예제 #1
        public static string EnterCardNumber(int issueid, decimal cardnumber, int comid)
            string       result = "";
            Member_Issue issue  = new MemberIssueData().GetIssueDetailById(issueid);

            Member_Card cardinfo = new MemberCardData().GetCardByCardNumber(cardnumber);

            if (cardinfo == null)
                result = "卡号不存在";
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = result }));
                bool hasentered = new MemberCardData().IsHasEntered(cardnumber);
                if (hasentered)
                    result = "卡号已经录入";
                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = result }));
            bool isenter = CommonEnterCardNumber(issueid, cardnumber, comid, out result, issue);

            if (isenter)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = result }));
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = result }));
예제 #2
        //当客户的渠道为0时,随机自动分配一个渠道编号(优先未锁定用户的),sendtype= 当为1的时候 有渠道也发送,一般是点击我的顾问时候发送,0=则是留言的时候变更渠道发送
        public static int GetFenpeiChannel(int comid, string openid, int sendtype = 1, int companyid = 0, int channleid = 0)
            var            crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
            MemberCardData carddata      = new MemberCardData();
            var            channeldata   = new MemberChannelData();//读取渠道信息
            decimal        idcard        = 0;
            decimal        channelid     = 0;
            var            userinfo_auto = carddata.GetMemberCardByOpenId(openid);;//获取微信操作账户

            if (userinfo_auto != null)
                idcard    = userinfo_auto.Cardcode;;
                channelid = userinfo_auto.IssueCard;//获取渠道ID

            //判断对 微信注册,网站注册渠道进行归0
            var channeltype = channeldata.GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(channelid.ToString()));

            if (channeltype != null)
                if (channeltype.Issuetype == 3 || channeltype.Issuetype == 4 || channeltype.Name == "默认渠道")
                    channelid = 0;

예제 #3
 private void GetMenshiDetail(string openid, int comid)
     if (openid == "")
         errlog = "未获得微信号";
         Member_Card card = new MemberCardData().GetMemberCardByOpenId(openid);
         if (card != null)
             if (card.IssueCard > 0)//门店会员
                 menshi = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetMenShiByOpenId(openid, comid);
                 if (menshi != null)
                     menshiimgurl = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(menshi.Companyimg);
                     errlog = "获得门店信息为空";
             else //公司会员
                 Response.Redirect("OrderinfoTitle.aspx?id=" + comid);
             errlog = "未判断初用户身份";
예제 #4
        //当客户的渠道为0时,随机自动分配一个渠道编号(优先未锁定用户的),sendtype= 当为1的时候 有渠道也发送,一般是点击我的顾问时候发送,0=则是留言的时候变更渠道发送
        public static int AutoFenpeiChannel(int comid, string openid, int sendtype = 1, int companyid = 0, int channleid = 0)
            var            crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
            MemberCardData carddata      = new MemberCardData();
            var            channeldata   = new MemberChannelData();//读取渠道信息
            decimal        idcard        = 0;
            decimal        channelid     = 0;
            var            userinfo_auto = carddata.GetMemberCardByOpenId(openid);;//获取微信操作账户

            if (userinfo_auto != null)
                idcard    = userinfo_auto.Cardcode;;
                channelid = userinfo_auto.IssueCard;//获取渠道ID

            //判断对 微信注册,网站注册渠道进行归0
            var channeltype = channeldata.GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(channelid.ToString()));

            if (channeltype != null)
                if (channeltype.Issuetype == 3 || channeltype.Issuetype == 4 || channeltype.Name == "默认渠道")
                    channelid = 0;

            if (channelid == 0)
                int totalcount  = 0;                                                                                 //在线数量
                var channellist = channeldata.GetChannelListByComid(comid, companyid, 2, out totalcount, channleid); //先查询渠道列表 锁定客户为空的

                if (channellist != null)
                    if (totalcount > 0)
                        Random rand           = new Random();
                        var    channel_temp   = channellist[rand.Next(0, totalcount - 1)];
                        var    channelid_temp = channel_temp.Id;

                        int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(idcard.ToString(), channelid_temp);
                        channelid = channelid_temp;
                Sendweixinchient(openid, comid);
                if (sendtype == 1)
                    Sendweixinchient(openid, comid);
예제 #5
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                uid = userinfo.Id;
                //Integral = userinfo.Integral.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Integral.ToString();
                //Imprest = userinfo.Imprest.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Imprest.ToString();

                //AccountWeixin = userinfo.Weixin;
                //AccountEmail = userinfo.Email;
                //Accountphone = userinfo.Phone;
                //AccountCard = userinfo.Idcard.ToString();
                //string a = AccountCard.Substring(0, 1);
                //if (a != null)
                //    fcard = int.Parse(a.ToString());

                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
예제 #6
        public static string LoadingList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, int userid)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var list = new List <Member_Activity_Log>();
                B2b_company_manageuser userr = B2bCompanyManagerUserData.GetUser(userid);
                if (userr != null)
                    if (userr.Channelcompanyid == 0)//总公司账户
                        list = new B2bCrmData().LoadingList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, out totalcount);
                    else //总公司下面渠道
                        list = new B2bCrmData().LoadingList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, int.Parse(userr.Channelcompanyid.ToString()), out totalcount);

