private static void ExportDocument(IList <Form> forms, string name, string fileName, bool portrait, string type, Type sourceObjectType = null, bool recalculateForm = true, PrintSettings printSettings = null, MarginsI margins = null) { IDocumentExporter exporter; string filename; bool? toFile; string email; string subject; using (ExportDocuments dialog = new ExportDocuments(sourceObjectType ?? forms [0].SourceObject.GetType(), fileName)) { if (dialog.Run() != ResponseType.Ok) { return; } exporter = dialog.DocumentExporter; filename = dialog.FileName; toFile = dialog.ToFile; email = dialog.Email; subject = dialog.EmailSubject; } BusinessDomain.FeedbackProvider.TrackEvent("Export document", type); try { exporter.Export(filename, toFile, email, subject, name, forms, portrait, recalculateForm, printSettings, margins); } catch (LicenseLimitationException ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(ex.Message, ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Error occurred while saving export to \"{0}\". Please check if you have write permissions to that location."), filename), ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Error occurred while performing export."), ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } }
public void HandleObject_Error(Socket socket, MessageError messageError) { // Outputs the error message to the server ouput PrintMessage($"{socket.RemoteEndPoint}'s error: {messageError.Message}"); // Could confirm error receive || remove the client for safety }
private void DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { _serialBuffer.Append(SerialPort.ReadExisting()); string messageData = _serialBuffer.ToString(); int lastMessageEnd = messageData.LastIndexOf('\n'); if (lastMessageEnd > -1) { messageData = messageData.Substring(0, lastMessageEnd); _serialBuffer.Remove(0, lastMessageEnd); string[] messages = messageData.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string message in messages) { string messageTrimmed = message.Trim(new[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' }); Message x10Message; try { x10Message = Message.Parse(messageTrimmed); _log.Debug(x10Message.GetType().Name + " parsed successfully: " + messageTrimmed); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMessage = ex.GetType().Name + " thrown when parsing message \"" + messageTrimmed + "\". " + ex.Message; _log.Warn(errorMessage); x10Message = new MessageError(MessageSource.Parser, "Parser", errorMessage); } InvokeMessageReceived(x10Message); } } }
public static void ExportData <T> (string defaultFileName, string dataTypeName, DataExchangeSet exportData) { IDataExporter exporter; string filename; bool? toFile; string email; string subject; using (ExportObjects <T> dialog = new ExportObjects <T> (exportData.Contents, defaultFileName)) { if (dialog.Run() != ResponseType.Ok) { return; } exporter = dialog.Exporter; filename = dialog.FileName; toFile = dialog.ToFile; email = dialog.Email; subject = dialog.EmailSubject; } BusinessDomain.FeedbackProvider.TrackEvent("Export data", dataTypeName); try { exporter.Export(filename, toFile, email, subject, exportData); } catch (LicenseLimitationException ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(ex.Message, ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Error occurred while saving export to \"{0}\". Please check if you have write permissions to that location."), filename), ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Error occurred while performing export."), ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } }
private void SearchDataWeatherCitys(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (IsConnected) { switch (TextBoxLocation.Text == "") { case true: MessageError MessageErrorObject = new MessageError("Fill in the field"); MessageErrorObject.Show(); //LabelDirections.Content = "Fill in the field"; break; case false: LabelDirections.Content = "Wait please"; JsonWeatherApi.CreateJsonRequest(TextBoxLocation.Text); DispatcherTimer DispatherTimerObject = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000) }; DispatherTimerObject.Start(); DispatherTimerObject.Tick += new EventHandler((object e, EventArgs a) => { LabelDirections.Content = "Choose your position"; DispatherTimerObject.Stop(); }); break; } } }
private void Messenger_MessageReceived(object sender, WebsocketReceiveEventArgs e) { try { // TODO: type is response, not command var response = Responseo.Parse(e.Message); if (response.Sequence == 0) { // TODO: message type Broadcast?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { if (commandCompletionSources.TryRemove(response.Sequence, out var tcs)) { // TODO: outcome tcs.TrySetResult(response); } else { // TODO: desync? throw? } } } catch (FormatException) { MessageError?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
public void HandleObject_Error(MessageError messageError) { // Displays error message to the user via a pop-up MessageBox.Show(messageError.Message, "Error encountered"); // Close LoginViewModel and open ShellViewModel }
public virtual void StartWork(MainConfig config, Message msg) { string error = "账号不存在"; UIUser realUser = this.FindUser(config, msg.UserID); Message respondsMsg = null; if (null != realUser) { respondsMsg = this.GetRespondsMsg(config, realUser, msg); } else { respondsMsg = new MessageError() { User = msg.User, CallID = msg.CallID, UserID = msg.UserID, Error = error, } }; if (respondsMsg != null) { config._serverProtocol.SendMsg(respondsMsg); } }
