// Use this for initialization void Start() { SoundManager.PlaySFX(CrowdClip, true); m_MenuControls = FindObjectOfType <MenuControls>(); m_AllDatas = Utilities.GetAllPlayerData(); GameManager.instance.SetGameState(GameState.Loading); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { SoundManager.PlaySFX(CrowdClip, true); m_MenuControls = FindObjectOfType<MenuControls>(); m_AllDatas = Utilities.GetAllPlayerData(); GameManager.instance.SetGameState(GameState.Loading); }
public static sKeyConfig Get(MenuControls key) { int offset = Marshal.SizeOf <sKeyConfig>(); long ptr = Kernel.Read <long>(Address.GetAddress("BASE") + Address.GetAddress("SETTINGS_KEYBOARD")); return(Kernel.ReadStructure <sKeyConfig>(ptr + 0xA50 + (offset * (int)key))); }
public InventoryScreen(bool transparent, bool pauses, RLRootConsole rootConsole) { _rootConsole = rootConsole; _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(INVENTORYWIDTH, INVENTORYHEIGHT); _messageConsole = new RLConsole(MESSAGEWIDTH, MESSAGEHEIGHT); inventorySystem = GameController.InventorySystem; inventoryUI = new InventoryUI(this); menuControls = new MenuControls(rootConsole); Transparent = transparent; Pauses = pauses; }
protected void Awake() { _controls = new MenuControls(); // Jump: _up = new Subject <Unit>().AddTo(this); _controls.Inventory.Up.performed += context => _up.OnNext(Unit.Default); //ToggleMenu _down = new Subject <Unit>().AddTo(this); _controls.Inventory.Down.performed += context => _down.OnNext(Unit.Default); _closetextbox = new Subject <Unit>().AddTo(this); _controls.Inventory.CloseTextBox.performed += context => _closetextbox.OnNext(Unit.Default); }
private void GetObjects() { m_MenuControls = FindObjectOfType <MenuControls>(); if (m_MenuControls == null) { Debug.LogError("Loading Screen cannot find Menu control object in scene."); } _delayManager = GetComponent <DelayManager>(); if (_delayManager == null) { Debug.LogError("No delay manager found on loading screen"); } if (_tipScreenGameObject == null) { Debug.LogError("Loading screen is missing the tip screen game object."); } else { _tipScreenSprite = _tipScreenGameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); SetRandomColor(); } _animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); if (_animator == null) { Debug.LogError("Loading Screen is missing its animator. PANIC!"); } if (_isGameplayScene) { m_spawner = FindObjectOfType <PlayerSpawner>(); if (m_spawner == null) { Debug.LogError("Loading Screen cannot find player spawner. Is this a gameplay scene? If yes, set the IsGameplayScene to true."); } else { SubscribeToEvents(m_spawner); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { levelNumber = transform.Find("Text").gameObject; padlock = transform.Find("Lock").gameObject; levelId = int.Parse(gameObject.name.Replace("Level_", "")); _menuctrl = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("LevelMenuBtn").GetComponent <MenuControls>(); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("level" + levelId, 0) == 1) { padlock.SetActive(false); levelNumber.SetActive(true); } else { padlock.SetActive(true); levelNumber.SetActive(false); } }
public static string GetUserMenuIds(int uid) { var muM = Sys_Manage_UserBLL.GetManageUserModel(uid); if (muM.MenuPermission != null) { return(muM.MenuPermission); } else { MenuControls mc = new MenuControls(); List <int> list = mc.GetDepartmentMenuId(muM.PowerSession); string l = ""; foreach (int i in list) { l += "," + i.ToString(); } return(l.Trim(',')); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { lr = GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); GameObject menu = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MenuControl"); if (menu == null) { Debug.LogError("FAILED TO LOCATE MENU OBJECT"); } if (menu.TryGetComponent <MenuControls>(out MenuControls attempt)) { controlMenu = attempt; } else { Debug.LogError("FAILED TO LOCATE MENUS MENU CONTROLLER"); } SteamVR_Actions.default_GrabPinch.AddOnStateDownListener(TriggerDown, leftController); SteamVR_Actions.default_GrabPinch.AddOnStateUpListener(TriggerUp, leftController); }
/// <summary> /// Set a GTA.Control to control a menu. Can be multiple controls. This applies it to all indexes. /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> /// <param name="gtaControl"></param> public void SetKey(MenuControls control, Control gtaControl) { SetKey(control, gtaControl, 0); SetKey(control, gtaControl, 1); SetKey(control, gtaControl, 2); }
/// <summary> /// Set a key to control a menu. Can be multiple keys for each control. /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> /// <param name="keyToSet"></param> public void SetKey(MenuControls control, Keys keyToSet) { if (_keyDictionary.ContainsKey(control)) _keyDictionary[control].Item1.Add(keyToSet); else { _keyDictionary.Add(control, new Tuple<List<Keys>, List<Tuple<Control, int>>>(new List<Keys>(), new List<Tuple<Control, int>>())); _keyDictionary[control].Item1.Add(keyToSet); } }
// Use this for initialization protected virtual void Start() { m_Controls = FindObjectOfType<MenuControls>(); }
private void GetObjects() { m_MenuControls = FindObjectOfType<MenuControls>(); if (m_MenuControls == null) Debug.LogError("Loading Screen cannot find Menu control object in scene."); _delayManager = GetComponent<DelayManager>(); if (_delayManager == null) Debug.LogError("No delay manager found on loading screen"); if (_tipScreenGameObject == null) Debug.LogError("Loading screen is missing the tip screen game object."); else { _tipScreenSprite = _tipScreenGameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); SetRandomColor(); } _animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); if (_animator == null) Debug.LogError("Loading Screen is missing its animator. PANIC!"); if (_isGameplayScene) { m_spawner = FindObjectOfType<PlayerSpawner>(); if (m_spawner == null) Debug.LogError("Loading Screen cannot find player spawner. Is this a gameplay scene? If yes, set the IsGameplayScene to true."); else SubscribeToEvents(m_spawner); } }