                    IEnumerable result     = "";
                    var         memcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                    if (list != null)
                        result = from pro in list
                                 select new
                            ID     = pro.ID,
                            CardID = MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode.ToString(),
                            //CardID =pro.CardID,
                            ACTID               = MemberActivityData.GetActById(pro.ACTID).Title.ToString(),
                            OrderId             = pro.OrderId,
                            ServerName          = pro.ServerName,
                            Sales_admin         = pro.Sales_admin,
                            Num_people          = pro.Num_people,
                            Usesubdate          = pro.Usesubdate,
                            Per_capita_money    = pro.Per_capita_money * pro.Num_people,
                            Member_return_money = pro.Member_return_money,
                            username            = B2bCrmData.GetCrmCardcode(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode) == null ? "--" : B2bCrmData.GetCrmCardcode(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode).Name.ToString(),
                            channel             = memcompany.UpCompanyById(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode.ToString())

                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #7
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                //Integral = userinfo.Integral.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Integral.ToString();
                //Imprest = userinfo.Imprest.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Imprest.ToString();

                //AccountWeixin = userinfo.Weixin;
                //AccountEmail = userinfo.Email;
                //Accountphone = userinfo.Phone;
                //AccountCard = userinfo.Idcard.ToString();
                //string a = AccountCard.Substring(0, 1);
                //if (a != null)
                //    fcard = int.Parse(a.ToString());
                weixinopenid = userinfo.Weixin;

                if (weixinopenid == "")
                    yonghustate = 0;
                else if (weixinopenid != "" && zaixianzhuangtai == "我在线上")
                    MemberCardData carddata  = new MemberCardData();
                    var            cardmodel = carddata.GetCardByCardNumber(decimal.Parse(idcard.ToString()));
                    if (cardmodel != null)
                        if (cardmodel.IssueCard == channelid)
                            yonghustate = 1;
                            yonghustate = 2;
                        yonghustate = 2;
                    yonghustate = 3;

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
예제 #8
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                AccountId = userinfo.Id;
                userid    = userinfo.Id.ToString();                //如果是登陆用户则读取用户的实际ID
                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("temp_userid"); //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                cookie.Value   = userinfo.Id.ToString();
                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

                var channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                channelid = channeldata.GetChannelid(userinfo.Com_id, userinfo.Phone);

                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 公用录入单卡号方法 result:录入成功返回cardid,错误返回错误原因
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CommonEnterCardNumber(int issueid, decimal cardnumber, int comid, out string result, Member_Issue issue)
            Member_Card cardinfo = new MemberCardData().GetCardByCardNumber(cardnumber);

            int cardtype      = cardinfo.Crid;
            int issuecardtype = issue.Crid;

            if (cardtype != issuecardtype)
                result = "输入的卡号所属类型和发行需要的卡号类型不相符";

            Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetail(issue.Chid);
            List <Member_Issue_Activity> actlist = new MemberIssueActivityData().GetIssuePromot(issueid);

                var upMemberCardd = new MemberCardData().UPChannelCardCode(channel.Id, cardnumber, issueid);//更改生成卡号表中卡号所属渠道的id和发行id

                foreach (Member_Issue_Activity issueact in actlist)
                    Member_Card_Activity cardactinfo = new MemberCardActivityData().GetCardActInfo(cardinfo.Id, issueact.Acid);
                    if (cardactinfo == null)
                        Member_Card_Activity cardact = new Member_Card_Activity()
                            Id         = 0,
                            ACTID      = issueact.Acid,
                            Actnum     = 1,
                            CardID     = cardinfo.Id,
                            USEstate   = (int)MemberCardUserState.NotUse,
                            USEsubdate = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01")
                        var insertcardact = new MemberCardActivityData().EditMemberCardActivity(cardact);
                result = upMemberCardd.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                new SqlHelper().Dispose();
                result = "意外错误";

예제 #10
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);


                var channelcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByCrmId(userinfo.Id);
                if (channelcompany != null)
                    tel = channelcompany.Companyphone;

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
예제 #11
        public static string GetCardFirst(int id)
                var pro = MemberCardData.GetCardFirst(id);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #12
        public static string EditCardInfo(Member_Card cardinfo)
                var pro = MemberCardData.EditCardInfo(cardinfo);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #13
        public static string GetMemberCardList(int comid, decimal cardcode, int pageindex, int pagesize, int issueid, int channelid, int actid, int isopencard)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var prodata = new MemberCardData();
                if (cardcode.ToString().Trim().Length == 11)//会员电话号码
                    var carddata = new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByPhone(comid, cardcode.ToString());
                    if (carddata != null)
                        cardcode = carddata.Idcard;

