예제 #1
        private void DrawCell(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh shSphere = Meshes.GetMesh("emptyHalfSphere");

            ConstBuffer.Material = renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <CellStyle>(cell).Cell;

            Vector3 oldPos            = Camera.Position;
            Vector3 oldUp             = Camera.Up;
            Vector4 oldLightDirection = ConstBuffer.LightDirection;

            Camera.Position            = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -oldPos.Length());
            Camera.Up                  = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            ConstBuffer.LightDirection = new Vector4(Camera.Direction, 1.0f);
            ConstBuffer.View           = Matrix.Transpose(Camera.ViewMatrix);

            float  radius     = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.R_Cell, true) * normalizer;
            float  dist       = oldPos.Length();
            float  magicCoeff = dist / (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0.1, dist * dist - radius * radius));
            Matrix transform  = Matrix.Scaling(radius * magicCoeff, radius * magicCoeff, radius * magicCoeff);

            transform *= RotationVectors(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));

            ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
            SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
            SetAndDrawMesh(device, shSphere);

            Camera.Position            = oldPos;
            Camera.Up                  = oldUp;
            ConstBuffer.LightDirection = oldLightDirection;
            ConstBuffer.View           = Matrix.Transpose(Camera.ViewMatrix);
예제 #2
        private void DrawSprings(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh tube = parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Int.Spring_Type) == 0
            ? Meshes.GetMesh("rod") : Meshes.GetMesh("spring");

            SetMesh(device, tube);

            var prevMode = DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology;

            PrimitiveTopology[] modes = { PrimitiveTopology.LineList, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList };

            for (int j = 0; j < modes.Length; j++)
                DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = modes[j];

                foreach (ChromosomePair pair in cell.ChromosomePairs)
                    Spring spring = pair.Spring;
                    if (spring != null)
                        SpringStyle springStyle = renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <SpringStyle>(spring);
                        ConstBuffer.Material = springStyle.Spring;
                        float  scale     = (float)spring.Length * normalizer;
                        Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling((float)springStyle.Width, (float)springStyle.Width, scale);

                        transform *= RotationVectors(new Vector3(0, 0, -1),
                                                     new Vector3((float)(spring.RightJoint.X - spring.LeftJoint.X),
                                                                 (float)(spring.RightJoint.Y - spring.LeftJoint.Y),
                                                                 (float)(spring.RightJoint.Z - spring.LeftJoint.Z)));
                        transform *= Matrix.Translation((float)spring.LeftJoint.X * normalizer,
                                                        (float)spring.LeftJoint.Y * normalizer,
                                                        (float)spring.LeftJoint.Z * normalizer);

                        ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
                        SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
                        DrawMesh(device, tube);
            DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = prevMode;
예제 #3
        private void DrawChromosomes(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh halfCylinder             = Meshes.GetMesh("halfCylinder");

            SetMesh(device, halfCylinder);

            float kinScaleX  = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_D, true) / 2 * normalizer;
            float kinScaleY  = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) * normalizer;
            float handScaleX = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Hand_D, true) / 2 * normalizer;
            float handScaleY = (float)(parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_L, true) -
                                       parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true)) / 2 * normalizer;
            float handOffsetY1 = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) / 2 * normalizer + handScaleY;
            float handOffsetY2 = -(float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) / 2 * normalizer;

            float[] scaleX  = { kinScaleX, handScaleX, handScaleX };
            float[] scaleY  = { kinScaleY, handScaleY, handScaleY };
            float[] offsetY = { kinScaleY / 2, handOffsetY1, handOffsetY2 };
            Func <ChromosomeStyle, Material>[] materialSelectors = { style => style.Kinetohore, style => style.Hand, style => style.Hand };

            foreach (var chr in cell.Chromosomes)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    ConstBuffer.Material = materialSelectors[i](renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <ChromosomeStyle>(chr));
                    Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling(scaleX[i], scaleY[i], scaleX[i]);
                    transform *= Matrix.Translation(0.0f, offsetY[i], 0.0f);

                    transform *= FromMatrix3x3(chr.Orientation);

                    transform *= Matrix.Translation((float)chr.Position.X * normalizer,
                                                    (float)chr.Position.Y * normalizer,
                                                    (float)chr.Position.Z * normalizer);

