예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Setting up MessageBus");
            var messageBus = new MessageBusBuilder().UseLogger(new DelegateLogger(Console.WriteLine)).Build();
            var t1         = messageBus.InitializeRabbitMq("host=vboxguest.asinetwork.local;username=guest;password=guest");

            // Messages from local, with topic "send" are sent to rabbit
            var t2 = messageBus.Subscribe <MyTestPayload>(b => b
                                                          .ForwardToRabbitMq(r => r.UseDefaultQueue())

            messageBus.Subscribe <MyTestPayload>(b => b
                                                 .Invoke(s => Console.WriteLine("Sending: " + s.Text)));

            // Subscript to "send" topic on rabbit, and forward those messages locally on the "received" topic
            var t3 = messageBus.PullRabbitMqToLocal <MyTestPayload>(r => r

            // Messages from rabbit, with topic "received" get printed on the console
            var t4 = messageBus.Subscribe <MyTestPayload>(b => b
                                                          .InvokeEnvelope(m =>
                Console.WriteLine("Received: " + m.Payload.Text);

            //Console.WriteLine("Sending message (should print 'whatever' if successful)");
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                messageBus.Publish("send", new MyTestPayload
                    Text = "test message " + i

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // ToDo: Provider your event hub names
            var eventHubNameForAddCommand      = "add-command";
            var eventHubNameForMultiplyRequest = "multiply-request";
            var eventHubNameForResponses       = "responses";
            // ToDo: Provide consumer group name
            var consumerGroup = "consoleapp";

            // ToDo: Provide connection string to your event hub namespace
            var eventHubConnectionString = "";
            // ToDo: Provide connection string to your storage account
            var storageConnectionString = "";

             * Azure setup notes:
             * 1. Remember to create 3 event hubs in Azure:
             *  add-command
             *  multiply-request
             *  responses
             * 2. Remember to create 'consoleapp' group consumer in each event hub.

            // Create message bus
            IMessageBus messageBus = new MessageBusBuilder()
                                                                                                                     // Pub / Sub
                                     .Publish <AddCommand>(x => x.DefaultTopic(eventHubNameForAddCommand))           // By default messages of type 'AddCommand' will go to event hub named 'topica' (or topic if Kafka is chosen)
                                     .SubscribeTo <AddCommand>(x => x.Topic(eventHubNameForAddCommand).Group(consumerGroup).WithSubscriber <AddCommandConsumer>())
                                                                                                                     // Req / Resp
                                     .Publish <MultiplyRequest>(x => x.DefaultTopic(eventHubNameForMultiplyRequest)) // By default messages of type 'AddCommand' will go to event hub named 'topica' (or topic if Kafka is chosen)
                                     .Handle <MultiplyRequest, MultiplyResponse>(x => x.Topic(eventHubNameForMultiplyRequest).Group(consumerGroup).WithHandler <MultiplyRequestHandler>())
                                     .ExpectRequestResponses(x =>
                x.ReplyToTopic(eventHubNameForResponses);                         // All responses from req/resp will return on this topic (event hub)
                                     .WithSerializer(new JsonMessageSerializer()) // Use JSON for message serialization
                                     .WithDependencyResolver(new LookupDependencyResolver(type =>
                if (type == typeof(AddCommandConsumer))
                    return(new AddCommandConsumer());
                if (type == typeof(MultiplyRequestHandler))
                    return(new MultiplyRequestHandler());
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
                                     .WithProviderEventHub(new EventHubMessageBusSettings(eventHubConnectionString, storageConnectionString)) // Use Azure Event Hub as provider
                                                                                                                                              //.WithProviderKafka(new KafkaMessageBusSettings("<kafka-broker-list-here>")) // Or use Apache Kafka as provider

                var addTask      = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => AddLoop(messageBus), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
                var multiplyTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MultiplyLoop(messageBus), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");

                _stop = true;
                Task.WaitAll(addTask, multiplyTask);
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // ToDo: Provider your event hub names
            var topicForAddCommand      = "add-command";
            var topicForMultiplyRequest = "multiply-request";
            // Note: Each running instance (node) of ConsoleApp should have its own unique response queue (i.e. responses-1)
            var topicForResponses = "responses";
            // ToDo: Provide consumer group name
            var consumerGroup = "consoleapp";
            var responseGroup = "consoleapp-1";

            // ToDo: Provide connection string to your event hub namespace
            var eventHubConnectionString = "";
            // ToDo: Provide connection string to your storage account
            var storageConnectionString = "";

            // ToDo: Ensure your Kafka broker is running
            var kafkaBrokers = "localhost:9092";

             * Azure setup notes:
             * Create 3 event hubs in Azure:
             *  1. 'add-command' with 'consoleapp' group consumer
             *  2. 'multiply-request' with 'consoleapp' group consumer
             *  3. 'responses' with 'consoleapp-1' group consumer

            // Create message bus using the fluent builder interface
            IMessageBus messageBus = new MessageBusBuilder()
                                                                                                    // Pub/Sub example
                                     .Publish <AddCommand>(x => x.DefaultTopic(topicForAddCommand)) // By default AddCommand messages will go to event hub named 'add-command' (or topic if Kafka is chosen)
                                     .SubscribeTo <AddCommand>(x => x.Topic(topicForAddCommand)
                                                               .WithSubscriber <AddCommandConsumer>())
                                     // Req/Resp example
                                     .Publish <MultiplyRequest>(x =>
                // By default AddCommand messages will go to event hub named 'multiply-request' (or topic if Kafka is chosen)
                // Message key could be set for the message
                x.KeyProvider((request, topic) => Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((request.Left + request.Right).ToString()));
                                     .Handle <MultiplyRequest, MultiplyResponse>(x => x.Topic(topicForMultiplyRequest) // topic to expect the requests
                                                                                 .WithHandler <MultiplyRequestHandler>())
                                     // Configure response message queue (on topic) when using req/resp
                                     .ExpectRequestResponses(x =>
                x.ReplyToTopic(topicForResponses);                                // All responses from req/resp will return on this topic (the EventHub name)
                x.DefaultTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));                       // Timeout request sender if response won't arrive within 10 seconds.
                                     .WithSerializer(new JsonMessageSerializer()) // Use JSON for message serialization
                                     .WithDependencyResolver(new LookupDependencyResolver(type =>
                // Simulate a dependency container
                if (type == typeof(AddCommandConsumer))
                    return(new AddCommandConsumer());
                if (type == typeof(MultiplyRequestHandler))
                    return(new MultiplyRequestHandler());
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
                                                                                                   //.WithProviderEventHub(new EventHubMessageBusSettings(eventHubConnectionString, storageConnectionString)) // Use Azure Event Hub as provider
                                     .WithProviderKafka(new KafkaMessageBusSettings(kafkaBrokers)) // Or use Apache Kafka as provider

                var addTask      = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => AddLoop(messageBus), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
                var multiplyTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MultiplyLoop(messageBus), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");

                _stop = true;
                Task.WaitAll(addTask, multiplyTask);