                var         list   = prodata.GetMemberCardList(comid, cardcode, pageindex, pagesize, issueid, channelid, actid, isopencard, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        CardCode     = pro.Cardcode,
                        Name         = pro.Openstate == 0 ? "--" : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode) == null ? "" : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode).Name,
                        Phone        = pro.Openstate == 0 ? "--" : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode) == null ? "" : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode).Phone,
                        Imprest      = pro.Openstate == 0 ? 0 : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode) == null ? 0 : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode).Imprest,
                        Integral     = pro.Openstate == 0 ? 0 : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode) == null ? 0 : new B2bCrmData().GetB2bCrmByCardcode(pro.Cardcode).Integral,
                        OpenSubDate  = pro.Openstate == 0 ? "--" : pro.Opensubdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == "1900-01-01" ? "--" : pro.Opensubdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        ChannelName  = pro.IssueCard == 0 ? "--" : new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(pro.IssueCard.ToString())).Name,
                        ActStr       = pro.IssueCard == 0 ? "--" : new MemberIssueActivityData().GetIssueActStr(pro.IssueId),
                        IssueTitle   = pro.IssueCard == 0 ? "--" : new MemberIssueData().GetIssueDetailById(pro.IssueId) == null ? "" : new MemberIssueData().GetIssueDetailById(pro.IssueId).Title,
                        EnteredState = pro.IssueCard == 0 ? "未录入" : "已录入",
                        OpenState    = pro.Openstate == 0 ? "未开卡" : "已开卡"

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #14
        public static string SearchCard(string pno, int comid, out int userinfo)
                MemberCardData carddate = new MemberCardData();
                var            pro      = carddate.SearchCard(pno, comid, out userinfo);
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                userinfo = 0;
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #15
        public static string GetCardInfo(int logid, int pno, int comid)
                MemberCardData carddate = new MemberCardData();
                var            pro      = carddate.GetCardInfo(logid, pno, comid);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #16
        public static string GetCarValidate(int actid, int cardid, int orderid, string servername, int num_people, int per_capita_money, int menber_return_money, string sales_admin, int comid, string AccountName)
                MemberCardData carddate = new MemberCardData();
                var            pro      = carddate.GetCarValidate(actid, cardid, orderid, servername, num_people, per_capita_money, menber_return_money, sales_admin, comid, AccountName);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #17
        public static string EconfirmCard(int aid, int actid, int cardid, int comid, out Member_Activity actinfo, out string phone, out string name, out decimal idcard, out decimal agcardcode)
                MemberCardData carddate = new MemberCardData();
                var            pro      = carddate.EconfirmCard(aid, actid, cardid, comid, out actinfo, out phone, out name, out idcard, out agcardcode);

                Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetailByCardNo(idcard.ToString());//根据卡号得到所属渠道的详细信息

                if (channel != null)
                    //给渠道表中 开卡数量和总金额赋值
                    channel.Firstdealnum = channel.Firstdealnum + 1;
                    channel.Summoney     = channel.Summoney + channel.RebateConsume;
                    var channeldata = new MemberChannelData().EditChannel(channel);

                    ChannelRebateLog channelrebatelog = new ChannelRebateLog()
                        Id          = 0,
                        Channelid   = channel.Id,
                        Execdate    = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
                        Rebatemoney = channel.RebateConsume,
                        Type        = (int)ChannelRebateType.FirstDeal,
                        Summoney    = channel.Summoney,
                        Remark      = "消费返佣" + channel.RebateConsume + "元"
                    var channelrebatelogret = new ChannelRebateLogData().EditChannelRebateLog(channelrebatelog);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, actinfo = actinfo, phone = phone, name = name, idcard = idcard, agcardcode = agcardcode, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                actinfo    = null;
                phone      = "";
                name       = "";
                idcard     = 0;
                agcardcode = 0;
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #18
        public static string Readuser(int id, int comid)
                var prodata = new B2bCrmData();
                var list    = prodata.Readuser(id, comid);
                var rename  = MemberChannelData.GetChannelinfo(int.Parse(MemberCardData.GetCardNumber(list.Idcard).IssueCard.ToString()));
                var memcard = MemberChannelData.GetChannelinfo(int.Parse(MemberCardData.GetCardNumber(list.Idcard).ServerCard.ToString()));

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list, Namechannl = rename, Mem = memcard }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #19
        public static string CardPageList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         actdata = new MemberCardData();
                var         list    = actdata.CardPageList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result  = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        Id               = pro.Id,
                        Com_id           = pro.Com_id,
                        Cname            = pro.Cname,
                        Ctype            = pro.Ctype == 1 ? "实体卡" : "非实体卡",
                        Printnum         = pro.Printnum,
                        Qrcode           = pro.Qrcode,
                        Zhuanzeng        = pro.Zhuanzeng,
                        Remark           = pro.Remark,
                        Exchange         = pro.Exchange,
                        CardRule         = pro.CardRule,
                        CardRule_First   = pro.CardRule_First,
                        CardRule_starnum = pro.CardRule_starnum,
                        Outstate         = pro.Outstate == false ? "立即导出" : "已导出",
                        Subdate          = pro.Subdate,
                        Createstate      = pro.Createstate == false ? "立即生成卡号" : "已生成",

