private static IMessageAttachmentsCollectionPage ToFileAttachmentList(string attachments) { var fileList = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); foreach (string attachment in attachments.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { byte[] contentBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(attachment); var attachmentName = attachment.Split('\\'); string contentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(attachmentName[attachmentName.Length - 1]); var fileAttachment = new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", Name = Path.GetFileName(attachment), ContentLocation = attachment, ContentBytes = contentBytes, ContentType = contentType }; fileList.Add(fileAttachment); } return(fileList); }
// Send an email message with a file attachment. // This snippet sends a message to the current user on behalf of the current user. public async Task <List <ResultsItem> > SendMessageWithAttachment() { List <ResultsItem> items = new List <ResultsItem>(); // Create the recipient list. This snippet uses the current user as the recipient. User me = await graphClient.Me.Request(requestOptions).WithUserAccount(ClaimsPrincipal.Current.ToGraphUserAccount()).Select("Mail, UserPrincipalName").GetAsync(); string address = me.Mail ?? me.UserPrincipalName; string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); List <Recipient> recipients = new List <Recipient>(); recipients.Add(new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = address } }); // Create an attachment and add it to the attachments collection. MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/test.png")), ContentType = "image/png", Name = "test.png" }); // Create the message. Message email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = Resource.Prop_Body + guid, ContentType = BodyType.Text, }, Subject = Resource.Prop_Subject + guid.Substring(0, 8), ToRecipients = recipients, Attachments = attachments }; // Send the message. await graphClient.Me.SendMail(email, true).Request(requestOptions).WithUserAccount(ClaimsPrincipal.Current.ToGraphUserAccount()).PostAsync(); items.Add(new ResultsItem { // This operation doesn't return anything. Properties = new Dictionary <string, object> { { Resource.No_Return_Data, "" } } }); return(items); }
// Send an email message from the current user. public async Task SendEmail(string bodyHtml, string recipients) { try { if (recipients == null) { return; } var attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); try { var pictureStream = await GetMyPictureStream(); var pictureMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(); await pictureStream.CopyToAsync(pictureMemoryStream); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = pictureMemoryStream.ToArray(), ContentType = "image/png", Name = "me.png" }); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message != "ResourceNotFound") { throw; } } // Prepare the recipient list. var splitRecipientsString = recipients.Split(new[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var recipientList = splitRecipientsString.Select(recipient => new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }).ToList(); // Build the email message. var email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = bodyHtml, ContentType = BodyType.Html, }, Subject = "Sent from the Microsoft Graph Connect sample", ToRecipients = recipientList, Attachments = attachments }; await _graphClient.Me.SendMail(email, true).Request().PostAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EutGraphException("Error while sending email", e); } }
private IMessageAttachmentsCollectionPage GetAttachments(MList <EmailAttachmentEmbedded> attachments) { var result = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); foreach (var a in attachments) { result.Add(new FileAttachment { ContentId = a.ContentId, Name = a.File.FileName, ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeType(a.File.FileName), ContentBytes = a.File.GetByteArray(), }); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 发送邮件 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult SetMail() { var client = Office365Helper.GetAuthenticatedClient(); var claimsPrincipalCurrent = System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current; var fromrecipient = new Microsoft.Graph.Recipient() { EmailAddress = new Microsoft.Graph.EmailAddress() { Address = claimsPrincipalCurrent.Identity.Name, Name = claimsPrincipalCurrent.FindFirst("name").Value } }; var toToRecipients = new List <Recipient>(); toToRecipients.Add(fromrecipient); byte[] contentBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\test\300.jpg"); string contentType = "image/jpg"; MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = contentBytes, ContentType = contentType, ContentId = "testing", Name = "300.jpg" }); Message email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = "测试邮件这是一个测试邮件", ContentType = BodyType.Text, }, Subject = "大会测试邮件", ToRecipients = toToRecipients, Attachments = attachments }; var d = client.Me.SendMail(email, true).Request().PostAsync(); return(View()); }
