예제 #1
        public static string GetUnitListselected(int actid)
                var list = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetUnitListselected(actid);
                //IEnumerable result = "";
                //if (list != null)
                //    result = from order in list
                //             select new
                //             {
                //                 Id = order.Id,

                //             };

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #2
        private void GetMenshiDetail(string openid, int comid)
            Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(openid);

            if (channel == null)
                //errlog = "获得渠道为空";
                if (channel.Issuetype == 0 || channel.Issuetype == 1)//会员属于门店
                    Member_Channel_company menshi = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetMenShiByJumpId(openid, comid);
                    if (menshi != null)
                        if (menshi.Whetherdepartment == 0)
                            Response.Redirect("/H5/storedetail.aspx?menshiid=" + menshi.Id);
                    // channelcompanyid = 0;
예제 #3
        private void GetMenshiDetail(string openid, int comid)
            Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(openid);

            if (channel == null)
                errlog = "获得渠道为空";
                if (channel.Issuetype == 0)//会员属于门店
                    channelcompanytype = channel.Issuetype.ToString();

                    Member_Channel_company menshi = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetMenShiByJumpId(openid, comid);
                    if (menshi != null)
                        if (menshi.Whetherdepartment == 0)
                            channelcompanyid = menshi.Id;
                            //Response.Redirect("StoreDefault.aspx?menshiid=" + channelcompanyid);
                    channelcompanytype = Request["issuetype"].ConvertTo <string>("0,3,4");
                    channelcompanyid   = 0;
예제 #4
        public static string GetChannelCompanyList(int comid, string channeltype, int pageindex, int pagesize)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         prodata = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                var         list    = prodata.GetChannelCompanyList(comid, channeltype, pageindex, pagesize, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result  = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        Id          = pro.Id,
                        Companyname = pro.Companyname,
                        Issuetype   = pro.Issuetype == 0 ? "内部门市" : pro.Issuetype == 1 ? "合作公司" : pro.Issuetype.ToString()

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #5
        public static string ChannelFPageList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, string key, int channelcomid)
            var totalcount = 0;

            if (channelcomid == 0)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "传递参数错误" }));

                var financedata = new B2bFinanceData();
                var orderdata   = new B2bOrderData();
                var channeldata = new MemberChannelcompanyData();

                var         list   = financedata.FinancePageList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, out totalcount, channelcomid);
                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from finance in list
                             select new
                        Id                = finance.Id,
                        Com_id            = finance.Com_id,
                        ComName           = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(finance.Com_id).Com_name,
                        Agent_id          = finance.Agent_id,
                        Eid               = finance.Eid,
                        Order_id          = finance.Order_id,
                        Servicesname      = finance.Servicesname,
                        ShortServicesname = finance.Servicesname.Length > 15 ? finance.Servicesname.Substring(0, 15) + "." : finance.Servicesname,
                        SerialNumber      = finance.SerialNumber,
                        Money             = finance.Money,
                        Money_come        = finance.Money_come,
                        Over_money        = finance.Over_money,
                        Payment           = finance.Payment,
                        Payment_type      = finance.Payment_type,
                        Subdate           = finance.Subdate,
                        Con_state         = finance.Con_state,
                        Remarks           = finance.Remarks,
                        PrintscreenUrl    = new FileUploadData().GetFileById(finance.Printscreen.ToString().ConvertTo <int>(0)) == null ? "" : new FileUploadData().GetFileById(finance.Printscreen.ToString().ConvertTo <int>(0)).Relativepath,
                        Pno               = orderdata.GetPnoByOrderId(finance.Order_id),
                        Channelid         = finance.Channelid,
                        ChannelName       = channeldata.GetChannelCompanyNameById(finance.Channelid),
                        Paychannelstate   = finance.Paychannelstate

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #6
        public static string LoadingList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, int userid)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var list = new List <Member_Activity_Log>();
                B2b_company_manageuser userr = B2bCompanyManagerUserData.GetUser(userid);
                if (userr != null)
                    if (userr.Channelcompanyid == 0)//总公司账户
                        list = new B2bCrmData().LoadingList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, out totalcount);
                    else //总公司下面渠道
                        list = new B2bCrmData().LoadingList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, int.Parse(userr.Channelcompanyid.ToString()), out totalcount);

                    IEnumerable result     = "";
                    var         memcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                    if (list != null)
                        result = from pro in list
                                 select new
                            ID     = pro.ID,
                            CardID = MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode.ToString(),
                            //CardID =pro.CardID,
                            ACTID               = MemberActivityData.GetActById(pro.ACTID).Title.ToString(),
                            OrderId             = pro.OrderId,
                            ServerName          = pro.ServerName,
                            Sales_admin         = pro.Sales_admin,
                            Num_people          = pro.Num_people,
                            Usesubdate          = pro.Usesubdate,
                            Per_capita_money    = pro.Per_capita_money * pro.Num_people,
                            Member_return_money = pro.Member_return_money,
                            username            = B2bCrmData.GetCrmCardcode(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode) == null ? "--" : B2bCrmData.GetCrmCardcode(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode).Name.ToString(),
                            channel             = memcompany.UpCompanyById(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode.ToString())

                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #7
        public int md_subscribenum = 0;         //门店关注总数
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //图片上传 绑定控件
            headPortrait.uploadFileInfo.ObjType = (int)FileObjType.Photo;
            headPortrait.displayImgId           = "headPortraitImg";

            channelcompanytype = Request["channelcompanytype"].ConvertTo <string>("inner");

            int userid = UserHelper.CurrentUserId();

            IsParentCompanyUser = new B2bCompanyManagerUserData().IsParentCompanyUser(userid);
            if (IsParentCompanyUser == false)//如果是门市账户
                B2b_company_manageuser user = B2bCompanyManagerUserData.GetUser(userid);
                if (user != null)
                    channelcompanyid = user.Channelcompanyid.ToString();

                Member_Channel_company ccompay = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompany(channelcompanyid);
                if (ccompay != null)
                    if (ccompay.Issuetype == 0)
                        channelcompanytype = "inner";
                    if (ccompay.Issuetype == 1)
                        channelcompanytype = "out";

            md_subscribenum = new WxSubscribeDetailData().GetMd_Subscribenum(UserHelper.CurrentCompany.ID);

            isrun = Request["isrun"].ConvertTo <string>("1,0");
            if (!IsPostBack)
                hid_key.Value = "";

                if (channelcompanytype == "inner") //如果是 所属门店/合作单位,则需要把总公司信息加上
                    DataSet ds1 = GetHeadOffice(); //得到总公司信息
                    DataSet ds2 = GetAllTerms(channelcompanytype, channelcompanyid);
                    ds1.Merge(ds2, false, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore);
                    GridView2.DataSource = ds1;//获得 渠道单位 列表
                    GridView2.DataSource = GetAllTerms(channelcompanytype, channelcompanyid);//获得 渠道单位 列表
예제 #8
        public static string ComFinancePageList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, string key, int oid = 0, string payment_type = "", string money_come = "", string starttime = "", string endtime = "")
            var totalcount = 0;

                var financedata = new B2bFinanceData();
                var orderdata   = new B2bOrderData();
                var channeldata = new MemberChannelcompanyData();