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #20
        public static string Logcardact(int actid, int cardid, int comid)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         prodata    = new B2bCrmData();
                var         list       = prodata.Logcardact(actid, cardid, comid, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result     = "";
                var         memcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        ID     = pro.ID,
                        CardID = MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode,
                        ACTID  = MemberActivityData.GetActById(pro.ACTID).Title,
                        //OrderId = pro.OrderId,
                        ServerName = pro.ServerName,
                        //Sales_admin = pro.Sales_admin,
                        //Num_people = pro.Num_people,
                        Usesubdate       = pro.Usesubdate,
                        Per_capita_money = pro.Per_capita_money * pro.Num_people,
                        //Member_return_money = pro.Member_return_money,

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = result, totalcount = totalcount }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #21
        public int InsertOrUpdate(Member_Card model)
            string insertsqltxt = ""; //卡号插入SQL
            int    cardid       = 0;  //卡管理ID
            string cardcode     = ""; //卡号
            int    RandomCode   = 0;

            var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareStoredSqlCommand(SQLInsertOrUpdate);

            cmd.AddParam("@Id", model.Id);
            cmd.AddParam("@Com_id", model.Com_id);
            cmd.AddParam("@cname", model.Cname);
            cmd.AddParam("@ctype", model.Ctype);
            cmd.AddParam("@printnum", model.Printnum);
            cmd.AddParam("@zhuanzeng", model.Zhuanzeng);
            cmd.AddParam("@qrcode", model.Qrcode);
            cmd.AddParam("@Exchange", model.Exchange);
            cmd.AddParam("@remark", model.Remark);
            cmd.AddParam("@cardRule", model.CardRule);
            cmd.AddParam("@cardRule_starnum", model.CardRule_starnum);
            cmd.AddParam("@cardRule_First", model.CardRule_First);

            var parm = cmd.AddReturnValueParameter("ReturnValue");


            cardid = (int)parm.Value;

            if (model.Id == 0)
                //后8位如果是顺序编码2 则执行
                if (model.CardRule == 2)
                    for (int i = model.CardRule_starnum; i < model.CardRule_starnum + model.Printnum; i++)
                        cardcode     = model.CardRule_First + model.CardRule_Second.ToString() + i;
                        insertsqltxt = "insert Member_Card (com_id,crid,cardcode)values(" + model.Com_id + "," + cardid + "," + cardcode + ")";
                        cmd          = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);
                    for (int i = 1; i < model.Printnum; i++)
                        RandomCode = MemberCardData.GetRandomCode();
                        insertsqltxt = "update RandomCode set state = 1 where code = " + RandomCode;
                        cmd          = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);

                        cardcode     = model.CardRule_First + model.CardRule_Second.ToString() + RandomCode;
                        insertsqltxt = "insert Member_Card (com_id,crid,cardcode)values(" + model.Com_id + "," + cardid + "," + cardcode + ")";
                        cmd          = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);

예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// 上传文件并导入到数据库
        /// </summary>
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                int  imlogid = 0;
                bool b       = Upload(FileUpload1, out imlogid);

                if (b)
                    byte[] fileBytes = FileUpload1.FileBytes;
                    if (ExcelRender.HasData(new MemoryStream(fileBytes)))
                        Stream excelFileStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes);
                        int    sheetIndex      = 0;
                        int    headerRowIndex  = 0;

                        using (excelFileStream)
                            using (IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream))
                                using (ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex))
                                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

                                    IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(headerRowIndex);
                                    int  cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; //LastCellNum = PhysicalNumberOfCells
                                    int  rowCount  = sheet.LastRowNum;      //LastRowNum = PhysicalNumberOfRows - 1
                                    if (rowCount > 5000)
                                        Literal1.Text = "每次导入限制5000条数据";
                                        this.Button1.Enabled = false;
                                        this.Button1.Text    = "导入中..";

                                        for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= rowCount; i++)
                                            IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i);
                                            if (row != null)
                                                string outcardcode = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(0));//外部卡号

                                                if (outcardcode.Trim() != "")
                                                    int ishas = new MemberCardData().IsHasOutCardcode(comid, outcardcode);
                                                    if (ishas == 0)
                                                        if (CommonFunc.IsNumber(outcardcode))
                                                            int r = new MemberCardData().InsOutMemberCardcode(outcardcode, 0, comid, imlogid);
                                        this.Button1.Enabled = true;
                                        this.Button1.Text    = "导入Excel到数据库";
                                        Literal1.Text        = "导入会员卡号成功";
                        Literal1.Text = "没有数据可用于导入";
                    fileBytes = null;
                    //错误描述在方法 Upload 已经出现
                Literal1.Text = "请选择导入文件";
예제 #23
        protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string id = ((Button)sender).CommandArgument.ToString();
            //Response.Write("<script>alert('" + id + "')</script>");
            ObtainGzListSplit model = new ObtainGzListSplitData().GetObtainGzListSplit(int.Parse(id));

            if (model != null)
                int MaxImportNum = new ExcelImportLogData().GetMaxImportNum(comid);
                int rowAffected  = 0; //录入正确的条数
                int rowerr       = 0; //录入错误的条数

                string dd = "";       //页面提示内容

                string[] str = model.Splitopenid.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    if (str[i] != "")
                        int whetherwxfocus  = 0; //微信关注状态标注为1(未关注)
                        int whetheractivate = 0; //用户激活状态标注为0(未激活)