// Send an email message from the current user. public static async Task SendEmail(GraphServiceClient graphClient, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment, string recipients, HttpContext httpContext) { if (recipients == null) { return; } var attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); try { // Load user's profile picture. var pictureStream = await GetMyPictureStream(graphClient, httpContext); if (pictureStream != null) { // Copy stream to MemoryStream object so that it can be converted to byte array. var pictureMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(); await pictureStream.CopyToAsync(pictureMemoryStream); // Convert stream to byte array and add as attachment. attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = pictureMemoryStream.ToArray(), ContentType = "image/png", Name = "me.png" }); } } catch (Exception e) { switch (e.Message) { case "ResourceNotFound": break; default: throw; } } // Prepare the recipient list. var splitRecipientsString = recipients.Split(new[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var recipientList = splitRecipientsString.Select(recipient => new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }).ToList(); // Build the email message. var email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath + "/email_template.html"), ContentType = BodyType.Html, }, Subject = "Sent from the Microsoft Graph Connect sample", ToRecipients = recipientList, Attachments = attachments }; await graphClient.Me.SendMail(email, true).Request().PostAsync(); }
public async Task SendEmailAsync(string sendTo, string subject, string emailTemplate) { if (sendTo == null) { return; } var attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); try { // Load user's profile picture. var pictureStream = await GraphClient.Me.Photo.Content.Request().GetAsync(); // Copy stream to MemoryStream object so that it can be converted to byte array. var pictureMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(); await pictureStream.CopyToAsync(pictureMemoryStream); // Convert stream to byte array and add as attachment. attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = pictureMemoryStream.ToArray(), ContentType = "image/png", Name = "me.png" }); } catch (ServiceException ex) { switch (ex.Error.Code) { case "Request_ResourceNotFound": case "ResourceNotFound": case "ErrorItemNotFound": case "itemNotFound": throw; case "TokenNotFound": //await HttpContext.ChallengeAsync(); throw; default: throw; } } // Prepare the recipient list. var splitRecipientsString = sendTo.Split(new[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var recipientList = splitRecipientsString.Select(recipient => new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }).ToList(); // Build the email message. var email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath + emailTemplate), ContentType = BodyType.Html, }, Subject = subject, ToRecipients = recipientList, Attachments = attachments }; await GraphClient.Me.SendMail(email, true).Request().PostAsync(); }
// Create the email message. public async Task <Message> BuildEmailMessage(GraphServiceClient graphClient, string recipients, string subject) { // Get current user photo Stream photoStream = await GetCurrentUserPhotoStreamAsync(graphClient); // If the user doesn't have a photo, or if the user account is MSA, we use a default photo if (photoStream == null) { photoStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/test.jpg")); } MemoryStream photoStreamMS = new MemoryStream(); // Copy stream to MemoryStream object so that it can be converted to byte array. photoStream.CopyTo(photoStreamMS); DriveItem photoFile = await UploadFileToOneDrive(graphClient, photoStreamMS.ToArray()); MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = photoStreamMS.ToArray(), ContentType = "image/png", Name = "me.png" }); Permission sharingLink = await GetSharingLinkAsync(graphClient, photoFile.Id); // Add the sharing link to the email body. string bodyContent = string.Format(Resource.Graph_SendMail_Body_Content, sharingLink.Link.WebUrl); // Prepare the recipient list. string[] splitter = { ";" }; string[] splitRecipientsString = recipients.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List <Recipient> recipientList = new List <Recipient>(); foreach (string recipient in splitRecipientsString) { recipientList.Add(new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }); } // Build the email message. Message email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = bodyContent, ContentType = BodyType.Html, }, Subject = subject, ToRecipients = recipientList, Attachments = attachments }; return(email); }
