예제 #1
        public MenusBillingSection ViewDetails(int tableID)
            var    date               = DateTime.Today;
            string DateFormat         = date.ToString(@"MM\/dd\/yyyy");
            var    data               = context.tbl_MenusBillingSection.SingleOrDefault(p => p.TableID == tableID && p.Table_Status != "closed" && p.Table_Status != null);
            MenusBillingSection menus = new MenusBillingSection();
            List <MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo> menusList = new List <MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo>();

            if (data != null)
                var lst = context.tbl_MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo.Where(s => s.BillNo == data.Bill_Number).ToList();
                foreach (var i in lst)
                    menusList.Add(new MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo()
                        ID       = i.ID,
                        FoodName = i.FoodName,
                        Price    = i.Price,
                        Quantity = i.Quantity
                menus.MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo = menusList;
                menus.Bill_Number   = data.Bill_Number;
                menus.Customer_Name = data.Customer_Name;
                menus.Phone         = data.Phone;
                menus.Price         = data.Price;
                menus.OrderTakenBy  = data.OrderTakenBy;
                menus.PaymentDate   = data.PaymentDate;
                menus.TableID       = data.TableID;
                menus.Order_Time    = data.Order_Time;
                menus.Table_Status  = data.Table_Status;
                menus.Table_No      = context.tbl_TablesForBooking.SingleOrDefault(w => w.ID == data.TableID).TableNo;
예제 #2
        public ActionResult CreateTableBill(int tableID)
            var    date               = DateTime.Today;
            string DateFormat         = date.ToString(@"MM\/dd\/yyyy");
            var    menusData          = context.tbl_MenusBillingSection.SingleOrDefault(p => p.TableID == tableID && p.Table_Status == "opened");
            MenusBillingSection menus = new MenusBillingSection();
            List <MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo> menusList = new List <MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo>();

            if (menusData != null)
                var lst = context.tbl_MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo.Where(s => s.BillNo == menusData.Bill_Number).ToList();
                foreach (var i in lst)
                    bool alreadyExists = menusList.Any(x => x.FoodName == i.FoodName && x.Price == i.Price);
                    if (!alreadyExists)
                        menusList.Add(new MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo()
                            ID       = i.ID,
                            FoodName = i.FoodName,
                            Price    = i.Price,
                            Quantity = i.Quantity
                        menusList.Find(p => p.FoodName == i.FoodName && p.Price == i.Price).Quantity += i.Quantity;
                menus.MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo = menusList;
                menus.Bill_Number     = menusData.Bill_Number;
                menus.Customer_Name   = menusData.Customer_Name;
                menus.Phone           = menusData.Phone;
                menus.Price           = menusData.Price;
                menus.PaymentDate     = menusData.PaymentDate;
                menus.TableID         = menusData.TableID;
                menus.OrderTakenBy    = menusData.OrderTakenBy;
                menus.PriceWithoutTax = menusData.PriceWithoutTax;
                menus.GST             = menusData.GST;
                menus.Table_No        = context.tbl_TablesForBooking.SingleOrDefault(w => w.ID == menusData.TableID).TableNo;
예제 #3
        public JsonResult addMoreNewItemsInDB(MenusBillingSection model)
            var    gstPercentFromConfig = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FoodGstPercent"]);
            double?amtWithoutTax        = 0;
            double?gst        = 0;
            var    date       = DateTime.Today;
            string DateFormat = date.ToString(@"MM\/dd\/yyyy");

            var billDet = context.tbl_MenusBillingSection.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Bill_Number == model.Bill_Number);

            if (billDet != null)
                foreach (var f in model.MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo)
                    tbl_MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo menusdetails = new tbl_MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo();
                    menusdetails.BillNo   = model.Bill_Number;
                    menusdetails.FoodName = f.FoodName;
                    menusdetails.Price    = f.Price;
                    menusdetails.Quantity = f.Quantity;

                    menusdetails.OldQuantity = f.Quantity;


                    amtWithoutTax += (f.Price * f.Quantity);

                    var data = context.tbl_Menu.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ID == f.ItemNameID);    // && a.Price==model.Price);
                    if (data != null)
                        if (data.InventoryID != 0)
                            tbl_InventoryUsage usage = new tbl_InventoryUsage();
                            usage.InventoryID           = data.InventoryID;
                            usage.Used_Qty              = f.Quantity;
                            usage.Description           = "(Bill No. : " + model.Bill_Number + ") Sold to customer on " + DateFormat;
                            usage.Used_Date             = DateFormat;
                            usage.BillNo                = model.Bill_Number;
                            usage.MenusBillingDetailsID = menusdetails.ID;
                            usage.GST_NonGST_Bill       = "GST";

                    var consumeItem = context.tbl_ConsumableItems.Where(s => s.MenuItem_ID == f.ItemNameID).ToList();
                    if (consumeItem.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var m in consumeItem)
                            string             tempUsedQty = Convert.ToString(f.Quantity * m.Quantity);
                            tbl_InventoryUsage usage       = new tbl_InventoryUsage();
                            usage.InventoryID = m.Inventory_ID;
                            usage.Used_Qty    = Convert.ToDouble(tempUsedQty);
                            //usage.Used_Qty = f.Quantity * m.Quantity;   // Math.Round((double)(f.Quantity * m.Quantity), 2);
                            usage.Description           = "Bill No. : " + model.Bill_Number + " | " + f.FoodName;
                            usage.Used_Date             = DateFormat;
                            usage.BillNo                = model.Bill_Number;
                            usage.MenusBillingDetailsID = menusdetails.ID;
                            usage.GST_NonGST_Bill       = "GST";

                amtWithoutTax = amtWithoutTax + billDet.PriceWithoutTax;