                        string name   = "";      //姓名
                        string phone  = "";      //手机号
                        string email  = "";      //email
                        string weixin = str[i];  //微信号
                        if (weixin != "")
                            whetherwxfocus  = 1;
                            whetheractivate = 1;

                        int    importstate = 1;  //录入状态默认1:成功;0:出错
                        string ErrReason   = ""; //录入错误原因

                        bool ishascrmphone  = false;
                        bool ishascrmweixin = false;
                        //if (phone != "")
                        //    ishascrmphone = new B2bCrmData().IsHasCrmPhone(comid, phone);//判断当前公司会员是否已经绑定当前手机
                        //    if (ishascrmphone == true)
                        //    {
                        //        ErrReason = "当前公司已有会员绑定过手机" + phone;

                        //    }
                        if (weixin != "")
                            ishascrmweixin = new B2bCrmData().IsHasCrmWeiXin(comid, weixin);//判断当前公司会员是否已经绑定当前微信
                            if (ishascrmweixin == true)
                                ErrReason = "当前公司已有会员绑定过微信" + weixin;
                        if (ishascrmphone == false && ishascrmweixin == false)
                            if (phone == "" && weixin == "")
                                ErrReason = "导入会员的手机,微信必须至少有其中一项";
                                importstate = 0;
                                int    importnum  = MaxImportNum + 1;
                                string importtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                int    insertlog  = new ExcelImportLogData().InsExcelImportLog(importstate, 0, comid, "0", name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, importtime, importnum, email, ErrReason);
                                string cardcode = MemberCardData.CreateECard(2, comid);
                                decimal imprest  = 0;   //预付款
                                decimal integral = 0;   //积分
                                string  agegroup = "";  //年龄段
                                string  crmlevel = "A"; //会员级别,默认网站注册

                                string country  = "";
                                string province = "";
                                string city     = "";
                                string address  = "";

                                int insb2bcrm = new B2bCrmData().ExcelInsB2bCrm(comid, cardcode, name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), email, imprest, integral, country, province, city, address, agegroup, crmlevel);
                                int jifen_temp = 0;
                                var InputMoney = MemberCardData.AutoInputMoeny(insb2bcrm, 4, comid, out jifen_temp);

                                int    importnum  = MaxImportNum + 1;
                                string importtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                int    insertlog  = new ExcelImportLogData().InsExcelImportLog(importstate, insb2bcrm, comid, cardcode, name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, importtime, importnum, email, ErrReason);

                            importstate = 0;
                            int    importnum  = MaxImportNum + 1;
                            string importtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                            int    insertlog  = new ExcelImportLogData().InsExcelImportLog(importstate, 0, comid, "0", name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, importtime, importnum, email, ErrReason);
                dd += "成功导入数据共:" + rowAffected.ToString() + "条;";
                if (rowerr > 0)
                    dd += "重复数据共:" + rowerr.ToString() + "条;";

                Response.Write("<script>alert('" + dd + "');</script>");
예제 #24
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string phone = Request["etmobile"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            string duanxintext = Request["duanxintext1"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            int comid = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            int    userid  = Request["userid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            string isqunfa = Request["isqunfa"].ConvertTo <string>("no");

            if (isqunfa == "yes")
                isqunfa = "1";
                isqunfa = "0";
            string msg       = "";
            int    sendstate = 0;   //发送结果默认为0

            string Invitecode = ""; //验证码

            B2b_company com = B2bCompanyData.GetAllComMsg(comid);

            if (com.B2bcompanyinfo.Weixinname == "")
                msg = phone + "公司微信号为空";
                duanxintext = duanxintext.Replace("$comweixin$", com.B2bcompanyinfo.Weixinname);

                bool isphone = Regex.IsMatch(phone, @"^1[358]\d{9}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (isphone)
                    Invitecode = MemberCardData.GetRandomCode().ToString();
                    //使用随机码时,标记为已使用 防止重复码
                    ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update RandomCode set state = 1 where code = " + Invitecode);

                    duanxintext = duanxintext.Replace("$invitecode$", Invitecode);
                    sendstate   = SendSmsHelper.SendSms(phone, duanxintext, comid, out msg);
                    msg = phone + "手机格式不正确";

            B2b_invitecodesendlog log = new B2b_invitecodesendlog
                Id         = 0,
                Phone      = phone,
                Smscontent = duanxintext,
                Invitecode = Invitecode,
                Senduserid = userid,
                Sendtime   = DateTime.Now,
                Issendsuc  = 0,
                Isqunfa    = int.Parse(isqunfa),
                Remark     = msg,
                Comid      = comid

            if (sendstate > 0)
                log.Issendsuc = 1;
                log.Issendsuc = 0;

            int result = new B2b_invitecodesendlogData().Inslog(log);
예제 #25
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                Integral = userinfo.Integral.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Integral.ToString();
                Imprest  = userinfo.Imprest.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Imprest.ToString();

                AccountWeixin = userinfo.Weixin;
                AccountEmail  = userinfo.Email;
                Accountphone  = userinfo.Phone;
                AccountCard   = userinfo.Idcard.ToString();
                string a = AccountCard.Substring(0, 1);
                if (a != null)
                    fcard = int.Parse(a.ToString());