public static ControlMembers GetNewMenuControl(MenuControls controlEnum) => Instance.GetNewControlFunc((int)controlEnum);
public override bool OnActivated() { MenuControls.Close(); return(false); }
public TerminalControlBase(MenuControls controlEnum) : this(RichHudTerminal.GetNewMenuControl(controlEnum)) { // Register event callback GetOrSetMember(new Action(ControlChangedCallback), (int)TerminalControlAccessors.GetOrSetControlCallback); }
/// <summary> /// Check whether a menucontrol is being pressed. /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsControlBeingPressed(MenuControls control, Keys key = Keys.None) { List<Keys> tmpKeys = new List<Keys>(_keyDictionary[control].Item1); List<Tuple<Control, int>> tmpControls = new List<Tuple<Control, int>>(_keyDictionary[control].Item2); if (_controlCounter > 0) { _controlCounter++; if (_controlCounter > 30) _controlCounter = 0; return false; } if (key != Keys.None) { if (tmpKeys.Any(Game.IsKeyPressed)) { _controlCounter = 1; return true; } } if (tmpControls.Any(tuple => Game.IsControlPressed(tuple.Item2, tuple.Item1))) { _controlCounter = 1; return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Set a GTA.Control to control a menu only on a specific index. /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> /// <param name="gtaControl"></param> /// <param name="controlIndex"></param> public void SetKey(MenuControls control, Control gtaControl, int controlIndex) { if (_keyDictionary.ContainsKey(control)) _keyDictionary[control].Item2.Add(new Tuple<Control, int>(gtaControl, controlIndex)); else { _keyDictionary.Add(control, new Tuple<List<Keys>, List<Tuple<Control, int>>>(new List<Keys>(), new List<Tuple<Control, int>>())); _keyDictionary[control].Item2.Add(new Tuple<Control, int>(gtaControl, controlIndex)); } }
/// <summary> /// Remove all controls on a control. /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> public void ResetKey(MenuControls control) { if (!_keyDictionary.ContainsKey(control)) return; _keyDictionary[control].Item1.Clear(); _keyDictionary[control].Item2.Clear(); }
// Use this for initialization protected virtual void Start() { m_Controls = FindObjectOfType <MenuControls>(); }
/// <summary> /// Check whether a menucontrol has been released. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">Control to check for.</param> /// <param name="key">Key if you're using keys.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool HasControlJustBeenReleaseed(MenuControls control, Keys key = Keys.None) { List<Keys> tmpKeys = new List<Keys>(_keyDictionary[control].Item1); List<Tuple<Control, int>> tmpControls = new List<Tuple<Control, int>>(_keyDictionary[control].Item2); if (key != Keys.None) { if (tmpKeys.Any(Game.IsKeyPressed)) return true; } if (tmpControls.Any(tuple => Game.IsControlJustReleased(tuple.Item2, tuple.Item1))) return true; return false; }
protected void MenuTypeOptions_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType != ListItemType.Item && e.Item.ItemType != ListItemType.AlternatingItem) return; KeyValuePair<string, string> pair = (KeyValuePair<string, string>)e.Item.DataItem; MenuControls c = new MenuControls(); menuControls[pair.Key] = c; c.Where = (HtmlTable)e.Item.FindControl("Where"); c.New = (RadioButtonList)e.Item.FindControl("New"); c.NewOptions = (HtmlTable)e.Item.FindControl("NewOptions"); c.Name = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("Name"); c.Before = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("Before"); c.ExistsOptions = (HtmlTable)e.Item.FindControl("ExistsOptions"); c.AddTo = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("AddTo"); c.New.Items[0].Attributes["onclick"] = string.Format("jsUtils.ShowTable('{1}', false);jsUtils.ShowTable('{0}', true, 'inline');", c.NewOptions.ClientID, c.ExistsOptions.ClientID); c.New.Items[1].Attributes["onclick"] = string.Format("jsUtils.ShowTable('{1}', false);jsUtils.ShowTable('{0}', true, 'inline');", c.ExistsOptions.ClientID, c.NewOptions.ClientID); MenuTypesScript.AppendFormat("jsUtils.ShowTable('{0}', this.value=='{1}', 'inline');", c.Where.ClientID, BXJSUtility.Encode(pair.Key)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pair.Key) && (pair.Key.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) == -1)) try { string menuPath = BXPath.Combine(this.curDir, pair.Key + ".menu"); BXSecureIO.DemandView(menuPath); BXPublicMenuItemCollection menu = BXPublicMenu.Menu.Load(this.curDir, pair.Key);// new BXMenu(BXPath.ToPhysicalPath(menuPath)); /*menu.Sort(delegate(BXMenuItem a, BXMenuItem b) { return a.Sort.CompareTo(b.Sort); });*/ for (int i = 0; i < menu.Count; i++) { BXPublicMenuItem item = menu[i]; c.Before.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.Title, i.ToString())); c.AddTo.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.Title, i.ToString())); } c.Before.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetMessageRaw("LastItem"), menu.Count.ToString())); c.Before.SelectedIndex = c.Before.Items.Count - 1; } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Remove all controls on a control. /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> public void ResetKey(MenuControls control) { _keyDictionary[control].Item1.Clear(); _keyDictionary[control].Item2.Clear(); }
public TerminalValue(MenuControls controlEnum) : base(controlEnum) { }