                    ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
                    SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
                    DrawMesh(device, halfCylinder);
예제 #4
        private void DrawPoles(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, float normalizer)
            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh sphere = Meshes.GetMesh("sphere");

            SetMesh(device, sphere);

            Pole[]     poles     = { cell.GetPole(PoleType.Left), cell.GetPole(PoleType.Right) };
            Material[] materials = { renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <PoleStyle>(poles[0]).LeftPole, renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <PoleStyle>(poles[1]).RightPole };

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                ConstBuffer.Material = materials[i];
                Pole   pole      = poles[i];
                float  radius    = (float)renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <PoleStyle>(pole).Radius;
                Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling(radius, radius, radius);
                transform *= Matrix.Translation((float)pole.Position.X * normalizer,
                                                (float)pole.Position.Y * normalizer,
                                                (float)pole.Position.Z * normalizer);
                ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
                SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
                DrawMesh(device, sphere);
예제 #5
 static EngineFlames()
     mesh = Meshes.GetMesh("dust_particle");
예제 #6
 static SpaceDustParticles()
     mesh = Meshes.GetMesh("dust_particle");
예제 #7
 static SunFlames()
     mesh = Meshes.GetMesh("dust_particle");
예제 #8
        private void DrawTubes(DxRenderContext renderContext, Cell cell, SimParams parameters, float normalizer)
            float kin_d = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_D, true) * normalizer;
            float kin_l = (float)parameters.GetValue(SimParameter.Double.Cr_Kin_L, true) * normalizer;

            SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device device = DeviceContext.Device;
            DxMesh tube = Meshes.GetMesh("tube");

            SetMesh(device, tube);

            // Sorting tubes.
            List <MT>[] tubes = { new List <MT>(),
                                  new List <MT>(),
                                  new List <MT>(),
                                  new List <MT>() };

            Func <TubeStyle, Material>[] materialSelectors =
                style => style.FreeLeftPoleTube,
                style => style.BoundLeftPoleTube,
                style => style.FreeRightPoleTube,
                style => style.BoundRightPoleTube

            foreach (MT mt in cell.MTs)
                int index = (mt.BoundChromosome == null ? 0 : 1) +
                            (mt.Pole.Type == PoleType.Left ? 0 : 2);

            var prevMode = DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology;

            PrimitiveTopology[] modes = { PrimitiveTopology.LineList, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList };

            for (int j = 0; j < modes.Length; j++)
                DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = modes[j];

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    foreach (MT mt in tubes[i])
                        TubeStyle tubeStyle = renderContext.StyleAspect.Resolve <TubeStyle>(mt);
                        ConstBuffer.Material = materialSelectors[i](tubeStyle);

                        // Converting anchor points.
                        var _pole = mt.Pole.Position;
                        var pole  = new Vector3((float)_pole.X * normalizer,
                                                (float)_pole.Y * normalizer,
                                                (float)_pole.Z * normalizer);
                        var _force = mt.ForcePoint;
                        var force  = new Vector3((float)_force.X * normalizer,
                                                 (float)_force.Y * normalizer,
                                                 (float)_force.Z * normalizer);
                        var _end = mt.EndPoint;
                        var end  = new Vector3((float)_end.X * normalizer,
                                               (float)_end.Y * normalizer,
                                               (float)_end.Z * normalizer);