                MemberCardData carddata = new MemberCardData();
                var            cardinfo = carddata.GetCardByCardNumber(decimal.Parse(AccountCard));
                if (cardinfo != null)
                    channelid = Int32.Parse(cardinfo.IssueCard.ToString());

                B2bFinanceData fdate      = new B2bFinanceData();
                int            totalcount = 0;
                var            list       = fdate.ImprestList(1, 10, comid, out totalcount, userinfo.Id);
                if (list != null)
                    Imprestlist = "<ul>";
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        if (list[i].Money < 0)
                            Imprestlist += "<li>" + list[i].Subdate + "  支出:" + list[i].Money.ToString("0.00") + "元</li>";
                            Imprestlist += "<li>" + list[i].Subdate + "  获得:" + list[i].Money.ToString("0.00") + "元</li>";
                    Imprestlist += "</ul>";

                var integrallist = fdate.IntegralList(1, 10, comid, out totalcount, userinfo.Id);
                if (integrallist != null)
                    Integrallist = "<ul>";
                    for (int i = 0; i < integrallist.Count; i++)
                        if (integrallist[i].Money < 0)
                            Integrallist += "<li>" + integrallist[i].Subdate + "  支出:" + integrallist[i].Money.ToString("0") + "</li>";
                            Integrallist += "<li>" + integrallist[i].Subdate + "  获得:" + integrallist[i].Money.ToString("0") + "</li>";
                    Integrallist += "</ul>";

                string       proname    = "";
                string       orderstate = "";
                B2bOrderData dataorder  = new B2bOrderData();
                var          prodata    = new B2bComProData();
                var          order      = dataorder.ConsumerOrderPageList("", 1, 10, userinfo.Id, out totalcount);
                if (order != null)
                    Orderlist = "<ul>";
                    for (int i = 0; i < order.Count; i++)
                        var promodel = prodata.GetProById(order[i].Pro_id.ToString());
                        if (promodel != null)
                            proname = promodel.Pro_name;

                        orderstate = EnumUtils.GetName((OrderStatus)order[i].Order_state);

                        Orderlist += "<li>" + proname + "(" + order[i].U_subdate + ") " + order[i].U_num + "(" + orderstate + ")</li>";
                    Orderlist += "</ul>";

                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
예제 #26
        public static string AccountClaimActPageList(int aid, int cardid, int AccountId, int comid)
            int totalcount = 0;
            var aaid       = 0;
            var ret        = "";

                if (cardid != 0)
                    MemberActivityData Activitydata  = new MemberActivityData();
                    Member_Activity    Activitymodel = Activitydata.GetMemberActivityById(aid);

                    if (Activitymodel != null)
                        if (Activitymodel.Runstate == false)
                            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "活动已结束" }));
                        var today = DateTime.Now;

                        if (Activitymodel.Actstar < today && Activitymodel.Actend.AddDays(1) > today)
                            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "活动已结束" }));

                    var listact = Activitydata.AccountActInfo(aid, AccountId, comid, out totalcount);
                    if (listact == null)
                        aaid = Activitydata.AccountClaimActPageList(aid, cardid, comid);
                        if (aaid != 0)
                            if (Activitymodel != null)
                                if (Activitymodel.Acttype == 4)//只有积分优惠券才会领取时充入积分
                                    MemberIntegralData intdate = new MemberIntegralData();
                                    Member_Integral    Intinfo = new Member_Integral()
                                        Id        = AccountId,
                                        Comid     = comid,
                                        Acttype   = "add_integral",      //操作类型,增加积分
                                        Money     = Activitymodel.Money, //交易金额
                                        Admin     = "领取积分优惠券",
                                        Ip        = "",
                                        Ptype     = 1,
                                        Oid       = 0,
                                        Remark    = "",
                                        OrderId   = 0,
                                        OrderName = Activitymodel.Atitle
                                    var InsertIntegral = intdate.InsertOrUpdate(Intinfo);

                                    Member_Activity actinfo     = null;
                                    string          phone       = "";
                                    string          name        = "";
                                    decimal         idcard      = 0;
                                    decimal         aggcardcode = 0;

                                    MemberCardData carddata = new MemberCardData();
                                    var            confirm  = carddata.EconfirmCard(aaid, aid, cardid, comid, out actinfo, out phone, out name, out idcard, out aggcardcode);

                                    B2bCrmData prodata = new B2bCrmData();
                                    var        list    = prodata.Readuser(AccountId, comid);
                                    if (list.Weixin != "")
                                        new Weixin_tmplmsgManage().WxTmplMsg_CrmIntegralReward(list.Com_id, list.Weixin, "您好," + AccountId + " 积分已经打入您的账户", list.Idcard.ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "活动赠送", Intinfo.Money.ToString(), list.Integral.ToString(), "如有疑问,请致电客服。");
                        ret = "OK";
                        ret = "已领取活动";

                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = ret }));
                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "Unlogin" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

예제 #27
        //protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        //    if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
        //    {
        //        byte[] fileBytes = FileUpload1.FileBytes;
        //        if (ExcelRender.HasData(new MemoryStream(fileBytes)))
        //        {
        //            Stream excelFileStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes);
        //            int sheetIndex = 0;
        //            int headerRowIndex = 0;

