndEffectorPoses(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex);
                collision_check = serializedMessage[currentIndex++] == 1;
                piecesize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int));
                h         = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (serializedMessage.Length - currentIndex != 0)
                    h = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(piecesize);
                    Marshal.Copy(serializedMessage, currentIndex, h, piecesize);
                if (h == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new Exception("Memory allocation failed");
                attempts = (int)Marshal.PtrToStructure(h, typeof(int));
                currentIndex += piecesize;
                timeout = new Duration(new TimeData(
                                           BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex),
                                           BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32)))));
                currentIndex += 2 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
            public override void Randomize()
                int    arraylength = -1;
                Random rand        = new Random();
                int    strlength;

                byte[] strbuf, myByte;

                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (points == null)
                    points = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref points, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    points[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (names == null)
                    names = new string[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref names, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                    strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1;
                    strbuf    = new byte[strlength];
                    rand.NextBytes(strbuf);  //fill the whole buffer with random bytes
                    for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++)
                        if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones
                            strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1);
                    strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate
                    names[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf);
                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (element_paths == null)
                    element_paths = new string[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref element_paths, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < element_paths.Length; i++)
                    strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1;
                    strbuf    = new byte[strlength];
                    rand.NextBytes(strbuf);  //fill the whole buffer with random bytes
                    for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++)
                        if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones
                            strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1);
                    strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate
                    element_paths[i]      = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf);
                success = rand.Next(2) == 1;
                strlength = rand.Next(100) + 1;
                strbuf    = new byte[strlength];
                rand.NextBytes(strbuf);  //fill the whole buffer with random bytes
                for (int __x__ = 0; __x__ < strlength; __x__++)
                    if (strbuf[__x__] == 0) //replace null chars with non-null random ones
                        strbuf[__x__] = (byte)(rand.Next(254) + 1);
                strbuf[strlength - 1] = 0; //null terminate
                error = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbuf);
            public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
                int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
                GCHandle      h;
                IntPtr        ptr;
                int           x__size;

                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                if (points == null)
                    points = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    if (points[i] == null)
                        points[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint();
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                if (names == null)
                    names = new string[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                    if (names[i] == null)
                        names[i] = "";
                    scratch1  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)names[i]);
                    thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4];
                    scratch2  = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4);
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                if (element_paths == null)
                    element_paths = new string[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < element_paths.Length; i++)
                    if (element_paths[i] == null)
                        element_paths[i] = "";
                    scratch1  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)element_paths[i]);
                    thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4];
                    scratch2  = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4);
                thischunk    = new byte[1];
                thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)success ? 1 : 0);
                if (error == null)
                    error = "";
                scratch1  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)error);
                thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4];
                scratch2  = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length);
                Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4);
                //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
                int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
                int __a_b__e = 0;

                byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
                foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                    Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                    __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
            public override void Deserialize(byte[] serializedMessage, ref int currentIndex)
                int  arraylength       = -1;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;
                int  piecesize         = 0;

                byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                IntPtr h;
                object __thing;

                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (points == null)
                    points = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref points, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    points[i] = new Messages.xamlamoveit_msgs.JointValuesPoint(serializedMessage, ref currentIndex);
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (names == null)
                    names = new string[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref names, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                    names[i]      = "";
                    piecesize     = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                    currentIndex += 4;
                    names[i]      = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                    currentIndex += piecesize;
                hasmetacomponents |= false;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (element_paths == null)
                    element_paths = new string[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref element_paths, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < element_paths.Length; i++)
                    element_paths[i] = "";
                    piecesize        = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                    currentIndex    += 4;
                    element_paths[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                    currentIndex    += piecesize;
                success = serializedMessage[currentIndex++] == 1;
                error         = "";
                piecesize     = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedMessage, currentIndex);
                currentIndex += 4;
                error         = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serializedMessage, currentIndex, piecesize);
                currentIndex += piecesize;