public override bool Equals(MergeableObject obj)
            if (!(obj is SettingsBase))
            throw new ArgumentException("Object must be an instance of the SettingsBase class.", "obj");

              SettingsBase settings = (SettingsBase)obj;

              return Parameters.Equals(settings.Parameters) && DataSources.Equals(settings.DataSources);
        public override bool Equals(MergeableObject obj)
            if (!(obj is Parameter))
            throw new ArgumentException("Object must be an instance of the SettingsParameter class.", "obj");

              Parameter parameter = (Parameter)obj;

              return (parameter != null) ? (parameter.Name == Name && parameter.Value == Value) : false;
        public override void Merge(MergeableObject obj)
            if (!(obj is SettingsBase))
            throw new ArgumentException("Object must be an instance of the SettingsBase class.", "obj");

              SettingsBase settings = (SettingsBase)obj;


        public override void Merge(MergeableObject obj)
            if (!(obj is Parameter))
            throw new ArgumentException("Object must be an instance of the SettingsParameter class.", "obj");

              Parameter parameter = (Parameter)obj;

              Name = parameter.Name;
              Value = parameter.Value;

예제 #5
        public override void Merge(MergeableObject obj)
            if (!(obj is Source))
            throw new ArgumentException("Object must be an instance of the Source class.", "obj");

              Source source = (Source)obj;

              Interval = source.Interval;
              Url = source.Url;
              Name = source.Name;

예제 #6
    private void DetectObjectCollision()
        var collisions = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, 1.5f, grabbiesLayerMask);

        DebugExtensions.DebugWireSphere(transform.position,, 1.5f, 2f);

        if (collisions.Length == 0)

        var mergeableObject = collisions[0].GetComponentInParent <MergeableObject>();

        if (currentMergeableObject == null)
            currentMergeableObject = mergeableObject;
            mergeableObject.transform.localPosition =;
            mergeableObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            mergeableObject.transform.localScale    =;
            collisions[0].enabled = false;
            mergeableObject.GetComponent <FakeGravity>().enabled = false;

            //Close hands
            if (currentMergeableObject.UpgradeObjectByAddition(mergeableObject.VectorMaterial))
예제 #7
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (GameFlowManager.Instance.GameOver)

        // make sure the Joycon only gets checked if attached
        if (joycons.Count > 0)
            Joycon j = joycons[jc_ind];

            // GetButtonDown checks if a button has been pressed (not held)
            //if (j.GetButtonDown(Joycon.Button.SHOULDER_2))
            //    Debug.Log("Shoulder button 2 pressed");
            //    // GetStick returns a 2-element vector with x/y joystick components
            //    Debug.Log(string.Format("Stick x: {0:N} Stick y: {1:N}", j.GetStick()[0], j.GetStick()[1]));

            //    // Joycon has no magnetometer, so it cannot accurately determine its yaw value. Joycon.Recenter allows the user to reset the yaw value.
            //    j.Recenter();

            //if (j.GetButtonDown(Joycon.Button.DPAD_DOWN))
            //    Debug.Log("Rumble");

            //    // Rumble for 200 milliseconds, with low frequency rumble at 160 Hz and high frequency rumble at 320 Hz. For more information check:
            //    //

            //    j.SetRumble(160, 320, 0.6f, 200);

            //    // The last argument (time) in SetRumble is optional. Call it with three arguments to turn it on without telling it when to turn off.
            //    // (Useful for dynamically changing rumble values.)
            //    // Then call SetRumble(0,0,0) when you want to turn it off.

            //if (j.GetButtonDown(Joycon.Button.DPAD_LEFT))
            //    Debug.Log("Rumble");

            //    // Rumble for 200 milliseconds, with low frequency rumble at 160 Hz and high frequency rumble at 320 Hz. For more information check:
            //    //

            //    int low_freq = Random.Range(100, 150);
            //    int high_freq = Random.Range(320, 500);
            //    float amp = Random.Range(0.5f, 1f);
            //    int time = Random.Range(100, 500);
            //    j.SetRumble(low_freq, high_freq, amp, time);

            //    // The last argument (time) in SetRumble is optional. Call it with three arguments to turn it on without telling it when to turn off.
            //    // (Useful for dynamically changing rumble values.)
            //    // Then call SetRumble(0,0,0) when you want to turn it off.

            stick = j.GetStick();

            // Gyro values: x, y, z axis values (in radians per second)
            gyro = j.GetGyro();

            // Accel values:  x, y, z axis values (in Gs)
            oldAccel = accel;
            accel    = j.GetAccel();

            orientation = j.GetVector();
            var   position    = transform.position;
            float sensitivity = this.sensitivity / 1000;
            position.x += stick[0] * sensitivity;
            position.z += stick[1] * sensitivity;