//message back function that dosent care what operations are happening because it has an asynchronus operation private void MessageBack(IAsyncResult Result) { try { //End receive from other person int recieve = sock.EndReceiveFrom(Result, ref Foreign); //parsing data given if (recieve > 0) { //breaking it into byte streams max byte[] RecievedData = new byte[1464]; RecievedData = (byte[])Result.AsyncState; //encoding to ascii for message send and recieve ASCIIEncoding Encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); string MessageRecieved = Encoding.GetString(RecievedData); //Insert into view box Viewbox.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Viewbox.Items.Add("Friend: " + MessageRecieved)); } byte[] buffer = new byte[1500]; //Begin recieve with properties allocated below sock.BeginReceiveFrom(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref Foreign, new AsyncCallback(MessageBack), buffer); } catch (Exception MessageError) { //show excpetion in message window System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(MessageError.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="mensaje"></param> private void RaiseMessageError(Exception x, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string memberName = "", [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "", [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0) { MessageError?.Invoke(String.Format("[{0},{1},{2}]: {3}", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sourceFilePath), sourceLineNumber, x.Message, memberName), x); }
/// <summary> /// Añade un elemento de error /// </summary> internal void AddError(MessageError error) { // Añade el elemento al error ErrorItems.Add(error); // Si tiene demasiados elementos de log quita el primero if (ErrorItems.Count > 1000) { ErrorItems.RemoveAt(0); } }
private void btnRemove_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btn = (Button)sender; User user = (User)btn.Data ["User"]; switch (User.RequestDelete(user.Id)) { case DeletePermission.InUse: MessageError.ShowDialog( Translator.GetString("This user cannot be deleted, because it is used in operations. Please, delete the corresponding operations in order to delete this user!"), "Icons.User16.png"); return; case DeletePermission.Reserved: case DeletePermission.No: MessageError.ShowDialog(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Cannot delete user \"{0}\"!"), user.Name), "Icons.User16.png"); return; default: if (user.UserLevel == UserAccessLevel.Owner) { bool foundOwner = false; bool foundUser = false; foreach (User u in User.GetAll()) { if (u.Id == User.DefaultId || u.Id == user.Id) { continue; } if (u.UserLevel == UserAccessLevel.Owner) { foundOwner = true; } else { foundUser = true; } } if (!foundOwner && foundUser) { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("The last owner cannot be deleted before the rest of the users!"), "Icons.User16.png"); return; } } break; } User.Delete(user.Id); RefreshUsersTable(); }
private void ShowCreateATest() { if (CurrentUser.Instance.Role == Roles.Master) { RedirectDecorator.ToViewModel(typeof(CreateTestViewModel)); } else { MessageError.Show(ErrorResources.OnlyMasterCanCreateTests); } }
public override bool Validate() { foreach (Location location in locations) { location.Name = entries [location].Text; } for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count - 2; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < locations.Count - 1; j++) { if (locations [i].Name != locations [j].Name) { continue; } if (MessageError.ShowDialog(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Location with the name \"{0}\" is used more than once! Are you sure you want to continue?"), locations [i].Name), buttons: MessageButtons.YesNo) != ResponseType.Yes) { return(false); } } } foreach (Location location in locations) { if (!location.Validate((message, severity, code, state) => { using (MessageError dlgError = new MessageError(message, severity)) if (severity == ErrorSeverity.Warning) { dlgError.Buttons = MessageButtons.YesNo; if (dlgError.Run() != ResponseType.Yes) { return(false); } } else { dlgError.Run(); return(false); } return(true); }, null)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private void btn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { EventHandler <EntitySuggestedEventArgs> handler = EntitySuggested; if (handler == null) { return; } MessageError.ShowDialog(string.Format(Translator.GetString("You can enable the suggestions from {0}->{1}"), Translator.GetString("Settings"), Translator.GetString("Special")), ErrorSeverity.Information); BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.ShowItemSuggestionsWhenNotFound = false; handler(this, new EntitySuggestedEventArgs(null)); }
private static byte[] SerializeError(GameMessage message) { MessageError msg = (MessageError)message; ProtoMessageError proto = new ProtoMessageError(); proto.ErrorCode = (ProtoQuestEngineError)msg.ErrorCode; proto.Message = msg.Message; var data = proto.ToByteArray(); return(data); }