                B2bPayData  datapay = new B2bPayData();
                var         list    = financedata.FinancePageList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, out totalcount, 0, oid, payment_type, money_come, starttime, endtime);
                IEnumerable result  = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from finance in list
                             select new
                        Id                = finance.Id,
                        Com_id            = finance.Com_id,
                        ComName           = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(finance.Com_id).Com_name,
                        Agent_id          = finance.Agent_id,
                        Eid               = finance.Eid,
                        Order_id          = finance.Order_id,
                        Servicesname      = finance.Servicesname,
                        ShortServicesname = finance.Servicesname.Length > 15 ? finance.Servicesname.Substring(0, 15) + "." : finance.Servicesname,
                        SerialNumber      = finance.SerialNumber,
                        Money             = finance.Money,
                        Money_come        = finance.Money_come,
                        Over_money        = finance.Over_money,
                        Payment           = finance.Payment,
                        Payment_type      = finance.Payment_type,
                        Subdate           = finance.Subdate,
                        Con_state         = finance.Con_state,
                        Remarks           = finance.Remarks,
                        Pno               = orderdata.GetPnoByOrderId(finance.Order_id),
                        Channelid         = finance.Channelid,
                        ChannelName       = channeldata.GetChannelCompanyNameById(finance.Channelid),
                        Paychannelstate   = finance.Paychannelstate,
                        Agentname         = financedata.GetAgentNamebyorderid(finance.Order_id),
                        Payinfo           = datapay.GetPayByoId(finance.Order_id)

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #9
 public static string Upchannelcompanproject(int channelcompanyid, string companyproject)
         var channelobj = new MemberChannelcompanyData().Upchannelcompanproject(channelcompanyid, companyproject);
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = channelobj }));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));
예제 #10
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);


                var channelcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByCrmId(userinfo.Id);
                if (channelcompany != null)
                    tel = channelcompany.Companyphone;

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
예제 #11
        public static string MasterpagelistByComId(string employstate, int pageindex, int pagesize, string comid, int userid, string key = "")
            var totalcount = 0;

            var memberdata = new MemberChannelData();
            MemberChannelcompanyData channel = new MemberChannelcompanyData();

                var         list   = new B2bCompanyManagerUserData().Manageuserpagelist(employstate, comid, pageindex, pagesize, out totalcount, userid, key);
                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from model in list
                             select new
                        Accounts       = model.Accounts,
                        PassWord       = model.Passwords,
                        MasterId       = model.Id,
                        MasterName     = model.Employeename,
                        CompanyName    = channel.GetCompanyById(Int32.Parse(model.Channelcompanyid.ToString())) != null?channel.GetCompanyById(Int32.Parse(model.Channelcompanyid.ToString())).Companyname : "",
                        Tel            = model.Tel,
                        GroupName      = new Sys_MasterGroupData().GetGroupNameStrByMasterId(model.Id),
                        Employstate    = model.Employeestate,
                        weixinstate    = memberdata.GetChannelListByComidState(int.Parse(comid), model.Id),
                        Peoplelistview = model.Peoplelistview,
                        Workdays       = model.Workdays,
                        Isdefaultkf    = model.Isdefaultkf,

                        Channelid        = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelid(model.Com_id, model.Tel),                        //渠道id
                        rebatenum        = new Member_channel_rebatelogData().Getrebatenum(model.Com_id, model.Tel),             //返佣次数
                        rebateapplytotal = new Member_channel_rebateApplylogData().Getrebateapplytotal(model.Com_id, model.Tel), //返佣申请总额
                        rebatehastixian  = new Member_channel_rebateApplylogData().Getrebatehastixian(model.Com_id, model.Tel),  //返佣申请已提现金额
                        rebatenottixian  = new Member_channel_rebateApplylogData().Getrebatenottixian(model.Com_id, model.Tel),  //返佣申请尚未提现金额
                        restrebate       = new MemberChannelData().Getrestrebate(model.Com_id, model.Tel),                       //剩余可申请返佣金额

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #12
 public static string Getchannelcompanyname(int channelcompanyid, int comid = 0)
     if (comid == 0)
         if (channelcompanyid == 0)
             return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
             Member_Channel_company company = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompany(channelcompanyid.ToString());
             if (company == null)
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = company.Companyname }));
         if (channelcompanyid == 0)
             B2b_company company = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid);
             if (company == null)
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = company.Com_name }));
             Member_Channel_company company = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompany(channelcompanyid.ToString());
             if (company == null)
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = company.Companyname }));
예제 #13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            comid   = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            md5info = Request["md5info"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            string companyName = new B2bCompanyData().GetCompanyNameById(comid);

            string Returnmd5 = EncryptionHelper.ToMD5(comid.ToString() + "lixh1210", "UTF-8");

            if (Returnmd5 == md5info)//验证MD5
                //               ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select idcard [会员卡号], name [姓名],phone [手机],email [邮件],imprest [预付款],Integral [积分],regidate [注册时间] from b2b_crm where com_id=" + comid),
                //               Context, companyName + "会员信息" + ".xls");

                DataTable crmdt = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select idcard [会员卡号], name [姓名],phone [手机],email [邮件],imprest [预付款],Integral [积分],regidate [注册时间] from b2b_crm where com_id=" + comid);

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                foreach (DataRow rr in crmdt.Rows)
                    dr         = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["会员卡号"] = rr["会员卡号"].ToString();
                    dr["姓名"]   = rr["姓名"].ToString();
                    dr["手机"]   = rr["手机"].ToString();
                    dr["邮件"]   = rr["邮件"].ToString();
                    dr["预付款"]  = rr["预付款"].ToString();
                    dr["积分"]   = rr["积分"].ToString();
                    dr["注册时间"] = rr["注册时间"].ToString();
                    dr["渠道单位"] = new MemberChannelcompanyData().UpCompanyById(rr["会员卡号"].ToString());
                    dr["推荐人"]  = MemberChannelData.SearchNamestring(rr["会员卡号"].ToString());


                ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(dt, Context, companyName + "会员信息" + ".xls");
예제 #14
        public static string GetUnitList(int unittype)
                var list = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetUnitList(unittype);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #15
        public static string GetChannelCompany(string channelcompanyid)
                Member_Channel_company        company = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompany(channelcompanyid);
                List <Member_Channel_company> list    = new List <Member_Channel_company>();
                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        Id                  = pro.Id,
                        Com_id              = pro.Com_id,
                        Companyname         = pro.Companyname,
                        Issuetype           = pro.Issuetype,
                        Whethercreateqrcode = pro.Whethercreateqrcode,
                        Companyaddress      = pro.Companyaddress,
                        Companyphone        = pro.Companyphone,
                        CompanyCoordinate   = pro.CompanyCoordinate,
                        CompanyimgID        = pro.Companyimg,
                        CompanyImgUrl       = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(pro.Companyimg),
                        Companyintro        = pro.Companyintro,
                        Companyproject      = pro.Companyproject,
                        CompanyState        = pro.Companystate,
                        WhetherDepartment   = pro.Whetherdepartment,
                        Bookurl             = pro.Bookurl,
                        CompanyLocate       = pro.CompanyLocate,
                        Province            = pro.Province,
                        City                = pro.City,
                        Outshop             = pro.Outshop

                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = result }));
                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = "" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #16
        public static string ChannelcompanyOrderlocation(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, string key, int channelcompanyid = 0, string channelcompanytype = "0,1,3,4", string openid = "", string n1 = "", string e1 = "")
                int totalcount = 0;
                var crmdata    = new B2bCrmData();