        //            using (excelFileStream)
        //            {
        //                using (IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream))
        //                {
        //                    using (ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex))
        //                    {
        //                        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        //                        IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(headerRowIndex);
        //                        int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;//LastCellNum = PhysicalNumberOfCells
        //                        int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum;//LastRowNum = PhysicalNumberOfRows - 1

        //                        for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= rowCount; i++)
        //                        {
        //                            IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i);
        //                            if (row != null)
        //                            {
        //                                string name = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(0));//项目名称

        //                                //判断项目中是否有同名的项目,有的话不在录入
        //                                object o = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select count(1) from b2b_com_project where projectname='" + name + "'");
        //                                int c = o == null ? 0 : int.Parse(o.ToString());
        //                                if (c > 0)
        //                                {
        //                                }
        //                                else
        //                                {
        //                                    B2b_com_project model = new B2b_com_project
        //                                    {
        //                                        Id = 0,
        //                                        Projectname = name,
        //                                        Projectimg = 0,
        //                                        Province = "",
        //                                        City = "",
        //                                        Industryid = 0,
        //                                        Briefintroduce = "",
        //                                        Address = "",
        //                                        Mobile = "",
        //                                        Coordinate = "",
        //                                        Serviceintroduce = "",
        //                                        Onlinestate = "0",
        //                                        Comid = 106,
        //                                        Createuserid = UserHelper.CurrentUser().Id,
        //                                        Createtime = DateTime.Now
        //                                    };

        //                                    int d = new B2b_com_projectData().EditProject(model);

        //                                }
        //                            }
        //                            if (i == rowCount)
        //                            {
        //                                Literal1.Text = "导入完成";
        //                            }

        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        private bool Upload(System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload myFileUpload, out int imlogid)
            bool flag      = false;                //是否允许上载
            bool fileAllow = false;                //设定允许上载的扩展文件名类型

            string[] allowExtensions = { ".xls" }; //取得网站根目录路径
            string   path            = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/upload_outMemberCardcode/");

            if (myFileUpload.HasFile)
                string fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(myFileUpload.FileName).ToLower();
                for (int i = 0; i < allowExtensions.Length; i++)
                    if (fileExtension == allowExtensions[i])
                        fileAllow = true;
                if (fileAllow)
                        //string filename=DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff")+ myFileUpload.FileName;

                        //string filePath = path + filename;


                        HttpPostedFile file = myFileUpload.PostedFile;

                        byte[] data = new byte[file.ContentLength];

                        file.InputStream.Read(data, 0, file.ContentLength);

                        string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff") + "-" + myFileUpload.FileName;

                        string filePath = path + filename;

                        string relativepath = "/upload_outMemberCardcode/" + filename;

                        FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.CreateNew);
                        fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                        Literal1.Text = "文件导入成功";
                        flag          = true;
                        imlogid       = new MemberCardData().Insoutcardcodeimlog(myFileUpload.FileName, relativepath, imtor, comid, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Literal1.Text += ex.Message;
                        flag           = false;
                        imlogid        = 0;
                    Literal1.Text = "不允许上载:" + myFileUpload.PostedFile.FileName + ",只能上传xls的文件,请检查!";
                    flag          = false;
                    imlogid       = 0;
                Literal1.Text = "请选择要导入的excel文件!";
                flag          = false;
                imlogid       = 0;
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 上传文件并导入到数据库
        /// </summary>
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //comid = int.Parse(ddlcompany.SelectedValue.ToString());

            string dd = "";//页面提示内容

            int MaxImportNum = new ExcelImportLogData().GetMaxImportNum(comid);

            if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                byte[] fileBytes = FileUpload1.FileBytes;
                if (ExcelRender.HasData(new MemoryStream(fileBytes)))
                    Stream excelFileStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes);
                    int    sheetIndex      = 0;
                    int    headerRowIndex  = 0;

                    int rowAffected = 0; //录入正确的条数
                    int rowerr      = 0; //录入错误的条数
                    using (excelFileStream)
                        using (IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream))
                            using (ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex))
                                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

                                IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(headerRowIndex);
                                int  cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; //LastCellNum = PhysicalNumberOfCells
                                int  rowCount  = sheet.LastRowNum;      //LastRowNum = PhysicalNumberOfRows - 1
                                if (rowCount > 1000)
                                    dd += "<strong>每次导入限制1000条数据</strong>";
                                    for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= rowCount; i++)
                                        IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i);
                                        if (row != null)
                                            int whetherwxfocus  = 0;                      //微信关注状态标注为1(未关注)
                                            int whetheractivate = 0;                      //用户激活状态标注为0(未激活)

                                            string name   = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(0)); //姓名
                                            string phone  = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(1)); //手机号
                                            string email  = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(2)); //email
                                            string weixin = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(3)); //微信号
                                            if (weixin != "")
                                                whetherwxfocus  = 1;
                                                whetheractivate = 1;
                                            string country  = "中国";                                                  //国家,都为“中国”
                                            string province = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(4)).ConvertTo <string>("");   //城市
                                            string city     = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(5)).ConvertTo <string>("");   //区县
                                            string address  = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(6)).ConvertTo <string>("");   //地址
                                            string agegroup = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(7)).ConvertTo <string>("");   //年龄段
                                            string crmlevel = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(8)).ConvertTo <string>("A");  //会员级别