public async Task <MessageResult> ProcessMessage(MessageViewModel model, string ipAddress) { var message = ContactFormMessage.FromViewModel(model, ipAddress); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Subject)) { var form = await GetFormSettings().ConfigureAwait(false); message.Subject = form.NotificationSubject; } int successCount = 0; int failureCount = 0; var errorList = new List <MessageError>(); foreach (var processor in _messageProcessors) { try { var tempResult = await processor.Process(message).ConfigureAwait(false); if (tempResult.Succeeded) { successCount += 1; } else { failureCount += 1; errorList.AddRange(tempResult.Errors); } } catch (Exception ex) { failureCount += 1; _log.LogError("error processing contact form message", ex); var me = new MessageError { Code = "processfailure", Description = ex.Message }; errorList.Add(me); } } if (successCount > 0) { return(MessageResult.Success); } return(MessageResult.Failed(errorList.ToArray())); }
public static bool InteractiveValidationCallback(string message, ErrorSeverity severity, int code, StateHolder state) { Dictionary <int, bool> responses = (Dictionary <int, bool>)state ["responses"]; MessageProgress messageProgress = null; if (state.ContainsKey("messageProgress")) { messageProgress = (MessageProgress)state ["messageProgress"]; } if (responses.ContainsKey(code)) { return(severity == ErrorSeverity.Warning && responses [code]); } try { if (messageProgress != null) { messageProgress.Hide(); } using (MessageError dlgError = new MessageError(message, severity)) { if (severity == ErrorSeverity.Warning) { dlgError.Buttons = MessageButtons.YesNo | MessageButtons.Remember; ResponseType resp = dlgError.Run(); if (dlgError.RememberChoice) { responses [code] = resp == ResponseType.Yes; } return(resp == ResponseType.Yes); } else { dlgError.Buttons = MessageButtons.OK | MessageButtons.Remember; dlgError.Run(); if (dlgError.RememberChoice) { responses [code] = true; } return(false); } } } finally { if (messageProgress != null) { messageProgress.Show(); } } }
public Form LoadForm(IDocument document) { try { return(document.LoadForm()); } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception is XmlException) { MessageError.ShowDialog(string.Format(Translator.GetString("The file \"{0}\" has an incorrect structure (invalid XML)."), Path.Combine(BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.DocumentTemplatesFolder, Path.ChangeExtension(document.FormName, "xml"))), ErrorSeverity.Error); } ErrorHandling.LogException(exception); return(document.LoadForm(string.Empty)); } }
public void VerifyThatMessageTypesAndCodesMapToErrorMessage() { MessageError unknownMessageError = new MessageError(MessageSource.Unknown, null); List <string> errorCodes = new List <string>(new[] { "Buffer", "Syntax", "TimOut", "NoAuth", "Method" }); foreach (MessageSource source in Enum.GetNames(typeof(MessageSource)).Select(name => (MessageSource)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessageSource), name))) { foreach (MessageError error in errorCodes.Select(code => new MessageError(source, code))) { Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(error.Message); Assert.AreNotEqual(unknownMessageError.Message, error.Message); } } }
public static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); HangmanView hangman = new HangmanView(); ManagerFile managerFile = new ManagerFile(); ManagerPicture managerPicture = new ManagerPicture(); MessageError messageError = new MessageError(); ManagerString managerString = new ManagerString(); Presenter presenter = new Presenter(hangman, managerFile, managerPicture, messageError, managerString); Application.Run(hangman); }
protected virtual void btnPrint_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (PrintDocument.PrintSettings != null) { PrintDocument.PrintSettings.Orientation = currentPreview.Portrait ? PageOrientation.Portrait : PageOrientation.Landscape; } FormHelper.PrintObject(document, PrintDocument.PrintSettings); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog( Translator.GetString("An error occurred while printing document!"), ErrorSeverity.Error, ex); } }
private static bool IsConnectionFailure(Message m) { MessageError et = m.Error; // If it's a connect exception, string exType = et.ErrorType; if (exType.Equals("System.Net.Sockets.SocketException")) { return(true); } if (exType.Equals("Deveel.Data.Net.ServiceNotConnectedException")) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool Validate <T>(T value) { bool sucess = true; ValidationTask?.ForEach(item => { if (!item.Validate(value)) { sucess = false; MessageError.Add(item.GetErrorMessage()); } }); return(sucess); }
private static void ImportData <T> (ImporterCallback <T> callback, bool usesLocation) { IDataImporter importer; string filename; long? locationId; BusinessDomain.FeedbackProvider.TrackEvent("Import data", typeof(T).Name.CamelSpace()); using (ImportObjects <T> dialog = new ImportObjects <T> (usesLocation)) { if (dialog.Run() != ResponseType.Ok) { return; } importer = dialog.Importer; filename = dialog.FileName; locationId = dialog.Location != null ? dialog.Location.Id : (long?)null; } if (importer.UsesFile && !File.Exists(filename)) { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Please select a valid source file to import!")); return; } try { PropertyMap propertyMap; using (ImportObjectsMapping <T> dialog = new ImportObjectsMapping <T> (importer, filename)) { if (dialog.Run() != ResponseType.Ok) { return; } propertyMap = dialog.PropertyMap; } ExchangeHelper.ImportObjects(importer, filename, propertyMap, locationId, callback); MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Import completed successfully."), ErrorSeverity.Information); } catch (LicenseLimitationException ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(ex.Message, ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("The selected source file is in use by another application! Please close all other applications and try again."), ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Error occurred while performing import."), ErrorSeverity.Warning, ex); } }
