예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a mention event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The user who sent the mentioning message</param>
        /// <param name="messageEMs">Amount of EMs inside that message</param>
        private static async Task HandleMention(SocketGuildUser user, int messageEMs)
            bool firstInfraction = true;
            int  totalEMs        = messageEMs;

            List <MentionEvent> removeEvents = new List <MentionEvent>();

            foreach (MentionEvent oldEvent in MentionEvents)
                if (!oldEvent.IsValid)
                if (oldEvent.UserId == user.Id)
                    firstInfraction = false;
                    totalEMs       += oldEvent.EffectiveMentions;
            foreach (MentionEvent removeEvent in removeEvents)

            MentionEvent mentionEvent = new MentionEvent(user.Id, messageEMs);


            if (totalEMs >= EM_MUTE_LIMIT && !firstInfraction)
                UserModerationLog userModLog = GuildModerationLog.GetOrCreateUserModerationLog(user.Guild.Id, user.Id, out GuildModerationLog guildModLog);

                await userModLog.AddMute(user, DateTimeOffset.MaxValue, null);

                IDMChannel dmChannel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed : MuteEmbed.Build());

                await AdminTaskInteractiveMessage.CreateAdminTaskMessage($"Muted User {user} for exceeding the EM limits", $"User: {user.Mention}\nEffective Mentions: `{totalEMs}/{EM_MUTE_LIMIT}`");
            else if (totalEMs >= EM_WARNING_LIMIT)
                // Handle Warning
                IDMChannel dmChannel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed : WarningEmbed.Build());
        public static void ImportLogs(string characterName)
            var characterPath           = Path.Combine(App.DataDirectory, characterName);
            var slimcatPath             = Path.Combine(slimCatRoaming, characterName);
            var eventSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings {
                Converters          = new JsonConverter[] { new LogManager.CharacterConverter(null), new LogManager.ChannelMemberConverter(null), new LogManager.ChannelConverter() },
                TypeNameHandling    = TypeNameHandling.Auto,
                SerializationBinder = new LogManager.EventSerializationBinder()
            var serializer = new MessageSerializer(null);

            foreach (var dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(slimcatPath))
                var name  = Path.GetFileName(dir);
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.txt").Select(x => {
                    try {
                        var date = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x).Split('-').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
                        return(new { Name = x, Date = new DateTime(date[2], date[0], date[1]) });
                    } catch {
                }).Where(x => x != null).OrderBy(x => x.Date);
                if (name == "!Notifications")
                    var events = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(characterPath, "EventLog"));
                    foreach (var file in files)
                        foreach (var line in GetLogEntries(File.ReadLines(file.Name), eventRegex))
                            try {
                                Match match;
                                Event e = null;

                                DateTime GetTime()
                                    var time = match.Groups[1].Value;

                                    return(file.Date.AddMinutes(int.Parse(time.Substring(0, 2)) * 60 + int.Parse(time.Substring(3))));