                                            decimal imprest  = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(9)).ConvertTo <decimal>(0);  //预付款
                                            decimal integral = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(10)).ConvertTo <decimal>(0); //积分

                                            int    importstate = 1;  //录入状态默认1:成功;0:出错
                                            string ErrReason   = ""; //录入错误原因

                                            bool ishascrmphone  = false;
                                            bool ishascrmweixin = false;
                                            if (phone != "")
                                                ishascrmphone = new B2bCrmData().IsHasCrmPhone(comid, phone);//判断当前公司会员是否已经绑定当前手机
                                                if (ishascrmphone == true)
                                                    ErrReason = "当前公司已有会员绑定过手机" + phone;
                                            if (weixin != "")
                                                ishascrmweixin = new B2bCrmData().IsHasCrmWeiXin(comid, weixin);//判断当前公司会员是否已经绑定当前微信
                                                if (ishascrmweixin == true)
                                                    ErrReason = "当前公司已有会员绑定过微信" + weixin;
                                            if (ishascrmphone == false && ishascrmweixin == false)
                                                if (phone == "" && weixin == "")
                                                    ErrReason = "导入会员的手机,微信必须至少有其中一项";
                                                    importstate = 0;
                                                    int    importnum  = MaxImportNum + 1;
                                                    string importtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                                    int    insertlog  = new ExcelImportLogData().InsExcelImportLog(importstate, 0, comid, "0", name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, importtime, importnum, email, ErrReason);
                                                    string cardcode = MemberCardData.CreateECard(2, comid);
                                                    int insb2bcrm  = new B2bCrmData().ExcelInsB2bCrm(comid, cardcode, name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), email, imprest, integral, country, province, city, address, agegroup, crmlevel);
                                                    int jifen_temp = 0;
                                                    var InputMoney = MemberCardData.AutoInputMoeny(insb2bcrm, 4, comid, out jifen_temp);

                                                    int    importnum  = MaxImportNum + 1;
                                                    string importtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                                    int    insertlog  = new ExcelImportLogData().InsExcelImportLog(importstate, insb2bcrm, comid, cardcode, name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, importtime, importnum, email, ErrReason);

                                                importstate = 0;
                                                int    importnum  = MaxImportNum + 1;
                                                string importtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                                int    insertlog  = new ExcelImportLogData().InsExcelImportLog(importstate, 0, comid, "0", name, phone, weixin, whetherwxfocus, whetheractivate, importtime, importnum, email, ErrReason);
                    dd += "<strong>成功导入数据共:" + rowAffected.ToString() + "条;</strong>";
                    if (rowerr > 0)
                        dd += "<strong>错误导入数据共:" + rowerr.ToString() + "条;</strong>";
                    Literal1.Text = dd;
                    Literal1.Text = "没有数据可用于导入";
                fileBytes = null;
            BindGrid(comid, MaxImportNum + 1);
예제 #29
        public string CreateECard(int cardtype, int comid)
            string insertsqltxt = ""; //卡号插入SQL
            string cardcode     = ""; //卡号
            int    Face         = 1;  //活动面向对象 Face=3网站 Face=4微信

            cardcode = new MemberCardData().GetUnusedOutCardcode(comid);
            if (cardcode == "")
                int RandomCode = 0;
                int Firstcard  = 0;
                int Scountcard = Int16.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMM"));

                if (cardtype == 1)
                    Firstcard = 2002;
                    Face      = 3;
                    Firstcard = 2001;
                    Face      = 4;

                RandomCode = MemberCardData.GetRandomCode();
                insertsqltxt = "update RandomCode set state = 1 where code = " + RandomCode;
                var cmda = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);

                cardcode = Firstcard.ToString() + Scountcard.ToString() + RandomCode;
                insertsqltxt = "update Out_MemberCardCode set isused = 1 where outcardcode = '" + cardcode + "'";
                var cmda = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);

            insertsqltxt = "insert Member_Card (com_id,crid,cardcode,openstate)values(" + comid + ",0," + cardcode + ",1);select @@identity;";
            var cmd = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);

            cmd = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);
            string cardid = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            insertsqltxt = "insert into Member_Card_Activity (CardID,ACTID ) select " + cardid + ",id from Member_Activity where  com_id=" + comid + " and FaceObjects=" + Face;
            cmd          = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(insertsqltxt);

            DateTime today = DateTime.Now;

            //当时微信注册或网站注册的 积分活动,自动已赠送,活动变成已使用
            string updatesqltxt = "update member_card_activity set actnum=0,usestate=2,usesubdate='" + today + "' where cardid=" + cardid + " and actid in (select id from Member_Activity where acttype=4 and faceobjects in (4,3))";

            cmd = this.sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(updatesqltxt);

예제 #30
        public string GetEnteredNumberByChannelId(string id)
            int EnterCardNum = new MemberCardData().GetEnteredNumberByChannelId(int.Parse(id));