public void btnDelete_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { T group = gPanel.GetSelectedGroup(); DeletePermission permission = GetDeletePermission(group); switch (permission) { case DeletePermission.InUse: MessageError.ShowDialog( Translator.GetString("This group cannot be deleted, because it is not empty. Please, delete or move to another group the containing items in order to delete this group!"), "Icons.Group16.png"); return; case DeletePermission.Reserved: case DeletePermission.No: MessageError.ShowDialog( string.Format(Translator.GetString("Cannot delete group \"{0}\"!"), group.Name), "Icons.Group16.png"); return; } using (MessageOkCancel dialog = new MessageOkCancel( Translator.GetString("Delete group"), "Icons.Group16.png", string.Format(Translator.GetString("Do you want to delete group with name \"{0}\"?"), group.Name), "Icons.Delete32.png")) { if (dialog.Run() != ResponseType.Ok) { return; } } DeleteGroup(group); ReloadGroups(); if (group.Parent != null) { gPanel.SelectGroupId(group.Parent.Id); } else { gPanel.SelectGroupId(-1); } OnGroupDeleted(); }
protected override void SetDate(DateTime d) { useCalculatedAvailability = false; if (date != DateTime.MinValue && d < BusinessDomain.Today) { if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability) { useCalculatedAvailability = Message.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Stock-taking in the Past"), string.Empty, Translator.GetString("You are setting a date in the past. Do you want to use calculated availability for the selected date?"), "Icons.Question32.png", MessageButtons.YesNo) == ResponseType.Yes; } else { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("You are setting a date in the past. Using calculated items availability " + "is only available when working with negative availability is allowed. The items availability in this moment will be used.")); } } base.SetDate(d); }
public override bool Validate() { IList <CustomerWrapper> allCustomers = GetAllCustomers(); for (int i = 0; i < allCustomers.Count - 2; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < allCustomers.Count - 1; j++) { if (allCustomers [i].Customer.Name != allCustomers [j].Customer.Name) { continue; } if (MessageError.ShowDialog(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Customer with the name \"{0}\" is used more than once! Are you sure you want to continue?"), allCustomers [i].Customer.Name), buttons: MessageButtons.YesNo) != ResponseType.Yes) { return(false); } } } return(allCustomers.All(customer => customer.Validate((message, severity, code, state) => { using (MessageError dlgError = new MessageError(message, severity)) if (severity == ErrorSeverity.Warning) { dlgError.Buttons = MessageButtons.YesNo; if (dlgError.Run() != ResponseType.Yes) { return false; } } else { dlgError.Run(); return false; } return true; }, null))); }
public bool Validate() { string name = txtName.Text.Trim(); if (name.Length == 0) { MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Company name cannot be empty!")); return(false); } CompanyRecord c = CompanyRecord.GetByName(name); if (c != null && c.Id != companyRecord.Id) { if (Message.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Warning!"), string.Empty, Translator.GetString("Company with this name already exists! Do you want to continue?"), "Icons.Warning32.png", MessageButtons.YesNo) != ResponseType.Yes) { return(false); } } string code = txtCode.Text.Trim(); c = CompanyRecord.GetByCode(name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && c != null && c.Id != companyRecord.Id) { if (Message.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Warning!"), string.Empty, Translator.GetString("Company with this code already exists! Do you want to continue?"), "Icons.Warning32.png", MessageButtons.YesNo) != ResponseType.Yes) { return(false); } } return(true); }
//Get Cities public static void CreateJsonRequest(string city) { DispatcherTimer DispatherTimerObject = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000) }; DispatherTimerObject.Start(); DispatherTimerObject.Tick += new EventHandler((object e, EventArgs a) => { try { string Url = $"{city}&units=metric&appid=82630901bb3f9ed64d98d0a72e3ad275"; HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url); HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); string Response; using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())) { Response = SR.ReadToEnd(); } JsonWeatherApi.Wr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeatherResponse>(Response); DataAboutWeather DataAboutWeatherObject = new DataAboutWeather(); Application.Current.Windows[0].Close(); DataAboutWeatherObject.Show(); } catch (WebException ex) { HttpWebResponse ErrorRespose = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (ErrorRespose.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { MessageError MessageErrorObject = new MessageError("Not found"); MessageErrorObject.Show(); } } DispatherTimerObject.Stop(); }); }