                List <Member_Channel_company> list = new MemberChannelcompanyData().ChannelcompanyOrderlocation(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, out totalcount, channelcompanyid, channelcompanytype, n1, e1);

                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             //orderby pro.Distance
                             select new
                        Id                  = pro.Id,
                        Com_id              = pro.Com_id,
                        Companyname         = pro.Companyname,
                        Issuetype           = pro.Issuetype,
                        Whethercreateqrcode = pro.Whethercreateqrcode,
                        Companyaddress      = pro.Companyaddress,
                        Companyphone        = pro.Companyphone,
                        CompanyCoordinate   = pro.CompanyCoordinate,
                        CompanyLocate       = pro.CompanyLocate,
                        Companyimgurl       = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(pro.Companyimg),
                        Companyintro        = pro.Companyintro,
                        Companyproject      = pro.Companyproject,
                        Distance            = crmdata.CalculateTheCoordinates(openid, pro.Id),
                        m = new WxSubscribeSourceData().GetWXSourceByChannelcompanyid(pro.Id)

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalcount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #17
        public static string fuwuPageList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, int user)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         prodata    = new B2bCrmData();
                var         list       = prodata.fuwuPageList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, user, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result     = "";
                var         memcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        id           = pro.Id,
                        comid        = pro.Com_id,
                        phone        = pro.Phone,
                        registerdate = pro.Regidate,
                        customername = pro.Name,
                        imprest      = pro.Imprest,
                        integral     = pro.Integral,
                        idcard       = pro.Idcard,
                        email        = pro.Email,
                        serverid     = pro.Servercard,
                        winxin       = pro.Weixin == null || pro.Weixin == "" ? "" : "yes",
                        channel      = memcompany.UpCompanyById(pro.Idcard.ToString()),
                        referrer     = MemberChannelData.Upstring(pro.Idcard.ToString()).Name.ToString()

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #18
        public static string Adjustchannelcompanystatus(int companyid, int status)
            if (companyid == 0)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "渠道公司编号传递为0" }));
                    int result = new MemberChannelcompanyData().Adjustchannelcompanystatus(companyid, status);

                    int employstate = 0;
                    if (status == 1)//调整渠道公司“开通”
                        employstate = 1;
                    else //调整渠道公司"停业"
                        employstate = 0;
                    int result2 = new B2bCompanyManagerUserData().AdjustChannelCompanyEmploerstate(companyid, employstate);
                    if (result > 0)
                        return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = "操作成功" }));
                        return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "操作有误" }));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #19
        public static string GetUnitList(int comid, string unittype, string ischosen, int userid)
                List <Member_Channel_company> list = new List <Member_Channel_company>();

                bool IsParentCompanyUser = new B2bCompanyManagerUserData().IsParentCompanyUser(userid);

                int channelcompanyid = 0; //门店id,用于门市账户添加员工

                if (IsParentCompanyUser)  //总公司账户
                    if (ischosen == "0")  //总公司账户,并且没有选择渠道来源:人员所在单位只是显示 总公司名称
                        list = null;
                    else //总公司账户,并且选择了渠道来源:人员所在单位显示 总公司名称+各门店列表/各合作单位列表
                        list = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetUnitList(comid, unittype);
                else //门店账户
                    //人员所在单位显示 当前门店
                    Member_Channel_company model = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByUserId(userid);
                    channelcompanyid = model.Id;

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list, channelcompanyid = channelcompanyid }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message, channelcompanyid = 0 }));

예제 #20
        public static string Logcardact(int actid, int cardid, int comid)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         prodata    = new B2bCrmData();
                var         list       = prodata.Logcardact(actid, cardid, comid, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result     = "";
                var         memcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        ID     = pro.ID,
                        CardID = MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode,
                        ACTID  = MemberActivityData.GetActById(pro.ACTID).Title,
                        //OrderId = pro.OrderId,
                        ServerName = pro.ServerName,
                        //Sales_admin = pro.Sales_admin,
                        //Num_people = pro.Num_people,
                        Usesubdate       = pro.Usesubdate,
                        Per_capita_money = pro.Per_capita_money * pro.Num_people,
                        //Member_return_money = pro.Member_return_money,

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = result, totalcount = totalcount }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #21
        public static string Financecount(string comid, string stardate, string enddate)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var financedata = new B2bFinanceData();
                var orderdata   = new B2bOrderData();
                var channeldata = new MemberChannelcompanyData();

                var list = financedata.Financecount(comid, stardate, enddate);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #22
        internal List <RequestXML> GetWxSendMsgListByComid(int userid, int comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, out int totalcount)
            var Table = "WxMemberBasic c right join   b2b_crm a " +
                        " right join " +
                        " ( select * from WxRequestXml where id in " +
                        " (select idd from " +
                        " ( select max(a.id) as idd,fromusername from WxRequestXml a " +
                        "  where  a.comid=" + comid + " and a.contenttype=1 and a.createtimeformat between CONCAT(Convert(varchar(10), dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()),121),' 00:00:00')   and CONCAT(Convert(varchar(10),getdate(),121),' 23:59:59') group by fromusername " +
                        "    ) as c " +
                        "    ) " +
                        " ) as b " +
                        " on a.weixin=b.fromusername on c.openid=a.weixin ";
            var Column      = "a.id as aid,a.name as aname,a.phone as aphone,a.weixin as aweixin,b.*,c.headimgurl,c.province,c.city,c.nickname,c.sex";
            var OrderColumn = " b.createtimeformat desc";
            var GroupColumn = "";
            var PageSize    = pagesize;
            var CurrentPage = pageindex;
            var Group       = "";
            var Condition   = "";

            Member_Channel_company channelcom = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByUserId(userid);

            if (channelcom == null)//总公司账户
                Condition = "";
                if (channelcom.Issuetype == 0)//内部门市
                    Condition = "a.idcard in (select cardcode from member_card where issuecard in (select id from member_channel where companyid  =" + channelcom.Id + "))";
                    Condition = "a.weixin in (select openid from WxSubscribeDetail where subscribesourceid in (select id from WxSubscribeSource where channelcompanyid =" + channelcom.Id + "))";

            var cmd = this.sqlHelper.PrepareStoredSqlCommand("proc_ListPage");

            cmd.PagingCommand1(Table, Column, OrderColumn, GroupColumn, PageSize, CurrentPage, Group, Condition);

            List <RequestXML> list = new List <RequestXML>();