                        // Generating list with curve's points.
                        List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();
                        if (force != end && mt.BoundChromosome != null)
                            // Building new 2D coordinate system.
                            System.Numerics.Vector3 _center = mt.BoundChromosome.Position;
                            Vector3 center = new Vector3(_center.X * normalizer,
                                                         _center.Y * normalizer,
                                                         _center.Z * normalizer);
                            Matrix  orient = FromMatrix3x3(mt.BoundChromosome.Orientation);
                            Vector4 _r1    = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -kin_d / 2), orient);
                            Vector3 r1     = new Vector3(_r1.X, _r1.Y, _r1.Z);
                            Vector4 _r2    = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(kin_d / 2, 0.0f, 0.0f), orient);
                            Vector3 r2     = new Vector3(_r2.X, _r2.Y, _r2.Z);
                            Vector3 ort1   = r1; ort1.Normalize();
                            Vector3 ort2   = r2; ort2.Normalize();
                            Vector4 _ort3  = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), orient);
                            Vector3 ort3   = new Vector3(_ort3.X, _ort3.Y, _ort3.Z);

                            // Building plane for point planting.
                            Func <Vector3, Vector3> normalize
                                = (e =>
                                float dr1 = Vector3.Dot(ort1, e);
                                float dr2 = Vector3.Dot(ort2, e);
                                float l = (float)Math.Sqrt(dr1 * dr1 + dr2 * dr2);
                                return(e * (kin_d / 2 / l));

                            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(end - pole, force - pole);
                            if (normal.Length() < (float)1e-3)
                                normal = ort3;
                            float t = -(normal.X * (center.X - end.X) +
                                        normal.Y * (center.Y - end.Y) +
                                        normal.Z * (center.Z - end.Z)) /
                                      (normal.X * ort3.X + normal.Y * ort3.Y + normal.Z * ort3.Z);
                            Vector3 proj_center = center + ort3 * (float)Math.Min(kin_l / 2, Math.Max(-kin_l / 2, t));

                            // Selection direction - clockwise or not
                            float l1 = 0.0f, l2 = 0.0f;
                                float dx = Vector3.Dot(end - center, ort2), dy = Vector3.Dot(end - center, ort1);
                                float dl     = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                                float angle1 = (float)(Math.PI - Math.Asin(dy / dl));

                                dx = Vector3.Dot(force - center, ort2); dy = Vector3.Dot(force - center, ort1);
                                dl = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                                float angle2 = (float)(Math.PI - Math.Asin(dy / dl));

                                l1 = (float)(Math.Abs(angle2 - angle1) * kin_d / 2);
                                l2 = (float)(Math.Abs(Math.Min(angle1, angle2) - Math.PI / 2) * kin_d / 2 +
                                             Math.Abs(Math.Max(angle1, angle2) - 3 * Math.PI / 2) * kin_d / 2 +
                            if (l1 < l2)
                                // By curve.
                                Vector3 v1 = force - proj_center;
                                Vector3 v5 = end - proj_center;
                                Vector3 v3 = normalize(v1 + v5);
                                Vector3 v2 = normalize(v1 + v3);
                                Vector3 v4 = normalize(v3 + v5);

                                points.Add(proj_center + v2 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v3 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v4 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v5 * 1.02f);
                                // By back plane.
                                Vector3 v2 = Vector3.Dot(force, ort1) > 0.0 ? -r1 : r1;
                                v2 = normalize(v2); //  don't work! Need to be fixed!
                                Vector3 v3 = Vector3.Dot(force, ort1) > 0.0 ? r1 : -r1;
                                v3 = normalize(v3); //  don't work! Need to be fixed!
                                Vector3 v4 = end - proj_center;

                                points.Add(proj_center + v2 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v3 * 1.02f);
                                points.Add(proj_center + v4 * 1.02f);

                        // Drawing generated segments.
                        for (int k = 0; k < points.Count - 1; k++)
                            var    dir       = points[k + 1] - points[k];
                            float  scale     = dir.Length();
                            Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling((float)tubeStyle.Width,

                            transform *= RotationVectors(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), dir);
                            transform *= Matrix.Translation(points[k].X,

                            ConstBuffer.World = Matrix.Transpose(transform);
                            SetBuffer(device, ConstBuffer);
                            DrawMesh(device, tube);

            DeviceContext.Device.ImmediateContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = prevMode;