/// <summary>
        /// Draws the menu.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            // make sure our entries are in the right place before we draw them

            // Draw each menu entry in turn.
            for (int i = 0; i < MenuItemList.Count; i++)
                MenuItem menuEntry = MenuItemList[i];

                bool isSelected = IsActive && (i == SelectedItem);

                menuEntry.Draw(this, isSelected, gameTime);

            // Make the menu slide into place during transitions, using a
            // power curve to make things look more interesting (this makes
            // the movement slow down as it nears the end).
            float transitionOffset = (float)Math.Pow(TransitionPosition, 2);

            // Draw the menu title centered on the screen
            Vector2 titlePosition = new Vector2(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, 80);
            Vector2 titleOrigin   = MenuFont.MeasureString(Title) / 2;
            Color   titleColor    = new Color(255, 64, 64) * TransitionAlpha;
            float   titleScale    = 1.5f;

            titlePosition.Y -= transitionOffset * 100;

            SpriteBatch.DrawString(MenuFont, Title, titlePosition, titleColor, 0, titleOrigin, titleScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

예제 #2
        // TODO: Only works if all menuitems have equal height
        private Vector2 CalculateMenuItemPosition(MenuItem menuItem, int numberInOrder)
            Vector2 textSize = MenuFont.MeasureString(menuItem.Text);

            float posX = 0;

            switch (menuItem.MenuPositionX)
            case ItemPositionX.LEFT:
                posX = 0;

            case ItemPositionX.CENTER:
                posX = (Bounds.Width / 2);

            case ItemPositionX.RIGHT:
                posX = (Bounds.Width) - textSize.X;

            float posY = 0;

            switch (menuItem.MenuPositionY)
            case ItemPositionY.TOP:
                posY = 0 + (numberInOrder * textSize.Y);

            case ItemPositionY.CENTER:
                posY = (Bounds.Height / 2) + (numberInOrder * textSize.Y);

            case ItemPositionY.BOTTOM:
                posY = (Bounds.Height) - (numberInOrder * textSize.Y);

            return(new Vector2(posX, posY));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the message box.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            // Darken down any other screens that were drawn beneath the popup.
            ScreenManager.FadeBackBufferToBlack(TransitionAlpha * 2 / 3);

            // Center the message text in the viewport.
            Viewport viewport     = ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
            Vector2  viewportSize = new Vector2(viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
            Vector2  textSize     = MenuFont.MeasureString(Message);
            Vector2  textPosition = (viewportSize - textSize) / 2;

            // The background includes a border somewhat larger than the text itself.
            const int hPad = 32;
            const int vPad = 16;

            Rectangle backgroundRectangle = new Rectangle((int)textPosition.X - hPad,
                                                          (int)textPosition.Y - vPad,
                                                          (int)textSize.X + hPad * 2,
                                                          (int)textSize.Y + vPad * 2);

            // Fade the popup alpha during transitions.
            Color color = Color.White * TransitionAlpha;


            // Draw the background rectangle.
            if (GradientTexture != null)
                SpriteBatch.Draw(GradientTexture, backgroundRectangle, color);

            // Draw the message box text.
            SpriteBatch.DrawString(MenuFont, Message, textPosition, color);

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the loading screen.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            // If we are the only active screen, that means all the previous screens
            // must have finished transitioning off. We check for this in the Draw
            // method, rather than in Update, because it isn't enough just for the
            // screens to be gone: in order for the transition to look good we must
            // have actually drawn a frame without them before we perform the load.
            if ((ScreenState == State.Active) && (ScreenManager.GetScreens().Length == 1))
                OtherScreensAreGone = true;

            // The gameplay screen takes a while to load, so we display a loading
            // message while that is going on, but the menus load very quickly, and
            // it would look silly if we flashed this up for just a fraction of a
            // second while returning from the game to the menus. This parameter
            // tells us how long the loading is going to take, so we know whether
            // to bother drawing the message.
            if (LoadingIsSlow)
                const string message = "Loading...";

                // Center the text in the viewport.
                Viewport viewport     = GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
                Vector2  viewportSize = new Vector2(viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
                Vector2  textSize     = MenuFont.MeasureString(message);
                Vector2  textPosition = (viewportSize - textSize) / 2;

                Color color = Color.White * TransitionAlpha;

                // Draw the text.
                SpriteBatch.DrawString(MenuFont, message, textPosition, color);