            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (reader.Read())
                    RequestXML model = new RequestXML();
                    model.Id               = reader.GetValue <int>("Id");
                    model.ToUserName       = reader.GetValue <string>("ToUserName");
                    model.FromUserName     = reader.GetValue <string>("FromUserName");
                    model.CreateTime       = reader.GetValue <string>("CreateTime");
                    model.MsgType          = reader.GetValue <string>("MsgType");
                    model.Content          = reader.GetValue <string>("Content");
                    model.Location_X       = reader.GetValue <string>("Location_X");
                    model.Location_Y       = reader.GetValue <string>("Location_Y");
                    model.Scale            = reader.GetValue <string>("Scale");
                    model.Label            = reader.GetValue <string>("Label");
                    model.PicUrl           = reader.GetValue <string>("PicUrl");
                    model.PostStr          = reader.GetValue <string>("PostStr");
                    model.CreateTimeFormat = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("CreateTimeFormat").ToString().ConvertTo <DateTime>(DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01 00:00:00"));

                    model.MediaId      = reader.GetValue <string>("MediaId");
                    model.Format       = reader.GetValue <string>("Format");
                    model.Recognition  = reader.GetValue <string>("Recognition");
                    model.ThumbMediaId = reader.GetValue <string>("ThumbMediaId");
                    model.Title        = reader.GetValue <string>("Title");
                    model.Description  = reader.GetValue <string>("Description");
                    model.Url          = reader.GetValue <string>("Url");
                    model.MsgId        = reader.GetValue <string>("MsgId");
                    model.ContentType  = reader.GetValue <bool>("ContentType");
                    model.Comid        = reader.GetValue <int>("Comid");

                    model.Crmid          = reader.GetValue <int>("aid");
                    model.Crmname        = reader.GetValue <string>("aname");
                    model.Crmphone       = reader.GetValue <string>("aphone");
                    model.Manageuserid   = reader.GetValue <int>("manageuserid").ToString().ConvertTo <int>(0);
                    model.Manageusername = reader.GetValue <string>("manageusername").ConvertTo <string>("");

                    model.Headimgurl = reader.GetValue <string>("headimgurl").ConvertTo <string>("/images/defaultThumb.png");
                    model.City       = reader.GetValue <string>("city").ConvertTo <string>("");
                    model.Province   = reader.GetValue <string>("province").ConvertTo <string>("");
                    model.Nickname   = reader.GetValue <string>("nickname").ConvertTo <string>("");
                    model.Sex        = reader.GetValue <int>("sex").ToString().ConvertTo <int>(0);

            //totalcount = list.Count;
            totalcount = int.Parse(cmd.Parameters[0].Value.ToString());
예제 #23
        public static string GetUnitList(int comid, int unittype, int userid = 0, int actid = 0)
                if (userid != 0)
                    MemberChannelcompanyData channeldate = new  MemberChannelcompanyData();
                    B2b_company_manageuser   user        = B2bCompanyManagerUserData.GetUser(userid);
                    if (user != null)
                        if (user.Channelcompanyid == 0)
                            var list = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetUnitList(comid, unittype);

                            IEnumerable result = "";
                            if (list != null)
                                result = from pro in list
                                         select new
                                    Id          = pro.Id,
                                    Com_id      = pro.Com_id,
                                    Companyname = pro.Companyname,
                                    Issuetype   = pro.Issuetype,
                                    Selectstate = channeldate.GetchannelUnitListselected(actid, pro.Id)
                            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = result }));
                            var         list   = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetUnitList(comid, unittype, int.Parse(user.Channelcompanyid.ToString()));
                            IEnumerable result = "";
                            if (list != null)
                                result = from pro in list
                                         select new
                                    Id          = pro.Id,
                                    Com_id      = pro.Com_id,
                                    Companyname = pro.Companyname,
                                    Issuetype   = pro.Issuetype,
                                    Selectstate = channeldate.GetchannelUnitListselected(pro.Id, actid)
                            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = result }));
                        return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
                    var list = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetUnitList(comid, unittype);

                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #24
        public string comlogo = ""; //公司logo地址

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openid = Request["openid"];
            act    = Request["act"];
            aid    = Request["aid"].ToString();

            RequestUrl = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToLower();

            if (openid == "" && Session["Openid"] != null)
                openid = Session["Openid"].ToString();

            if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestUrl))//如果符合shop101.etown.cn的格式,则从多微信商户基本信息表中获取comid
                comid = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestUrl).ToString());
                if (comid == 0)
                    comid = new WeiXinBasicData().GetWeiXinBasicByDomain(RequestUrl).Comid;
                B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl);
                if (companyinfo != null)
                    comid = companyinfo.Com_id;

            if (comid != 0)
                comname = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid).Com_name;
                B2b_company_saleset pro = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());

                if (pro != null)
                    comlogo = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(pro.Logo.ConvertTo <int>(0));
            if (Session["AccountId"] != null)
                B2bCrmData crmdate  = new B2bCrmData();
                B2b_crm    crmmodle = crmdate.Readuser(Int32.Parse(Session["AccountId"].ToString()), comid);

                if (crmmodle != null)
                    cardcode = crmmodle.Idcard;

                //获取优惠劵信息 对已领的优惠劵和未领的优惠劵
                if (aid != "")
                    MemberActivityData actdata = new MemberActivityData();
                    if (act == "A")//已领的优惠劵
                        Member_Activity actmodel = actdata.AccountActInfo(Int32.Parse(aid), Int32.Parse(Session["AccountId"].ToString()), comid, out totalcount);
                        if (actmodel != null)
                            Actend   = actmodel.Actend.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            Title    = actmodel.Title;
                            usestate = actmodel.Usestate;
                            Atitle   = actmodel.Atitle;
                            Remark   = actmodel.Remark.Replace(((char)10).ToString(), "<br />");
                            //Useremark = actmodel.Useremark;
                            Usetitle = actmodel.Usetitle.Replace(((char)10).ToString(), "<br />");
                        Member_Activity actmodel = actdata.UnAccountActInfo(Int32.Parse(aid), 0, comid, out totalcount);
                        if (actmodel != null)
                            Actend = actmodel.Actend.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            Title  = actmodel.Title;
                            Atitle = actmodel.Atitle;
                            Remark = actmodel.Remark.Replace(((char)10).ToString(), "<br />");
                            //Useremark = actmodel.Useremark.Replace(((char)10).ToString(), "<br />");
                            Usetitle = actmodel.Usetitle;
                            usestate = 6;

                    MemberChannelcompanyData chandata = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                    var list = chandata.GetUnitListselected(int.Parse(aid));
                    if (list != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++)
                            Useremark += list[i].Companyname + " <br>";
                if (aid != "")
                    MemberActivityData actdata  = new MemberActivityData();
                    Member_Activity    actmodel = actdata.UnAccountActInfo(Int32.Parse(aid), 0, comid, out totalcount);
                    if (actmodel != null)
                        Actend    = actmodel.Actend.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        Title     = actmodel.Title;
                        Atitle    = actmodel.Atitle;
                        Remark    = actmodel.Remark.Replace(((char)10).ToString(), "<br />");
                        Useremark = actmodel.Useremark.Replace(((char)10).ToString(), "<br />");
                        Usetitle  = actmodel.Usetitle.Length > 14 ? actmodel.Usetitle.Substring(0, 13) + "." : actmodel.Useremark;
                        usestate  = 5;
예제 #25
 public static string EditChannelCompany(Member_Channel_company company)
         int id = new MemberChannelcompanyData().EditChannelCompany(company);
         if (company.Id == 0)//如果是添加渠道单位操作,则默认添加一个此单位下的渠道人
             Member_Channel channel = new Member_Channel()
                 Id                    = 0,
                 Com_id                = company.Com_id,
                 Issuetype             = company.Issuetype,
                 Companyid             = id,
                 Name                  = "默认渠道",
                 Mobile                = "",
                 Cardcode              = 0,
                 Chaddress             = "",
                 ChObjects             = "",
                 RebateOpen            = 0,
                 RebateConsume         = 0,
                 RebateConsume2        = 0,
                 RebateLevel           = 0,
                 Opencardnum           = 0,
                 Firstdealnum          = 0,
                 Summoney              = 0,
                 Whetherdefaultchannel = 1,
                 Runstate              = 1
             int idd = new MemberChannelData().EditChannel(channel);
             if (id > 0 && idd > 0)
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = id }));
                 return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "编辑渠道时出现错误" }));
             int numm = new MemberChannelData().GetDefaultChannelNum(company.Id);
             if (numm == 0)
                 Member_Channel channel = new Member_Channel()
                     Id                    = 0,
                     Com_id                = company.Com_id,
                     Issuetype             = company.Issuetype,
                     Companyid             = id,
                     Name                  = "默认渠道",
                     Mobile                = "",
                     Cardcode              = 0,
                     Chaddress             = "",
                     ChObjects             = "",
                     RebateOpen            = 0,
                     RebateConsume         = 0,
                     RebateConsume2        = 0,
                     RebateLevel           = 0,
                     Opencardnum           = 0,
                     Firstdealnum          = 0,
                     Summoney              = 0,
                     Whetherdefaultchannel = 1
                 int idd = new MemberChannelData().EditChannel(channel);
                 if (id > 0 && idd > 0)
                     return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = id }));
                     return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "编辑渠道时出现错误" }));
                 if (id > 0)
                     return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = id }));
                     return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "编辑渠道时出现错误" }));
     catch (Exception ex)
             type = 1,
             msg = ex.Message
예제 #26
        public void DealUserinfo1(string openid, string weixinpass, int comid, int questtype)
            if (Request.Cookies["AccountId"] != null)
                string accountmd5 = "";
                int    AccountId  = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["AccountId"].Value);
                if (Request.Cookies["AccountKey"] != null)
                    accountmd5 = Request.Cookies["AccountKey"].Value;

