public void dobypass() { MemoryEngine scan = new MemoryEngine(); IntPtr[] adobeairaddy; string adobe_air_dll_check = "6E 00 0A 00 76 00"; string bypass_adobe_air = "11 13 00 00 60 AB 08 66 85 32 60 D1 08 66 BC 40 61 BC 08 10 62 00 00"; adobeairaddy = scan.ScanArray(scan.GetPID("Transformice"), adobe_air_dll_check); scan.WriteArray(adobeairaddy[0], bypass_adobe_air); }
public void Initialize() { Bypass bypass = new Bypass(); Welcome welcomeprint = new Welcome(); welcomeprint.printwelcome(); Hook hookfunc = new Hook(); Process Mice = hookfunc.hooktransformice(); Console.WriteLine("========================================="); Console.WriteLine(" Initializing... "); Console.WriteLine("========================================="); MemoryEngine scan = new MemoryEngine(); bypass.dobypass(); List <string> Aobs = new List <string>(); List <int> AddToAddy = new List <int>(); List <string> Trocas = new List <string>(); List <IntPtr[]> AobsInject = new List <IntPtr[]>(); try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("aobs.json")) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; var Json = sr.ReadToEnd(); JObject jsonObject = JObject.Parse(Json); for (int i = 1; i < int.Parse(jsonObject["countAobs"].ToString()) + 1; i++) { Aobs.Add(jsonObject[$"{i}"].ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < Aobs.Count; i++) { string[] split = Aobs[i].Split(','); AobsInject.Add(scan.ScanArray(Mice, split[0])); Trocas.Add(split[1]); try { if (split[2] == null) { AddToAddy.Add(0); } else { string PlusAddy = split[2]; int addtoaddy = Int32.Parse(PlusAddy); AddToAddy.Add(addtoaddy); } } catch { AddToAddy.Add(0); } } for (int a = 0; a < AobsInject.Count; a++) { int nulle = 0; IntPtr NullePTR = new IntPtr(nulle); try { if (AobsInject[a][0] == NullePTR) { Console.WriteLine("[X] Pattern Scan Failed, falling back"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[+] Address Logged =>" + $" [0x{AobsInject[a][0].ToString("X")}]"); Console.WriteLine("[+] Writing " + Trocas[a] + " to it."); int plus = AddToAddy[0]; AobsInject[a][0] += plus; scan.WriteArray(AobsInject[a][0], Trocas[a]); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Fatal Error, check your aobs.json!"); } } Console.Beep(); Console.ReadLine(); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Core failed to initialize. \n Check your Aobs.JSON"); Console.ReadLine(); } }