            ClampPosition(ref position);

            hover1.UpdateRotation = false;
            hover2.UpdateRotation = false;

            if (handState == HandState.Idle)
                if (j.GetButtonDown(Joycon.Button.SHOULDER_2))
                    holdingButton  = Joycon.Button.SHOULDER_2;
                    startPressTime = Time.time;
                else if (j.GetButtonDown(Joycon.Button.STICK))
                    holdingButton  = Joycon.Button.STICK;
                    startPressTime = Time.time;
                else if (holdingButton != Joycon.Button.CAPTURE)
                    if (j.GetButtonUp(holdingButton))
                        holdingButton  = Joycon.Button.CAPTURE;
                        handState      = HandState.GoingDown;
                        startPressTime = 0;
                    else if (holdingSomethingYeetable && Time.time - startPressTime > holdDurationRequirement)
                        handState      = HandState.ChargingYeet;
                        startPressTime = 0;
                //if (j.GetButton(Joycon.Button.SHOULDER_1))
                //    handState = HandState.GoingDown;
                //else if (holdingSomethingYeetable && j.GetButton(Joycon.Button.SHOULDER_2))
                //    handState = HandState.ChargingYeet;

            if (handState == HandState.ChargingYeet)
                if (j.GetButton(holdingButton))
                    yeetingPower += (oldAccel - accel).magnitude;
                    yeetingPower  = Mathf.Clamp(yeetingPower, 0, MAX_YEETING_POWER);

                    var yeetNormalized = Mathf.Clamp01(yeetingPower / MAX_YEETING_POWER);
                    var yoteMax        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 320, yeetNormalized);
                    var yoteMin        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 160, yeetNormalized);
                    j.SetRumble(yoteMin, yoteMax, 0.6f);
                else if (j.GetButtonUp(holdingButton))
                    holdingButton = Joycon.Button.CAPTURE;

                    //Debug.LogFormat("Yoting {0}", yeetingPower);
                    handState = HandState.Yeeting;

                    var yeetNormalized = Mathf.Clamp01(yeetingPower / MAX_YEETING_POWER);
                    var yoteMax        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 320, yeetNormalized);
                    var yoteMin        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 160, yeetNormalized);
                    j.SetRumble(yoteMin, yoteMax, 0.6f, 200);

                    var direction = ourPosition.position.x <= opponentPosition.position.x;
                    if (yeetDirection != direction)
                        yeetRotMin *= -1;
                        yeetRotMax *= -1;
                    yeetDirection = direction;

            if (handState == HandState.GoingDown)
                position.y -= descentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                var grabbyPointPosition = grabbyPoint.localPosition;
                grabbyPointPosition.y    -= descentSpeed * grabbySpeedIncrement * Time.deltaTime;
                grabbyPoint.localPosition = grabbyPointPosition;

                var positionTraveled = Mathf.InverseLerp(MaxDescentPosition, OriginalYPosition, position.y);
                materialOffset.y = GetTextureOffsetModifier(positionTraveled);
                //Debug.LogFormat("GoingDown: Position Traveled = {0} => Mat offset = {1}", positionTraveled, materialOffset.y);
                material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;

                if (position.y <= MaxDescentPosition)
                    position.y = MaxDescentPosition;
                    handState = HandState.GoingUp;

                    materialOffset.y           = 0;
                    material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;
            else if (handState == HandState.GoingUp)
                position.y += ascentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                var grabbyPointPosition = grabbyPoint.localPosition;
                grabbyPointPosition.y += ascentSpeed * grabbySpeedIncrement * Time.deltaTime;

                var positionTraveled = Mathf.InverseLerp(MaxDescentPosition, OriginalYPosition, position.y);
                materialOffset.y = GetTextureOffsetModifier(positionTraveled);
                //Debug.LogFormat("GoingUp: Position Traveled = {0} => Mat offset = {1}", positionTraveled, materialOffset.y);
                material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;

                if (position.y >= OriginalYPosition)
                    position.y = OriginalYPosition;
                    handState  = HandState.Idle;

                    materialOffset.y           = -0.5f;
                    material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;
                    grabbyPointPosition.y      = grabbyYOriginalPoint;

                grabbyPoint.localPosition = grabbyPointPosition;
            else if (handState == HandState.Yeeting)
                var rotation = yeetingContrainerTransform.rotation;
                var euler    = rotation.eulerAngles;
                yeetingRotationTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                var delta = Mathf.Clamp01(yeetingRotationTimer / yeetingRotationMaxTime);

                if (delta >= 1)
                    handState            = HandState.Idle;
                    yeetingRotationTimer = 0f;
                    euler.z      = yeetRotOriginal;
                    yeetingPower = 0;

                    euler.z = Mathf.Lerp(yeetRotMin, yeetRotMax, delta);

                if (delta > 0.8f && currentMergeableObject != null)
                    currentMergeableObject.hoverScript.UpdateRotation = true;
                    currentMergeableObject.YeetToPosition.YeetInit(currentMergeableObject.transform.position, opponent.backCloud, 30, 0.5f);
                    currentMergeableObject.YeetToPosition.Yeet(Mathf.RoundToInt(currentMergeableObject.Damage * yeetingPower), onYeetEvent);
                    currentMergeableObject = null;

                rotation.eulerAngles = euler;
                yeetingContrainerTransform.rotation = rotation;
            else if (handState == HandState.ChargingYeet)
                hover1.UpdateRotation = true;
                hover2.UpdateRotation = true;

            transform.position = position;
            var   position    = transform.position;
            float sensitivity = this.sensitivity / 1000;
            position.x += Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * sensitivity;
            position.z += Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * sensitivity;