/// <summary> /// Compose and send a new email. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject line of the email.</param> /// <param name="bodyContent">The body of the email.</param> /// <param name="recipients">A semicolon-separated list of email addresses.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task ComposeAndSendMailAsync(string subject, string bodyContent, string recipients) { // Get current user photo Stream photoStream = await GetCurrentUserPhotoStreamAsync(); // If the user doesn't have a photo, or if the user account is MSA, we use a default photo if (photoStream == null) { photoStream = new FileStream("test.jpg", FileMode.Open); } MemoryStream photoStreamMS = new MemoryStream(); // Copy stream to MemoryStream object so that it can be converted to byte array. await photoStream.CopyToAsync(photoStreamMS); photoStream.Close(); DriveItem photoFile = await UploadFileToOneDriveAsync(photoStreamMS.ToArray()); MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = photoStreamMS.ToArray(), ContentType = "image/png", Name = "me.png" }); // Get the sharing link and insert it into the message body. Permission sharingLink = await GetSharingLinkAsync(photoFile.Id);; string bodyContentWithSharingLink = String.Format(bodyContent, sharingLink.Link.WebUrl); // Prepare the recipient list string[] splitter = { ";" }; var splitRecipientsString = recipients.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List <Recipient> recipientList = new List <Recipient>(); foreach (string recipient in splitRecipientsString) { recipientList.Add(new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }); } try { var email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = bodyContentWithSharingLink, ContentType = BodyType.Html, }, Subject = subject, ToRecipients = recipientList, Attachments = attachments }; try { await _graphServiceClient.Me.SendMail(email, true).Request().PostAsync(); } catch (ServiceException exception) { throw new Exception("We could not send the message: " + exception.Error == null ? "No error message returned." : exception.Error.Message); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("We could not send the message: " + e.Message); } }
public async Task SendEmailAsync(string recipientAddress, string subject, string messageContent, StorageFile[] files) { try { // Create attachments var attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); foreach (var file in files) { using (IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType stream = await file.OpenReadAsync()) { var contentBytes = new byte[stream.Size]; using (DataReader reader = new DataReader(stream)) { await reader.LoadAsync((uint)stream.Size); reader.ReadBytes(contentBytes); } // Attach log file attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = contentBytes, ContentType = "application/octet-stream", ContentId = file.Name, Name = file.Name, }); } } // Construct email var recipients = new List <Recipient> { new Recipient() { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress() { Address = recipientAddress } }, }; Message email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = messageContent, ContentType = BodyType.Text, }, Subject = subject, ToRecipients = recipients, Attachments = attachments, }; await SendEmailAsync(email); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.Write(ex.ToString(), LoggingLevel.Error); throw; } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var userid = "f51bd33a-2d64-4b09-9b85-7c4efc24b16c"; GraphServiceClient graphClient = GetAuthenticatedGraphClient(); var mailboxhelper = new MailboxHelper(graphClient); Console.WriteLine("FRom Inbox"); //List<Message> inboxitems = mailboxhelper.ListInboxMessages(userid, "test").Result; List <Message> inboxitems = mailboxhelper.ListInboxMessages(userid, string.Empty).Result; foreach (var item in inboxitems) { if (item.HasAttachments == true) { var mailattachments = mailboxhelper.GetInboxMessageAttachments(userid, item.Id).Result; if (mailattachments != null) { foreach (var mailattachment in mailattachments) { Console.WriteLine(mailattachment.Name); } } } } Console.WriteLine("FRom Sent Items"); //List<Message> sentitems = mailboxhelper.ListSentMessages(userid, "string").Result; List <Message> sentitems = mailboxhelper.ListSentMessages(userid, string.Empty).Result; foreach (var item in sentitems) { if (item.HasAttachments == true) { List <Attachment> mailattachments = mailboxhelper.GetMessageAttachments(userid, item.Id).Result; if (mailattachments != null) { foreach (var mailattachment in mailattachments) { Console.WriteLine(mailattachment.Name); } } } } var toRec = new Recipient() { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress() { Address = "*****@*****.