                var data = CrmMemberJsonData.WeixinCookieLogin(AccountId.ToString(), accountmd5, comid, out userinfo);
                if (data != "OK")
                    HttpCookie aCookie;
                    string     cookieName;
                    int        limit = Request.Cookies.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                        cookieName      = Request.Cookies[i].Name;
                        aCookie         = new HttpCookie(cookieName);
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                    if (questtype == 1)
                        VerifyOneOffPass(openid, weixinpass);//重新验证一下是否是正确的一次性密码
                    else if (questtype == 2)
                        openid = GetOpenId(weixinpass, comid);//微信授权验证
                    if (Request.Cookies["openid"] != null)
                        openid = Request.Cookies["openid"].Value;

                    B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();
                    dateuser.WeixinConPass(openid, comid);//清空微信密码
                    if (userinfo != null)
                        Readuser(userinfo.Idcard, comid);//读取用户信息
                if (questtype == 1)
                    VerifyOneOffPass(openid, weixinpass);//重新验证一下是否是正确的一次性密码
                else if (questtype == 2)
                        openid = GetOpenId(weixinpass, comid);//微信授权验证

            Member_Channel_company menshi = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetMenShiByJumpId(openid, comid);

            if (menshi != null)
                if (menshi.Whetherdepartment == 0)
                    channelcompanyid = menshi.Id;
예제 #27
        public static string SearchPageList(int userid, string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, string key, string isactivate = "1", string iswxfocus = "0,1", string ishasweixin = "0,1", string ishasphone = "0,1")
            var totalcount = 0;

                var list = new List <B2b_crm>();

                Sys_Group group = new Sys_GroupData().GetGroupByUserId(userid);
                bool crmIsAccurateToPerson = group.CrmIsAccurateToPerson;

                Member_Channel_company channelcom = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByUserId(userid);
                if (channelcom == null)//总公司账户
                    list = new B2bCrmData().SearchPageList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, out totalcount, isactivate, iswxfocus, ishasweixin, ishasphone);
                    string channelcompanytype = "0"; //渠道类型:0内部门店;1合作公司

                    if (channelcom.Issuetype == 0)   //内部门市
                        list = new B2bCrmData().SearchPageList1(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, channelcom.Id, out totalcount, isactivate, iswxfocus, ishasweixin, channelcompanytype, crmIsAccurateToPerson, userid, ishasphone);
                    else //合作公司
                        channelcompanytype = "1";
                        list = new B2bCrmData().SearchPageList1(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, channelcom.Id, out totalcount, isactivate, iswxfocus, ishasweixin, channelcompanytype, crmIsAccurateToPerson, userid, ishasphone);

                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        id            = pro.Id,
                        comid         = pro.Com_id,
                        phone         = pro.Phone,
                        registerdate  = pro.Regidate,
                        customername  = pro.Name,
                        imprest       = pro.Imprest,
                        integral      = pro.Integral,
                        idcard        = pro.Idcard,
                        email         = pro.Email,
                        serverid      = pro.Servercard,
                        isfocuswinxin = pro.Weixin == "" ? "" : pro.Whetherwxfocus == false ? "已取消" : "已关注",
                        weixin        = pro.Weixin,
                        channel       = new MemberChannelcompanyData().UpCompanyById(pro.Idcard.ToString()),
                        referrer      = MemberChannelData.SearchNamestring(pro.Idcard.ToString()),

                        WxHeadimgurl = pro.WxHeadimgurl,
                        WxNickname   = pro.WxNickname.Replace("?", ""),
                        WxProvince   = pro.WxProvince,
                        WxCity       = pro.WxCity,
                        WxSex        = pro.WxSex == 0 ? "未知" : pro.WxSex == 1 ? "男" : "女",
                        GroupId      = pro.Groupid,
                        GroupName    = new B2b_groupData().GetB2bgroupName(pro.Groupid),

                        IsCanReplyWx   = IsIn48h(pro.Wxlastinteracttime),
                        whetherwxfocus = pro.Whetherwxfocus

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #28
        public static void Sendweixinchient(string openid, int comid)
            WeiXinBasic basic = new WeiXinBasicData().GetWxBasicByComId(comid);

            string company     = "";
            string channelname = "";
            string name        = "";

            WxMessageLogData messagelogdata = new WxMessageLogData();
            //var messageinfo = messagelogdata.GetWxMessageLogSendTime(comid, openid);//查询2小时内是否给渠道发送过消息

            //if (messageinfo == 0)

            MemberCardData carddata = new MemberCardData();
            var            userdata = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = userdata.GetB2bCrm(openid, comid);

            if (userinfo != null)
                name = userinfo.Name;

            var cardinfo = carddata.GetMemberCardByOpenId(openid);

            if (cardinfo != null)
                var channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                var channelinfo = channeldata.GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(cardinfo.IssueCard.ToString()));
                if (channelinfo != null)
                    channelname = channelinfo.Name; //渠道名称

                    if (channelinfo.Companyid == 0) //内部渠道
                        B2bCompanyData comdata = new B2bCompanyData();
                        var            cominfo = comdata.GetCompanyBasicById(comid);
                        if (cominfo != null)
                            company = cominfo.Com_name;
                    { //外部合作单位,调取合作单位名称
                        var channelcompanydata = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                        var channelcominfo     = channelcompanydata.GetChannelCompany(channelinfo.Companyid.ToString());
                        if (channelcominfo != null)
                            company = channelcominfo.Companyname;

            if (channelname != "" && channelname != "默认渠道" && channelname != "微信注册" && channelname != "网站注册")
                //微信客服 文本消息
                string data = SendWxMsg(comid, openid, 1, "", name + "你好,我是您的服务顾问" + company + "的 " + channelname + "  ,\n请直接在微信上给我语音或文字留言,我会在手机微信上看到留言并很快回复。您不信? 现在就试试…", "", basic.Weixinno);

                new Weixin_tmplmsgManage().WxTmplMsg_SubscribeActReward(comid, openid, name + "你好,我是您的服务顾问" + company + "的 " + channelname + "  , \\n请直接在微信上给我语音或文字留言,我会在手机微信上看到留言并很快回复。您不信? 现在就试试…\\n", "向《我的服务顾问:" + channelname + "》微信咨询", DateTime.Now.ToString(), "");
                WxMessageLog messagelog = new WxMessageLog();
                messagelog.Comid  = comid;
                messagelog.Weixin = openid;
                var messageedit = messagelogdata.EditWxMessageLog(messagelog);//插入日志