            ClampPosition(ref position);

            hover1.UpdateRotation = false;
            hover2.UpdateRotation = false;

            if (handState == HandState.Idle)
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl))
                    handState = HandState.GoingDown;
                else if (holdingSomethingYeetable && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    handState = HandState.ChargingYeet;

            if (handState == HandState.ChargingYeet)
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    yeetingPower += (oldAccel - accel).magnitude;
                    yeetingPower  = Mathf.Clamp(yeetingPower, 0, MAX_YEETING_POWER);

                    var yeetNormalized = Mathf.Clamp01(yeetingPower / MAX_YEETING_POWER);
                    var yoteMax        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 320, yeetNormalized);
                    var yoteMin        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 160, yeetNormalized);
                else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space))
                    //Debug.LogFormat("Yoting {0}", yeetingPower);
                    handState = HandState.Yeeting;

                    var yeetNormalized = Mathf.Clamp01(yeetingPower / MAX_YEETING_POWER);
                    var yoteMax        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 320, yeetNormalized);
                    var yoteMin        = Mathf.Lerp(80, 160, yeetNormalized);

                    var direction = ourPosition.position.x <= opponentPosition.position.x;
                    if (yeetDirection != direction)
                        yeetRotMin *= -1;
                        yeetRotMax *= -1;
                    yeetDirection = direction;

            if (handState == HandState.GoingDown)
                position.y -= descentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                var grabbyPointPosition = grabbyPoint.localPosition;
                grabbyPointPosition.y    -= descentSpeed * grabbySpeedIncrement * Time.deltaTime;
                grabbyPoint.localPosition = grabbyPointPosition;

                var positionTraveled = Mathf.InverseLerp(MaxDescentPosition, OriginalYPosition, position.y);
                materialOffset.y = GetTextureOffsetModifier(positionTraveled);
                //Debug.LogFormat("GoingDown: Position Traveled = {0} => Mat offset = {1}", positionTraveled, materialOffset.y);
                material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;

                if (position.y <= MaxDescentPosition)
                    position.y = MaxDescentPosition;
                    handState = HandState.GoingUp;

                    materialOffset.y           = 0;
                    material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;
            else if (handState == HandState.GoingUp)
                position.y += ascentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                var grabbyPointPosition = grabbyPoint.localPosition;
                grabbyPointPosition.y += ascentSpeed * grabbySpeedIncrement * Time.deltaTime;

                var positionTraveled = Mathf.InverseLerp(MaxDescentPosition, OriginalYPosition, position.y);
                materialOffset.y = GetTextureOffsetModifier(positionTraveled);
                //Debug.LogFormat("GoingUp: Position Traveled = {0} => Mat offset = {1}", positionTraveled, materialOffset.y);
                material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;

                if (position.y >= OriginalYPosition)
                    position.y = OriginalYPosition;
                    handState  = HandState.Idle;

                    materialOffset.y           = -0.5f;
                    material.mainTextureOffset = materialOffset;
                    grabbyPointPosition.y      = grabbyYOriginalPoint;

                grabbyPoint.localPosition = grabbyPointPosition;
            else if (handState == HandState.Yeeting)
                var rotation = yeetingContrainerTransform.rotation;
                var euler    = rotation.eulerAngles;
                yeetingRotationTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                var delta = Mathf.Clamp01(yeetingRotationTimer / yeetingRotationMaxTime);

                if (delta >= 1)
                    handState            = HandState.Idle;
                    yeetingRotationTimer = 0f;
                    euler.z      = yeetRotOriginal;
                    yeetingPower = 0;
                    euler.z = Mathf.Lerp(yeetRotMin, yeetRotMax, delta);

                if (delta > 0.8f && currentMergeableObject != null)
                    currentMergeableObject.hoverScript.UpdateRotation = true;
                    currentMergeableObject.YeetToPosition.YeetInit(currentMergeableObject.transform.position, opponent.backCloud, 30, 0.5f);
                    currentMergeableObject.YeetToPosition.Yeet(Mathf.RoundToInt(currentMergeableObject.Damage * yeetingPower), onYeetEvent);
                    currentMergeableObject = null;

                rotation.eulerAngles = euler;
                yeetingContrainerTransform.rotation = rotation;
            else if (handState == HandState.ChargingYeet)
                hover1.UpdateRotation = true;
                hover2.UpdateRotation = true;

            transform.position = position;