                //gst = amtWithoutTax * (2.5 / 100);
                //gst = (gst * 2);
                gst           = amtWithoutTax * ((double)gstPercentFromConfig / (double)100);
                gst           = Math.Round((double)gst, 2);
                amtWithoutTax = Math.Round((double)amtWithoutTax, 2);

                tbl_MenusBillingSection menus = new tbl_MenusBillingSection();
                billDet.Price                = Math.Round((double)(gst + amtWithoutTax), 2);
                billDet.GST                  = gst;
                billDet.PriceWithoutTax      = amtWithoutTax;
                context.Entry(billDet).State = EntityState.Modified;
예제 #4
        public JsonResult CreateOrder(MenusBillingSection model)
            var    gstPercentFromConfig = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FoodGstPercent"]);
            double?amtWithoutTax        = 0;
            double?gst        = 0;
            var    date       = DateTime.Today;
            string DateFormat = date.ToString(@"MM\/dd\/yyyy");

            TimeSpan time         = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
            var      tableDetails = context.tbl_TablesForBooking.SingleOrDefault(v => v.ID == model.TableID && v.Table_Status == "closed");

            if (tableDetails != null)
                if (model.UserID == 0 && model.Customer_Name != "" && model.Customer_Name != null)
                    tbl_Profile prf = new tbl_Profile();
                    prf.F_Name         = model.Customer_Name;
                    prf.PhoneNo        = model.Phone;
                    prf.Walk_In_Member = true;

                    prf.Status               = true;
                    prf.UserType             = 3;
                    prf.AddedBy              = Request.Cookies["AddedBy"].Value;
                    prf.NewUsrBySuperApprv   = true;
                    prf.DelUsrBySuperApprv   = false;
                    prf.Reference_Of_Walk_In = "0";
                    prf.EmailNotifications   = true;
                    model.UserID = prf.ID;
                var billDet = context.tbl_MenusBillingSection.ToList().LastOrDefault();

                foreach (var f in model.MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo)
                    tbl_MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo menusdetails = new tbl_MenusBillingDetailsWithBillNo();
                    menusdetails.BillNo   = (billDet != null) ? billDet.Bill_Number + 1 : 1;
                    menusdetails.FoodName = f.FoodName;
                    menusdetails.Price    = f.Price;
                    menusdetails.Quantity = f.Quantity;

                    menusdetails.OldQuantity = f.Quantity;


                    amtWithoutTax += (f.Price * f.Quantity);

                    var data = context.tbl_Menu.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ID == f.ItemNameID);    // && a.Price==model.Price);
                    if (data != null)
                        if (data.InventoryID != 0)
                            tbl_InventoryUsage usage = new tbl_InventoryUsage();
                            usage.InventoryID           = data.InventoryID;
                            usage.Used_Qty              = f.Quantity;
                            usage.Description           = "(Bill No. : " + ((billDet != null) ? (billDet.Bill_Number + 1) : 1) + ") Sold to customer on " + DateFormat;
                            usage.Used_Date             = DateFormat;
                            usage.BillNo                = (billDet != null) ? billDet.Bill_Number + 1 : 1;
                            usage.MenusBillingDetailsID = menusdetails.ID;
                            usage.GST_NonGST_Bill       = "GST";

                    var consumeItem = context.tbl_ConsumableItems.Where(s => s.MenuItem_ID == f.ItemNameID).ToList();
                    if (consumeItem.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var m in consumeItem)
                            string             tempUsedQty = Convert.ToString(f.Quantity * m.Quantity);
                            tbl_InventoryUsage usage       = new tbl_InventoryUsage();
                            usage.InventoryID           = m.Inventory_ID;
                            usage.Used_Qty              = Convert.ToDouble(tempUsedQty); //Math.Round((double)(f.Quantity * m.Quantity), 2);
                            usage.Description           = "Bill No. : " + ((billDet != null) ? (billDet.Bill_Number + 1) : 1) + " | " + f.FoodName;
                            usage.Used_Date             = DateFormat;
                            usage.BillNo                = (billDet != null) ? billDet.Bill_Number + 1 : 1;
                            usage.MenusBillingDetailsID = menusdetails.ID;
                            usage.GST_NonGST_Bill       = "GST";
                //gst = amtWithoutTax * (2.5 / 100);
                //gst = (gst * 2);
                gst           = amtWithoutTax * ((double)gstPercentFromConfig / (double)100);
                gst           = Math.Round((double)gst, 2);
                amtWithoutTax = Math.Round((double)amtWithoutTax, 2);

                tbl_MenusBillingSection menus = new tbl_MenusBillingSection();
                menus.Bill_Number     = (billDet != null) ? billDet.Bill_Number + 1 : 1;
                menus.Customer_Name   = model.Customer_Name;
                menus.Phone           = model.Phone;
                menus.Price           = Math.Round((double)(gst + amtWithoutTax), 2);
                menus.UserID          = model.UserID;
                menus.GST             = gst;
                menus.PriceWithoutTax = amtWithoutTax;
                menus.TableID         = model.TableID;
                menus.OrderTakenBy    = model.OrderTakenBy;
                menus.Table_Status    = "opened";
                menus.menubillno      = GetBillNO();
                menus.PaymentDate     = DateFormat;
                menus.Order_Time      = time;

                var tblOrder = context.tbl_TablesForBooking.SingleOrDefault(d => d.ID == model.TableID);
                if (tblOrder != null)
                    tblOrder.Table_Status         = "opened";
                    context.Entry(tblOrder).State = EntityState.Modified;
            return(Json("Already opened"));