                //顾问录入的 问候语音
                int isreplymediasuc = 0;//发送语音消息状态:0失败;1成功

                WXAccessToken m_accesstoken = WeiXinManage.GetAccessToken(basic.Comid, basic.AppId, basic.AppSecret);
                Wxmedia_updownlog udlog = new Wxmedia_updownlogData().GetWxmedia_updownlog(openid, (int)Clientuptypemark.DownGreetVoice, basic.Comid);
                if (udlog == null)
                    isreplymediasuc = 0;
                    string media_id = new WxUploadDownManage().UploadMultimedia(m_accesstoken.ACCESS_TOKEN, "voice", udlog.savepath);
                    if (media_id != "")
                        Wxmedia_updownlog uplog = new Wxmedia_updownlog
                            id               = 0,
                            mediaid          = media_id,
                            mediatype        = "voice",
                            savepath         = udlog.savepath,
                            created_at       = ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now).ToString(),
                            createtime       = DateTime.Now,
                            opertype         = "up",
                            operweixin       = openid,
                            clientuptypemark = (int)Clientuptypemark.DownGreetVoice,//上传多媒体信息
                            comid            = basic.Comid,
                            relativepath     = udlog.relativepath,
                            txtcontent       = "",
                            isfinish         = 1
                        int uplogresult = new Wxmedia_updownlogData().Edituploadlog(uplog);
                        if (uplogresult == 0)
                            isreplymediasuc = 0;
                            //resxml = "<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[" + requestXML.FromUserName + "]]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[" + requestXML.ToUserName + "]]></FromUserName><CreateTime>" + ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now) + "</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[voice]]></MsgType><Voice><MediaId><![CDATA[" + media_id + "]]></MediaId></Voice></xml>";
                            isreplymediasuc = 1;
                            SendWxMsg(comid, openid, 2, "", "", media_id, basic.Weixinno);
                        isreplymediasuc = 0;

                //if (isreplymediasuc == 0)
예제 #29
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                userid = userinfo.Id.ToString();                   //如果是登陆用户则读取用户的实际ID
                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("temp_userid"); //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                cookie.Value   = userinfo.Id.ToString();
                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

                var channelcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetMenShiByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin, userinfo.Com_id);
                if (channelcompany != null)
                    if (channelcompany.Outshop != 0)
                        Response.Redirect("http://shop" + channelcompany.Outshop + ".etown.cn/h5/order");

                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
예제 #30
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string oper = Request["oper"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            #region 导出卡号
            if (oper == "outcardno")//导出卡号
                int crid  = Request["crid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                int comid = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                if (crid > 0 && comid > 0)
                    DataTable table = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select cardcode from member_card where crid=" + crid + " and com_id=" + comid);

                    ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(table, Context, "卡号列表.xls");
            #region 导出旅游大巴产品结单名单
            if (oper == "outlvyoubusorderlistbyorderstate")//导出旅游大巴产品结单名单
                int    proid      = Request["proid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                string gooutdate  = Request["gooutdate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                int    orderstate = Request["orderstate"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

                object o = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select pro_name from b2b_com_pro where id=" + proid);

                //DataTable table = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select id as 订单号,u_name as 预订人,u_num as 预订人数,CONVERT(varchar(10),u_traveldate,120) as 出行时间,u_subdate as 预订时间 FROM b2b_order where  u_traveldate='" + gooutdate + "' and pro_id=" + proid + " and order_state=" + orderstate);
                //DataTable table = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("SELECT  [orderid] as 订单号,[name] as 乘车人姓名,[IdCard] as 乘车人身份证,[Nation] as 乘车人民族,CONVERT(varchar(10),[travel_time],120) as 乘车日期,[yuding_name] as 预订人姓名,[yuding_phone] as 预订人电话,[yuding_time] as 预订时间,pickuppoint as 上车地点,dropoffpoint as 下车地点  FROM  [b2b_order_busNamelist] where orderid in (select id  FROM b2b_order where  u_traveldate='" + gooutdate + "' and pro_id=" + proid + " and order_state=" + orderstate + ")");

                DataTable table = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("SELECT   a.[orderid] as 订单号,a.[name] as 乘车人姓名,a.[contactphone] as 乘车人电话,a.[IdCard] as 乘车人身份证,a.[Nation] as 乘车人民族,CONVERT(varchar(10),a.[travel_time],120) as 乘车日期,a.[yuding_name] as 预订人姓名,a.[yuding_phone] as 预订人电话,a.[yuding_time] as 预订时间,a.pickuppoint as 上车地点,a.dropoffpoint as 下车地点,b.company as 购票地点,a.contactremark  as 备注  FROM  agent_company as b right join [b2b_order_busNamelist] as a on a.agentid=b.id left join b2b_order as c on a.orderid=c.id where a.orderid in (select id  FROM b2b_order where  u_traveldate='" + gooutdate + "' and pro_id=" + proid + " and order_state=" + orderstate + ")");

                ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(table, Context, gooutdate + o.ToString() + "结单名单.xls");
            #region 分销订单导入到excel
            if (oper == "agentordertoexcel")
                var comid       = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                int agentid     = Request["agentid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var key         = Request["key"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var account     = Request["account"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var order_state = Request["order_state"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var begindate   = Request["beginDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var enddate     = Request["endDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var servertype  = Request["servertype"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

                object o1 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select company from agent_company where id=" + agentid);
                object o2 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select com_name from b2b_company where id=" + comid);

                List <B2b_order> agentorderlist = new B2bOrderData().GetAgentOrderList(comid, agentid, key, order_state, begindate, enddate, servertype);
                if (agentorderlist.Count > 0)
                    DataTable  tblDatas = new DataTable("Datas");
                    DataColumn dc       = null;
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dc.AutoIncrement     = true; //自动增加
                    dc.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;    //起始为1
                    dc.AutoIncrementStep = 1;    //步长为1
                    dc.AllowDBNull       = false;

                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("订单号", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单时间", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("产品名称", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单人", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("单价", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("数量", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("实收", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("状态", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                    DataRow newRow;
                    foreach (B2b_order morder in agentorderlist)
                        if (morder != null)
                            newRow         = tblDatas.NewRow();
                            newRow["订单号"]  = morder.Id;
                            newRow["提单时间"] = morder.U_subdate;
                            newRow["产品名称"] = morder.Order_type == 2 ? "预付款充值" : new B2bComProData().GetProById(morder.Pro_id.ToString(), morder.Speciid).Pro_name;
                            newRow["提单人"]  = morder.U_name + "(" + morder.U_phone + ")";
                            newRow["单价"]   = morder.Pay_price;
                            newRow["数量"]   = morder.U_num;
                            newRow["实收"]   = (morder.Pay_price) * (morder.U_num) + morder.Express - morder.Integral1 - morder.Imprest1;
                            newRow["状态"]   = EnumUtils.GetName((OrderStatus)morder.Order_state);
                    ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(tblDatas, Context, o1.ToString() + "-" + o2.ToString() + "-订单列表.xls");

