예제 #1
		public Heap(ulong start, ulong size, string name)
			Memory = MemoryBlock.Create(start, size);
			Used = 0;
			Name = name;
			Console.WriteLine("Created heap `{1}` at {0:x16}:{2:x16}", start, name, start + size);
예제 #2
 public MapHeap(ulong start, ulong size, string name)
     size          = WaterboxUtils.AlignUp(size);
     Memory        = MemoryBlock.Create(start, size);
     Name          = name;
     _pagesAsBytes = new byte[size >> WaterboxUtils.PageShift];
     _pages        = (MemoryBlock.Protection[])(object) _pagesAsBytes;
     for (var i = 0; i < _pages.Length; i++)
         _pages[i] = FREE;
     Console.WriteLine($"Created {nameof(MapHeap)} `{name}` at {start:x16}:{start + size:x16}");
예제 #3
        public ElfLoader(string moduleName, byte[] fileData, ulong assumedStart, bool skipCoreConsistencyCheck, bool skipMemoryConsistencyCheck)
            ModuleName = moduleName;
            _skipCoreConsistencyCheck   = skipCoreConsistencyCheck;
            _skipMemoryConsistencyCheck = skipMemoryConsistencyCheck;

            _elfHash = WaterboxUtils.Hash(fileData);
            _elf     = ELFReader.Load <ulong>(new MemoryStream(fileData, false), true);

            var loadsegs = _elf.Segments.Where(s => s.Type == SegmentType.Load);
            var start    = loadsegs.Min(s => s.Address);

            start = WaterboxUtils.AlignDown(start);
            var end = loadsegs.Max(s => s.Address + s.Size);

            end = WaterboxUtils.AlignUp(end);
            var size = end - start;

            if (start != assumedStart)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(assumedStart)} did not match actual origin in elf file");

            if (_elf.Sections.Any(s => s.Name.StartsWith(".rel")))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Elf has relocations!");

            _allSymbols = ((ISymbolTable)_elf.GetSection(".symtab"))
                          .Cast <SymbolEntry <ulong> >()

            _sectionsByName = _elf.Sections
                              .ToDictionary(s => s.Name);

            _sectionsByName.TryGetValue(".wbxsyscall", out _imports);
            if (_imports == null)
                // Likely cause:  This is a valid elf file, but it was not compiled by our toolchain at all
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing .wbxsyscall section!");
            _sectionsByName.TryGetValue(".sealed", out _sealed);
            _sectionsByName.TryGetValue(".invis", out _invisible);

            _visibleSymbols = _allSymbols
                              .Where(s => s.Binding == SymbolBinding.Global && s.Visibility == SymbolVisibility.Default)
                              .ToDictionary(s => s.Name);

            _importSymbols = _allSymbols
                             // TODO: No matter what attributes I provide, I seem to end up with Local and/or Hidden symbols in
                             // .wbxsyscall a lot of the time on heavily optimized release builds.
                             // Fortunately, there's nothing else in .wbxsyscall so we can just not filter at all.
                             .Where(s => s.PointedSection == _imports)

            Memory = MemoryBlock.Create(start, size);
            Memory.Protect(Memory.Start, Memory.Size, MemoryBlock.Protection.RW);

            foreach (var seg in loadsegs)
                var data = seg.GetFileContents();
                Marshal.Copy(data, 0, Z.US(seg.Address), Math.Min((int)seg.Size, (int)seg.FileSize));

                // Compute RW boundaries

                var allocated = _elf.Sections
                                .Where(s => (s.Flags & SectionFlags.Allocatable) != 0);
                var writable = allocated
                               .Where(s => (s.Flags & SectionFlags.Writable) != 0);
                var postSealWritable = writable
                                       .Where(s => !IsSpecialReadonlySection(s));
                var saveable = postSealWritable
                               .Where(s => s != _invisible);
                var executable = allocated
                                 .Where(s => (s.Flags & SectionFlags.Executable) != 0);

                _writeStart         = WaterboxUtils.AlignDown(writable.Min(s => s.LoadAddress));
                _postSealWriteStart = WaterboxUtils.AlignDown(postSealWritable.Min(s => s.LoadAddress));
                _execEnd            = WaterboxUtils.AlignUp(executable.Max(s => s.LoadAddress + s.Size));

                // validate; this may require linkscript cooperation
                // due to the segment limitations, the only thing we'd expect to catch is a custom eventually readonly section
                // in the wrong place (because the linkscript doesn't know "eventually readonly")
                if (_execEnd > _writeStart)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"ElfLoader: Executable data to {_execEnd:X16} overlaps writable data from {_writeStart}");