**" } }; byte[] contentBytes1 = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\dines\Downloads\AdvancedEnzyme.pdf"); byte[] contentBytes2 = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\dines\Downloads\Lupin.pdf"); IMessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = contentBytes2, ContentType = "Application/pdf", Name = "Lupin.pdf" }); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = contentBytes1, ContentType = "Application/pdf", Name = "AdvancedEnzyme.pdf" }); Message mailbody = new Message() { Body = new ItemBody() { Content = Constants.getTemplate1("bkd1"), ContentType = BodyType.Html }, Subject = Constants.template1Subject, Attachments = attachments, ToRecipients = new List <Recipient>() { toRec } }; await mailboxhelper.SendDKBSMail(userid, mailbody); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SendMail(EmailDTO emailDTO) { ServiceResponse <EmailDTO> Data = new ServiceResponse <EmailDTO>(); try { #region ConvertToPdf HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(); //create a new pdf document converting an url PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(GeneratePDF.GetHtmlString(emailDTO)); //save pdf document byte[] pdf = doc.Save(); //close pdf document doc.Close(); #endregion #region Get AzureAd Config var scopeFactory = this.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService <IServiceScopeFactory>(); using (var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope()) { var serviceProvider = scope.ServiceProvider; var options = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <AzureAdOptions>(); var optionsMail = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <SendMailOptions>(); #endregion #region FileAttachment MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = pdf, ContentType = BodyType.Text.ToString(), ContentId = "Piecejointe", Name = optionsMail.FileName }); #endregion #region Message var message = new Message { Subject = optionsMail.Subject, Body = new ItemBody { ContentType = BodyType.Html, Content = "<div>Bonjour " + emailDTO.VisiteDTO.Client.Nom + " " + emailDTO.VisiteDTO.Client.Prenom + " </div> <br/> <br/><div>" + Environment.NewLine + optionsMail.Body + " </div>" }, ToRecipients = new List <Recipient>() { new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = emailDTO.VisiteDTO.Client.Courriel } } } , Attachments = attachments }; #endregion #region confidentialClient IConfidentialClientApplication confidentialClient = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder .Create(options.ClientId) .WithClientSecret(options.ClientSecret) .WithAuthority(new Uri($"{options.TenantId}/v2.0")) .Build(); #endregion #region obtient un nouveau jeton // Récupère un jeton d'accès pour Microsoft Graph (obtient un nouveau jeton si nécessaire). var authResult = await confidentialClient .AcquireTokenForClient(options.Scopes) .ExecuteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // Construise le client Microsoft Graph. En tant que fournisseur d'authentification, définissez un asynchrone // qui utilise le client MSAL pour obtenir un jeton d'accès à l'application uniquement à Microsoft Graph, // et insère ce jeton d'accès dans l'en-tête Authorization de chaque demande d'API. var token = authResult.AccessToken; GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(async(requestMessage) => { //Ajoutez le jeton d'accès dans l'en-tête Authorization de la requête API. requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token); }) ); #endregion #region SendMail await graphServiceClient.Me .SendMail(message, false) .Request() .PostAsync(); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Data.Success = false; Data.Messages = ex.Message; } return(Ok(Data)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddMembers() { const string emailSender = "*****@*****.**"; const string emailSubject = ".NET Foundation: Please Activate Your Membership"; const string redirectUrl = ""; string path = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath, "MemberInvitation"); string mailTemplate = await System.IO.File.ReadAllTextAsync(Path.Combine(path, "email-template.html")); var attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); attachments.Add(await GetImageAttachement(path, "header.png")); attachments.Add(await GetImageAttachement(path, "footer.png")); const string groupId = "940ac926-845c-489b-a270-eb961ca4ca8f"; //Members //const string groupId = "6eee9cd2-a055-433d-8ff1-07ca1d0f6fb7"; //Test Members //We can look up the Members group by name, but in this case it's constant //var group = await _graphApplicationClient // .Groups.Request().Filter("startswith(displayName,'Members')") // .GetAsync(); //string groupId = group[0].Id; //TODO Handle CSV upload rather than read from disk using (var reader = new StreamReader("MemberInvitation\\azure_ad_b2b.csv", Encoding.GetEncoding(1252))) using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader)) { var members = csv.GetRecords <ImportMember>(); //If we wanted to check if members are in the group first, could use this //var existing = await _graphApplicationClient // .Groups[groupId] // .Members.Request().Select("id,mail").GetAsync(); foreach (var member in members) { Invitation invite = new Invitation(); invite.InvitedUserEmailAddress = member.EMail.Trim(); invite.SendInvitationMessage = false; invite.InviteRedirectUrl = redirectUrl; invite.InvitedUserDisplayName = member.FirstName + " " + member.LastName; var result = await _graphApplicationClient.Invitations.Request().AddAsync(invite); try { await _graphApplicationClient .Groups[groupId] .Members.References.Request() .AddAsync(result.InvitedUser); } catch (Exception ex) { //They're already added to the group, so we can break without sending e-mail _logger.LogWarning("User exists: {FirstName} {LastName}: {EMail}", member.FirstName, member.LastName, member.EMail); continue; } List <Recipient> recipients = new List <Recipient>(); recipients.Add(new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Name = member.FirstName + " " + member.LastName, Address = member.EMail } }); // Create the message. Message email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { //TODO Replace with e-mail template Content = mailTemplate .Replace("{{action}}", result.InviteRedeemUrl) .Replace("{{name}}", member.FirstName), ContentType = BodyType.Html, }, HasAttachments = true, Attachments = attachments, Subject = emailSubject, ToRecipients = recipients }; // Send the message. await _graphApplicationClient.Users[emailSender].SendMail(email, true).Request().PostAsync(); _logger.LogInformation("Invite: {FirstName} {LastName}: {EMail}", member.FirstName, member.LastName, member.EMail); } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public static string SendMail(string subject, string content, string toRecipients, string ccRecipients, string bccRecipients, WorkflowFile attachment) { // Check parameters if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject)) { return("The subject is required"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { return("The content is required"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toRecipients)) { return("Recipients are required"); } try { // Prepare the recipient list string[] splitter = { ";" }; var splitToRecipientsString = toRecipients.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var splitCcRecipientsString = ccRecipients.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var splitBccRecipientsString = bccRecipients.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List <Recipient> toRecipientList = new List <Recipient>(); List <Recipient> ccRecipientList = new List <Recipient>(); List <Recipient> bccRecipientList = new List <Recipient>(); foreach (string recipient in splitToRecipientsString) { toRecipientList.Add(new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }); } foreach (string recipient in splitCcRecipientsString) { ccRecipientList.Add(new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }); } foreach (string recipient in splitBccRecipientsString) { bccRecipientList.Add(new Recipient { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = recipient.Trim() } }); } MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachments = new MessageAttachmentsCollectionPage(); if (attachment != null) { attachments.Add(new FileAttachment { ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment", ContentBytes = attachment.Content, ContentType = attachment.ContentType, Name = attachment.Name }); } var email = new Message { Body = new ItemBody { Content = content, ContentType = BodyType.Html, }, Subject = subject, ToRecipients = toRecipientList, CcRecipients = ccRecipientList, BccRecipients = bccRecipientList, Attachments = attachments }; try { GraphClient.Users[ServiceAccountId].SendMail(email, true).Request().PostAsync().Wait(); return(Success); } catch (ServiceException exception) { Log("[SendMail] Error - We could not send the message: " + exception.Error == null ? "No error message returned." : exception.Error.Message); return("We could not send the message: " + exception.Error == null ? "No error message returned." : exception.Error.Message); } } catch (Exception e) { Log("[SendMail] Error - We could not send the message: " + e.Message + " - InnerException : " + e.InnerException); return("We could not send the message: " + e.Message); } }