            #region  商户产品分销销售订单导入到excel
            if (oper == "agentsalescodetoexcel")
                var comid       = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var order_state = Request["order_state"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var servertype  = Request["servertype"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var begindate   = Request["beginDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var enddate     = Request["endDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var key         = Request["key"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var ordertype   = Request["ordertype"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var userid      = Request["userid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

                int orderIsAccurateToPerson = 0;
                int channelcompanyid        = 0;
                if (userid > 0)
                    Sys_Group group = new Sys_GroupData().GetGroupByUserId(userid);
                    if (group != null)
                        orderIsAccurateToPerson = group.OrderIsAccurateToPerson;
                        Member_Channel_company channelcom = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByUserId(userid);
                        if (channelcom != null)
                            channelcompanyid = channelcom.Id;

                object o2 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select com_name from b2b_company where id=" + comid);

                List <B2b_order> directorderlist = new B2bOrderData().GetOrderList(comid, order_state, servertype, begindate, enddate, key, userid, orderIsAccurateToPerson, channelcompanyid, ordertype);
                if (directorderlist.Count > 0)
                    DataTable  tblDatas = new DataTable("Datas");
                    DataColumn dc       = null;
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dc.AutoIncrement     = true; //自动增加
                    dc.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;    //起始为1
                    dc.AutoIncrementStep = 1;    //步长为1
                    dc.AllowDBNull       = false;

                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("订单号", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单时间", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("产品名称", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单人", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("单价", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("数量", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("实收", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("收货地址", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("状态", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("分销商", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                    DataRow newRow;
                    foreach (B2b_order morder in directorderlist)
                        if (morder != null)
                            newRow         = tblDatas.NewRow();
                            newRow["订单号"]  = morder.Id;
                            newRow["提单时间"] = morder.U_subdate;
                            newRow["产品名称"] = morder.Order_type == 2 ? "预付款充值" : new B2bComProData().GetProById(morder.Pro_id.ToString(), morder.Speciid).Pro_name;
                            newRow["提单人"]  = morder.U_name + "(" + morder.U_phone + ")";
                            newRow["单价"]   = morder.Pay_price;
                            newRow["数量"]   = morder.U_num;
                            newRow["实收"]   = (morder.Pay_price) * (morder.U_num) + morder.Express - morder.Integral1 - morder.Imprest1;
                            newRow["收货地址"] = morder.Province + "-" + morder.City + "-" + morder.Address;
                            newRow["状态"]   = EnumUtils.GetName((OrderStatus)morder.Order_state);
                            newRow["分销商"]  = new Agent_companyData().GetAgentName(morder.Agentid);
                    ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(tblDatas, Context, o2.ToString() + "-后台销售订单列表.xls");
            #region  商户产品分销倒码订单导入到excel
            if (oper == "agentbackcodetoexcel")
                var comid       = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var order_state = Request["order_state"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var servertype  = Request["servertype"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var begindate   = Request["beginDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var enddate     = Request["endDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var key         = Request["key"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var ordertype   = Request["ordertype"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var userid      = Request["userid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

                int orderIsAccurateToPerson = 0;
                int channelcompanyid        = 0;
                if (userid > 0)
                    Sys_Group group = new Sys_GroupData().GetGroupByUserId(userid);
                    if (group != null)
                        orderIsAccurateToPerson = group.OrderIsAccurateToPerson;
                        Member_Channel_company channelcom = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByUserId(userid);
                        if (channelcom != null)
                            channelcompanyid = channelcom.Id;

                object o2 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select com_name from b2b_company where id=" + comid);

                List <B2b_order> directorderlist = new B2bOrderData().GetOrderList(comid, order_state, servertype, begindate, enddate, key, userid, orderIsAccurateToPerson, channelcompanyid, ordertype);
                if (directorderlist.Count > 0)
                    DataTable  tblDatas = new DataTable("Datas");
                    DataColumn dc       = null;
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dc.AutoIncrement     = true; //自动增加
                    dc.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;    //起始为1
                    dc.AutoIncrementStep = 1;    //步长为1
                    dc.AllowDBNull       = false;

                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("订单号", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单时间", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("产品名称", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单人", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("单价", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("数量", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("实收", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("收货地址", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("状态", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("分销商", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    DataRow newRow;
                    foreach (B2b_order morder in directorderlist)
                        if (morder != null)
                            newRow         = tblDatas.NewRow();
                            newRow["订单号"]  = morder.Id;
                            newRow["提单时间"] = morder.U_subdate;
                            newRow["产品名称"] = morder.Order_type == 2 ? "预付款充值" : new B2bComProData().GetProById(morder.Pro_id.ToString(), morder.Speciid).Pro_name;
                            newRow["提单人"]  = morder.U_name + "(" + morder.U_phone + ")";
                            newRow["单价"]   = morder.Pay_price;
                            newRow["数量"]   = morder.U_num;
                            newRow["实收"]   = (morder.Pay_price) * (morder.U_num) + morder.Express - morder.Integral1 - morder.Imprest1;
                            newRow["收货地址"] = morder.Province + "-" + morder.City + "-" + morder.Address;
                            newRow["状态"]   = EnumUtils.GetName((OrderStatus)morder.Order_state);
                            newRow["分销商"]  = new Agent_companyData().GetAgentName(morder.Agentid);
                    ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(tblDatas, Context, o2.ToString() + "-倒码订单列表.xls");

            #region 直销订单导入到excel
            if (oper == "directordertoexcel")
                var comid       = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var order_state = Request["order_state"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var servertype  = Request["servertype"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var begindate   = Request["beginDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var enddate     = Request["endDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var key         = Request["key"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var ordertype   = Request["ordertype"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var userid      = Request["userid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

                int orderIsAccurateToPerson = 0;
                int channelcompanyid        = 0;
                if (userid > 0)
                    Sys_Group group = new Sys_GroupData().GetGroupByUserId(userid);
                    if (group != null)
                        orderIsAccurateToPerson = group.OrderIsAccurateToPerson;
                        Member_Channel_company channelcom = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByUserId(userid);
                        if (channelcom != null)
                            channelcompanyid = channelcom.Id;

                object o2 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select com_name from b2b_company where id=" + comid);

                List <B2b_order> directorderlist = new B2bOrderData().GetOrderList(comid, order_state, servertype, begindate, enddate, key, userid, orderIsAccurateToPerson, channelcompanyid, ordertype);
                if (directorderlist.Count > 0)
                    DataTable  tblDatas = new DataTable("Datas");
                    DataColumn dc       = null;
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dc.AutoIncrement     = true; //自动增加
                    dc.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;    //起始为1
                    dc.AutoIncrementStep = 1;    //步长为1
                    dc.AllowDBNull       = false;