                                if ((match = statusRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    var status = match.Groups[4].Success ? match.Groups[4].Value.ToEnum <StatusEnum>() : StatusEnum.Online;
                                    e = new StatusEvent(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value), status, match.Groups[6].Value, GetTime());
                                else if ((match = loginRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    e = new LoginEvent(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value), GetTime());
                                else if ((match = logoutRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    e = new LogoutEvent(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value), GetTime());
                                else if ((match = joinRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    e = new ChannelJoinEvent(new Channel(null, match.Groups[3].Value, null), new Channel.Member(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value)), GetTime());
                                else if ((match = leaveRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    e = new ChannelLeaveEvent(new Channel(null, match.Groups[3].Value, null), new Channel.Member(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value)), GetTime());
                                else if ((match = descriptionRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                else if ((match = opChangeRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                else if ((match = openRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                else if ((match = listRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                else if ((match = friendRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                else if ((match = kickRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                else if ((match = noteRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    e = new NoteEvent(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value), null, match.Groups[3].Value, GetTime());
                                else if ((match = broadcastRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    e = new BroadcastEvent(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value), match.Groups[3].Value, GetTime());
                                else if ((match = mentionRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    var time = GetTime();
                                    e = new MentionEvent(new Channel(null, match.Groups[4].Value, null),
                                                         new Message(Message.Type.Message, new Character(match.Groups[2].Value), time, match.Groups[5].Value), GetTime());
                                else if ((match = inviteRegex.Match(line)).Success)
                                    e = new InviteEvent(new Character(match.Groups[2].Value), new ChannelListItem(match.Groups[4].Value, match.Groups[3].Value, 0), GetTime());
                                if (e != null)
                                    events.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e, typeof(Event), Formatting.None, eventSerializerSettings));
                            } catch {}
                Stream logs = null, ads = null, logsIndex = null, adsIndex = null;
                var    parenIndex = name.IndexOf('(');
                var    logDir     = Path.Combine(characterPath, parenIndex != -1 ? $"#{name.Substring(parenIndex + 1, name.Length - parenIndex - 2)}" :
                                                 officialChannels.Contains(name) ? $"#{name}" : name);
                if (Directory.Exists(logDir))

                foreach (var file in files)
                    var logsIndexed = false;
                    var adsIndexed  = false;
                    foreach (var line in GetLogEntries(File.ReadLines(file.Name), logRegex))
                        try {
                            var    index = 0;
                            var    type  = Message.Type.Message;
                            string sender;
                            if (line.StartsWith("Ad at"))
                                type   = Message.Type.Ad;
                                index += 6;
                            var h = int.Parse(line.Substring(index + 1, 2));
                            var m = int.Parse(line.Substring(index + 4, 2));
                            index += 8;
                            var text = "";
                            if (type == Message.Type.Ad)
                                var end = line.LastIndexOf("~By ");
                                if (end != -1)
                                    text   = line.Substring(index, end - index);
                                    sender = line.Substring(end + 4);
                                    sender = characterRegex.Match(line, index, Math.Min(20, line.Length - index)).Groups[1].Value;
                                    index += sender.Length;
                                    text   = index < line.Length ? line.Substring(index) : "";
                                if (line[index] == '[')
                                    type = Message.Type.Roll;
                                    var end = line.IndexOf('[', index);
                                    sender = line.Substring(index, end - index);
                                    if (index + characterName.Length <= line.Length && line.Substring(index, characterName.Length) == characterName)
                                        sender = characterName;
                                    else if (index + name.Length <= line.Length && line.Substring(index, name.Length) == name)
                                        sender = name;
                                        sender = characterRegex.Match(line, index, Math.Min(20, line.Length - index)).Groups[1].Value;
                                    index += sender.Length;
                                    if (index < line.Length)
                                        if (line[index] == ':')
                                            index += 1;
                                            if (index < line.Length && line[index] == ' ')
                                                index += 1;
                                            type = Message.Type.Action;
                                text += index < line.Length ? line.Substring(index) : "";
                            var stream = type == Message.Type.Ad ? (ads ?? (ads = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(logDir, "Ads")))) :
                                         (logs ?? (logs = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(logDir, "Logs"))));
                            if (type == Message.Type.Ad)
                                if (!adsIndexed)
                                    serializer.WriteIndex(adsIndex ?? (adsIndex = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(logDir, "Ads.idx"))), file.Date, stream.Position);
                                    adsIndexed = true;
                                if (!logsIndexed)
                                    serializer.WriteIndex(logsIndex ?? (logsIndex = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(logDir, "Logs.idx"))), file.Date, stream.Position);
                                    logsIndexed = true;
                            if (sender.Length > 20)
                                sender = sender.Substring(0, 20);
                            serializer.Write(stream, new Message(type, new Character(sender), file.Date.AddMinutes(h * 60 + m), text));
                        } catch { }