                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("订单号", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单时间", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("产品名称", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("提单人", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("身份证", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("手机", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("单价", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("数量", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("实收", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("收货地址", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("状态", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                    DataRow newRow;
                    foreach (B2b_order morder in directorderlist)
                        if (morder != null)
                            newRow         = tblDatas.NewRow();
                            newRow["订单号"]  = morder.Id;
                            newRow["提单时间"] = morder.U_subdate;
                            newRow["产品名称"] = morder.Order_type == 2 ? "预付款充值" : new B2bComProData().GetProById(morder.Pro_id.ToString(), morder.Speciid).Pro_name;
                            newRow["提单人"]  = morder.U_name;
                            newRow["身份证"]  = morder.U_idcard;
                            newRow["手机"]   = morder.U_phone;
                            newRow["单价"]   = morder.Pay_price;
                            newRow["数量"]   = morder.U_num;
                            newRow["实收"]   = (morder.Pay_price) * (morder.U_num) + morder.Express - morder.Integral1 - morder.Imprest1;
                            newRow["收货地址"] = morder.Province + "-" + morder.City + "-" + morder.Address;
                            newRow["状态"]   = EnumUtils.GetName((OrderStatus)morder.Order_state);
                    ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(tblDatas, Context, o2.ToString() + "-直销订单列表.xls");
            #region 订房信息导入到excel
            if (oper == "hotelordertoexcel")
                int    comid      = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                string begindate  = Request["begindate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                string enddate    = Request["enddate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                int    productid  = Request["productid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                string orderstate = Request["orderstate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                    object o1 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select com_name from b2b_company where id=" + comid);
                    object o2 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select pro_name from b2b_com_pro where id=" + productid);
                    object o3 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select projectname from b2b_com_project where id=(select projectid from b2b_com_pro where id=" + productid + ")");

                    DataTable tblDatas = new B2bOrderData().HotelOrderlist(comid, begindate, enddate, productid, orderstate, 1);

                    if (begindate == "" || enddate == "")
                        ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(tblDatas, Context, o1.ToString() + "-" + o2.ToString() + "-" + o3.ToString() + "-订房订单列表.xls");
                        ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(tblDatas, Context, o1.ToString() + "-" + o2.ToString() + "-" + o3.ToString() + "(" + DateTime.Parse(begindate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "到" + DateTime.Parse(enddate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ")" + "-订房订单列表.xls");
                catch { }
            #region  载分销特定项目下的验票记录
            if (oper == "downagentpro_yplist")
                int    proid    = Request["proid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                string startime = Request["startime"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                string endtime  = Request["endtime"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                int    agentid  = 0;
                if (Session["Agentid"] != null)
                    agentid = Int32.Parse(Session["Agentid"].ToString());

                object o1 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select company from agent_company where id=" + agentid);
                object o2 = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select pro_name from b2b_com_pro where id=" + proid);

                int comid = new B2bComProData().GetComidByProid(proid);

                var condition = " a.action=1 and a.com_id=" + comid + " and a.a_state=" + (int)ECodeOperStatus.OperSuc + " and a.pno in (select pno from b2b_eticket where 1=1 ";

                if (proid != 0)
                    condition += " and pro_id=" + proid;
                if (agentid != 0)
                    condition += " and pro_id in (select id from b2b_com_pro where projectid in (select projectid from b2b_project_agent where agentid=" + agentid + ") )";
                condition += ")";

                if (startime != "")
                    condition += " and a.actiondate>='" + startime + "'";
                if (endtime != "")
                    endtime    = DateTime.Parse(endtime).AddDays(1).ToString();
                    condition += " and a.actiondate<'" + endtime + "'";

                    ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select b.e_proname [产品名称],a.pno [电子码],b.pnum [订购数量],a.use_pnum [本次使用数量],a.actiondate [验证时间],a.posid [验证pos],b.e_face_price [门市价],b.e_sale_price [结算价],c.company[出票方] from b2b_etcket_log as a  left join b2b_eticket as b on a.com_id=b.com_id and a.pno=b.pno and a.eticket_id=b.id left join agent_company as c on b.agent_id=c.id where  " + condition + " order by a.id desc"),
                    Context, "分销:" + o1.ToString() + "-" + "产品:" + o2.ToString() + "-验证电子票列表(" + startime + "--" + endtime + ")" + ".xls");

            #region 财务导出到excel
            if (oper == "Financelisttoexcel")
                var comid     = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
                var begindate = Request["beginDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                var enddate   = Request["endDate"].ConvertTo <string>("");

                var financedata = new B2bFinanceData();

                var directorderlist = financedata.FinanceallList(comid, begindate, enddate);
                if (directorderlist.Count > 0)
                    DataTable  tblDatas = new DataTable("Datas");
                    DataColumn dc       = null;
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dc.AutoIncrement     = true; //自动增加
                    dc.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;    //起始为1
                    dc.AutoIncrementStep = 1;    //步长为1
                    dc.AllowDBNull       = false;

                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("订单号", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("时间", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("产品名称", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("类型", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("金额", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("余额", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dc = tblDatas.Columns.Add("渠道", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                    DataRow newRow;
                    foreach (B2b_Finance morder in directorderlist)
                        if (morder != null)
                            newRow         = tblDatas.NewRow();
                            newRow["订单号"]  = morder.Order_id;
                            newRow["时间"]   = morder.Subdate;
                            newRow["产品名称"] = morder.Servicesname;
                            newRow["类型"]   = morder.Payment_type;
                            newRow["金额"]   = morder.Money;
                            newRow["余额"]   = morder.Over_money;
                            newRow["渠道"]   = morder.Money_come == "wx"?"微信支付":morder.Money_come;

                    ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(tblDatas, Context, comid.ToString() + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "-财务明细列表.xls");

            #region 注释内容
            //int splitid = Request["splitid"].ConvertTo<int>(0);//微信拆分表id
            //if (splitid == 0)//下载excel导入样例操作,暂时没有用到
            //    DataTable table = new DataTable();
            //    table.Columns.Add("姓名", typeof(string));
            //    table.Columns.Add("手机", typeof(string));
            //    table.Columns.Add("邮箱", typeof(string));
            //    table.Columns.Add("微信号", typeof(string));

            //    table.Columns.Add("预付款", typeof(string));
            //    table.Columns.Add("积分", typeof(string));
            //    table.Columns.Add("目的地", typeof(string));
            //    table.Columns.Add("年龄段", typeof(string));
            //    table.Columns.Add("会员级别", typeof(string));

            //    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    {
            //        string name = "张三" + i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string phone = "手机号" + i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string email = "邮箱地址" + i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string weixin = "微信" + i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string imprest = i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string integral = i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string destination = "目的地" + i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string agegroup = "年龄段" + i.ToString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);
            //        string crmlevel = "1";
            //        Thread.Sleep(1);

            //        table.Rows.Add(name, phone, email, weixin, imprest, integral, destination, agegroup, crmlevel);
            //    }

            //    ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(table, Context, "Excel导入样例.xls");
            //else//下载获取的微信关注用户表 的拆分用户列表,暂时没有到
            //    ObtainGzListSplit model = new ObtainGzListSplitData().GetObtainGzListSplit(splitid);
            //    if (model != null)
            //    {
            //        string openidstr = model.Splitopenid;
            //        string[] str = openidstr.Split(',');

            //        DataTable table = new DataTable();
            //        table.Columns.Add("姓名", typeof(string));
            //        table.Columns.Add("手机", typeof(string));
            //        table.Columns.Add("邮箱", typeof(string));
            //        table.Columns.Add("微信号", typeof(string));

            //        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
            //        {
            //            string name = "";
            //            Thread.Sleep(1);
            //            string phone = "";
            //            Thread.Sleep(1);
            //            string email = "";
            //            Thread.Sleep(1);
            //            string weixin = str[i];
            //            Thread.Sleep(1);

            //            table.Rows.Add(name, phone, email, weixin);
            //        }

            //        ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(table, Context, model.Comid + "-" + splitid + ".xls");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Label1.Text = "获取拆分用户列表为空";
            //    }